Chapter 27 (1): The Secretary Starts to Pretend

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Luo Ran felt the world spin.

He took a deep breath and tried to push himself back up.

It shouldn’t be…

Xie Ancheng handed him a glass of water just now, but he refused it because he keenly sensed something wrong.

He didn’t eat or drink anything the entire night.

Yet it wasn’t a heat. He only felt that his whole body was weak, he couldn’t move, and his head was a little groggy.


Lucas guessed what probably happened, and also knew what Luo Ran wanted to say. He supported Luo Ran and interrupted, “I know, I’ll take you to Xia Zhi.”

Luo Ran nodded, and said in a soft voice, “Good…”

Lucas had a sullen expression.

After all, the first person Luo Ran thought of when he got into trouble was Xia Zhi.

Luo Ran originally wanted to figure out what he ate and drank tonight, but his mind was so chaotic that he couldn’t think at all.

“Admiral, I apologize… for causing you trouble.”

“It’s okay, you’re no trouble.” Lucas frowned slightly, feeling that Luo Ran’s words sounded strangely harsh to his ears.

Luo Ran was just a little tired at first, but his body suddenly began heating up.

My heat just ended, why would I now…?

With a body experiencing pre-heat symptoms, Luo Ran immediately did his best to endure it, not daring to let his pheromones out.

An alpha’s pheromones could make an omega more excited, but that was only when the alpha did it on purpose.

Now, the pheromones Lucas unintentionally leaked out instead made Luo Ran calmer. He could barely suppress his body’s anomalies with his head resting on Lucas’ shoulder, leaning against him while surrounded by the thick scent of tobacco and earth.

“Admiral, please… you let go first,” Luo Ran said. “I’ll sit against the chair.”

Lucas didn’t move an inch.

With no strength left in his limbs, Luo Ran also couldn’t move if Lucas didn’t do anything.

“Don’t move,” Lucas ordered. “Just be still.”

Of course, he was in a bad mood. Someone gave his secretary date rape drugs, and Luo Ran didn’t think of him at all afterwards.

Before the accident, this person was even dancing with the eldest prince and Xie Ancheng.

He only had work in his eyes, and the only way he’d think of Lucas was also because of work.

Did this person really not have feelings?

Didn’t he say he liked him?

And Luo Ran had no idea of the drama in Lucas’ mind at this moment. He buried his head into Lucas’ shoulder in a daze, but couldn’t withstand the temptation of hormones and opened his mouth to take a bite of his shoulder.

So sweet.

So comfortable.

Lucas froze.


Lucas frowned, but seeing that Luo Ran became anxious, he subconsciously reached out and rubbed the back of his head.

His hand was mostly made of metal. No matter how gentle he tried to make his actions, Luo Ran could feel the stiffness, which wasn’t particularly comfortable.

Yet it let people feel safe.

Lucas didn’t stop his movements and just let Luo Ran bite. Anyway, he had thick skin and didn’t feel much pain.

After a while, Luo Ran hazily fell asleep and let go by himself.

The hovercar smoothly flew to the city outskirts, heading towards Xia Zhi’s home.

Lucas hugged Luo Ran for the entire journey, and never thought of putting him down.

The person in his arms was gentle and soft as he lay against his shoulder with his eyes closed. His eyelashes were long and slender, and he appeared quiet and elegant.

He said he likes me…

It was only after Lucas held Luo Ran against himself and was bitten on the shoulder that he reflected on the day’s events.

To be honest, this was the first time in his life that Lucas gave thought to something like a relationship.

It would probably be troublesome to manage a relationship after falling in love, and if they got married, it would be even more troublesome if he died in battle.

Lucas looked down at Luo Ran.

What would it be like to fall in love with Luo Ran?

Luo Ran might show him a face different from his usual professional appearance.

Would he act cute? Would he act angry yet spoilt?

Lucas suddenly wanted to see it very much.

Compared with Luo Ran’s normal look when taking care of his problems, Lucas was very curious – if he was in a relationship, would he also make those unreasonable requests?

Beep—— Beep——

The hovercar let out a series of notification beeps.

They’d arrived.

* * *

Xia Zhi, seeing that Luo Ran was again unconscious and had to be carried in, had eyes as wide as copper bells and even his hair was about to stand up.

“Wh-What happened this time?!”

Lucas placed Luo Ran on the sofa and looked at Xia Zhi with a dim gaze. “He was drugged.”

Xia Zhi glanced at Lucas.

As an omega himself, he could easily feel the pheromones full of oppression and hostility which were emanating from the man in front of him.

…Why did he feel that he was being targeted?

But it wasn’t the time to tangle with this. Xia Zhi pulled up a chair and brought his instruments over to give Luo Ran a check-up.

“Ranran doesn’t have any major problems, but…” Xia Zhi frowned. “Some other things might not be so simple.”

Xia Zhi injected Luo Ran with a few vials of medicine, among which Lucas recognized one as a sedative.

“Ranran is like this because he came into contact with a narcotic,” Xia Zhi explained.

