Chapter 29: The Secretary and the Bodyguard

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Too stupid.

Really too stupid.

Luo Ran covered his eyes and couldn’t bear to look at it directly.

Especially since a crowd of people soon came out and repeated his posts, making it resemble a cult scene.

It was outrageous.

Many people also sent a variety of weird photoshopped reaction pics.

Luo Ran, who was so embarrassed that his face burned red, didn’t dare to stay in the group to chat and immediately went offline.

But he could now know what everyone was whispering about, improve his understanding, then start to maintain a proper distance from his boss.

Luo Ran promised to himself that from tomorrow onwards, he would pay more attention and not do anything that would make it easy for others to misunderstand.

So the next day, he asked Rong Duo to send in the coffee and clothes that he arranged.

Rong Duo: ??

They argued?

Rong Duo brought the things into the office with trepidation.

Lucas had his head lowered as he read documents, but looked up when he detected an unfamiliar presence and immediately frowned at the sight of Rong Duo.

Rong Duo: “…Admiral, good morning.”

Lucas looked at her coldly.

“…I’ll leave now.”

In the afternoon, Luo Ran handed Rong Duo a large stack of documents with a bright smile. “I’ll be troubling you.”

Rong Duo: “…”

That evening, Rong Duo got off work but Luo Ran stayed behind to finish off his work until late in the night.

Luo Ran stretched his muscles, planning to head home.

The office door was pushed open with a click, revealing Lucas. He looked at Luo Ran, who was tidying up his desk, and said coldly, “You don’t need to go home tonight.”

“…” Luo Ran froze, then shot him a smile. “It isn’t midnight yet, I…”

“Get in here!”


Lucas turned and walked away before Luo Ran could say anything else.

To be honest, if it was before, Luo Ran would go in without thinking anything of it. But now that he went through the shippers’ trials and tribulations, he was no longer clean.

In the middle of the night, the office was deserted except for the two of them… and his boss suddenly came out, ordering him to stay the night.

If Nana knew this, a new story would immediately come into being.

Luo Ran sighed and went in helplessly.

Lucas stood before the window. When Luo Ran followed his gaze, he froze for a moment.

“It’s blooming,” Luo Ran said, smiling. “It’s that time of year again.”

Lucas had a series of trellises installed on his window which were covered in wisteria flowers. Before, when it hadn’t bloomed yet, it looked very plain with just the creeping stems, leaves, and buds, but now many rows of bright purple flowers filled the entire window.

It looked ethereal.

On the window sill, a single wisteria was displayed under a clear glass dome.

Lucas nodded.

The flowers were only planted last year. At the time, he thought Lucas only did it on a whim but didn’t expect that these flowers would accompany Lucas for season after season.

“Why does Admiral like wisteria flowers?” Luo Ran asked curiously.

“I don’t like them,” Lucas said as he frowned. “Who’d like these girly things.”

Luo Ran glanced at the wisteria that filled the window from top to bottom.

“It calms my mind,” Lucas explained.

As an SSS alpha, his pheromones were rarely stable, and it was also easy for him to lose control of his spiritual power.

This wisteria fragrance, like the white tea incense, could calm Lucas down and make him feel at ease even by merely looking at it.

Luo Ran nodded his head.

Maybe it’s because I really can’t match Lucas and wisteria flowers together, Luo Ran thought, that I even see wisteria in my dreams.

In that dreamscape awash with wisteria flowers, a cosy little cabin hid within.

It was like a heavenly paradise.

As his mind wandered, Luo Ran sat on the edge of the sofa, considering how to tell Lucas that he wanted to leave.

Seeing that Lucas had already changed his clothes and was preparing to sleep, Luo Ran hurriedly spoke up. “Admiral, I think I should go…”

“Stop talking.”

Lucas, pillowing his head on his arm, was about to fall asleep.

He couldn’t get used to not seeing Luo Ran for a whole day, so he decided to let him stay overnight.

After a beat of silence, Luo Ran could only talk about work. “Admiral, do you understand what happened yesterday?”

He was referring to what happened between Andika and Lu Cheng in the bathroom.

“Yeah.” Lucas turned over, his train of thought easily led astray by Luo Ran. “Investigate that Andika properly.”

“Mn, we will.” Then Luo Ran added, with emotion, “Military officers are no good at dealing with politics and interpersonal relationships. It’s no wonder that every officer is followed by a group of civil servants.”

