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Yu Chenyu guessed correctly. Shortly after he rushed home to Qi Zihan, the army celebrated his return and made his medical report public.

Seeing him come back, Qi Zihan went to the bedroom to rest.

He felt especially drained, likely because he had consumed too much energy during the soothing.

If it weren’t for being nervous that something might happen to Yu Chenyu on his way back, he would have already gone to sleep after reading his medical report.

Why did he worry about Yu Chenyu?

It’s normal to worry about his roommate!

Not to mention that it was a roommate for whom he spent so much energy to snatch from the jaws of death!

“I’m sleepy. You can eat the leftovers and wash the dishes, it’ll be my turn next time…” Yawning, Qi Zihan waved to Yu Chenyu without looking back and went into the bedroom.

Yu Chenyu instinctively wanted to rush over to support him, but stopped when he saw him waving his hand.

Realising that he had waited for him to return before going to rest, joy and guilt intertwined within his heart.

He regretted not sending a message on his way back to tell Qi Zihan, “I’ll be back soon, you can take a nap if you’re tired.”

With that said, he hadn’t expected Qi Zihan to wait for him.

His Lord Wife waited for him.

The food on the table was already cold but Yu Chenyu ate it with relish.

However, when he turned on his terminal to check if there was any news –

Topic: First-Class Imperial General Yu Chenyu married. After a single soothing, his loss of control was instantly reduced to zero!

[Fuck! Isn’t he SS? What kind of female can directly clear the control loss of a SS male?]

[Not only the control loss, but the rate of control loss is also shockingly low! His wife’s too amazing! I really want to know who it is!]

[What? Is there someone who still doesn’t know? The army rescued a female from a high-risk area last night, General Yu Chenyu and the female had a match rate over 50 so they got together on the spot. It’s the first female who’s ever had a match rate more than 50 with General Yu Chenyu!]

[Regarding this female, the S-grade males have been talking about it like crazy! What does a match rate of over 50 mean? As far as I know, there’s no unmarried S-grade male whose match rate with this female is less than 80!]

[How is that possible! Is that still a female? That must be the world’s saviour!]

[What saviour? When have the gods ever cared about us zergs? This is the queen bee!]

Queen Bee?

Yu Chenyu thought of the Qi Zihan whom he saw in his inner world.

He had a pair of transparent membranous wings that fanned out behind him with plays of dizzyingly beautiful light and shadow.

The spike on his hand looked like a stinger.

The golden viscous liquid that first spurted out of his spike had a sweetness unique to honey.

Was his Lord Wife the ruler of the zerg race that only existed in their legends, who could soothe all of them by himself – the Queen Bee?

He kept reading absentmindedly.

[What’re you thinking? The queen bee’s spiritual power has to be at least SS! How can there be an SS-grade female?]

[But to be able to soothe an SS-grade male to this extent, his wife’s spiritual power can’t be lower than S!]

[Am I the only one curious about what the famously cold-blooded general looks like when he’s being soothed?]

[After imagining it, I suddenly feel that soldiers aren’t so annoying.]

[Whoa, females are in the comments, run away!]

Yu Chenyu silently closed the news site and logged into the military’s internal forum to take a look.

Topic: Welcoming First-Class Imperial General Yu Chenyu back to his beloved battlefield!


[Welcome back!]

[The empire is saved!]

[Many thanks to the general’s wife! Give the general’s wife a first-class merit!]

Expression easing slightly, the corners of his mouth even raised an arc.

The atmosphere in the military forum was still normal.

Yet just as he thought this…

[General, does your wife still need a spouse?]

Yu Chenyu’s smile froze.

[Wow, you’re really not afraid of dying.]

[Exactly. It’s one thing to show off your match rate, but you’re really brave to stick your face directly into the muzzle of the general’s gun.]

[Yeah, but… a female can’t have only one partner.]

[Although that’s true, this is a real-name forum, do you understand what I mean?]

[This child has never felt the terror of General Yu Chenyu.]

