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Yu Chenyu could hardly suppress his excitement when talking to Zhu Yunqi on his terminal.

However, he regained his usual indifference when he walked out of the bathroom.

The cold water washed away the marks on his body and his insatiable desires, but it couldn’t wash away the sins he carried.

He still had to face the mistakes he made and make up for them as much as possible.

If only because he didn’t want to lose that person.

He thought about it a lot while he was in the shower, constantly analysing and reflecting on why Qi Zihan was so disgusted by his confession.

Anyone would be disgusted if the one who made a mistake acted like a victim in front of the actual victim.

So this time, he adjusted his attitude. Steadily walking to Qi Zihan and ignoring his confused gaze, he first knelt on one knee then the other, and calmly listed his faults while on his knees.

“My mistakes are mainly four: one, I shouldn’t have allowed my mimicry to attack you while you were soothing me; two, I shouldn’t have had the thought of conquering you and shouldn’t have put it into action; three, I shouldn’t have imagined offensive scenes without your consent which led to failing to control my body’s reaction; and fourth, I shouldn’t have presumptuously guessed at your preferences, which resulted in me acting in such a way that arouses disgust.

“Someone who makes a mistake should accept punishment. This isn’t only compensation for you, but also my atonement. So, I hope you can give a clear punishment. I will accept anything.”

Qi Zihan listened very seriously at first, but halfway through, he picked up the snacks on the table and began eating.

This man was too serious!

He had tried to downplay things just now, yet he listed them one by one… Couldn’t he just pretend that nothing happened?

Qi Zihan didn’t dislike serious people, and he also understood Yu Chenyu’s anxiety about not being punished after making a mistake.

However, the reason why he didn’t punish him wasn’t due to kindness or tolerance, but because he didn’t think Yu Chenyu did anything wrong.

It was normal to be hostile when his inner world was invaded.

It was also normal to have a desire to conquer when seeing someone who was beautiful, powerful, and their ideal type.

The Yu Chenyu in reality couldn’t control his desires, but it wasn’t as if he couldn’t control his actions. Looking at the way he was tied to the bed and unable to move, Qi Zihan didn’t feel offended at all.

And the last one, speculating on what he was thinking.

Qi Zihan truly didn’t like others getting ahead of themselves. He didn’t even like having a maid tidy up his desk without his consent because it seemed messy but actually had its order.

However, how long had he known Yu Chenyu?

They only met last night, yet he wanted to know everything about his personality and preferences today?

He was asking too much of himself.

But they were from two different worlds, growing up in two different environments, so it was to be expected for them to have completely different views on the same thing.

Since Qi Zihan understood Yu Chenyu’s anxiety about his lack of punishment, he could give a punishment.

But before that, he wanted to know if Yu Chenyu thought that he was in the wrong.

After casting a slow glance at the time on his terminal, he felt that there was still plenty of time, so he would ask about it one by one.

First question: “When the inner world is invaded, the spiritual mimicry will instinctively attack – can this behaviour be controlled?”

Yu Chenyu pondered for a while and finally decided to tell the truth, remembering that Qi Zihan liked ‘truthful answers’. “Spiritual mimicry in the inner world relies more on instinct, so… it’s hard.”

“Since that’s the case, what did you do wrong in this matter?” Qi Zihan asked.

Yu Chenyu opened his mouth slightly before hesitating, suddenly finding that he couldn’t answer this question.

As a male zerg, he attacked a female. No matter who he told this to, the other party would think that he was finished, he would die, and that his crime was unforgivable.

However, the reason why he attacked was because he felt that Qi Zihan’s mimicry was very dangerous. In a sense, his attack was a recognition of Qi Zihan’s strength.

Was it wrong to recognise a person’s strength?

Yu Chenyu didn’t know how to answer.

However, Qi Zihan’s patience was limited. “Three, two…”

“I don’t know,” Yu Chenyu said honestly.

Qi Zihan continued to ask without commenting. “Under what circumstances would someone have the desire to conquer another person?”

“He must be powerful yet charming, like a once-in-a-lifetime treasure,” he replied, carefully recalling how he felt in his inner world at the time. “You’ll want to possess it before others discover it.”

Qi Zihan, very happy to hear this, felt the frustration caused by being unable to beat Yu Chenyu head-on disappear. “Thank you for your compliment, but that means you want to say that your recognition of me is a mistake?”

“No,” Yu Chenyu blurted out. He then opened and closed his mouth as if wanting to say something, but in the end, he couldn’t say it.

Qi Zihan didn’t care. “It’s true that I didn’t expect you to do that. You think it’s offensive, don’t you? Fine. Do you know how other females soothe males? I don’t like that method so I tried something else, but you still had the same reaction as the other males, which made me feel that my efforts were useless – this is what I care about, do you understand?”

