Chapter 38: The Admiral’s Kind Deed

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Lucas’ stiff hand rubbed the top of Luo Ran’s head.

He knew he had to control his strength, so he was careful to pat him very lightly.

Luo Ran truly was tired from consuming all his spiritual power, plus he hadn’t slept enough, so since Lucas didn’t have any requests, he simply turned over and kept sleeping.

He was dead to the world until noon, two hours later.

When Luo Ran finally got up, he was still a little tired. It wasn’t until he gulped down a tube of nutrient solution and swallowed a few caffeine pills that he slowly came around.


Luo Ran walked to a mirror and took a look. It was as he feared.

There were big red marks on his neck and wrists, as well as a wound on his mouth.

…As if he’d just finished some ‘intense activity’.

Luo Ran flushed red up to his ears.

Did he raise a flag for himself? Why was it that ever since he decided to keep a distance from Lucas and maintain a proper employer-employee relationship, inappropriate things kept happening?

…Fortunately, the other person was a blockhead.

Lucas is probably the most unique person I’ve ever seen, Luo Ran thought.

At least in his experience, most alpha and omega were happy to have fetters called ‘pheromones’, and to find a partner to enjoy it together. But Lucas, in their many years of interaction, had never shown any longing for it. It seemed that in his world, there was no such concept as love.

If Lucas ever said he liked someone, that would be the day the sun rose from the west and Zhou Mingkai became infatuated with a single person.

While thinking wildly, Luo Ran dug out a pair of gloves from a drawer.

In the end, Luo Ran wore gloves as well as a shirt with high collars, and generally wrapped himself up tight. As for his lips… a grown man wearing lipstick would be a bit too outrageous, so Luo Ran could only leave it.

If pressed, he could say he was sick, and try not to go out and meet people in the next few days.

Luo Ran prepared everything well, and bumped into Lucas right outside his door.

He was a little surprised. “What’s wrong, Admiral? Do you need anything?”

Lucas looked at him steadily.

After a beat, Lucas snorted coldly. “It’s nothing.”


This crafty little bastard, secretly having a crush on me!

Luo Ran must have seduced him on purpose.

First he made Lucas acclimatised to him being there day and night, and now he finally couldn’t help stretching out his claws?!

Shit, just because he’s got looks and smarts, he played him like a fiddle.

Hmph, so you like me that much.

Lucas crossed his arms and looked at Luo Ran with an inexplicably arrogant expression.


“Little bastard,” Lucas said, pointing at Luo Ran. “I’ve seen through your conspiracies and tricks, but I have to admit that you’ve succeeded.”

Luo Ran was deeply confused.

He was also worried that this was a delayed consequence of the rut, did Lucas turn stupid?

Conspiracies and tricks… did he think that he lied last night?

Luo Ran frowned and tried to clarify in a gentle voice, “Admiral, I… I am sincere, I wasn’t lying.”

He vowed to always be Lucas’ secretary, and to keep his promise.

“…Little bastard, you’re doing it again!” Lucas’ ears suddenly turned red. He viciously snarled, “If you keep doing this, I’ll seal your damn mouth shut.”

Luo Ran: “…?”

Lucas strode away. The 1.9m tall man was very angry yet strangely cute as he left, his big feet about to stomp through the floor.

Luo Ran: “…”

Never mind, forget it, people on their cycle were just like that.

—— XXXX ——

After lunch, everyone packed up and prepared to go home.

Lu Cheng already transferred the maid to their own jurisdiction. After ceaseless interrogation and investigation by agents stationed at the border, they confirmed that interstellar pirates were indeed gathering in preparation to act.

No matter if it were true or not, this was a good opportunity.

Lucas planned to go in person. He would lead troops to encircle the pirates on the Empire’s southeast trade route,* which was also the hyperlane used to transport UNK from Luobing.

Of course, they had to divert their attention first, so Lucas would set off on the pretext of exterminating pirates at District B67, which held one of the Empire’s largest agricultural zones. B67 was near the southwest trade route, which Lucas’ brigade would travel through.

Lucas had to set off as soon as he got back, so everyone bid him their customary farewells before he got in his hovercar.

Lucas was soon pulled aside by the second prince to talk. The latter had cold features which lent him a serious demeanour, and thanks to his martial spirit, he was a rare alpha who wouldn’t be too overwhelmed when standing next to Lucas.

The second prince, Zhou Mingjing, had previously served as a soldier for a short time, and had a relatively good relationship with Lucas. Neither of them liked to talk much, and it was the same on this occasion as well. Zhou Mingjing only placidly chatted for a while and wished Lucas a smooth trip.

On the other side, Zhou Mingkai was scared out of his skin when he saw Luo Ran’s lips and his tightly-wrapped neck.

He’d been under the impression that the ‘a bit much’ that Lucas talked about was an exaggeration, but this…??

Zhou Mingkai instantly became full of energy.

Was the Empire’s national CP about to be officially announced?!

