Chapter 21: The Secretary’s Second Day of Vacation

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“Reporting to Admiral, we’ve checked, Secretary Luo hasn’t had any blind dates recently!”

Currently, the captain of the guard-escort was serious reporting on Luo Ran’s recent relationship status.

“He hasn’t had a date for over half a year!”

The captain reflected that the fact that the admiral would ask for a report on Secretary Luo’s private life from time to time showed great possessiveness, very much deserving to be an SSS-grade alpha.

Ah, what a wonderful love.

“Got it.” Lucas frowned. Then who is he going with? By himself? Or is he just taking a look?

At this time Rong Duo just finished sorting out her documents and barged in.

Lucas took one look at the young girl Rong Duo and asked her, “Have you heard of that retro amusement park?”


Rong Duo realized what was going on in an instant. Oh heavens is this a date?!

“I’ve heard of it, it’s been famous recently. People say it’s a good place for dates and for family outings, and their tickets are reasonably priced.” Rong Duo’s face was serious, yet a thousand comments flew in her heart.

“Then people usually go with their family and friends, or with their partner? Would anyone go by themselves?”

Rong Duo thought for a bit. “You can go play by yourself, but… it seems a little lonely?”

“Got it.”  

* * *

Luo Ran spent a whole day in bed, playing on the net, and only got up to make dinner in the evening.

He actually liked to cook and try different recipes, and his skills in the kitchen were rather good, but he usually didn’t have the time to mess around.

The next day, Luo Ran got up early to tidy himself before heading home.

His family wasn’t poor by any means, but ever since Luo Ran became Lucas’ secretary, their status rose a lot.

Father Luo transferred from a small clinic to the hospital’s top VIP ward with the best doctors and enjoyed round-the-clock care.

Luo Ran’s elder brother rose in military ranks, and the entire family moved to a wealthy district assigned by the state.

Luo Cheng and Wang Zitong had long prepared a meal. When they heard the sound of the hovercar, Wang Zitong couldn’t resist going outside to wait.

“Ranran’s back, let mom take a look.” As soon as Luo Ran disembarked, Wang Zitong examined him all over.

Wang Zitong wasn’t like the other rich madams in their district, rather, she still dressed in ordinary clothing. She was a thin little lady who looked very kind.

Luo Cheng, standing behind Wang Zitong, also nodded with satisfaction when he saw Luo Ran. Just like Luo Ran, their smiles were exceedingly warm.

Luo Cheng and Wang Zitong were an ordinary beta-beta pair, it was a miracle for them to produce Luo Ran, an SSS-grade omega.

It was already good for children from excellent alpha-omega pairs to reach S-grade. This was why the empire encouraged matching between people with strong spiritual strength – it was all to have strong descendants. 

But Luo Ran only differentiated into an omega when he was over ten years old, and he changed the report immediately when it came out, so his identity was hidden very deeply.

Even his parents didn’t know he was an omega.

“Mom, dad.” Luo Ran smiled. “I’m back.”

“You got thinner,” Wang Zitong said in annoyance, “Every time I see you, you’re thinner. Your work is too hard.”

They entered the house. Luo Ran’s younger siblings came rushing down from upstairs where they had been doing homework and leapt onto him, hugging and rubbing affectionately.

At the dinner table, Wang Zitong grilled Luo Ran on his work and daily life.

“This is too tiring.” She became distressed. “Your workload is too big. And I heard that the admiral’s temper isn’t very good… you… staying next to him every day, are you okay?”

“It’s not a problem.” Luo Ran didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. “The admiral does have a bad temper, but he wouldn’t take it out on me.”

The gentle middle-aged man pushed up his glasses with a soft frown. “Really? Tell us if you’re wronged, don’t keep suffering by yourself.”

“He won’t, that won’t happen,” Luo Ran comforted. “Look at how many good things he sent us. He’s not as scary as the rumours say.”

“Of course, we understand this. But… we don’t feel comfortable getting his favour for no reason.” Wang Zitong sighed. “We worry that this is because your work is too much, and your boss is too hard on you, so they gave this as recompense. We don’t want you to be bullied.”

“It’s really fine, the admiral treats me well.” Luo Ran felt helpless. His parents would repeat this every time he went home, for fear that he would be silently wronged.

Wang Zitong used to be an office clerk, and Luo Cheng worked as a teacher. The two didn’t have many requirements for Luo Ran, only that he was happy and healthy.

