Chapter 23: The Secretary Has a Date?

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Lucas stood there and even scolded Luo Ran. “How come you came home so late!”

Luo Ran: “…”

That’s right, this was a man who would act so righteously even though he was the one blocking someone else’s door.

Luo Ran could only helplessly ask, “Does Admiral want something?”

This feeling was as if it were a weekend and you were immersed in the joy of doing nothing, yet the boss suddenly called you in to work overtime.

Lucas didn’t answer Luo Ran’s question. Instead, he pointed at the door and said, “I’ve been waiting a long time.”


Luo Ran opened the door.

As soon as Lucas walked in, he sat on the sofa and pulled out three ties from the bag he held.

Luo Ran: “?”

Lucas frowned. “You help me choose one to wear at work today.”

Luo Ran: “???”

Then he ordered, “And brew me a cup of coffee.”

Luo Ran: “…”

Luo Ran stagnated for a moment then asked, “Admiral, you came all this way… just to drink coffee and choose a tie?”



Lucas crossed his legs and folded his arms. “I couldn’t have one yesterday, if I still can’t drink I won’t be able to work.”

And the tie, if it wasn’t one Luo Ran chose then he always felt it looked ugly no matter how he arranged it. He’d been uncomfortable and distracted for a whole day.

Luo Ran admitted defeat.

He made it sound like no one in the company could make coffee.

Luo Ran had to obediently go into the kitchen and brew a cup.

Lucas sat in the living room and looked around him.

So small.

He furrowed his brows.

Doesn’t Luo Ran earn enough? How can his apartment be so small?

Although… it was both beautiful and homely. The walls were covered in sticky notes, cards, calendars, and other small ornaments. They all looked to be bought separately and arranged by the homeowner himself, showing that he knew how to treat himself well.

“Okay, here’s the coffee Admiral wanted.” Luo Ran handed the cup to Lucas. He swept an eye over Lucas’ outfit then picked out one of the three ties.

Once the tie was loosely knotted, he handed it to Lucas for him to put it on himself.

“Oh, right… There’s also this.” Luo Ran trotted into his room and came out with a small, delicate bag. “Yesterday I bought some buttons and buckles for Admiral.”

Surprised, Lucas raised his eyebrows and said, “You’d buy me things when you go out?”

“Of course.” Luo Ran passed the bag. “Your wardrobe needs to be replenished.”

Lucas’ expression lightened, and he even carried a hint of a smile.

He held the little bag and glanced inside. “Not bad.”

The styles were all to his taste.

Lucas carefully put it away then leaned back in satisfaction to drink his coffee.

Hmm, so comfortable.

Lucas looked at Luo Ran, who stood nearby. “What are your plans for today?”

“Go… to the amusement park.” Luo Ran remembered last night’s outrageous experience, and asked curiously, “How does Admiral know I’m going out?”

Lucas didn’t answer him. Instead, he frowned and asked again, “Going by yourself?”

Luo Ran nodded.

After a pause, Lucas turned on his terminal and opened his itinerary for the day.

He originally had another military meeting, but yesterday he’d asked Rong Duo to postpone it, so now there wasn’t anything particularly important on the schedule.

“I’ll go with you,” Lucas stated.



Luo Ran stared blankly at Lucas.

The admiral said… he’s going to the amusement park?

Lucas crossed his arms. “It’d look too bleak if you go alone.”

The scene completely had the appearance of Lucas deigning to grant his secretary a favour.

“I think going alone will also be fun,” Luo Ran said.

He wanted to relax, not take care of his boss all day.

Lucas turned his head and said in a dark tone, “You don’t want to go with me?”

Luo Ran pasted on a smile. “I just don’t want to waste your time. Admiral, you still have meetings to go to and have so many important tasks to do. A place like a playground for children isn’t suitable for you.”

“How can I know it’s not suitable if I’ve never been there? Besides, I also want to see what’s so special about it.”

“Admiral, I…”

Before Luo Ran could say anything, Lucas already took off his tie and military jacket, and undid the top three buttons of his shirt.

Once the formal outerwear came off and he only wore a thin white shirt, Lucas’ smooth lines of muscle became clearer.

And after unfastening his top three buttons, there was a hint of his broad and strong chest, as well as the swell of his Adam’s apple.

Luo Ran subconsciously looked away.

Lucas cracked his neck, pulled at his collar, and asked, “When do we leave?”

Luo Ran: “…”  

* * *

An hour later, Lucas and Luo Ran appeared at the entrance of the Retro Amusement Park in the empire’s capital.

Since Lucas rarely went out, he didn’t have many casual clothes.

So before they set out, Luo Ran went to the mall and quickly bought him a normal jacket. When Lucas wore the black leather jacket, he looked even more handsome.

Luo Ran randomly chose a long-sleeved blue shirt for himself and folded the cuffs to show his wrists.

The two bought tickets and went in.

The amusement park was full of people, and all the facilities dazzled the eye. Of course, the most eyecatching was the super-tall ferris wheel and the roller coaster.

As Luo Ran looked around him, his mood improved a bit.

