Chapter 10: Fascinated

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Qi Zihan was still straddling Yu Chenyu, so he easily noticed something was off.

Quickly flipping from the bed to the floor, he looked at Yu Chenyu on the bed with a frown. “I didn’t… Why did it happen again?”

He obviously found a different way to soothe Yu Chenyu, so why did it lead to such a result?

What went wrong?

“I’m sorry,” Yu Chenyu said, not daring to look at Qi Zihan.

He had too many things to apologise for, so many that he couldn’t and didn’t dare to count.

Ultimately, he could only close his eyes and accept his fate. “Please punish me. If you have reservations, untie me and I will do it myself.”

“Do what yourself?”

“Are you going to cut off one of my arms or one of my legs? Or cut off my…”

“Stop!” Qi Zihan was a little flustered.

When he first discovered Yu Chenyu’s physical changes, he did have the idea of scaring him with something like ‘believe it or not, I’ll castrate you,’ but now he dared not say it out loud.

Because he did not doubt that Yu Chenyu would do it.

Since entering his inner world, Qi Zihan knew how serious this person was. Every single word that came out of his mouth was to be taken for real, he would do exactly as he said.

Not refined at all.

Yet Qi Zihan quite liked this aspect of him.

“Okay, considering that I’m the one who tied you up, I forgive you,” Qi Zihan said as he threw the quilt on Yu Chenyu’s body, which was wearing clothes yet still couldn’t conceal anything, trying to preserve his remaining dignity. “I just want to know – are you like this because of my soothing, or were you imagining something?”

“It was my fault,” Yu Chenyu admitted with lowered eyes.

His tightly bound hands clenched into fists and his legs bent, as if to cover something.

“Really?” Qi Zihan pinched his chin, trying to look him in the eyes to determine whether he said the truth.

But Yu Chenyu kept his eyes down, not daring to look at him.

Despite having been on the battlefield for so many years, he had never been as embarrassed as he was now. He had never lost composure in front of anyone like this and had no idea how to face him.

Being stripped naked and tied up on their wedding night was something that every male zerg had to experience to make the female feel as safe and relaxed as possible, and to leave a good impression. This was why Yu Chenyu didn’t feel anything in particular regarding it.

Personally handing a whip to the female and letting them whip them was a common practice among soldier zergs.

Their bodies weren’t as flexible as drones’, nor could they learn a drone’s skills in pleasing females; the only thing they had to offer were their strong bodies that could recover no matter the damage suffered, as long as they survived.

Thus, when he also did so, he felt that it was humiliating but necessary.

Yet now, as he was fighting with his wife in his inner world, he was filled with the idea of conquering him while being conquered by his fighting posture, which aroused some strange desires in him.

Then his wish to conquer was discovered and the him in the inner world was defeated in such a mortifying way. Then the him in reality was overwhelmed by desire, and not only did his body change, but he was also caught by his wife there as well…

No, he had to do something, otherwise it wouldn’t be enough to make up for his mistakes!

“Lord Wife,” Yu Chenyu said, forcing himself to raise his eyes to meet Qi Zihan’s gaze.

Qi Zihan was stunned for a moment, not because he suddenly moved but because he looked a little pitiful right now.

Even when he was naked and offering a whip, his eyes had been cold and forbearing.

He endured the humiliation and refused to lose the last scraps of his dignity no matter how humbly he acted.

But at this moment, his eyes were filled with complex emotions that Qi Zihan couldn’t understand.

Like a lone wolf trapped in a quagmire of despair, unable to break free alone, he could only lower his arrogant attitude and ask for help.

Qi Zihan quietly listened to what he had to say.

And what came was, “I’m sorry, please punish me, whatever you want to do to me, please… I know my crime is unforgivable and any punishment is meaningless, but if it can make you feel even a little bit better, please punish me…”


It felt a little surreal. Qi Zihan looked at the man in front of him who looked up with pitiful eyes as he tried desperately to apologise, thinking of the man in the inner world who fought back and forth with him with a blank expression throughout the whole process…

They were the same person?

He had originally been a little tempted, but when he submitted so quickly, he lost interest.

“First of all, did I or did I not make a deal with you, for you to not call me Lord Wife or to use honorifics?” he stated coldly.

“Yes… I apologise.” Yu Chenyu smiled bitterly in his heart.

Another crime was added to the list.

“Secondly, when I ask you a question, I want a real answer, not something that you think would make me happy. Don’t presumptuously try to guess at my thoughts or do things that you think would please me.” He looked down at Yu Chenyu and asked again, “Tell me, are you like this because of my soothing, or were you imagining something?”

“It’s me…” Yu Chenyu reluctantly answered, pursing his lips.

He had already angered him, how could it get any worse?

“I was deeply attracted by the way you fought, and I wanted to possess you completely and become your male, so I couldn’t control myself,” he said, his tone finally returning to its usual calmness as the emotion in his eyes also subsided a little.

“I see.”

Qi Zihan was quite satisfied with the answer this time. He could finally confirm that there was nothing wrong with his soothing method.

Therefore, the next step was to determine its effectiveness.

“When is your next medical exam?” he asked.