“Anyways, you can always quit if you’re being bullied. Mom and dad have saved a lot of funds in the last few years, and your dad’s health has been getting better. It’s not like before, you don’t need to suffer.” Wang Zitong gave Luo Ran a big piece of chicken with a smile. “Look at you, you’re so busy that you haven’t had the time to eat, you haven’t come home, and haven’t looked for a partner, just circling around the admiral all day.”

Luo Ran obediently nodded his head. “I’ll take care of myself properly.”

The two children didn’t know what the grown-ups were talking about, they just pulled at Luo Ran and acted cute.

“Brother, take us out to play!”

“Yeah, dad always makes us do homework. I want to play!”

Luo Ran had also experienced Wang Zitong and Luo Cheng’s strict upbringing when he was young.

He nodded with a smile. Before Luo Cheng could interject, Luo Ran said, “I also want to buy some clothes for mom and dad, and get a new pair of shoes for dad.”

The shoes Luo Cheng wore to work were already worn into holes, but he still couldn’t bear to change them.

Eventually, Luo Ran finally persuaded the two seniors to go to the mall.

Luo Ran bought new clothes and shoes for everyone and insisted on buying Luo Cheng a new suit.

“You don’t need to waste so much, just the shoes are enough.” Luo Cheng grimaced. “I can still wear them.”

“Dad, you face so many students every day, isn’t it better to dress a bit nicer?” Luo Ran asked rhetorically. “‘To dress cleanly and decently is also a kind of self-cultivation,’ you’re the one who taught me that.”

Luo Cheng couldn’t win against him, so he was pulled aside to get his measurements done.

While he waited, Luo Ran looked around.

They were in the capital’s largest clothing mall, which had a wide variety of styles and prices. Since they were at the men’s department, they were surrounded by suits, ties, and belts.

Luo Ran couldn’t help turning his eyes to one of the ties.

The maroon tie looked extravagant but not excessively so, perfectly bringing out the colour’s arrogance, and the pattern was very beautiful.

…Very suitable for Lucas.

Luo Ran irresistibly stroked it and looked at it some more.

The black version next to it also matched Lucas’ military uniform…

Luo Ran checked the price, picked it up, and carefully held it up to Lucas’ height in his memory.

He became more and more satisfied as he looked at it.

Wang Zitong saw his actions and momentarily paused.

This kid…

Seeing Luo Ran reluctantly put the ties back as if he couldn’t bear to look away, she stepped up with a smile. “If Ranran likes it, just buy it. We’ve all bought things today.”

“Ah…” Luo Ran struggled for a long moment, but in the end, he held on to them.

By then Luo Cheng had finished measuring and moved on to choosing fabrics. After Luo Ran gave him his suggestions, his gaze was once again attracted by some nearby buttons.

There were bags of buttons in various styles, including gold buttons and buckles suitable for military uniforms.

Luo Ran briefly considered them. Since he already bought the ties, then he might as well get the buttons as well.

He quickly picked out two bags of studs and one bag of buttons, for repairing clothes in the future.

After all, with his usual workload, Luo Ran didn’t have the time to go out and get good-looking accessories like this.

Before they left, he also bought a pair of gloves with good texture.

Luo Cheng noticed Luo Ran’s shopping bag and glanced at Wang Zitong.

Wang Zitong helplessly shook her head.

After everyone strolled around and stocked up on new clothes and shoes, they settled into a restaurant for dinner.

Luo Ran had already arranged a private room for themselves earlier in the day.

Halfway through their meal, Luo Ran’s terminal rang.

It was Lucas.

Luo Ran was a little surprised. Did something urgent come up?

He usually took care of work calls in private. But this time, before he could stand, Wang Zitong – who sat next to him and saw ‘Admiral’ on the caller ID – pressed his hand, indicating that he didn’t need to avoid them.

“We’re in a private room, it’s too inconvenient to go out,” she said with a smile.

Luo Ran swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

His parents wanted to listen in on purpose.

…Hopefully, Lucas wouldn’t be too fierce and cause even more misunderstandings for the two.

Somewhat nervously, Luo Ran picked up the call. “A-Admiral…”

“Did you go to the amusement park with some rat?!”

Majestic and full of energy.

Sonorous and powerful, very attention-grabbing.  

* * *

Luo Ran: “…”

Ranran: I suggest cremation

Despite being the same in English, Adjutant Lu’s Cheng (成) is different from Luo Ran’s father’s Cheng (城). Unfortunately, their family names are similar in English too. You don’t want to know how many times I almost got it wrong. If I missed one, please tell me in the comments.

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