Lucas narrowed his eyes.

Xia Zhi continued, “Don’t worry, Admiral, it’s not a truly harmful narcotic, just one that ‘adds fun’. It’s not addictive.

“This drug makes people lose strength, and omega are forced into heat. But it is only effective for beta and omega, because an alpha’s spiritual power is generally strong enough to resist it, and the drug is only a weakening agent.”

It was also because Luo Ran was an SSS-grade that he could prevent himself from falling into heat. If his strength weren’t enough, he would’ve already searched out an alpha to solve it.

“The problem is that this drug is banned in the Empire, and only interstellar pirates use it to play around. Not only this, but it’s only considered a small thing to them, and they have a lot more than this drug on their warships.”

Lucas naturally understood Xia Zhi’s words.

This drug only needed an alpha to get it on a beta or omega’s body through direct contact or through airborne inhalation to take effect. For it to appear at the banquet, it meant that… an alpha brought it in, then made sure it got in contact with Luo Ran.

And no one thought of this possibility, so Luo Ran had no way of defending himself.

Xia Zhi frowned. “Now the main point isn’t the drug, but rather… why would someone have something which only interstellar pirates should have? They might have planted an agent in the capital, or directly sneaked in.”

But that didn’t make sense. Lucas’ army strictly controlled the checkpoints, and the Empire’s borders were similarly guarded. Generally speaking, it was extremely difficult for interstellar pirates to mix in, and it was impossible for Lucas and the others to not know about it if they tried. Plus, there was an envoy from Luobing, so things were even more strict.

Unless… they had an internal leak.

“Not just this,” Lucas said with a sullen expression.

Also – someone tried to use this thing on Luo Ran.

Xia Zhi suddenly felt the air pressure in the room drop. Seeing Lucas seated beside Luo Ran and looking at him without a word, he changed the subject. “Does Ranran have any symptoms other than fatigue?”

“A red, flushed face, and rapid breathing.” Lucas frowned. “But he’s not an omega.”

“Ah…” Xia Zhi rolled his eyes around, then said smilingly, “Ranran might be allergic to something in the drug, these are all allergy symptoms. Was he red all over?”

Lucas nodded.

“Then…” Lucas stated in a questioning tone, “He was claustrophobic before, and his whole body was red then too.”

“Combined with the faster breathing, it’s probably anxiety. Ranran gets like this when he’s nervous.” Xia Zhi smiled and spewed nonsense with his eyes wide open.

“You know him quite well.” Lucas raised his eyebrows at Xia Zhi.

Xia Zhi couldn’t stop mentally rolling his eyes. This guy Lucas examined him up and down the moment he stepped through the door and even plainly showed ‘this is it?’ on his face. He didn’t hide his scrutiny at all.

As if he would steal away his Secretary Luo.


Xia Zhi decided to remind this muddled, vinegar-chugging lion in front of him that he was old enough to be their father. “Admiral, we’ve met before when you were young. Do you remember?” He asked with a smile.

Lucas paused. “Hn.”

In the past, Xia Zhi and Shen Xiluo followed the former Admiral – that is, Lucas’ uncle – as doctors on the battlefield. Although he didn’t have much contact with the two doctors, he still remembered them.

Before the two could talk more, Luo Ran slowly woke up and looked around suspiciously.


“Ah, I’m here.” Xia Zhi rubbed Luo Ran’s shoulders and smiled. “You’re…”

“You’re alright!” Lucas’ voice was thunderous.

Xia Zhi: “…”

Luo Ran, startled, turned to find that Lucas was also present.


As Luo Ran struggled to sit up, Xia Zhi subconsciously reached over to support him… but another person’s hand suddenly intercepted him.

Their two hands simultaneously froze in midair.

Luo Ran felt it was strange yet funny. He got up by himself, then tidied his messy hair and collar. “How long was I unconscious?”

Xia Zhi: “Not…”

Lucas: “Not long! Half an hour.”

Xia Zhi: “…”

Luo Ran: “…”

Luo Ran subconsciously glanced at Xia Zhi.

What’s going on?

Lucas ate the wrong medicine while he slept?

Xia Zhi was helpless. “Since Ranran’s fine…”

“Then I’ll send him back,” Lucas interrupted.

Saying so, Lucas immediately pulled Luo Ran to his feet and they left Xia Zhi’s house after Luo Ran received his medicine.

Xia Zhi opened and closed his mouth, helpless.

He had some private matters to discuss with Luo Ran, but talking over the terminal was fine too.

On the hovercar, Luo Ran received his message.

{Ranran, today Shen Xiluo told me the admiral went to him to investigate you.}

Luo Ran’s heart skipped a beat.

{Investigate what.}

{Nothing critical, I’m just saying so you’re aware. The admiral asked Shen Xiluo if he knew you had claustrophobia, maybe because he thinks Shen Xiluo and I still talk. He also asked if you have any other problems. He might’ve thought you acted weirdly that day? That was the time you were in heat, right?}

Luo Ran couldn’t quite believe it.