“Understood,” Yu Chenyu nodded.

He had vaguely guessed that Qi Zihan was confirming something when he asked him to give truthful answers.

It was only now, after listening to Qi Zihan’s explanation, that he understood just what he was confirming.

“Finally, about my personality and preferences,” he began, then paused. “If you want me to speak directly, I can’t explain it. I can only say that when two people live together, there’ll always be a period of adjustment. In this time, you will understand me better, and I’ll also understand you better. But what I want to understand is the real you, not a mask that you put on to please me. Even if that works, if you’re not happy, then what’s the point of extending your life?”

Yu Chenyu looked up in astonishment and met Qi Zihan’s eyes.

Before, he had been keeping his head down, not wanting to do anything that could annoy Qi Zihan further.

But after hearing this, he could no longer hold back.

Several years ago, when his medical exam report wasn’t as bad as now, he once said to his comrades in high spirits, “Whoever wants to pamper females can go do it themselves, I just want to die on the battlefield. Even if I can survive by crawling at their feet, what’s the point of living unhappily?”

Why did he forget that?

When did he become someone that he looked down upon?

The kind of person who would give up everything just to survive.

Yu Chenyu’s emotions went up and down again and again. He wanted to say something to Qi Zihan, but he couldn’t utter a single syllable from his slightly opened mouth.

Qi Zihan sat on the sofa in a leisurely posture, looking down at him without flinching, just like when they were fighting in the inner world.

All that needed to be said had been said, it was time to punish people.

This was Qi Zihan’s punishment for Yu Chenyu: “I’m hungry, make me something to eat. If it’s not tasty I’ll cut off your arm.”

“Okay,” Yu Chenyu responded softly. He got up, looked at Qi Zihan deeply, and then went to the refrigerator.

While he cooked, he received a message full of worry from his good friend Zhu Yunqi.

Zhu Yunqi: I discussed it with the marshal and feel that your inner world might’ve been manipulated by your wife. It just so happens that you’re going to have a medical exam today, the marshal’s asking which clinic you’re going to, he’ll come help you take a look

Yu Chenyu: ?

Yu Chenyu: He also wants to fight me in the inner world?

Fighting with Qi Zihan in his inner world was an accident, it only happened because Qi Zihan was too handsome and he aroused his desire.

But Qi Zihan was a female, so he could still control himself to a certain extent and avoid hurting him.

If it were a male coming in instead, it wouldn’t end at just fighting a few rounds.

Zhu Yunqi: The marshal… Yihai says he’s about to lose control, so it doesn’t matter if he’s beaten to death in your inner world. At least he’ll be able to confirm your safety before then, so it won’t be in vain

Yu Chenyu: Tell him to fuck off

Zhu Yunqi:

Zhu Yunqi: You’re sure you want me to reply like that?

Yu Chenyu: Sure.

Zhu Yunqi:

Zhu Yunqi: He’s now the marshal, the top-level military authority, the supreme ruler of the empire

Yu Chenyu: If he wants to die, die on the battlefield. Don’t use me to relieve his pain

Zhu Yunqi: He didn’t mean that…

Yu Chenyu: Tell him to get lost, I don’t want to say it again

Zhu Yunqi: Yu Chenyu!

Yu Chenyu: Let him come tell me what he wants himself

Zhu Yunqi didn’t reply.

After a while, Imperial Marshal Mo Yihai sent a message.

Mo Yihai: I’m here.

Yu Chenyu: Fuck off

Mo Yihai had anticipated this reply. Without even blinking, he used his spiritual power to input words and replied to him patiently.

Mo Yihai: This is the level of soothing that your wife provides?

Upon seeing this, Yu Chenyu had to calm down to confront him for the sake of Qi Zihan’s reputation.

Yu Chenyu: You know yourself what you’re thinking. As an SS-grade soldier, do you really think that spiritual power can change a person’s cognition and even personality? I don’t care about why you lied to Yunqi and I won’t talk about your relationship, but it doesn’t mean that I don’t know. But if you want to die, don’t plot against me. I’ll only kill you when you lose control

Mo Yihai: Haha, you’re still so sharp, nothing can escape your eyes.

Mo Yihai: Okay, I’ll admit it, I do want to die in your hands because in the entire empire, only you have the ability.

Mo Yihai: There’s another reason that will be enough for you to attack me.

Yu Chenyu: What reason?

Mo Yihai: You probably don’t want me to touch your beloved Lord Wife with this body of mine, which you should be able to guess what it’s been used for, right?

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