[It’s ok, right? Although General Yu Chenyu doesn’t like to smile and can kill aberrants and out-of-control comrades without blinking, he’s still better than General Zhu Yunqi who laughed while ripping off the legs of a deserter.]

[Hmm?] Zhu Yunqi appeared with a colourful flair unique to generals.


[Good job! Deserters should be punished!]

Yu Chenyu chuckled, shook his head, and posted a message.

Yu Chenyu: [If you have designs on my Lord Wife, go to the Female Association yourself. If you keep showing up in front of me, I’ll take it as a provocation – you’ll have to bear the consequences yourself.]

[Ahhhhh General Yu Chenyu’s here!]

[He calls his female Lord Wife!]

[I’m a little curious about how the general and his wife get along, but I don’t know if I should ask…]


[Ask, what’s wrong with asking?] Zhu Yunqi started to muddy the waters again. [It’s just that ‘you’ll bear the consequences yourself’!]


[Let’s go, let’s go.]

With no way to deal with Zhu Yunqi, he could only message him privately.

Yu Chenyu: I didn’t know you were so unpopular in the military forum.

Zhu Yunqi: This is called majesty, do you understand majesty?

Yu Chenyu: By removing a deserter’s legs?

Zhu Yunqi: If it was a stronger soldier who ran from the battlefield and abandoned his comrades, it wouldn’t be as simple as just having his legs cut off, besides, they’ll grow back anyways

Zhu Yunqi: Let’s not talk about this. Are you home yet? What did your wife say?

Yu Chenyu: Say about what?

Zhu Yunqi: He should’ve seen your med results, right? You’re already one of his, so his terminal should get a notification when your profile is updated. How did he react?

Thinking back, it seemed… there was no particular reaction.

Yu Chenyu: No reaction, he waited for me to come back before going to the bedroom, he was probably tired.

Zhu Yunqi: Oh yeah, it’s tiring to do soothing

Zhu Yunqi: But your control loss plummeted to zero! He did such an amazing thing but didn’t show off to you a bit? Didn’t he ask you to compensate him or anything?

Yu Chenyu: No.

Yu Chenyu frowned slightly.

It was good of Zhu Yunqi to remind him.

Yes, Qi Zihan did such a great job soothing him, he should do something as thanks.

Yu Chenyu: Should I be more proactive? But I don’t know what he wants.

Zhu Yunqi: Don’t panic, wait until he wakes up to ask. Even if he wants you to do a striptease, just do it. The degree of your loss of control has been reset to zero, so what can’t you give?

Yu Chenyu: You’re right.

Zhu Yunqi:

Zhu Yunqi: You really will do a striptease?

Yu Chenyu: Anyway, even if I dance it’ll only be for him to see, so you can forget it unless you want me to cut off your legs

Zhu Yunqi: 61Internet slang for praise, awesome, amazing etc

Yu Chenyu: By the way, I suspect that he’s the Queen Bee.

Zhu Yunqi: Ah?

Yu Chenyu: Although I haven’t seen his mimicry yet, in my inner world, he had a needle similar to a bee’s stinger, which is why I fought with him. I’d sensed danger after he invaded.

Zhu Yunqi: Really?

Yu Chenyu: I don’t know. Before I actually see his mimicry, I can only guess.

Zhu Yunqi: Queen bees only exist in legends… Wait, you mean, he soothed you to this extent without using his spiritual mimicry?

Yu Chenyu: Yeah.

Zhu Yunqi: Holy shit, that’s unbelievable! Maybe he really is the queen bee! Now the marshal can rest in peace!

Yu Chenyu: Do you want the marshal to die?

Zhu Yunqi: If living only brings him pain, then yes.

Yu Chenyu fell silent.

He didn’t want to watch the imperial marshal gradually lose control and die in his hands.

However, he also didn’t want him to have any contact with Qi Zihan using his body that had touched another male.

On one side was his former comrade and current superior officer.

On the other was his wife with whom he had fallen deeply in love.

As for how to choose, Yu Chenyu could only remain silent.