Lucas, with his hands stuffed in his pockets and sunglasses firmly perched on his nose, followed behind him in a lackadaisical manner.

The closest attraction was a shooting booth. Luo Ran bought them a set of darts each and handed one to Lucas.

Lucas looked back suspiciously.

Luo Ran pointed at the target. “As long as five darts hit, you can take a small prize. If ten hit the bull’s eye, you can get a doll.”

Lucas looked at the row of large plushies placed on a high shelf within the booth with disgust.

He looked around him. So many people desperately throw this thing, just for those fluffy things? Are they so bored?

Lucas impatiently turned to Luo Ran. “Which do you like, I’ll get it for you then we’ll go.”

Luo Ran: “…”


“…Anything’s fine.”

When the boss and nearby people heard their conversation, they all cast their gazes over.

Who would be so arrogant?

…Ah, it’s Secretary Luo?

And the admiral?!


Some people in the crowd recognised the two of them and, covering their mouths in excitement, eagerly took sneak shots.

Quite a few people already recognised them, but the middle-aged boss was still stunned and said, “Young man, this target isn’t so easy to hit. If you want to show off in front of the one you like, you have to see if you have the ability first.”

Lucas sneered and didn’t say a word. He just stood in place and threw the dart in his hand with a whoosh.

Twenty darts were thrown out, and every one landed squarely in the little red area.

Yet the thrower didn’t stop his movements in the least, not even pausing for breath between each dart. He barely paid attention, instead preferring to look at Luo Ran and the boss.

“So cool…! Who is he?”

“It, it’s him!”


Lucas’ series of actions brought a wave of admirers who all kept looking at Luo Ran with envy.

Luo Ran was a bit distressed.

This… he predicted that he would once again make his debut on the forum.

Maybe Lucas was already used to it, so he didn’t feel anything about being the centre of attention and nonchalantly walked up to Luo Ran. “Which do you want?”

There was a suppressed scream from the crowd.

Luo Ran’s ears flushed red, a little uncomfortable.

“A-anything’s fine…”

Originally, Luo Ran didn’t think this was anything big, just a normal interaction between superiors and subordinates who worked together for many years. But now that he was under the enthusiastic gazes of people who would later go on the forums to cheer for their CP,* Luo Ran felt somewhat embarrassed.

The boss had already solidified into a statue.

Heavens… what kind of person is this, is this a soldier of the empire who came out to play?

No, would a soldier come to a place like an amusement park?

Lucas stepped up, swept his eyes through the fluffy dolls, and finally took a little sheep.

Since it’s for Luo Ran, let’s get this one.

The little sheep was a big ball of fur. It was pure white, had a sleepy expression, and there were even two tiny horns on its head.

Lucas thought, it suits him. Very soft, very silly.

“Thank you…” Luo Ran took the doll.

“What else do you want?” Lucas asked. “Or we’ll go to other booths.”

He looked as if he was about to commit a robbery.

Luo Ran suggested, “Let’s go play something more exciting.”

And avoid these people on the way, otherwise, it would be too awkward.

Luo Ran saw that Lucas looked uninterested in the booths, so he decided to head for the most thrilling ride.

So the two lined up at the ticket counter for the roller coaster.

There were too many people in the amusement park for everyone to recognise them, plus Lucas also wore a pair of sunglasses.

Luo Ran examined the roller coaster track, which soared among the clouds and had many sharp turns. Riders were even restricted to those above eighteen years old.

“Scared?” Lucas stood aside, watching Luo Ran with his eyebrows raised.

“No way.” Luo Ran shook his head and smiled. “I’m looking forward to seeing a different side of the admiral.”

“Then you’ll have to wait.”

After Luo Ran stored his little sheep behind the counter, the two followed the crowd and got on the ride. Luo Ran tied his long hair into a firm braid and fastened his seat restraint.

“Five, four, three…”

“Two… One!!”

Following this announcement, the roller coaster slowly started moving.


The train made dull noises as it crossed over the tracks, but they were soon concealed by shrill screams that rose one after another.

Luo Ran could just barely stabilize himself. With his personality, he wouldn’t scream, but he was still dizzy and could only hold the handrail tightly.

When the roller coaster entered a relatively peaceful section, he turned to look at Lucas.

Lucas sat steadily with his arms crossed over his chest, looking just as bored out of his mind as before.

If his hair weren’t blown out of shape, you’d think he was sitting on a rocking chair.

That’s when Luo Ran remembered that Lucas was trained to fight in a mecha.

Mecha used on the battlefield shook much more than this, so control over the body’s balance was very important. At the same time, pilots also had to actively control the mecha to defeat the enemy.

Lucas, seeing Luo Ran’s death grip on the handrail, even let out a whistle.

“Weak chicken.”

“Not screaming?” Lucas pointed at the other people who were screaming for their lives and signalled Luo Ran to study them.

Luo Ran: “…”

There really wasn’t any sense of fun.

Hahaha imagining Lucas’ unimpressed face gives me life


  1. CP: couple, as in shipping people together; often in the sense of pairing up celebrities

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