Was the Empire’s wedding of the century about to take place?!

Was the Empire’s excellent next generation about to arrive?!

“What is it?” Luo Ran smiled at Zhou Mingkai, who was apparently dumbfounded. “Is there anything Your Highness would like to say to the admiral? I will pass it on.”

“Uh…” Zhou Mingkai froze, suddenly forgetting what he wanted to say.

“Just…” Zhou Mingkai clapped his hands together. “Right! I heard that Luobing’s Princess Lillia was very angry when she heard that His Highness Andika is going to marry Lu Cheng. She’s insulted that she’s not the one who’s getting married, and thinks they’ve robbed her of the limelight, so she’s been making a fuss for the last few days.”

“Ah…” Luo Ran was helpless.

This Princess Lillia was truly a catastrophe for the royal family.

Zhou Mingkai continued in a numb voice, “Then, the Luobing royal family and her royal father were so annoyed that they requested my brother to let her and the admiral to go to the compatibility scanner,* so that she can stop hoping to be together.”

Luo Ran: “…”

The compatibility scanner was the most incredible invention in the Empire’s history.

As long as two people stood on its platform, the system would rapidly analyse their detailed information, including their personality, thoughts, past experiences, and so on, then produce a percentage of their suitability together.

And this machine was quite magical, since the percentages weren’t necessarily based on pure data. Many scholars had tried to explore its inner workings, but they still weren’t entirely sure of its rules.

Many young couples would try it before getting married, but as long as it wasn’t a negative number, most would be satisfied if it reached more than 30%.

After all, two individual people needed a certain period of time to get used to each other. Few couples could achieve over 60%.

“Princess Lillia’s temper… she must have been spoiled by her family, it’s no wonder it’s like this,” Luo Ran said.

She’s the one having a temper tantrum, yet Luobing’s royal family wanted everyone else to cooperate with her.

“Yeah,” Zhou Mingkai smiled. “My eldest brother and second brother also told me that they’re using the princess’ name to try marrying the admiral again, especially if their score is good. Aren’t they dreaming?”

Luo Ran shook his head.

But it wasn’t that big of a deal, so Luo Ran said with a smile, “It doesn’t matter, just test it if they want to.”

With a temperament like Lucas’, anyone who went up would get a negative result. His previous fiancées had all tried and failed one by one; Lillia might well compete for the lowest score in the system’s history.

“She’s too annoying,” Zhou Mingkai said, rolling his eyes. “Last time as well, didn’t she go crazy and decide on you? Fortunately, my brother suppressed the news, then accidentally said it later, otherwise you’d already have tied the knot.”

“…” Luo Ran paused, then frowned. “It was the eldest prince who told you?”

“Nah, he mentioned it casually when I was chatting with him.” Zhou Mingkai didn’t think much of it. “Then I told the admiral, but Her Highness didn’t seem to do anything about it, so the admiral also didn’t do anything.”

That’s because I solved it myself, Luo Ran thought.

Fortunately, he took care of it quickly, otherwise Lucas might have gotten angry and made trouble again.

Luo Ran faintly frowned.

He subconsciously glanced at Eldest Prince Zhou Mingyu, only to realise that Zhou Mingyu was also looking at him.

Their eyes met and Zhou Mingyu approached. “Secretary Luo, will you be busy again when you go back?”

“It’s fine.”

“If you run into trouble, remember that you can ask me for help,” Zhou Mingyu said.

Luo Ran paused. Seeing that Zhou Mingkai ran off to talk to Lucas, and there wasn’t anyone nearby, he replied, “Many thanks.

“I don’t need Your Highness’s help with anything, it’s just…” Luo Ran smiled a little. “I hope the admiral can keep serving as the Empire’s sword and shield, not as a gun in its politics. This would be the greatest help to me.”

Luo Ran knew that the Empire wouldn’t allow Lucas to marry, but must the imperial family push him out as a target just because it wasn’t convenient for them to do it themselves?

Zhou Mingyu was taken aback.

Luo Ran didn’t name anyone, only saying, “After all, the admiral uses his own body to protect the Empire, so he shouldn’t suffer from politics, right?” 

Zhou Mingyu quickly returned to his original smiling expression. “That’s true.”

Following this, Luo Ran boarded the hovercar to await departure.

An imperceptible emotion flashed in Zhou Mingyu’s eyes, so fast that no one noticed it.

It seemed like he was just warned by Secretary Luo.

The previous actions to win him over became useless in an instant.

Zhou Mingyu chuckled. Just as he turned to leave, he bumped into Lucas.

Lucas’ gaze was like a hawk’s. “What did Your Highness and my secretary talk about?”

“Just chatting.” The eldest prince’s smile was the same as always. “I asked if he’s been busy with work recently. After all, he has to investigate the omega from the hotel, track the drugs found this time, and prepare the things for the expedition.”

Lucas didn’t bother to talk to this guy who’s been eyeing his secretary all the time. He expressionlessly turned around and got on the hovercar.