He was quiet and neither did Zhu Yunqi send any more messages.

Unlike him who was 23 years old, Zhu Yunqi was older by five years but the degree of his loss of control had always remained at around 20%, so he constantly fought on the empire’s most dangerous fronts. Who knew where he found the time to chat?

In contrast, Imperial Marshal Mo Yihai had never once been to the battlefield since his loss of control exceeded 50%. He operated in a limited range under the ‘care’ of several powerful soldiers.

How long had it been since Zhu Yunqi and Mo Yihai met in real life?

Yu Chenyu sighed silently, and after finishing his meal, he quietly took the dishes to the kitchen to wash them.

After wiping the dining table and sink, Yu Chenyu cleaned his hands again, then padded to the bedroom, pressed the door handle, and opened the door a crack.

Qi Zihan didn’t allow him to touch him without permission.

However, Qi Zihan didn’t say that he wasn’t allowed to sleep in the same bed.

Strong desire surged in his heart, wanting to get closer and closer to him.

Yet in the dim room where curtains blocked all light, Yu Chenyu looked at Qi Zihan’s sleeping figure from afar and finally failed to take that step.

He had never known fear on the battlefield and never retreated, but now he did so for the first time.

He quietly closed the door and lay down on the sofa.

* * *

The next day, Yu Chenyu wasn’t beside Qi Zihan when he woke up.

He didn’t know that Yu Chenyu slept on the sofa, he just thought that he had risen early and was already up.

Yu Chenyu had indeed gotten up and had even made breakfast for Qi Zihan and was now waiting for him in the living room.

Although he’d completely restored his status as a general, a newly married male had a maximum of seven days of marital holiday to accompany his female, of which the first three were mandatory.

In other words, even if Yu Chenyu wanted to return to the battlefield, he would have to wait another three days.

And rather than returning to the battlefield, he had more important things to deal with.

For example, the Female Association that was about to come recommend other males to Qi Zihan.

For another example, finding a way to deepen the relationship between himself and Qi Zihan.

The first thing Qi Zihan saw when he opened the bedroom door in his pyjamas was Yu Chenyu, sitting at the dining table, waiting for him to wake up.

Today Yu Chenyu wasn’t naked and nor was he wearing a military uniform. Instead, he wore a clean white shirt which was somewhat transparent due to sunlight coming through the window, making his tight muscles faintly visible.

He was stunned for a moment, and before he could recover, he saw Yu Chenyu stand and pull out a chair for him.

He clearly had plenty of time to pull it out, but he chose this time to do it, as if wanting him to see it.

“Good morning, Zihan,” Yu Chenyu smiled, “Do you want to wash up first or eat first?”

“Of course I’ll brush my teeth and wash my face first,” Qi Zihan said as he forced himself back to his senses and walked towards the bathroom.

“Okay, do you need help?”

“No thanks.”

Help? Help with what?

He hadn’t needed anyone to help him brush his teeth or wash his face since he was five years old.

“Today’s breakfast is egg and lettuce sandwiches with sweet milk. Do you want to add a spoonful of coffee to the milk to help wake you up?”

Did he mean turning it into milk coffee?

“Okay.” Although Qi Zihan liked sweets, he also liked coffee, albeit coffee that wasn’t too bitter.

Then, just as Qi Zihan finished washing up and sat down on the chair that Yu Chenyu pulled out for him, the doorbell rang.

“I’ll get it.” Yu Chenyu walked to the door, glanced at the display screen next to it, and saw two familiar faces.

They were the two from the Female Association who stopped him yesterday to extract information and brought out a recorder in an attempt to threaten him.

Yu Chenyu hesitated for a moment before saying to Qi Zihan, “They’re from the Female Association. They seem to be here to recommend males to you, do you want to let them in?”

“From the Female Association?” He had a rather good impression of them because they helped him a lot these past few days, so he said, “Let them come in.”

Yu Chenyu’s eyes dimmed a little as he opened the door.

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  • 1
    Internet slang for praise, awesome, amazing etc