Lucas narrowed his eyes.“Who are you talking about?”

“Adjutant Lu, not you,” Luo Ran answered smoothly.

“He is a bit silly, but do you know how he became my adjutant?”

Lucas’ adjutants had all been selected on the battlefield before Luo Ran became his secretary, but he had some understanding of them after working together for so many years. “Adjutant Lu is good at judging the battle situation and terrain, is skilled in mecha operation, and…”

“I don’t need you to compliment him,” Lucas interrupted impatiently, feeling it unbearable to keep listening. Luo Ran had never praised him like that. “I had another adjutant at the time, who’d been good at his job and was hand-picked by my uncle. But on his first day, Lu Cheng hated him on sight and the two argued. Later, he was exposed as an undercover interstellar pirate during an ambush. Even my uncle hadn’t realized.”

Luo Ran was surprised.

Lucas had said before that their battle-honed instincts were very accurate, leading to sudden flashes of intuition.

Including about people.

“Then I hope Adjutant Lu’s instincts are accurate this time as well,” Luo Ran said, “or else we’ll have a lot of trouble.”

There was no sound from Lucas.

…He fell asleep?

When Luo Ran went closer to check, he saw that Lucas really fell asleep as he spoke.

Luo Ran was torn between tears and laughter.

With his eyes closed and sleeping on his back, Lucas looked very different from his usual fierceness.

Luo Ran suddenly remembered something that happened a long time ago.

When he first became a secretary for Lucas, the war had just ended, and Lucas was promoted as soon as he returned. After being appointed as an admiral, everyone in the Empire talked about him — everyone crazily worshipped him. After all, before then, people only knew of him through reports from the front line, which talked about a young general who achieved one victorious battle after another. But once Lucas returned to the Empire and was officially introduced to the media, all the miracles and legends were made real.

The news of Lucas’ uncle dying on the battlefield disheartened the Empire for a long while, but Lucas became the Empire’s new hope and strength.

That was when he was most popular.

However, only Luo Ran knew that Lucas couldn’t sleep at night, and didn’t sleep well even if he did fall asleep.

He couldn’t get used to ordinary life. After leaving the battlefield, he became cranky and anxious, not to mention he possessed SSS-grade pheromones — he was inherently prone to losing control of his spiritual power.

At night, he would sit up vigilantly at the slightest noise, completely unable to relax. And he couldn’t fall asleep afterwards either, with his mind filled with terribly tragic memories.

But Lucas could now sleep soundly. There was no war anywhere except when interstellar pirates occasionally messed around somewhere.

Luo Ran glanced at Lucas, who seemed to sleep especially well tonight.

Maybe it was because of the wisteria?

He checked on the white tea incense burner and made sure there was enough incense inside, changed out the water in the humidifier, adjusted the temperature for the air conditioner, then quietly left.

Once he got home, Luo Ran spent the whole night reading up on gardening tips, then ordered a bunch of fertilizers, soil, and nutrients, as well as purported super potions*, from the online marketplace.

Luo Ran also bought a pot of wisteria flowers.

He decided to try raising a pot at home.

It would be great if the wisteria could always bloom.

       ——  XXX  ——

The next day, the investigation team made new progress.

They discovered that the black market would hold an auction on the next day. Since they had both the time and location, they decided to send a few investigators undercover to observe it.

After a brief hesitation, Luo Ran asked the investigator for a ticket, planning to check it out himself.

“The black market auction? You’re going by yourself?” Lucas scowled when he heard of it.

“There are some essential differences between auctions and transactions. Transactions are only open to insiders, whereas you can attend auctions as long as someone vouches for you, so investigators can use this channel to gather information. And it’s not particularly dangerous,” Luo Ran explained, “because there are outsiders present. I’ll use an earpiece to keep in constant contact, and I’m only taking a look at the situation, so Admiral doesn’t need to worry.”

“I’ll go with you,” Lucas said.

Luo Ran stilled. “Admiral, there’s no need to…”

“What time? Say it again.”


So two people would go.

But they needed a disguise.

Zhou Mingkai found them a reliable, tight-lipped makeup artist.

The makeup artist was a young woman who was under the impression that Lucas and Luo Ran were going on a trip or date while in disguise, and was so excited that she almost tripped over her feet as she entered the room.

