Chapter 46: The Secretary is Locked Up

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Luo Ran, who hadn’t noticed what he said at all, hurried home with documents in hand.

On the way, he was flipping through them when he noticed a new friend request on his terminal.

Hello, my name is Yu Han, this is the number my aunt gave me

Luo Ran paused.

That blind date his parents mentioned…?

The alpha?

After Luo Ran clicked to accept, Yu Han immediately sent a few messages.

Yu Han: Apologies, I planned to wait for you to add me, but got a bit impatient 🙂

Yu Han: I’m Yu Han, 26 this year, an alpha, currently working as an auditor in the government’s Ministry of Finance

Luo Ran was torn between laughing and crying — this person was just as honest as his dad said.

Luo Ran: Hello. My name is Luo Ran, 25 years old, I’m one of the Empire’s secretaries.

Yu Han: I know I know!

Yu Han: I’ve seen your info and photos online, you’re amazing

Yu Han: Ah, I didn’t mean to investigate you, I just

Luo Ran: It doesn’t matter, that’s normal

Yu Han: Sorry, I’m a little nervous (^^ゞ

Luo Ran split his attention between doing paperwork and replying to the messages, and before he knew it, he began using a formal tone, making Yu Han even more nervous.

After chatting a bit, Yu Han suggested going out for a meal together.

Yu Han: Um… do you have time tomorrow? We can go to dinner together, I can look for a place

Luo Ran: I do. Don’t worry, I’ll find a restaurant with delicious food and good reviews. See you at seven o’clock?

Yu Han: Yes…!

Luo Ran glanced at the messages again, feeling a little surprised.

How come this person was so stiff?*

Sensing that he seemed a little too serious, Luo Ran could only temporarily download a cutesy emoji pack and send an adorable ‘see you later’ emoji.

After dealing with Yu Han, he went back to reviewing tomorrow’s schedule.

Lucas would be at the military HQ for most of the day and had no need for Luo Ran, which he was very satisfied with. It just so happened that he was now freed up for an evening… appointment?

No, it should be called a blind date.

Luo Ran paused as he suddenly thought of Lucas.

“…” He suddenly felt a little unsure — would Lucas be angry?

…But employers weren’t qualified to control whether their employees went on a date.

Luo Ran patted his head.

Don’t think so much… He shouldn’t let his mind wander, he only needed to be a professional secretary.

* * *

The next day, Lucas was on his way to the military HQ when an incident happened.

The Zerg kingdom’s young prince had arrived with diplomatic envoys and asked Zhou Mingzhu, the princess of the Empire, to marry him.

The Zergs and the Empire were far apart, separated by galaxies in fact, and it was difficult for them to communicate, so the young prince came directly.

Zerg and Imperial forces once again held a meeting.

The young Zerg prince Mou Kadi was handsome and elegant, with the Zergs’ characteristic pale complexion. In the Zerg clan, males had always tended to be weaker.

“There is a marriage contract between the Empire and the Zergs,” Mou Kadi smiled. “According to my royal father, when I was born, I was engaged to the Empire’s youngest prince who was born in the same month.”

Zhou Mingkai’s entire body froze. He first glanced at Eldest Prince Zhou Mingyu, then at Mou Kadi, in disbelief.

Help, I don’t want to get married!

Zhou Mingyu nodded helplessly, admitting that there was indeed such a thing.

Zhou Mingkai wanted to cry — his imperial father really knew how to pit people.

“Now I’m here to fulfill the engagement,” Mou Kadi said as his smile grew into a grin. “However, I fell in love with Princess Mingzhu at His Majesty’s banquet. Afterwards, I thought about her day and night, and finally decided to come to the Empire to make my feelings clear.” He looked towards the golden-haired Zhou Mingzhu who sat nearby, then smiled and asked, “Princess, might you agree?”

With her ears ever so slightly red, Zhou Mingzhu retorted coldly, “Keep dreaming!”

Zhou Mingkai suddenly remembered that when he was younger, this prince had once come to the Empire to play and spent some time with Zhou Mingzhu. The two children ran everywhere together and had quite a good time.

Oh-ho, he thought. This wasn’t love at first sight, but a longing across many years.

Sitting beside him was Lucas, legs crossed and bored out of his mind.

Yet another one came looking for marriage, but this Zerg had a clear goal, and every word both overt and covert implied his willingness to marry into the Imperial family without causing trouble or demanding unreasonable conditions. After all, it was the same on Zerg planets — male Zergs married in, female Zergs bore the responsibility of being the head of the household.

