Chapter 12: The Best Spiritual Soothing!

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What Mo Yihai’s body had been used to do?

He and Yunqi…

They did it?

Yu Chenyu’s blood pressure suddenly rose.

But he quickly suppressed it.

Because he knew full well that he was being provoked. If he got angry, he would fall into the trap.

He tried to respond calmly, but he seemed to have failed.

Yu Chenyu: Sure. If you dare to touch him, I’ll fulfil your wish and tear you to pieces!

Yu Chenyu: But I won’t allow it to happen!

Yu Chenyu: Don’t even think about touching a hair!

Mo Yihai: OK. Then let’s wait and see.

After that, no matter what Yu Chenyu said, the Imperial Marshal never replied.

After a while, Zhu Yunqi sent another message to Yu Chenyu.

Zhu Yunqi: You guys finished? What’d you say?

Zhu Yunqi: The marshal said that he got it wrong and there’s nothing wrong with you and he’s already apologised, is that true?


Yu Chenyu sneered silently.

Mo Yihai clearly didn’t tell Zhu Yunqi the contents of their conversation.

In that case, Yu Chenyu certainly didn’t want to lose Zhu Yunqi, his comrade and friend of six years.

But neither did he like to lie.

Yu Chenyu: Just pretend that this never happened. If you really care, just wait for my medical exam report to come out instead of making random speculations or slandering my wife

Zhu Yunqi: Your wife is that good?

Yu Chenyu: Yes, he’s amazing

Zhu Yunqi: He didn’t hurt you?

Yu Chenyu: No

Zhu Yunqi: And didn’t humiliate you?

Yu Chenyu: No

Zhu Yunqi: OK, I’ll believe you

Zhu Yunqi: But the more you say this, the more nervous I feel. It’s too good to be true… A SS-grade female falls from the sky and his match rate with you is 99.99%, he doesn’t beat or scold you, and gives soothing on the first day of your marriage

Yu Chenyu: I’ll introduce you someday

Zhu Yunqi: Aren’t you afraid that I’ll compete for favour?

Yu Chenyu: Well, you aren’t that kind of person

Zhu Yunqi: What kind?

Yu Chenyu: You’ll die on the battlefield


Zhu Yunqi: Yes

Zhu Yunqi: You’re right

Zhu Yunqi: I’ll only die on the battlefield

Zhu Yunqi: I’ll wait for your medical exam report

Yu Chenyu: Mn.

* * *

Yu Chenyu prepared a table full of delicious food for Qi Zihan, and waited for him to taste it before leaving.

Qi Zihan looked at the time and felt that it was getting late, so he didn’t make it difficult for him. After taking a few bites, he said, “Hm, not bad, you passed. Do you want to eat some before leaving?”

“No, it’s recommended to fast before a medical exam,” Yu Chenyu replied as he put on his military cap, once again dressed neatly from head to toe. “I’ll come back as soon as possible but I don’t know when that will be, may I take the keys with me?”

“Sure.” Qi Zihan took it out from his pocket and was about to toss it over, only to see Yu Chenyu take out his own keys from a pocket, gesture, and put it back.

Qi Zihan: “…”

That’s right, how could there be only one set?

“Then I’m heading out,” Yu Chenyu said. When he saw that Qi Zihan nodded without saying anything else, he turned around, opened the door, and walked out.

Qi Zihan quietly enjoyed the dinner Yu Chenyu made alone. It had to be said that his cooking skills were excellent, no worse than the chefs who served him before.

His appetite wasn’t that big so he left about half of all the dishes uneaten, which gave him an excuse to not wash the dishes.

Just as he turned on his terminal to learn more about this world, he received a system notification.

[System]: Dear Sir Qi Zihan, the medical examination results of your first male, Yu Chenyu, have been updated. Do you wish to check his profile immediately?

Qi Zihan: “…”

That gave him a fright, what the hell was first male?!

Who would give their spouses a number!

While complaining internally, he still spat out coldly, “Yes.”

Yu Chenyu’s updated profile page popped up in front of him.

Name: Yu Chenyu
Sex: Male (soldier)
Age: 23
Identity: First-class general of the empire, retirement application submitted 72 days ago has been automatically rejected
Last medical exam: 1 minute ago
Medical exam results: 0% control loss; rate of control loss is approx. 0.16%/day; estimated time until complete loss of control is 625 days; condition is good; it is recommended to immediately return to the front line to take command.
Physical capability: SS
Spiritual capability: SS
Spiritual mimicry: Illusory Flower Mantis

It worked!

His soothing method worked!

Seeing the medical exam results let him breathe a sigh of relief, then he subconsciously raised the corners of his lips. He was both happy for Yu Chenyu and proud of the role he played.

Meanwhile, Yu Chenyu, who hadn’t even stepped out of the clinic yet, threw the report in front of Zhu Yunqi.

Yu Chenyu: What do you say?

Zhu Yunqi: Holy shit!

Yu Chenyu: How is my Lord Wife?

Zhu Yunqi: Awesome!

Yu Chenyu: I told you so, you didn’t listen

Zhu Yunqi: I believe it! I believe it now! Holy fucking shit, 625 days! He’s given you nearly 2 years of life! He’s so much better than those females who can only extend our lives for a week! This is the best spiritual soothing I’ve ever seen! Is this what a SS female’s like!

Yu Chenyu: You admit defeat?

Zhu Yunqi: I admit it, I admit it! I want to kneel down and kiss his feet right now!

Yu Chenyu: Get lost.

