Chapter 56: The Admiral’s Pursuit

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Luo Ran ran from the office to the corridors to the main deck in a blind panic.

In fact, he kind of regretted it.

After all, Lucas was still chasing behind him, and still shouting crazily.

He could be said to be exactly the same as the god of slaughter he was in the rumours.

“Luo Ran! You get the fuck back here!”

“I like you! Did you hear or not?!”

“Be my wife already! What’re you running for!”

Now, not only Luo Ran, the entire battleship heard it.

Everyone knew it, and they all began shouting.

“Answer him! Answer him!”

“Get together! Get together!”

Luo Ran hated that he couldn’t die on the spot.

But he’d already run, wouldn’t it be more embarrassing to stop?

So he hardened his scalp and rushed to his room with all his might.


He managed to get back to his room, but just as he wanted to close the door, Lucas was even faster than him and stuck a foot against the door to block it before grabbing Luo Ran’s collar.

“Little bastard, get out here!”

Luo Ran lost his balance. He felt himself be roughly pulled out of his room and crashed directly into Lucas’ chest.


Then he felt Lucas hug him fiercely, wrap him in his arms, and haul him into the room before pressing him against a wall.

“Run! Keep running and I’ll tie you up,” Lucas said angrily. “You wanna run again?!”

Saying so, Lucas lightly patted Luo Ran’s cheek.

He was in Lucas’ arms, chest against chest. Their lips almost touched and his hands were once again raised high.

This posture inevitably made Luo Ran arch his back slightly, sending his chest and waist forwards and made him stick to Lucas.

As the two exchanged breaths, Lucas’ aggressive pheromones made Luo Ran a little weak.

He didn’t understand why he was suddenly so sensitive to Lucas’ pheromones, to the point that something was clamouring within him, telling him to surrender to the alpha in front of him. 

And there were even…

Even signs of going into heat.

What on earth is going on?

Could it be because Shen Xiluo injected him with imitation alpha pheromones?

With trembling fingertips, Luo Ran clenched his teeth, trying not to reveal his secrets.

“…Not running.”

“Then did you hear me? I said I like you, I want to date you, and I want to get married and have children in the future,” Lucas said.


“Why aren’t you talking? Do you agree or not, say it.”

“…Sir, what’s wrong with you?” Luo Ran asked dispassionately. “Are you having a psychotic episode?”

“Who’s fucking psycho, you’re psycho.” Lucas pinched a strand of Luo Ran’s hair which hung next to his ear. “Didn’t you keep seducing me, you little bastard?”

Lucas thought, Luo Ran will definitely agree.

In the end, Luo Ran liked him too much.


Lucas rubbed his chin, ready for Luo Ran to demur and play hard to get before finally accepting joyously.

“…Sir, please wake up. As an employee, I have always urged myself to concentrate on work, and not think of falling in love and getting married all day.”

Lucas: “…”

His tone was cold as he said seriously, “I also think that as one of the top secretaries of the Empire, I should conduct myself properly as a secretary and work hard.”

Lucas: “……”


Weren’t these his own words from before?

Petty little guys had to be punished!

“I was stupid before, you don’t need to remember that!” Lucas said.

“Sir…” Luo Ran began, overwhelmed, “What’s going on with you? Are you playing tricks on me?”

“Playing tricks?” Lucas clenched his teeth. “Who’s playing with who right now?”

Lucas bowed his head. “You’re so smart, can’t you tell whether I really like you or not? Can’t you tell what I’ve been doing?”

“…” Luo Ran’s ears and face were burning, and his heart seemed to be tumbling, tumbling, tumbling.

“Just one word, yes or no!”

“…” Helpless, Luo Ran said, “How can I agree… Admiral, stop making trouble.”

“…Luo Ran, you bastard.” Lucas took a deep breath. “Why won’t you agree!”

“Sir…!” Seeing that Lucas was still intent on it, Luo Ran could only gnash his teeth and explain, “Why would I agree! I’m your secretary, you’re my boss! How can I be in a romantic relationship with my own boss?”

He’d never even thought about it!


Maybe he thought about it a tiny bit.

