Chapter 1: You chose me.

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Qi Zihan looked at the scene in front of him in a trance.

There lay an excessively handsome man on the silk-covered king bed.

He looked like he had mixed Eastern and Western blood, long smooth hair, and somewhat eerie amber eyes.

But none of those were important.

The point was, at this moment, this man wore nothing!

His hands were even tied together and fixed to the headboard!

Clicking his tongue, Qi Zihan took two steps back, left the room, and closed the door.

It seemed that what happened last night wasn’t a dream.

At 11 o’clock last night, Qi Zihan was still on a planet called Earth, lying on his bed and reading on his phone.

He had just finished reading a book and, looking for something new, somehow clicked into a zerg novel.

This was his first zerg novel. Its setting was that female zergs were stronger than male zergs so he thought that the shou would be stronger than the gong, but he soon realised that this was only true when looking at their combat abilities — the shou’s status was far inferior to the gong’s.

Female zergs were superior to males in both appearance and fighting power, but they had physiological defects that males lacked. They had to regularly receive comfort and soothing from males, otherwise they would die.

So in that novel, the beautiful and powerful females were nothing more than cheap consumables, while the mediocre males were extremely noble.

Males could unilaterally beat, scold, and toy with their females, and didn’t have to bear any responsibility for it even if they accidentally caused their deaths.

In contrast, females might face severe punishment at a single word from a male even if they did nothing, to say nothing of actually harming a male.

But why did males deserve this!

Females fought desperately to defend their country, participated in various dangerous or arduous tasks to maintain the stable development of society, and even had to take on the responsibility of bearing and raising offspring.

But males? Apart from periodically soothing the females, they could do whatever they wanted. No one would say anything even if they spent the whole day doing nothing but eating and playing.

These wastes, what gave them the right to treat their females like objects?

Just the novel settings alone already made Qi Zihan very angry.

If the author wrote a wife-chasing crematorium then he could still accept it, but unfortunately, the gong as described by the author was a complete scumbag!

On the first day of marriage, the gong beat the shou severely because he wasn’t obedient enough. At first, the shou didn’t make a sound, but then the gong started using torture instruments, and later he was tortured so much that there wasn’t a single piece of intact skin on his body. However, because of the gong’s order, the shou wasn’t allowed to make any noise and still had to be grateful to the gong.

Reading up to here, Qi Zihan almost smashed his phone in anger.

Then his mind was filled with the novel’s plot for the next two hours, frantically imagining the shou’s resistance, to the point that he couldn’t fall asleep.

After finally falling asleep, he opened his eyes to an unfamiliar environment.

Qi Zihan thought he was dreaming. Several men in strange military uniforms escorted him to a certain place, where he underwent a comprehensive physical examination with the help of a bunch of machines.

While waiting for the medical exam report, another man wearing a strange uniform said to him, “Your accommodation has been arranged, but it’s too dangerous for a female zerg to live by yourself. Do you want to match with a male immediately?”

Hearing the words ‘female zerg’, Qi Zihan recalled bad memories and his face fell.

It was true that people would dream about whatever they thought of during the day.

This dream was quite timely. He could vent anger for the shou he read about yesterday!

Thinking of this, he nodded. “Okay, if he dares to bully me, I’ll show him what real bullying is!”

The two men next to him looked at each other with sympathy in their eyes, but it was unclear who they were sympathising with.

After a while, the medical exam report came out. The man operated the computer for a while, then said to Qi Zihan, “Among the male zergs who submitted applications, the one who has the highest match rate with you is called Yu Chenyu. He is…”

“Him.” He didn’t know why this dream was so long-winded, he couldn’t wait to use ‘domestic violence’ to fight back against ‘domestic violence’.

“Okay,” the man replied in a low voice, “I’ll contact him for you now.”

He worked on the computer for a while again, presumably retrieving the personal information submitted by the male in order to find his contact details.

The sound of his fingertips tapping on the keyboard made Qi Zihan a little sleepy.

Just when he wondered why he would feel sleepy in a dream, his eyelids drooped, his consciousness fell into darkness, and he slumped onto the couch.

The next time he woke up, he was next to a naked man.

Qi Zihan was completely awake.

He was shocked awake by this stimulating scene.

After confirming that he wasn’t dreaming but had really come to a world drastically different from Earth yet somewhat similar to the one described in the novel, he deeply regretted his carelessness last night.

Since it wasn’t a dream, he shouldn’t take out his anger towards the novel on an unrelated person. 

But wait — although he did request a male zerg, he didn’t remember tying him up?

Qi Zihan stalled at the door for a while, confused.

He was sure that he had no memory of stripping or tying up a person.

Then that person, no, that male zerg, who took his clothes off? And who tied him up?

Wait, male zerg?

Qi Zihan suddenly realised that he had overlooked the most important point — if this really was the world of the novel, why would a male zerg who should have been enoying himself be tied to the bed without any dignity like that?