Zhu Yunqi: OK OK, it was just a joke. I said I won’t fight over him with you and I mean it, I’m a confirmed bachelor. I’d rather die on the battlefield than touch a female

Zhu Yunqi: But to be honest, it’s a pity for such an amazing female to have only one male, and you’re even a soldier at that

Yu Chenyu: I don’t know who was so worried about me being rejected a few minutes ago? Now it seems like I’m the one not worthy of him

Zhu Yunqi: Ahem, I didn’t mean to say that there’s anything bad about you…

Yu Chenyu: Okay, I know what you mean. I’m guessing that the military department will make my report public in the next few minutes, then people from the Female Association will

Zhu Yunqi: What’s wrong? It’s not like you to only say half

Yu Chenyu: They’re here

Zhu Yunqi: Huh?

Yu Chenyu turned off all the screens blocking his view and looked towards the two males in front of him who were wearing uniforms of the Female Association.

These two worker males, both at least half a head shorter than Yu Chenyu, had to look up at him. Their momentum weakened before they even opened their mouths, not to mention that Yu Chenyu was wearing a formal military uniform.

“Um…” one of the workers began, “excuse me, are you General Yu Chenyu?”

“I am,” he replied expressionlessly.

“It’s like this. Recently, the Female Association has received many applications from males who want to marry your wife. According to standard procedure, we should go directly to him to recommend some males who are interested in marriage. However, we learned that he is an SS-grade female, so…”

“Scared?” Yu Chenyu summarised for him. His face was blank but a hint of sarcasm flashed in his eyes before it disappeared in an instant.

They were afraid of his wife so they wanted to get some information from him first?

Why did they think he would be happy to see his wife marry another male?

In this regard, he could only say one thing. “My Lord Wife has no plans to marry again for the time being, so there’s no need to bother.”

“Is this your wife’s intention or yours?” the other worker asked as he raised the recorder in his hand. “You should know that forcing a female to remain married to only yourself is illegal, right?”

At the sight of the recorder, not only was Yu Chenyu’s tone caustic, he scoffed as he easily pressed down the hand holding the recorder. “It’s my wife’s. If you don’t believe me, you can come for a visit, anyway, you’ll be the ones embarrassed, not me.”

The two workers looked at each other with identical expressions of disbelief.

Some females only married one male, but most of them did so because their spiritual strength wasn’t enough to soothe more males.

An SS-grade female would never have such troubles. It would be a waste to only marry one male, not to mention that the male in question was a soldier!

No female would be devoted to a cold and unresponsive soldier.

If there was, it could only be said that he hadn’t met a drone who was good at flirting.

Although they wanted to question Yu Chenyu’s words, his aura as a soldier was too intimidating. They could only back down.

“Okay, we will prepare gifts and go as soon as possible,” said the first worker.

“When the time comes, we will convey your words to him verbatim. We sincerely hope that you didn’t lie,” said the other worker as he put the recorder away.

“As you like.” Yu Chenyu didn’t think Qi Zihan lied.

Even though Qi Zihan’s original words were that he wasn’t ready to get married, and the people he wasn’t ready to marry included not only other males but also Yu Chenyu.

On the other hand, their marriage was already registered and Qi Zihan had provided him with such effective soothing – this was enough to prove the ‘feelings’ between them.

So he deliberately concealed this point, making the two workers mistakenly believe that Qi Zihan only loved him.

In reality, Yu Chenyu didn’t dare to guarantee that Qi Zihan wouldn’t be interested in the males recommended by the Female Association, but…

Anyway, the words had already been spoken, so let come what may.

Yu Chenyu admitted that he was feeling a little dizzy. After all, his loss of control was directly reset to zero, and the speed of the loss was also reduced to the lowest. No female had ever been able to soothe anyone to this extent!

And no male had ever been able to enjoy such efficient spiritual soothing!

This was the happiest he had been in his entire 23 years of life, so happy that he could wipe out all the aberrants on an entire planet!

As soon as the two workers left, Yu Chenyu opened his terminal again and brought up the chat with Zhu Yunqi.

Yu Chenyu: A couple people from the Female Association came, wanting to learn more about him before recommending some males. I drove them away

Zhu Yunqi: You chased away people from the female association? How did you get the guts?

Yu Chenyu: Yeah, how? But strangely, I’m not afraid at all

Zhu Yunqi: I think you should be a little scared. People from the female association are the best at tattling, they’ll charge you with interfering with the marital freedom of females and you can say goodbye to the battlefield you love forever.

Yu Chenyu: It’s fine, I trust him

Zhu Yunqi: What do you mean?

Yu Chenyu: I think a female as strong as him won’t like drones

Yu Chenyu: And among soldiers, I’m the strongest

Zhu Yunqi: ?

Zhu Yunqi: You already love him to the point of being delusional?

How could there be a female who liked soldiers and not drones?

Yu Chenyu: Yes, I love him.

Yu Chenyu: Yunqi, do you want to make a bet?

Zhu Yunqi: Bet on whether your wife likes soldiers or drones more?

Yu Chenyu: No, bet on whether the Association will get anything when they come to our door

Zhu Yunqi: Shit! Yu Chenyu, you’re crazy! Interfering with a female’s marriage will get you locked up!

Yu Chenyu: I won’t interfere. Do you dare to bet?

Zhu Yunqi: Damn, I just don’t believe it! Is there really such a good female in the world? I’ll bet! I bet that he’ll have a second, third, fourth, fifth male! But Chenyu, you don’t know how much I hope I’ll lose!

Yu Chenyu: Don’t worry, I’ll win

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