But it was still impossible!

It was too sudden, too inexplicable.

Who would like their job so much that they fell in love?

“Then you’re pretty professional,” Lucas sneered.

Luo Ran smiled back. “I’ve always endeavoured to be a professional secretary, solving problems for the admiral is my top priority.”

“Would you die if you’re a little less professional?” Lucas squeezed the tip of Luo Ran’s chin and said with an alpha’s pressure, “Think about me a bit, don’t just focus on work all day long!”

“…” Standing stick-straight, in an unhurried and flat tone, Luo Ran replied, “Admiral, six years ago as your secretary on my first day, you warned me that I shouldn’t have crooked thoughts, and said that a competent secretary of the Empire I should dedicate my heart to being.

“I irritated you because I wasn’t skilled enough until you fired me. I begged you for a week before a chance to reapply you gave me. So your lessons I’ve always remembered, I strived to be an excellent all-round secretary.”

Lucas: “…”

So, now was… him taking his revenge?

“…You’re pretty nervous,” Lucas commented. Not a single sentence came out of his mouth without mistakes.

“No, I’m very calm.” Luo Ran leaned against the wall with his head down, not looking at Lucas.

A long time later, Lucas sighed deeply. “Luo Ran.”


“Luo Ran, I didn’t know it before. The first time I saw you, the first time I spoke to you, I didn’t know that you would become the person I loved the most in the world,” Lucas said seriously, word by word, as he looked at Luo Ran. “At the time, I didn’t know that you would be the only one I liked, the only one I wanted to cherish, the only person I wanted to have. If I knew, then I…”

Starlight shone through the windows and fell on Lucas’ severe features, casting shadows beneath his eyelashes.

Luo Ran’s heart skipped a beat and his mouth opened uncontrollably.

“Then you…?”

Lucas: “I’d definitely fuck you first! It won’t be like now with you dragging things out.”


Why do I have to talk to Lucas about this topic here, Luo Ran thought despairingly to himself. “Sir, it’s late… I’m going to bed.”

“Wait.” Lucas insisted on this. “Your answer!”

“My answer is — sir, stop making trouble, I’m your secretary, and I can only be your secretary,” Luo Ran replied.

Lucas pressed closer. “Do you not believe that I like you?”

“No, Admiral, I’m only your secretary.” Luo Ran lowered his head and said in a tiny voice, “I’m your secretary…”

A growl bubbled up in Lucas’ throat as he looked at the indifferent Luo Ran.

This bastard.

“Sir, I’m going to bed…” Luo Ran tilted his head away. “Let me go.”


Lucas released him with a darkened expression.

Luo Ran carefully inched away, and just as carefully approached his bed to get ready to sleep.

Lucas watched him lie down expressionlessly and without a word, until he pulled up the covers and closed his eyes.

“Asleep?” Lucas asked with his arms crossed over his chest.

“…” Luo Ran didn’t move a muscle as he pretended to sleep.

“Good, asleep is good.” Lucas raised an eyebrow. “If you’re asleep, you can’t argue with me.”

Saying so, Lucas simply laid down next to Luo Ran and hugged him.

Luo Ran: “…”

H-He made a mistake.

Lucas pressed Luo Ran closer as if wanting to melt him into his arms. He rubbed Luo Ran’s head, saying, “Okay, I’ll accept your challenge.”

Luo Ran: “…”

What did he do…?!

Lucas continued in a low voice, “I’ll officially pursue you starting today. I’m not your boss but your suitor, anyways, you’re mine either way. No matter who I am to you, you’re my wife.

“Husband is fine too, it’s just a title, but you’ll always be mine.”

Luo Ran wondered why he still wasn’t asleep yet.

He was flushed and hot all over.

Tonight, his boss told him, I like you.

I want you.

His boss said that his past self didn’t know how much his current self would like him.

His boss said that he wanted to pursue him.

Oh, I’m going crazy.

* * *

Not only was Luo Ran going crazy that night, so was the forum.

[Bump] Holy shit the admiral finally proposed to the secretary??! Pics or it didn’t happen!! Wonderful love!