Of course, this marriage wouldn’t actually change much between the nations, because they were too far apart. Allies? Distant water couldn’t put out imminent fire. Enemies? No need to be. This wedding only depended on personal willingness.

Zhou Mingyu, who was sitting at the head of the table, took one look at Zhou Mingzhu’s firm attitude and rubbed his temples. “Well, marriage is a matter of mutual affection, it wouldn’t be good if we forced it. I will discuss this further with the Zerg leaders; in the meantime, Your Highness, please spend some time in our capital first.”

“Alright,” Mou Kadi agreed happily.

After the meeting ended, Zhou Mingkai walked out next to Lucas. He thumped his chest. “Holy shit, thank the gods that he doesn’t like me.”

Luo Ran smiled. “Third Highness, don’t you claim to be loved by all?”

“That’s different,” Zhou Mingkai said, “I only want to play, not get married to be controlled by someone else. My charm is reserved for a single night of their lives only.”

This scumbag line made Lucas show an expression of extreme contempt on the spot, as if wondering why he made friends with a person like this.

“I’m leaving.” Zhou Mingkai waved his hand. “A new representative for the imperial family was appointed recently. It’s whatever if they’d just stick to writing speeches, but my imperial father also ordered them to keep an eye on me and stop me from shaming the imperial family, they’re really strict.”

Luo Ran smiled and nodded.

They originally thought that this would only be a small episode, but then Lucas and Luo Ran received a report in the afternoon.

“According to the investigation, we have verified Prince Andika’s testimony — there were indeed three women entering through the back door.” The investigation team’s captain stood in front of Lucas’ desk, keeping a meticulous distance. “And as soon as they were led in, the three women met with Princess Zhou Mingzhu.”

Luo Ran startled. Huh?

“Zhou Mingzhu, the Empire’s little princess?” Luo Ran frowned slightly.

“Yes,” the captain answered. “The three women were led by one man into Princess Zhou Mingzhu’s room. Half an hour later, they came out again, looking exactly the same as when they went in. The princess’ whereabouts at that time are not known.”

Luo Ran tapped his knee as he thought.

Was Zhou Mingzhu involved in the plot that night?

Why did the Zerg prince pick now to propose marriage?

However, the clue about white clothing the Zerg prince provided was correct.

Luo Ran wore blue that day, and his white inner shirt was revealed when he took off his suit jacket as he went upstairs. The prince, being drunk, couldn’t tell the difference between a white shirt and silver hair, and only noticed a white silhouette flashing past.

After a moment’s pause, Luo Ran said, “Keep going. Focus on Princess Zhou Mingzhu but keep it quiet, don’t let others know we’re investigating her.”

She was part of the imperial family, after all — it would be hard to explain if they got caught.

“Yes sir.”

Lucas let out a deep sigh. “What a load of shit.”

“Mn.” Luo Ran lowered his eyes. “Don’t worry, Admiral, I’ll take care of it for you.”

Lucas slid his gaze sideways to where Luo Ran stood a bit further away than usual. “Stay for dinner.”

Luo Ran smiled, replying, “No need, I have something to do tonight.”

Lucas glanced in the direction Luo Ran left with a frown.

Why did he feel a little distant?

What happened to Luo Ran the last couple of days?

* * *

At this moment, Luo Ran had no idea what his boss was thinking. He just went home, took a shower, changed into more casual clothes, then went to the restaurant he’d decided on.

It was a very ordinary restaurant. The price wasn’t so expensive that the other party would be reluctant to pay, but neither was it so lacking that he would feel Luo Ran was looking down on him.

“Hello.” His date was already at a table when Luo Ran arrived.

As Wang Zitong and Luo Cheng had said, he was indeed a tall and handsome alpha who looked very honest, maybe even a little shy.

This kind of alpha was very rare — after all, alpha tended to be inherently better than beta and omega from birth.

“Hello, hello,” Yu Han immediately greeted as he stood. “You look as good as in the photos.”

“Thank you, you as well.”

The two went through the formalities, ordered food, then chatted about work for a bit before Yu Han asked, “Mr. Luo, are you here on a date because you want to get married?”

Luo Ran hesitated, but felt that he should put things plainly on a date, so he answered, “No, not in the next few years. I can’t get married for now, the admiral needs me for his work.”

“Then… Do you want to fall in love?” Yu Han continued to ask.

“Depends on fate,” Luo Ran said.

