Chapter 34: The Admiral’s Rut (Part 2)

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Once they arrived at the destination, everyone got off their hovercars one after another.

When he saw Lu Cheng counting people, Luo Ran felt fortunate that he knew Lucas would come early on, so he specially asked Lu Cheng to also bring their guards.

This way, it wouldn’t be a problem to stay the night if it really were his rut.

But what surprised Luo Ran was that he could see Cyril, Lucas’ older brother, among the people crowding around the imperial sons.

Cyril, with his shoulder-length black hair and refined facial features, looked like a typical politician.

He stood next to the eldest prince; apart from him, the eldest prince was also surrounded by a few important officials, and the second prince was the same.

In contrast, Zhou Mingkai stood with his hands in his pockets, still acting like a fool, and was only followed by the necessary attendants and guards.

The princes led the way, followed by the Luobing royals and ambassadors, around the agricultural area to take in the views as the specially invited Minister of Agriculture explained everything.

Lucas walked by himself at the end of the group. Luo Ran took care to stay next to him to keep an eye on his condition, and let the others go a little further away.

After all, those who were able to become one of Lucas’ adjutants or guards were mostly alpha.

Lucas: “…”


His little secretary kept peeking at him all the way, and deliberately sent others away.

It was such a headache.

If he was so possessive now, then if they got together in the future, wouldn’t he want to crawl into his body?

And if they got married, would he not allow him to leave the house?

How should he deal with such a sticky spirit then?

Lucas frowned as he started exerting brainpower.

“Admiral?” As soon as Luo Ran saw Lucas frowning, he worried about whether he had a headache, and asked nervously, “Are you uncomfortable anywhere?”

Tsk.” Lucas tossed his head and smirked, “I’m okay.”

After touring for a whole afternoon, everyone was a little tired, so the minister led the group to rest at a temporary gazebo where cool drinks and snacks were laid out.

Luo Ran waited for the others to go in, then he ordered Lu Cheng and the guards to subtly surround the gazebo and protect Lucas without a trace.

Lucas frowned, realising that Luo Ran was more sensitive today.

Didn’t I say that it’s only a headache?

He didn’t know whether to cry or laugh.

“Secretary Luo.”

As Luo Ran observed everything from the periphery, a young man with a face full of smiles greeted him.

Although most beta got together with other beta, they could also like an alpha, or like an omega.

Lucas instantly frowned when he saw an omega approach Luo Ran and glowered at them.

The young man was First Prince Zhou Mingyu’s secretary. He grinned at Luo Ran. “Hello, Secretary Luo! My name is Yuan Han, His Highness said you’ll be teaching me.”

The two examined each other.

Before, they only heard of each other, and now that they met, they found that they… actually looked very similar.

Yuan Han’s body shape and facial features both resembled Luo Ran, the biggest difference might be that he was much more lively. When he smiled, he looked a lot more cheerful.

“Others always say that I’m Secretary Luo’s long-lost brother,” Yuan Han chuckled.

Luo Ran only nodded and went straight to the topic. “I have an hour free after dinner tonight.”

He originally had more time, but now that Lucas’ condition changed, Luo Ran didn’t want to leave his side.

“An hour…” Yuan Han paused. One hour didn’t seem to be enough, but to be honest, as a graduate of the Imperial Academy, Yuan Han felt that he only lacked experience and didn’t really need another secretary to give guidance. So far, he hadn’t made any major mistakes in his work.

The only thing was that the eldest prince always asked him to be more calm and gentle.

As for why he didn’t have enough experience, it was because he’d just graduated and hadn’t yet finished his internship when he met the eldest prince who came to inspect the academy, and the prince claimed him on the spot.

“Thank you, Secretary Luo.” Yuan Han bowed respectfully to Luo Ran.

“You done?” Lucas went up to them with an eyebrow raised. “Then go back.”

Yuan Han jumped. He was a little scared of Lucas’ murderous aura, so he hastily turned and left.

Lucas glanced at Luo Ran. “Why’d he look for you?”

“Work things, he asked me to help him later tonight, just for a while.”

Lucas frowned. “The royal family doesn’t have the money to hire someone?”

“Apparently they need my experience.” Luo Ran smiled. “It’s fine, it won’t take long to finish.”