[Serious] Collection of Eyewitnesses to The Marriage Proposal

@Autumn Rays, Winter Sun: AAAAAAAAHHHHH!!! As soon as I opened the door I saw the admiral kabedon the secretary and about to kiss him, the secretary’s face was so red! Then the admiral proposed right in front of us brothers! The secretary was so shy that he ran away, but the admiral chased after him and said he wanted to be the secretary’s wife and husband! A wonderful love!

@XXX: I’m a janitor on board that battleship, today I was lucky enough to see the admiral and secretary chasing each other through the battleship, playing and flirting! The admiral even promised to marry him, saying he wants the secretary to give him a baby! A wonderful love!

@XXXX: A battleship officer here! Today I saw the admiral and the secretary pulling at each other in front of the secretary’s room, then the admiral was dragged into the room, then he spent the night in the secretary’s room! For shame! o(*////▽////*)q A wonderful looove!

@XXXXX: wtf it really is a wonderful love, a wonderfully amazing love! The competition for the name of the Empire’s excellent next generation from before has finished its prelims too, I think they’re onto the fourth round now? It seems like the top three names will come out after this fight! Right on time!

[Collection] A Sweet Romantic Tour of Phainon!

–The admiral and his secretary toured Phainon according to our most popular guidebook! Chocolate factory + Phainon’s great tree + Meteor Plains, if your date doesn’t go well, we won’t take your money!

@XXX: A native of Phainon here! Who knew that I’d be lucky enough to catch a glimpse of the Empire’s national CP in such a remote place! Today I, who works at XX Chocolate Factory, saw the admiral come in in high spirits to buy chocolate!

And the important thing is!

At the counter he asked me what chocolates are suitable for lovers!

It’s a wonderful love!

All in all, the admiral and his secretary are still very sweet together, and now they’re going to fight together!

[News] The Admiral and His Secretary are Going to Luobing to Intercept Interstellar Pirates Who Aim to Rob UNK!

[Blessings] Let’s wish the admiral and his secretary a smooth trip, let’s wish them luck and victory in their battles!

* * *

After a day’s travel accompanied by everyone’s well-wishes, their fleet arrived at Luobing’s borders.

Achoo!” Luo Ran couldn’t resist shivering.

Neither his body nor his mental state had completely recovered, so his ability to keep warm was much worse than before.

It’s really worthy of being called Luobing’s frontier,* he thought.

He stood in front of a window on the battleship. When he looked out, the scene was that of an endlessly frozen wasteland covered by snow and ice.

Fine snowflakes fell from the sky onto a ground with nary a blade of grass, and all he could see was white.

Right now, they were still a distance away from both the pirates and the bitter-cold mine.

The pirates had probably already detected them, which was why they were moving so quickly in their direction.

Lucas put his jacket on Luo Ran, then curled his arm around his shoulders as he said, “I guessed they’d come here.”

“Mn,” Luo Ran nodded. After all, the mine was empty and difficult to defend, as was the spaceport; their respective fleets had both just entered the atmosphere so their positions weren’t the most ideal. “That’s good too.” In this way, the bitter-cold mine could be preserved — unlike the mine on M4.

Lucas chuckled, then turned to look at Wang Qiuyang. “Ready the fleet, we’re charging at the mine! Use the mine as our stronghold!”

“Huh…?” Wang Qiuyang’s eyes widened.

Even Luo Ran, who’d always understood Lucas, felt a little surprised at this.

“Yes sir!”

The Imperial warships rushed towards the bitter-cold mine together.

Ranran: My life is too hard, it’s too hard to be a secretary QAQ

Methinks confessing in public has a high likelihood of giving exactly that sort of public pressure on the receiver. It’s a dick move, don’t do that. And the forum doesn’t make things any better either, the future really has no privacy huh.

Reminder that c58 will be the last chapter I’ll post for this novel.

1. Luobing’s frontier [落冰边疆]: frontier of course invokes images of cold & suffering, while Luobing is made of the characters 落冰, meaning falling ice; the only way it could be more obvious is if it was named This Place Is Cold.

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