Chapter 4: Queen Bee

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“What did you say?”

The Female Association Center’s reception room didn’t contain only a single person.

All the staff members were males.

Hearing what the worker who received Qi Zihan said, the males surrounding were in disbelief.

“A female with SS spiritual power? How is that possible!”

Despite how the female zergs of this world had a status second only to the imperial marshal, to the point that even the marshal had to bow to females…

The physical and spiritual strength of females was far inferior to males.

SS-grade spiritual power was rare even among soldiers who were born for battle. There had only ever been three people in the history of zergs who reached that level, all of whom were soldiers, and of them, only two were still alive today.

The first was Marshal Mo Yihai who was 36 years old this year; the other was a first-class general, as well as the youngest ever general of the empire, the 23-year-old Yu Chenyu.

When the male staff member spoke to Qi Zihan, he was first shocked by Qi Zihan’s SS-grade spiritual power and then stunned by his spouse’s identity.

He didn’t recognise the uniform that could only be worn by a general!

He even got angry at a general for letting a female ride a hoverbike!

But in this case, the general was in the wrong. How could he let a female ride such a dangerous vehicle?

Females should only use the most advanced, most stable aircraft — this was the consensus of all zergs.

“Did you see it wrong? Maybe you saw his male’s spiritual power as his… holy shit! The male just now was General Yu Chenyu?”

One male after another reacted.

“No wonder I thought his uniform looked so different from the other soldiers’!”

“I heard he’s an iron-blooded soldier who once single-handedly slaughtered all the aberrants in a high-risk area. I thought he’d be cold and stiff like the other soldiers, but although he was a little distant, he’s so handsome!”

“I think any drone who sees him would be ashamed of their looks!”

“Hey, listen to me!” the male who received Qi Zihan couldn’t help but interrupt, “Although the male that just walked out has no idea how to get along with females and makes people sweat for him really is General Yu Chenyu, but I’m talking about that female’s spiritual power! Qi Zihan is a female zerg with SS-grade spiritual power! A female!”


The males’ reactions went in a big circle.

Soldiers with S-grade spiritual power were still somewhat common, not one of them wasn’t an excellent warrior who could fight alone against thousands.

But let alone S-grade, even A-grades were astonishingly rare among females. Most of them were B- or C-grade.

An SS-grade female? Unheard of!

But the facts were placed in front of them.

“Think carefully with your buggy brains! It’s a 99.99% match rate! If their spiritual capabilities aren’t on the same level, how can their match rate reach so high?”

A single sentence awakened the zergs.

“That’s right, basically all male-female pairs with a match rate higher than 80% are at the same spiritual grade.”

“99.99%, infinitely approaching 100%. My god, can such a high match rate exist?”

“If they can produce a soldier, he’ll definitely be the next marshal!”

“Speaking of the marshal, hasn’t he not gotten married yet?”

“Ah, I wonder what’s the match rate between Sir Marshal and that female.”

“For a female with SS spiritual power, it wouldn’t be strange even if he pulled in all the S- and SS-grade males into his harem.”

Every female could have multiple spouses, but the maximum number depended on their spiritual power.

Females with C spiritual power could have up to seven partners, of whom two could be B-grade males, five could be C-grade males, and with no limit to the number of males who were below C-grade except for the total number of partners.

Females with B spiritual power could have up to thirteen partners, of whom three could be A-grade males, ten could be B-grade males, and with no limit to the number of males who were C-grade or below except for the total number of partners.

Females with A spiritual power could have up to twenty partners, of whom five could be S-grade males, fifteen could be A-grade males, and with no limit to the number of males who were B-grade or below except for the total number of partners.

Although females with S spiritual power hadn’t appeared yet, it was stipulated that they could have any number of S-grade partners with no upper limit, but at the same time, they were only allowed up to twenty males who were A-grade or below.

As for females with SS spiritual power… there weren’t any relevant regulations for it, but they didn’t need long to conclude that there was no need to set any limit for a female zerg with such high spiritual power.

He did not need to go through the system to select a marriage partner, because all males would willingly crawl at his feet.

He could become the entire empire’s queen.

Queen Bee.

Before today, they thought that this creature only existed in legends.

But perhaps he had already appeared and had just gracefully left their sight.

The Imperial Central Command contained both the residence and office of Marshal Mo Yihai.

He absentmindedly looked at the message that popped up on his personal terminal for a long time without moving.

[System]: Dear Marshal Mo Yihai, 0.1s ago, the database updated the data of a female zerg whose spiritual compatibility with you reaches 84.37%. Would you like to send a marriage proposal to the service office of the Association for the Rights of Female Zergs immediately?

A spiritual compatibility of over 80%. For he who had SS spiritual power, it was something he hardly dared to think of.

He was on the verge of losing control, had already planned to take his own life, and even planned out what kind of research his corpse should be used for. But at such a time…

Should he send a message?

As the marshal of the empire, was he finally going to step foot into the abyss he had maintained with his own hands and place his fate into the hands of a female whom he didn’t know?

In the end, after a sleepless night, he used his spiritual power to close that page and brought up the chat interface for a certain person.

Mo Yihai: A female with a match rate higher than 80% with me has appeared, should I pursue him?