The agricultural area had accommodations nearby. Knowing that these highnesses would come, they’d tidied up in advance.

Luo Ran chose a relatively secluded place for Lucas. As soon as Lucas entered, the guards dispersed to provide multiple layers of protection.

Since Lucas had opinions about it, Luo Ran took advantage of the time Lucas spent eating and relaxing to go to the eldest prince.

The eldest prince’s residence was naturally surrounded by his guards and confidants. Luo Ran met not a few council members on his way, including Cyril.

“Secretary Luo,” Cyril greeted as he got closer.

Luo Ran nodded back politely.

“Where is Secretary Luo going? If you’re on your way back, may I accompany you to visit Lucas?” Cyril asked. “And see that little brother of mine.”

“My apologies,” Luo Ran replied with a smile, “the admiral is resting, and tends to be irritable if anyone wakes him up.”

“I’m his brother, not some outsider,” Cyril said earnestly. “Our parents also hope that we can share a meal together.”

“My apologies,” Luo Ran repeated as he lowered his eyes.

Cyril even felt some unfriendliness from this eternally gentle secretary.

“This…” Cyril started hesitatingly. “Secretary Luo, Lucas listens to you. Can you help persuade him?

“No matter whether it’s then or now, I’ve also worked hard… That year my father gave me such a beating that I didn’t have an inch of intact skin, and then I had to kneel outside on a freezing winter day… As long as Lucas didn’t wake up, I couldn’t get up either, it lasted for five whole days…”

Cyril lowered his eyes and humbled both his posture and tone. “I was also sick for a long time after that, and afterwards, I always lived in guilt…”

Luo Ran was shocked. “Five days…?” An unclear emotion floated up in his eyes.

“Yes,” Cyril said, “For five whole days, I…”

“The admiral was unconscious for five days?” Luo Ran exclaimed in surprise. “I only heard that the admiral suffered back then… so he was unconscious for that long.”

How heavy was the dose to affect an SSS alpha so badly?

Cyril, stunned, instantly forgot his lines.

“Secretary Luo! You came.”

The eldest prince came over and broke the stalemate.

His cheer was obvious. “I heard you’re coming, so I came to see if you need help.”

“Excuse me.” Luo Ran nodded lightly to Cyril, then followed the eldest prince inside.

Zhou Mingyu gestured at the snacks and drinks laid out. “Secretary Luo, please feel free to eat anything.”

“No need,” Luo Ran replied. He intended to finish quickly, so he immediately took out a couple documents and asked Yuan Han, who was sitting nearby, some questions about it.

Although Yuan Han graduated from a prestigious academy, he did lack experience, so some questions stumped him. Luo Ran patiently guided him through them all.

As Yuan Han listened, his eyes towards Luo Ran gradually changed.

“Secretary Luo’s point is very interesting.” At some point, Zhou Mingyu had quietly walked to Luo Ran’s side and leaned down to look at the papers in his hand. “Even I hadn’t thought of dealing with it this way.”

“Your Highness over-praises me.” With his thoughts turning quickly, Luo Ran grabbed another document and started explaining it.

Yuan Han looked at Zhou Mingyu and suddenly understood something.

They’ve worked together for so long, it would be strange if he didn’t have a little understanding of this highness.

He’d always wondered why he was chosen to become one of the eldest prince’s personal secretaries so smoothly. So it was because…

He couldn’t say that he wasn’t disappointed or sad. After all, that person wasn’t interested in his talent, ability, or character — he’d never been seen as his own person.

However, he also wasn’t qualified to say anything, and could only do his own work to the best of his ability.

Yuan Han was silent for the rest of the lesson.

* * *

An hour later, Luo Ran very punctually looked at his terminal then packed up and prepared to leave.

Zhou Mingyu offered to keep him, hoping he would stay and join them for dinner, but Luo Ran politely refused.

“Then I’ll send you back.” Zhou Mingyu directly got onto the hovercar.

The distance between their two residences wasn’t far, a hovercar could get there within five to seven minutes.

Taking advantage of the fact that they were alone, Zhou Mingyu smiled and said, “I hope Secretary Luo won’t misunderstand.”

“Misunderstand what?”

“Secretary Luo is so smart, you must see that I’m trying to get close to you,” Zhou Mingyu answered.