Although he said so, Luo Ran did spend his days next to an SSS alpha with unparalleled appearance and ability. It was hard for him to be moved by anyone else, so he could only go with the flow.

After a brief pause, Yu Han smiled back. “Ah, yes, fate is important. Then, Mr. Luo, do you have an ideal type?”

Luo Ran thought for a while before replying, “No.”

Yu Han pursued an answer. “Don’t you have a preference…? For example, a specific trait? If you had to choose, what would you pick?”

Some beta liked alpha, others liked omega; some liked men, others liked women. Betas had a great variety of choices.

Luo Ran was silent for a long time as he thought it over. “Male alpha? Acts decisively and resolutely, firm in their principles, respects others.”

“Oh…” Yu Han looked down, thinking that Admiral Lucas was indeed a great influence on Luo Ran’s life…

But it didn’t matter, after they fell in love, that would change… right?

The two continued to chat. Yu Han was very enthusiastic, and although he occasionally turned strangely listless, Luo Ran was good at talking and easily kept the atmosphere from turning cold.

Afterwards, Yu Han slowly stuttered out, “Um, I… are you free tomorrow? Or the day after? We can go to the amusement park or something.”

“My apologies, I have too much work, I can only spare time for a meal.”

“That’s fine that’s fine, a meal is fine too.”

They made an appointment for next time before parting ways, with Luo Ran insisting that he didn’t need to be escorted.

I don’t know if we’ll lose contact again this time like before, Luo Ran thought. They clearly got along very well, but his previous partners all mysteriously disappeared.

He had to wonder if his interpersonal skills had issues, which would be a big problem. After all, his work depended on it.


Luo Ran was just about to head home when he received a message from Lucas.

Lucas: Stop there, don’t move.

Luo Ran: ??

When he turned around, he saw Lucas and a hovercar parked behind him.

Lucas’ complexion was very, very bad.

Luo Ran couldn’t help but feel a little guilty.

Inexplicably guilty.

Lucas went up and grabbed Luo Ran’s wrist. “Finished eating?” he asked coldly.

“Yes, when did you get here, Admiral… ow.”

Lucas dragged him onto the hovercar as he snarled, “Okay, so you’ve learnt to lie.”

He’d felt that something wasn’t right with Luo Ran, and when he checked, he actually… went on a date!

He was so angry that he couldn’t eat, but after standing in the wind outside for two hours, he felt that he was already full of hot air.*


“You shut up! Little bastard thinking of love all day, I told you to do your work properly!” Lucas scolded. “Have you sorted out my documents for tomorrow?!”

Luo Ran paused for a moment, taken aback, then honestly replied, “I have.”

“…What about the day after tomorrow’s?!”

“Also done.”


“Still protesting!” Lucas started the hovercar and directed it to go to the office before pressing Luo Ran against the window, where he tightened his hold on Luo Ran’s wrist as he interrogated with a sullen face, “When did you meet? You’re in love with him?”

Even with his hands shackled above his head against a chilly pane of glass, Luo Ran felt more confused than anything else.

“Admiral, I… That is,” Luo Ran continued more calmly, “a few days ago, my blind date introduced my parents when I went home, today was our first meeting. You’ve misunderstood.”

“Oh? Your date introduced your parents? Want to try again?” Lucas sneered.

“…Sorry, I…”

“I knew something was up with you!” He was about to die of anger. No wonder Luo Ran was so weird yesterday!

“I’m not,” Luo Ran said. “I am merely making friends.”

“I’m not listening to your bullshit! You damn little playboy!”

“…” Luo Ran’s eyes widened.

He only went on a couple dates, how was he a playboy?

And who taught Lucas that word…!

“Calm down, Admiral,” Luo Ran soothed. “I promise not to go on any dates in the future, can you let me go?”

Lucas pressed his body between his own and the window with a terrifying expression. “You said the same thing last time.”


“I’m warning you,” Lucas said fiercely, “If you dare to go on another date, I’ll…”

Luo Ran waited a long time for an answer which never came. Since his wrist was beginning to hurt, he reminded, “You’ll what?”

Lucas let go of Luo Ran, sat down opposite him, and jabbed a finger into his face. “I’m telling you, if you’re an omega, I’d give you a bite and a mark on your neck. Let’s see if you still dare to go on dates when every breath of yours has my scent!”

Luo Ran’s face instantly flushed red.

Wh-What’s he talking about…! Has Lucas gone crazy…?!

Does he even understand what a mark means!

