Chapter 2: Lord Wife, please enjoy

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It didn’t actually hurt, but Qi Zihan still retracted his hand as if he had been electrocuted. He raised his hand and saw an obvious scratch on his right thumb.

“Lord Wife?”

Yu Chenyu couldn’t have seen Qi Zihan’s movements, but he seemed to have sensed something and struggled desperately, trying to break free from the rope forcefully.

Qi Zihan watched in disbelief as the rope he hadn’t been able to untie in half a day showed signs of loosening as Yu Chenyu thrashed.

“Stop! You… don’t move!” Qi Zihan said hurriedly, afraid that he would get hurt.

Yu Chenyu obediently stopped, yet his eyes were still fixed on Qi Zihan’s face, still with a strange emotion in them like he wanted to see through him, but there was also a hint of concern that wasn’t false.

Qi Zihan felt a little guilty under his gaze. “Stop looking at me,” he ordered.

It was embarrassing.

He tried to untie Yu Chenyu again.

This time, he succeeded.

Then he noticed something strange.

He had only used a little strength yet his finger was scratched by the rope, but despite Yu Chenyu’s violent struggle, there wasn’t a single mark on his wrists.

It seemed that at the same time as this world changing from males being superior to females being superior, their physical prowess also switched.

For a moment, he felt a little complicated, not knowing whether he should be pleased or worried.

Worried because he had been able to effortlessly fight off a group of people back on Earth but may not be able to defeat even half a male zerg now.

Pleased because the status of females in this world was high enough that it was impossible to be bullied by males just because they were stronger.

The rope had been untied but the man remained in the same position, not daring to move at all; and because Qi Zihan had just told him not to look at him, his gaze was stuck on the ceiling without deviating an inch.

Qi Zihan didn’t mind his reaction, he was still thinking of how to get rid of him.

He preferred falling in love before sleeping together, tying the knot without any feelings between them wasn’t his style.

“Stop calling me L-Lord Wife, I wasn’t entirely awake last night, it was an accident to call you over. Fortunately, we haven’t done anything yet so you can just take it as nothing happened, go find another female.”

“Even if we haven’t done anything… Never mind. Sorry, it’s nothing.” Yu Chenyu closed his eyes, then sat up and looked at Qi Zihan again.

This time there was no longer any kind of scrutiny, it was instead replaced by despair brought about by understanding.

It made Qi Zihan anxious, feeling as if he had done something wrong.

It was true, he did do something wrong.

Qi Zihan felt very sorry for this man called Yu Chenyu.

However, he wouldn’t gamble the rest of his life on an emotion like guilt or sympathy.

He could compensate him, but not in this way.

So he said, “I’ll explain everything to the Female Association. Tell me how you’d like to be compensated, I’ll do it as long as it’s in my power.”

This time Yu Chenyu didn’t say anything, he only nodded silently.

“Then… you put your clothes on first,” Qi Zihan said as he left the room.

When he closed the door, Yu Chenyu no longer looked at him but at the quilt covering his lower body. There was a long silence.

Until a vibration sound came from the clothes placed beside the pillows.

He was stunned for a moment before quickly reacting, reaching over to dig out a watch-like object.

After unlocking it with spiritual power, a transluscent display popped up above the watch.

This was a portable optical computer, also known as a personal terminal.

It vibrated because he had just received a new message.

The person who sent it was his former comrade and current good friend, Zhu Yunqi.

Zhu Yunqi: Chenyu, I heard you got married. Although I don’t know what kind of person your wife is, let me congratulate you first — after all, there hasn’t been a single female who can match higher than 50% with you for 5 whole years. If you still don’t get a female’s soothing, you’ll turn from a comrade into my enemy.

What a joke.

In no mood to put on clothes, Yu Chenyu just used his spiritual power to type a reply as he sat naked.

Yu Chenyu: It’s going to be annulled.

Zhu Yunqi: Huh? Didn’t you just get married last night? What did you do? It can’t be that you used too much force and hurt him, right?

Yu Chenyu: Didn’t do anything.

Zhu Yunqi: Then why?

Zhu Yunqi: Well, on the other hand, it’s true that a female doesn’t need any reason at all if he wants to divorce.

Zhu Yunqi: But you’re a general! You’ve gone in and out of high-risk areas to clean up aberrants, you’ve fought to the death to defend this planet, and you’ve made great achievements! What gives him the right?

Yu Chenyu: Watch your words, do you want to go to jail?

Zhu Yunqi: But I really think it’s a pity. You’ve done so much for this empire, you’re the one who deserves happiness the most. But you don’t even have the right to choose your own spouse, though no one could match you more than 50% anyway, and when you finally got married you’re going to get divorced after just one night. It’s been hard enough to find a single female who can soothe you. If this marriage really ends, you’ll have no hope of going back to the front line!

Yu Chenyu: So, I should fight for myself one more time, right?

Zhu Yunqi: Ah? What do you mean?

Yu Chenyu: He said to divorce, it hasn’t happened yet.

Zhu Yunqi: Then you have to fight! You’ll die anyways, it’s better to die by a female zerg than in my hands!

Yu Chenyu fell silent.

Male zergs were naturally endowed with stronger physical capabilities than females, while soldiers — males born for combat — could even defeat a thousand opponents at once. However, all males, whether they were the powerful soldiers or the relatively gentle drones, had a particular physiological defect. If, after reaching adulthood, they went too long without receiving a female zerg’s spiritual soothing, they would gradually lose control of their bodies and attack everything around them.