And he who was a ‘female zerg’ seemed to have a very high status?

He hadn’t paid much attention to how he was treated last night because he thought he had been dreaming. 

Besides, he was a shou himself, wasn’t it normal to dream that he was a female zerg?

But if this wasn’t a dream, turning into a female zerg was a problem! A big problem!

With his face abruptly draining of blood, he rushed into the bathroom and examined his body.

A few minutes later, he went out with a frozen face.

He… had turned into a female zerg.

Although his face was still the same attractive face and the muscles he had gained from exercising regularly were still there, there were subtle changes in his body structure.

Qi Zihan didn’t know what to do.

A strange world, a strange species, even his own body became a little strange.

However, since he was here, what else could he do except adapt and survive?

He wasn’t so stupid as to commit suicide in an attempt to get back to Earth. What if he did die?

Now that he had chosen to live in this world, the first thing to do was to collect intelligence… no, he first had to deal with ‘that thing’ in his room.

Returning to the door leading to the room where that man was, he took a deep, silent breath, pressed down the door handle, pushed open the door, and walked in.

He looked at the man without going closer, and the man also looked at him without a sound.

The man was beautiful, the kind of beauty that was unique to someone of mixed Eastern and Western heritage.

But he obviously wasn’t just a pretty vase. His body was covered in defined muscles, which were clearly the result of long-term training.

Qi Zihan only needed a glance to know that he couldn’t beat him.

Thus, he needed to understand the situation before letting him loose.

“You are… Yu…” Qi Zihan thought that since this man was the male zerg that he had requested, he should have heard his name before.

Unfortunately, while thinking it was a dream, he hardly paid attention to such a thing, which resulted in him only having a vague idea of it.

“Yu Chenyu.” Finally, the man said his own name, with no expression on his face from beginning to end. He didn’t show any surprise or disappointment that Qi Zihan couldn’t remember his name, as if he had long expected it.

“Yu Chenyu,” Qi Zihan repeated, etching it in his mind, then he approached him carefully and grabbed the quilt nearby. “Who took off your clothes?”

As he asked, he threw the quilt over the man, covering up his lower half.

Yu Chenyu’s eyes were fixed on Qi Zihan, as if he was observing something. At the same time, he answered his question with his hoarse yet magnetic voice, “I took off the clothes myself, the ropes were tied by people from the Female Association.”

Qi Zihan let out a sigh of relief at the knowledge that it wasn’t his work, however… “Female Association?”

Yu Chenyu stared at Qi Zihan for a while, then gave an answer after confirming that the confusion on his face came from the organisation’s abbreviated name. “The Association for the Rights of Female Zergs, referred to as the Female Association.” After a pause, he continued, “You’ve just moved to a new environment and may be a little confused, but I don’t know much about you either. I only know that an Imperial Army patrol found you in a high-risk area and immediately sent you to the Female Association for intensive care. Then the Association matched you with a male according to your requirements, and you chose me.”

When he said ‘you chose me’, Yu Chenyu’s tone was particularly emphatic.

Qi Zihan felt guilty and unsure of how to explain his behaviour last night.

He had casually asked the Association to find him a male zerg only because he thought he was dreaming.

Anyone who found themselves somewhere completely different from Earth after falling asleep would think they were dreaming!

And it was impossible to say he had transmigrated to just anyone.

In the end, he chose to not explain anything. He reached out and touched the thick rope on Yu Chenyu’s wrists, wanting to help him untie it, but found…

What kind of rope was this? Who tied it? It was too strong! Was this tying up a man or a prisoner?

In the process of untying the rope, Qi Zihan inevitably brushed against Yu Chenyu’s skin.

The texture of zerg skin wasn’t much different from that of humans, but he couldn’t see any blood vessels even at such a close distance, making it seem like his arm was a single piece of marble.

After realising that Qi Zihan was untying him, Yu Chenyu wasn’t happy, rather, his expression darkened. “Are you… unsatisfied with me?”

Qi Zihan paused. Although he felt very sorry for this man whose body he had seen naked, he had no intention of getting married until he had gathered enough information and understood the world well enough.

Therefore he said, “We haven’t slept together, just pretend nothing happened.”

Hearing this, Yu Chenyu’s expression sank further and his beautiful amber eyes became dim as the light within disappeared, just like dark clouds covering the sky.

“Can you… give me another chance?”

After a while, more words came as if they had been squeezed out from between his teeth. “I will try my best to satisfy you, I’m begging you, please don’t abandon me, Lord Wife.”

Lord… Lord what?

Qi Zihan was so surprised that he exerted force with his hand, causing the rough hemp rope to scratch his fingertips, leaving a tiny blood-red mark.

Hello! I’m planning to translate 19 chapters, after that… we’ll see. If you look around on this site you’ll know that I like to translate just the free chapters of a novel in the hopes that someone else will pick it up — hasn’t happened yet, but hope springs eternal.

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