After sitting down, Lucas looked at Luo Ran, who sat opposite him with his head down reading paperwork, and felt a little irritated.


I’m not clean anymore.

Zhou Mingyu’s words reminded Lucas.

The bitch who climbed his bed at the hotel still hadn’t been found!

Omega could only have one alpha in their lives, unless it was a temporary mark. Permanent marks couldn’t be washed away.

Since that was the case, Lucas felt that as alpha, they should also be single-minded towards beta and omega, and all their firsts should belong to that destined person.

But now, hmph.

Now, he’s dirty.

Lucas’ head buzzed with anger.

He had to find that person and fix this!

Luo Ran, flipping through the documents, said, “Now that we know the kind of drug they put in your drink during His Majesty’s birthday banquet, Admiral should do another physical exam when we get back. Afterwards, we can focus on the origin of the drink.”

“Go back and check immediately!” Lucas gritted his teeth. “Find that guy for me.”

Luo Ran paused. He’d thought that after so long, Lucas… should’ve stopped being angry, right?

“And after we find them, Admiral…”

“I’ll skin him alive!” Lucas snarled furiously. “He’s finished!”


His memory is bad, but he’s quite good at holding grudges, Luo Ran thought.

Lucas sneered, “I’m just curious, why’re they so damn capable! None of my guards, investigation team, or intelligence team have any clues about them? Are they all weaklings!”

“Indeed, it’s suspicious,” Luo Ran said with a bright smile.

Lucas rubbed his chin. “They’re either an acquaintance who hides a beastly heart or someone who holds so much power that it’s hard for us to find anything.”

After enduring a round of attacks on his person, Luo Ran still kept his smile and said, “Indeed, it’s possible.”

Then Luo Ran comforted, “Don’t worry, Admiral, I will work hard.”

Lucas paused, then frowned. “I’m not blaming you.”

It was Luo Ran’s turn to be surprised.

He felt rather complicated.

Why did Lucas seem to become… a little more gentle?

Luo Ran even felt that the word ‘gentle’ seemed inconsistent with Lucas, but then he remembered what happened that morning.

He saw Lucas in his half-asleep daze, then a broad hand fell onto his hair, and lightly patted him.

Then came a low, hoarse voice.

He said, I’m here.

Luo Ran paused, throwing away the messy thoughts in his head. “Admiral, our next step is to prepare two teams, without showing outsiders any flaws.”

One team, led by Lucas, would hide their presence in order to exterminate interstellar pirates.

The other team was a distraction to confuse both pirates and everyone else. Although this team didn’t require real combat power, they couldn’t let the pirates see through them.

“Yeah, go straight to the military HQ when we get back, don’t stop at the company.”

Ever since Lucas left the battlefield as a newly-promoted admiral and set up a company, the Empire ushered in an era of peace, but in the last few years, there were still some big or small skirmishes against interstellar pirates. Lucas also got used to exterminating however many pirates he could, and expeditions against them never stopped.

Luo Ran was used to Lucas going out from time to time, he would just stay at the company to take care of things at home so that Lucas didn’t need to worry about anything.

But the purpose of this expedition was different.

“It seems that I need to go with the admiral this time,” Luo Ran said.

Lucas frowned and said in a low voice, “What would you go for!”

Luo Ran explained, “Everyone knows that if I go with you, I must be together with you. So, if I’m actually with the other team…”

That would be the best way to cover their tracks.

It would be suspicious if Lucas didn’t show his face, but as long as Luo Ran was there, everything made sense.

“No way,” Lucas replied coldly. “The battlefield is dangerous, you can’t go.”

“Admiral…” Luo Ran smiled. “I’m not going to the battlefield, I’m just there as a decoration. Besides, I’m not that weak. I can still handle it if anything happens.”

Lucas slightly frowned.

“It’s fine, Admiral.” Luo Ran continued to read his documents.

“Luo Ran.”

Lucas hesitated, then suddenly said, “If I die in battle one day, what will you do?”

Luo Ran looked up at Lucas in surprise.

Lucas stared at him, stubbornly waiting for an answer.

Luo Ran lowered his gaze. “Such a thing won’t happen, Admiral, you’ve safely passed even more difficult battles before.”

“I’m saying, what if.” Lucas frowned deeper.

Damn it.

Lucas thought to himself, I’m a grown ass man, a blooded admiral who props up the sky, why am I acting like a young damsel falling in love for the first time?!

Luo Ran, you little bastard.

Lucas is acting like a violated maiden and I find it absurdly funny


  1. Despite what this sounds like, this story does take place in an interstellar setting. I don’t know how space can have a southeast or southwest direction… I chose to copy hyperlane from Star Wars to get back a bit of the space-ness feeling.
  2. Test bench [测试台]: a device to verify/analyse an item. I hate using this phrase, I really do, it just sounds so awkward and unspecific. Please give suggestions, I’m begging you. (Edit 18/05/22: changed to compatibility scanner, with thanks to H for their suggestion)

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