“M-My apologies! It’s my first time seeing Sir Admiral and Secretary, I, I’m a bit nervous.” The young woman with her hair in a bun dragged a large bag as she trotted in.

The two were currently in a reception room on the ground floor*, and the makeup artist also quietly came in through a more obscure elevator in the back.


Luo Ran gave Zhou Mingkai a glance. Is she really reliable?

Zhou Mingkai returned a thumbs up. Absolutely reliable!

Half an hour later:

Luo Ran looked at the mirror, feeling strange.

The makeup artist not only made them different people, but somehow also made them… more handsome?

Luo Ran’s silver hair was too iconic, so the makeup artist simply dyed it pitch black and draped it over his shoulder, then applied red eyeshadow to the corners of his eyes and drew a tiny mole there.

When she paired it with a long-sleeved black shirt and figure-hugging pants, the normally gentle man instantly became more aggressive yet alluring.

The contrast was so extreme that Zhou Mingkai couldn’t look away.

He felt as if he’d suddenly reached an epiphany.

Luo Ran, not quite used to it yet, subconsciously rejected the earrings the makeup artist handed over.

Whereas Lucas transformed into… a bodyguard?

He wore a typical monochrome suit, swept his hair back tidily, and used such shiny hair gel that it made Luo Ran’s entire mind chaotic.

After so many years of looking at Lucas’ dishevelled, unruly hair, Luo Ran truly couldn’t get used to this sudden change.

Lucas also looked at Luo Ran. He slowly reached over and gently twisted a stray lock of Luo Ran’s hair.

“Can it be changed back?” Lucas frowned slightly. He still preferred Luo Ran with his silver-blue hair.

The makeup artist covered her mouth, nodding frantically. “Yes! The dye will fall off after it’s washed.”

Luo Ran smiled. “Admiral should also wash your hair afterwards… It looks strange on you, the last time I saw you with such a formal hairstyle was at your promotion ceremony.”

“Oh, yeah.” Lucas scratched uncomfortably at the back of his head.

The makeup artist continued to cover her mouth and cry.

Geez, you can still see it when they get married later, Zhou Mingkai thought.

The two completely changed their hairstyles and clothes. The makeup artist put some eye makeup on Luo Ran, but didn’t touch anything else. After all, the auction would provide masks, and asking Lucas to put on makeup would probably be asking for his life.

After the makeup artist left, Zhou Mingkai spoke. “Your new identities have been arranged. Secretary Luo is Xie Ancheng’s friend, a rich young master, and Admiral is Young Master Luo’s bodyguard.”

After speaking, Zhou Mingkai couldn’t help letting out an internal hiss.

He had a new idea for Nana when he got back.

“Bodyguard…?” Luo Ran glanced at Lucas.

This reversed the relationship between superior and subordinate…

Luo Ran felt a bit uneasy.

Lucas probably wouldn’t be very comfortable… seeing as he was a high-ranking admiral.

Lucas frowned as he thought. “How does a bodyguard act?”

“Just…” Zhou Mingkai looked down. “Follow the young master, listen to the young master’s orders, and protect the young master.”

“Got it,” Lucas said.

The two set off. The entrance to the auction was hidden in a bar; Luo Ran could only enter after he showed his invitation letter and registered his information.

Lucas unthinkingly strode in front of Luo Ran.

Luo Ran: “…”

Seeing Luo Ran hesitating, Lucas raised an eyebrow. “What.”

“Um… to decrease others’ suspicions, please let me walk in front.”

Lucas thought about it for a long while before he understood and clicked his tongue. “Troublesome.”

He retreated behind Luo Ran.

As they stepped into the hall, they saw that with dim lighting and everyone wearing masks, it was very hard to recognise anyone.

There weren’t many people present, and of those who were, most were wealthy patrons looking for some excitement.

Neither Luo Ran nor Lucas ate or drank anything on-site, instead preferring to silently walk around and observe.

Although there weren’t many customers around, there were a lot of guards at every corner and entrance, all of them armed with weapons.

Lucas moved closer to Luo Ran and lowered his head. “Those guards are all interstellar pirates, this is their territory,” he whispered.

A gust of hot air washed over Luo Ran’s ear, making him freeze for a short moment before he nodded.

Some people were already seated, some walked around like Luo Ran and Lucas, while others chatted.

Not long after, someone went on the stage to announce the start of the auction.

They didn’t talk much before sending the first item up.

It was a person.