Yu Chenyu used his spiritual power to log in to the terminal on his wrist, twisted awkwardly to look at the time, and answered, “In an hour.”

“Uh, so fast?” Qi Zihan looked at the time displayed on his own terminal in surprise, and then realised that despite it feeling like only ten minutes had passed since entering Yu Chenyu’s inner world, it had been nearly six hours! It was almost time for dinner!

“Can you make it in time?” he asked as he hurriedly unlocked the handcuffs on Yu Chenyu’s wrists, and then took off the ropes.

Letting him do whatever he wanted, Yu Chenyu sounded somewhat depressed as he replied, “There’s a clinic nearby, it only takes a few minutes by hoverbike. I only need to get there ten minutes early.”

“I’m not talking about that.”

“I’ll make you dinner before I go.”

“And not that either…” Qi Zihan glanced at the quilt.

Yu Chenyu hesitated to speak, but finally forced himself to say, “I can.”

“Okay.” Qi Zihan untied Yu Chenyu, then left the bedroom and walked into the living room, where he sat on the sofa and played on his terminal.

Yu Chenyu, who had regained his freedom, stayed in the bedroom for a long time before going out. As he did, he passed behind the sofa and looked at Qi Zihan’s back, wanting to say something, before stopping himself. In the end, he went into the bathroom without saying anything.

He felt uneasy. However, he faintly realised that his wife didn’t like his vulnerable side, so he couldn’t show it.

How strange. Most females preferred gentle drones to cold soldiers.

They would dote on their drones while torturing their soldiers.

Therefore soldiers didn’t like to get married, and could even be said to be afraid of getting married.

Yet ironically, soldiers were the most likely out of all males to lose control and were also the most dangerous when they did, so they had the greatest need for marriage.

Yu Chenyu thought that he would never be able to learn what drones did and he didn’t want to learn it either, but he still looked up some information.

But now he found that his research was useless.

His wife appeared to be an outlier who preferred soldiers to drones.

As he showered, he couldn’t resist asking his friend for help.

Yu Chenyu: If a female likes stronger males, wagging their tail to beg for mercy will only cause disgust. So after doing something wrong, how can they admit their mistake without causing disgust?

Zhu Yunqi: Are you stupid? The female says he likes tough guys but does he actually like tough guys? It’s just that tough guys are more exciting to bully

Zhu Yunqi: Wait, is the female you’re talking about…

Zhu Yunqi: Are you ok?

Yu Chenyu: Not very good

Yu Chenyu: He gave me soothing

Zhu Yunqi: ?

Zhu Yunqi: And then?

Yu Chenyu: And then our spiritual mimicries fought in my inner world

Zhu Yunqi: Wha?

Yu Chenyu: I couldn’t control my mimicry. I revealed a desire to conquer him and even thought about how to conquer him. Then he sensed it

Zhu Yunqi: Wha?

Yu Chenyu: In the end, I lost. He injected me with something while in my inner world, I don’t know what it was but my inner world is now very peaceful. It’s calmer than ever, like a clear sky after heavy rain.

Zhu Yunqi: No, wait. A female fought with you, a first-class general of the empire, in your inner world? And defeated you?

Yu Chenyu: Yes.

Zhu Yunqi: How can that be! Is your SS spiritual power just for show?

Yu Chenyu: He’s also SS

Zhu Yunqi: If even you lost, then wouldn’t he wipe the floor with me?

Zhu Yunqi: Wait wait wait, that’s not right, stop changing the subject. Wasn’t it for soothing? Why did you fight? Are you a straight male or not! Why did you fight with a female?

Yu Chenyu: He…

Yu Chenyu washed his face with cold water, turned off the faucet, and leaned on the wall with one hand, feeling his frantic heartbeat and unable to suppress certain emotions in his heart.

Yu Chenyu: He was so cool, I couldn’t help myself. You don’t know how much he fascinated me

Zhu Yunqi: ?

Zhu Yunqi: You went crazy?

Yu Chenyu: I didn’t. I’m very awake. If you experience his mental invasion, you’ll know that his strength is deserving of his arrogance

Yu Chenyu: I don’t feel good now, I’m uneasy. I’ve done so many things that offend him. If it were any other female, maybe I’d already have been prosecuted in court right now

Yu Chenyu: But after talking with you for a while, I’ve realised that the uneasiness isn’t because I’m afraid I’ll be punished but because I’m afraid of losing him

Yu Chenyu: You don’t know how upset I was when he said he wants to look for other males!

Yu Chenyu: I obviously know that he has the right to! He has the right to all the males in the empire! But I actually wanted to stop him! I actually didn’t want to share him with anyone!

Zhu Yunqi: You’re crazy.

This time, Zhu Yunqi used an affirmative statement.

He had known Yu Chenyu for six years. In that time, he had seen his bravery on the battlefield, his despair after killing his out-of-control comrades, his anxiety when facing his own loss of control, and his numbness after getting used to it.

Most of the time, Yu Chenyu restrained his emotions.

This was the first time Zhu Yunqi saw him be so excited, to the point that he seemed like a different person.

What did that female do to him in his inner world?

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