Luo Ran paused, then lowered his eyes and smiled. “I am a mere secretary, how can I know?”

“I truly do want us to be friends, but please believe that it has nothing to do with the admiral or gaining power. If my goal was to win over the military, I would deal directly with the admiral.” Zhou Mingyu’s smile was exceedingly sincere. “I just appreciate your skills, your abilities, and your elegance and beauty, so I hope you can become my confidant.”

“Your Highness is too kind… I am just an ordinary person.” Luo Ran was rather surprised — he hadn’t expected Zhou Mingyu to be so direct.

Zhou Mingyu said in a warm voice, “I’m also an ordinary person. When I discard the shell of being a royal prince, I am only a twenty-something year old man, the same as your admiral.”

Something flashed in Luo Ran’s eyes.

That’s right, his admiral was an ordinary person.

Everyone thought that Lucas was the empire’s sword and shield. They thought that he was the strongest alpha, that there was nothing he couldn’t do.

Lucas represented power, so everyone took it for granted, such as Cyril.

No one ever thought of protecting him.

“So I will also feel loneliness, and because of my identity, I don’t have many friends or people I can talk to. In this, I’m the same as the admiral.”

“I see.” As Luo Ran smiled, his gaze towards Zhou Mingyu warmed up quite a bit.

The hovercraft landed at their destination.

“Can you also help next time?” Zhou Mingyu hooked the corner of his lips. “I’ll wait for you.”

After Zhou Mingyu left, Luo Ran turned around and instantly saw Lucas standing not far away. He leaned against the wooden railing with his arms across his chest and a leaden gaze, his face as gloomy as could be.

Lucas must have seen Zhou Mingyu.

Subconsciously, Luo Ran’s wrist began to hurt. He prepared himself to be scolded.

Luo Ran slowly walked up to him with a stiff smile. “Ad…”

Then Lucas turned and went into the house.

He didn’t say a word, he didn’t react in any way.

Luo Ran: “…??”


Luo Ran followed him with small steps, but Lucas surrounded himself with an oppressive air and completely ignored him.

As soon as Lucas entered his room, he slammed the door closed.

Luo Ran stood dumbfounded at the doorway.

And inside, the vaunted Lion of the Empire harshly locked the door.

Didn’t he say he likes me?

He was caring about himself just that afternoon, doing his little tricks.

As a result, he turned his face so quickly. He smiled so sweetly at the eldest prince, and Lu Cheng said that he even spoke with Cyril.

Damn scumbag, little bastard, what a playboy.*

Why bother being a secretary, he should go play around, play himself to death.

Isn’t he just relying on his looks and smarts.

Lucas didn’t know why he suddenly felt so irritable. His headache was getting worse, and he felt uncomfortable all over.

It was also because Lucas knew he was unusually irritable right now that he refused to go out and confront Luo Ran.

Lucas went to the window to get some fresh air, but a sudden gust of wind hitting his face made him sneeze.

“Goddammit.” He sniffed.

Outside, Luo Ran’s heart felt empty when he heard the sound of sniffling.

He knew that alphas during ruts had erratic mood swings, and their tear glands would also be more sensitive…

Although Lucas was SSS, although his rut hasn’t truly started… But…

Luo Ran stood at the door, undecided. Lucas shouldn’t be… Is he…

Crying with grievances inside?

Luo Ran couldn’t imagine it, and even felt it was impossible. But he was still worried… What if?

His heart swung up and down, but in the end he chose to swipe his terminal at the door to verify his identity and go straight in.

“Admiral…” Luo Ran saw Lucas sitting on the bed, rubbing at his eyes, with his nose and eyes both a bit red.

Then Luo Ran sat next to Lucas, carefully reached out his hand… and rubbed the top of Lucas’ head.

It’s pretty soft, Luo Ran thought.

Lucas: “…”

Lucas: ???

Luo Ran’s smile was incomparably kind. “There, there.”

“…Luo! Ran!”

You’re finished!

There are quite a few things going on in the background of Luo Ran and Lucas’ story that would make interesting stories in their own right. Like, Yuan Han would be a great protagonist for a white moonlight substitute story.


  1. Playboy [海王]: lit. sea king; a specific type of scumbag who has a lot of ambiguous relationships, so named because they cast a wide net to pick up girls

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