Was Lucas so idle? He still remembered what happened that day?

{And then?}

{No ‘and then’. Shen Xiluo didn’t know anything, he said everything was normal. Plus he assured the admiral that nothing would happen since you have me as your doctor.}

Luo Ran paused. He didn’t think Lucas was the type of person who had to get to the bottom of other people’s affairs.

{He… Does he suspect something?}


{Probably not, I think he’s just worried about you.}

Luo Ran secretly decided to be more careful next time.


His eyes landed on the sentence ‘he thinks Shen Xiluo and I still talk’, not knowing if he wanted to laugh or cry.

As if they didn’t talk.

But on the other hand, Shen Xiluo probably sent this information to Xia Zhi on his own initiative. When he previously met Shen Xiluo at the medical department, that calm, rational alpha ran to him and seriously asked him to say a few good words about himself to Xia Zhi.

Later, Lucas explained the overall situation to Luo Ran.

As he rested on the soft seat, Luo Ran chomped on a tube of nutrient solution and said, “I didn’t eat or drink anything today, but I’ve been in contact with a lot of people. However, the only ones who were close to me for a long time were His Royal Highness the First Prince and Xie Ancheng. In this case, we can start by investigating Xie Ancheng. Although the stimulant itself isn’t a big deal, it’s important to know who buys it and where they get it.”

“You don’t need to care about this,” Lucas said with a completely blank face. “I’ll do it personally.”

“Admiral, this may involve…”

“Shut up,” Lucas said coldly.

Luo Ran froze. Huh?

He’d felt something strange from the start.

After a moment of silence, Luo Ran threw the empty nutrient solution into the trash can and asked warmly, “Is Admiral… angry with me?”

Lucas saw a pair of watery eyes as soon as he turned his head.

He stared at Luo Ran as he said, “Someone drugged you, then you almost fell into danger. You think this isn’t a serious concern?”

Luo Ran was now completely focused on how to find the source of the drugs.

His mind was filled with work.

“…” Luo Ran paused a beat, then tentatively asked, “Is it serious?”

Lucas: “…”

He immediately explained, “No… I mean, I won’t fall into their schemes so easily. Even if I’m caught off guard like today, I wouldn’t be in critical danger. There are very few people who can forcefully suppress me like you. Like tonight, even if Admiral hadn’t arrived in time, I’d contact the guards outside and not allow myself to be caught alone.”

Not to mention that Luo Ran’s pheromones were ranked at SSS, so apart from Lucas, barely anybody could make him unable to fight back.

At the end, he added, “Admiral doesn’t need to worry.”

Lucas: “…”

Lucas felt he might have a heart attack.

“Okay, okay!” Lucas snorted a few times, then simply used his terminal to stop the hovercar.

So this small personal hovercar abruptly landed in the middle of the road.

“I know you don’t need me, so you won’t need me to send you home or whatever either. You scram and call a ride or walk home yourself,” Lucas said.

Luo Ran: “…”

Luo Ran gave an “oh” and got up to open the hatch.

Lucas: “????”

Luo Ran got off the hovercar, stood in the middle of the road, and looked around.

It was now late night. The whole place was dead quiet and all the shops along the road had long closed their doors, but the street lights were still bright.

Luo Ran walked to the door of a closed shop and took out his terminal to call a car.


The next moment, a sharp light flashed across Luo Ran’s eyes, then he was harshly shoved into a wall behind him. The aggressively sharp scent of tobacco made him fall into a momentary daze.

At some point, Lucas also got off the hovercar, and trapped Luo Ran in his arms.

Luo Ran felt helpless. Lucas seemed to enjoy clasping his wrists together and pressing them above his head; maybe he thought the action was very intimidating and could stop him from resisting.

Resist my ass, Luo Ran thought.

“Admiral… although it’s late, someone will see if they pass by,” he reminded him.

“You stop talking, I get angry every time you speak.”

“Then will Admiral tell me why you are angry?” Luo Ran asked, very seriously. “I can’t help you if you keep it to yourself.”

Lucas stared hard at Luo Ran.

In the brightly lit night, rays of moonlight softly fell on Luo Ran’s silver hair and cast small shadows below his long lashes, where a single teardrop hung.

The two stood in front of the shop for a long while. Finally, Lucas let go of Luo Ran and turned away. “Go back with me.”

Luo Ran followed him.

Just as he was about to step into the hovercar, Lucas, with his back towards Luo Ran, said, “The next time something’s wrong, you can come find me. I’ll try my best to do whatever you ask.”

Luo Ran stared blankly at Lucas.

When he turned and saw Luo Ran still in a daze, Lucas scowled. “Still not coming in?”

Luo Ran stepped up, smiling. “Admiral is very different from before.”

Lucas shot him a quizzical look.

Very emotionally, he said, “You’ve found a conscience.”


Lucas gritted his teeth. “I treated you very badly before?”

“Not at all.”

Luo Ran paused, then lowered his eyes with a smile. “You are very good to me…”

His voice sank into the silent night.

Luo Ran fainting count: 2

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