Yu Chenyu was an adult, and he could feel his self-control worsening by the day.

He didn’t want to get married and didn’t want to fall under anyone’s control, least of all a female who had never stepped foot on a battlefield.

But neither did he want to watch himself lose control and force his comrades to end his life.

Yu Chenyu felt that if he had any dignity, it would have been shattered to pieces the moment he submitted the marriage application.

If that was the case, what was the point of clinging to the little that was left?

Yu Chenyu: Maybe it’s because I didn’t call him ‘Lord Wife’ from the beginning, and didn’t use honorifics either.

Zhu Yunqi: Then the divorce is your fault! You finally found a female who matches you more than 50%, cherish him! Put away your intimidating momentum and learn from those drones who only know how to flirt!

Yu Chenyu: I can’t.

Zhu Yunqi: You…

Yu Chenyu: I don’t know how to learn what drones do, and can’t learn it either. Soldiers have their own ways.

Zhu Yunqi: Don’t tell me you want to…

Zhu Yunqi: Sigh, I guess that’s the only way, who made us soldiers so strong? A lot of females are frightened of us. Someone has to tell them that we’re not that scary.

Yu Chenyu: He really was scared of me.

He remembered the way Qi Zihan covered him with a quilt.

Yu Chenyu: I’ll try it, send me another message in a while.

Zhu Yunqi: OK, I hope you succeed.

After reading this message, Yu Chenyu turned off the screen, got off the bed without putting on any clothes, walked to the closet, and took something out of it.

Qi Zihan sat on the living room couch, waiting for Yu Chenyu to come out.

He wanted him to take him to the Female Association.

Judging by their bodies, those who worked at the Female Association were all males, so they probably wouldn’t make things difficult for someone of the same sex?

Then, after he resolved this matter, he also planned to learn about this world through the Female Association.

Just as he was pondering things, the bedroom door opened.

Qi Zihan instinctively looked towards the door, thinking that he would see a clothed Yu Chenyu, but he never expected that the man had dawdled for so long yet still didn’t have even a thread of cloth covering him!

And he seemed to be holding something.

After recognising the object as a whip, Qi Zihan was so scared that he shot up from the couch and took a defensive stance.

As if sensing his vigilance, the man stopped his approach three metres away from Qi Zihan and knelt down.

He knelt on the ground, raised the whip above his head with both hands and said a sentence in a hoarse, emotionless voice: “Lord Wife, please enjoy.”

Qi Zihan froze in front of the couch, staring at Yu Chenyu’s lowered body.

Neither man moved. Yu Chenyu looked down and waited.

It wasn’t hard to understand Yu Chenyu’s intentions from his words and actions — he wanted Qi Zihan to take the whip and hit him.

But Qi Zihan didn’t understand.

He didn’t understand why he had to do this.

“Can you not understand me?” Qi Zihan was a little angry. He walked up to Yu Chenyu and slapped the whip out of his hands. “Don’t call me Lord Wife, I’m not your wife, I don’t want to marry you, I won’t marry you no matter what you do! Stop doing useless things!”

Glancing at the whip that had been slapped to the ground, Yu Chenyu pursed his lips. “If Lord Wife refuses to accept me, then please deal with me yourself.”

“Deal with you?” Qi Zihan could hardly believe what he was hearing.

“Kill me,” Yu Chenyu said, expressing his meaning more explicitly.

“Why?” Qi Zihan didn’t understand. “Didn’t we not do anything? Why are you so insistent? You only met me yesterday and I saw you for the first time this morning, don’t tell me you fell in love at first sight.”

Yu Chenyu didn’t say anything.


What a ridiculous word for a male who had no right to choose his mate.

“Do you have a reason to want me?” Qi Zihan felt that he may have underestimated the extent of female status in this world. Could it be that just because a female had selected them once, any male who had been driven away would be executed regardless of whether they had done anything?

Yu Chenyu didn’t answer immediately, as if he was organising his words, trying to answer this question in a way that would least anger Qi Zihan without lying.

Unfortunately, he wasn’t that good at speaking, so he could only say it directly. “I’ve already waited for a mate for five years, I no longer have the patience nor time to wait for another female whose match rate with me reaches 50%.”

Match rate?

Qi Zihan vaguely remembered that what the people from the Female Association said wasn’t “I’ll find you a male zerg,” but “I will match you with a male.”

So this meant that marriage in zerg society wasn’t something that could be done just because someone wanted to, it depended on how much they matched?

What kind of thing was match rate?

“What’s match rate?” he asked.

Hearing this question, Yu Chenyu looked up and met Qi Zihan’s eyes with a hint of confusion. However, he still answered. “The degree of spiritual compatibility is usually displayed as a percentage. Only when it reaches above 50% can the spiritual power of a female effectively soothe a male, thus preventing the male from losing control.”

“What’s our match rate?”

“99.99%, infinitely approaching 100%.”

“One in a million, you mean?”

“No,” Yu Chenyu replied, “to me, you are unique.”

Female zergs were very fragile. All females underwent regular medical examinations, and during that time various values were entered into the system.

Long before Qi Zihan agreed to match with a male, as soon as his medical exam finished, Yu Chenyu received a notification from the system.

[System]: Dear General Yu Chenyu, 0.1s ago, the database updated the data of a female zerg whose spiritual compatibility with you reaches 99.99%. Would you like to send a marriage proposal to the Association for the Rights of Female Zergs service office immediately?

Yu Chenyu replied: Yes.

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