Luo Ran narrowed his eyes the slightest bit.


An omega with chains around his limbs and neck was pulled up, then the host introduced him with a few words and set his starting price.

Quite a few people rushed to bid, and the price gradually rose.

Lucas sat next to Luo Ran. Although he couldn’t see his face, Luo Ran could still feel the low air pressure surrounding him and knew that his eyes were filling with anger.

Lucas had always been very clear in his principles and bottom line*, of course he wouldn’t be able to take this.

“That omega is willing,” Luo Ran said as he leaned closer to Lucas, “he can earn a lot in just one month.”

Luo Ran knew this because someone introduced this line of work to him when he was desperately short of money, but he hadn’t done it in the end.

To stimulate a bidding war, the host, grinning, took out a small bottle and poured it down the omega’s throat.

The next moment, the omega went into heat. Thick pheromones filled the hall and wafted towards the audience below the stage, making many alphas start breathing heavily.

Luo Ran widened his eyes.

This is…

“This omega has been fed ‘special medicine’ for an entire month! He’s addicted!” The host cackled loudly. “It’s not a loss to bring him home!”

Seeing that many unfamiliar alphas sitting on his other side lit up after hearing of the special medicine, Luo Ran curiously asked them, “What’s the special medicine?”

“Is it your first time?” The alpha smiled. “It’s an aphrodisiac sold by Huntsman’s* group, the effect is very good! People get addicted as soon as they eat it, but it also makes them go into heat, so they’ll always beg for it.”


“He sells drugs, any drug that you can think of. Tsk, they even took the name of that interstellar pirate boss.”

Luo Ran: What do you mean they took the name, they are interstellar pirates.

Interstellar pirates did sneak into the Empire’s black market, and arrogantly used their real name, but no one believed it.

After asking some more, Luo Ran confirmed that Huntsman began to set up shop around half a month ago.

This went on for over half a month, yet Lucas’ people didn’t know anything about it?

He didn’t believe that there weren’t traitors.

After the omega on the stage went into heat, many alphas couldn’t sit still. Those who kept their minds raised their bids, while others directly injected themselves with inhibitors.

Luo Ran looked somewhat worriedly at Lucas, but saw that there wasn’t the slightest ripple on his face, and he even looked a little disgusted.

Luo Ran breathed a sigh of relief; but now, he discovered a new problem.

An alpha’s scent couldn’t attach itself to a beta, but after the omega on stage affected the alphas below, Luo Ran’s whole body was contaminated with messy alpha pheromones. It wouldn’t go well if Lucas detected it.

“I’m… going to the bathroom.” Luo Ran stood.

“I’ll go with you.”

“No need, you should stay to monitor the situation here.”

Luo Ran strode towards the bathroom.

On the way, he met a curly-haired man wearing a mask.

The man stopped him with a grin.

Luo Ran shot him a quizzical look.

The man chuckled. “How unexpected… an SSS omega, why would one be here?”

The man was tall, slender, and spoke with a light yet elegant tone. Although he was clearly talking normally, it sounded as if he was reciting poetry.

Luo Ran was startled.

How can he tell?

And having been tortured by Lucas’ harsh words for so many years, Luo Ran only felt goosebumps at such a cultivated voice.

It was too uncomfortable, as if someone pinched him.

The man lowered his head slightly, sniffed, then raised an eyebrow. “There’s also an SSS alpha nearby. Extraordinary.”

…Did this guy have a dog’s nose?

Luo Ran looked down. There, embroidered on his cuff, was a fox.

Apologies for missing last week’s update! The good news is that my stockpile is getting back to a reasonable level so hopefully this won’t happen again.


  1. Purported super potions [星研发的神奇药剂]: these truly are purported because I have no idea what this is talking about
  2.  Ground floor [底楼]: context here makes it strange if they’re trying to hide on the ground floor, but that is what 底楼 means. However, I’m more inclined to think the author meant a basement level or something, which would also allow for the elevator mentioned later in the sentence.
  3. Very clear in his principles and bottom line [揉不了沙子]: lit. never been able to stand even a bit of sand in his eyes; a perfectionist, a very definite attitude toward things, no room for mistakes or differences
  4. Huntsman [猎狐]: lit. fox hunter; it’s a name/title, and fox hunter sounds kinda ehh in English, so I used Huntsman as in one of the main roles during fox hunting. Reference to the huntsman spider is also a bonus.

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