“It’s a pity you’re a beta. Then, if you dare to go on a date, I’ll just bite your face,” Lucas declared. “I’ll make tooth marks on your cheek, and everywhere else people can see — or maybe I’ll take a pen and write my name on your skin.”

“Admiral, please, stop talking…” Luo Ran lowered his head. Red had spread from his face to his neck and ears, and his heart raced in his chest.

He was reminded of what happened during Lucas’ rut.

At the time, it was probably done unconsciously, but Lucas was clearly awake now. Luo Ran wasn’t stupid, he just didn’t dare to think too much.

“Scared?” Lucas raised an eyebrow.

Luo Ran shrank into himself and said nothing.

The hovercar soon arrived at the office.

Lucas dragged Luo Ran all the way upstairs, locked his office’s doors with a click, then locked it again with his terminal.

Luo Ran was deeply confused now.

“Don’t even think about going home, you just stay at the office and work,” Lucas said coldly.

Luo Ran, whose arm was still in Lucas’ grasp, replied warmly, “Admiral… I won’t get married. Like I said before, I’ll properly take care of you and your work… ouch!”

Lucas pressed him into the sofa, then threw a pillow and quilt over him. “Sleep!”

Luo Ran stared blankly at him with half his body sunk into the sofa.

“I have to go home, Admiral…”

“What are you going home for?”


Luo Ran turned away. “Subordinates should not stay in their superior’s office.”

Lucas was taking off his jacket. “Who said that? You bring them here to discuss it with me.”


Luo Ran felt a little embarrassed. He rubbed his fingers against his palm, trying to think of a reason to leave.

Then he saw Lucas sit down with a lunchbox.

Luo Ran: “…?”

He glanced at the time and frowned. “Admiral, you haven’t eaten dinner yet?”

Did he wait for me outside the restaurant all this time…?

Lucas snorted coldly but said nothing. 

His heart filled to bursting with anger as he chewed the rice.

Luo Ran and that man had sat by the window, so Lucas could vaguely see them.

Luo Ran smiled at the man.

Luo Ran paused, then said, “Admiral, I’ll heat it up for you, then cook a few simple dishes, okay?”

“You just want me to unlock the door for you, I’m not that stupid.”

“…I didn’t.” He truly didn’t have such a thought, he only wanted to cook something for Lucas.

Lucas put his food down. “Okay.”

He opened the office door and followed Luo Ran into the kitchen. Then he sat down right there, crossed his arms and legs, and stared at Luo Ran, not letting him have half a chance of escape.

Luo Ran: “…”

It looked as if he were taking care of a prisoner.

He was speechless. Even if he ran, wouldn’t he still have to come back for work tomorrow…

Luo Ran ignored him in favour of heating up the rice and cooking a few light dishes.

Lucas wasn’t used to eating heavily spiced or flavoured food, so Luo Ran only blanched some vegetables and chicken breast meat.

Lucas was a little absent-minded as he watched Luo Ran busy himself in an apron.

“It’s done.” Luo Ran smiled as he carried the food back to the office. “You can eat this, next time don’t eat cold food.”

“Mn.” The anger on Lucas’ face had dissipated quite a bit by the time he was watching Luo Ran take off the apron.

Lucas went to bed after he was full. When Luo Ran saw that he was asleep, he hesitated a moment, then went to open the door.

He didn’t want to spend the night together with Lucas like this, though they were only in the same room.

Anyways, he and Lucas had the same access authority for the office and its door.

Silly idiot, Luo Ran thought exasperatedly at Lucas.

Bringing up his access code on his terminal, he turned it towards the door for its system to scan.


The door opened.

Just as Luo Ran was stepping out…

Beep beep beep beeeeeeeep——

The door’s alarm, as piercing as a rooster’s crow, was deafening.

It shocked Luo Ran into stillness.

It shocked Lucas awake.

And it shocked the whole world awake.

Lucas — obviously the one who set the alarm — looked at Luo Ran, who had one foot out of the room… and smiled.

“Luo. Ran.”

Luo Ran: “…”

The silly idiot was him.


Lights a candle.

Sorry not sorry, work is kicking my ass. I’ll try to keep to the schedule.

Buy Me a Coffee at


  1. Yu Han actually used 您, the formal ‘you’, usually used for superiors and/or elders, which is why Luo Ran is so surprised — they’re just chatting, after all. Our cute MC, being unintentionally intimidating. 
  2. An untranslatable pun relying on the link between 气 (anger, energy, air) and 风 (wind). NB: thanks to SunDropTL for suggesting hot air to replace steam!

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