After a while, the other party replied.

Zhu Yunqi: Why ask me? Do I have the right to make decisions for you?

Mo Yihai: You do.

A few minutes passed before another message came.

Zhu Yunqi: A’Hai, you know that I can’t watch you die when you have a way to live

Zhu Yunqi: But emotionally, I can’t accept it

Zhu Yunqi: So only you can decide for yourself, if you think…

Zhu Yunqi: Wait, I feel like something’s strange. That female you’re talking about, is he called Qi Zihan?

Mo Yihai: ?

Mo Yihai: How did you know?

Zhu Yunqi: Holy shit! Things are weird, let me show you a message I received last night!

Zhu Yunqi: Dear General Zhu Yunqi, 0.1s ago, the database updated the data of a female zerg whose spiritual compatibility with you reaches 93.46%. Would you like to send a marriage proposal to the service office of the Association for the Rights of Female Zergs immediately?

Mo Yihai: ?

Zhu Yunqi: I checked, his name is Qi Zihan, he showed up out of thin air last night and picked Chenyu, which means that the match rate between them must also be above 50%

Mo Yihai: ?

Mo Yihai: How strong is his spiritual power?

Zhu Yunqi: Don’t know, but since you matched with him, I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s SS

Mo Yihai: How is that possible?

Zhu Yunqi: The facts are there. Only when a female’s spiritual power is close to or higher than a male’s will their match rate exceed 80%

Zhu Yunqi: Males don’t have the right to view the personal information of females without permission, let’s wait until Chenyu pleases the female before asking him.

Mo Yihai: Chenyu… pleasing someone?

A strange look appeared on Mo Yihai’s face.

Having fought side by side with Yu Chenyu, he knew this person’s personality very well.

With his stubborn character, did he know how to ‘please’ a female zerg?

Zhu Yunqi: Don’t overthink, how else can soldiers make a female happy?

Mo Yihai: He…

Zhu Yunqi: Yeah.

Zhu Yunqi: Even if he does get divorced, I hope he won’t come back with missing arms and legs

Mo Yihai fell silent, as did Zhu Yunqi.

The two shared a sad moment across their terminals, not knowing that their comrade had successfully reversed his divorce, though he hadn’t yet won his wife’s favour.

After returning home, Qi Zihan walked to the sofa and sank into it tiredly.

Yu Chenyu closed the door, then slowly took off his military boots and cap.

He tucked the cap under his arm and turned to look at Qi Zihan, who was slumped on the sofa. The corners of his lips raised, and he secretly felt a little happy.

He could tell that his Lord Wife didn’t keep him because he liked him, but because he sympathised with him.

Unlike his indifferent exterior, his Lord Wife was a gentle person inside.

How strange. As he found himself losing control, he was so afraid of receiving his comrades’ pitying eyes when they met in the future.

But now, although he knew that Qi Zihan pitied him, he didn’t feel humiliated at all; instead, he felt a kind of joy, as if he was seeing hope.

This joy softened his brows and tone.

“If you’re hungry, I’ll go cook for you, Lord Wife,” he said gently, so gently that it didn’t match his appearance at all.

Qi Zihan’s stomach gurgled at his words.

Only then did he realise that he hadn’t eaten anything since he first transmigrated here.

He didn’t know what the food here was like, or if it would be delicious or not.

Hopefully, it wouldn’t be insects…

“Okay,” Qi Zihan agreed, deciding to wait and see. If Yu Chenyu’s cooking wasn’t good, they would go out to eat. Though, speaking of which. “If a female goes out alone, will restaurants give food for free?”

Yu Chenyu paused on his way to the kitchen. A confused expression flashed across his face, followed by a sly, fox-like smile.

However, he had already returned to his usual calmness by the time he turned to look at Qi Zihan. “The Female Association will provide basic necessities to females without sufficient economic resources, but both the nutrition and taste of their food are very poor. Better food costs money.”

“Oh, I see.” Qi Zihan also thought that he was too optimistic.

The empire had set up the current society precisely to make females get married. If they could stay single and still live without worrying about food, clothing, and shelter, then what would be the point of getting married?

Yu Chenyu’s next sentence was as he expected. “The biggest source of income for females is the males they marry. Females can enjoy all the property owned by their males.”

“You said that’s the biggest source of income, so what’s the second biggest?”

“Work,” he answered. “Females can choose to work, but they tend to find it tiring, and there are few places that allow females to be hired. Most of those that do are relatively simple jobs, so the salary isn’t high.”

Yu Chenyu was only short of explicitly saying that he needed him.

Although Qi Zihan noticed his thoughts, he didn’t comment.

Since he already decided to keep Yu Chenyu, he couldn’t start discussing divorce again.

Though… having a marriage without love made it hard for him to be interested.

He felt that he should try his best to be self-reliant before his relationship with Yu Chenyu grew too co-dependent.

Therefore he asked, “I don’t know how to do much, is there a job you can recommend?”

Yu Chenyu was quiet. His eyes which had finally gained a spark of life dimmed again after hearing this question. It took him a long time to squeeze out a sentence from gritted teeth. 

“I’m a general of this empire, and although I’ve already half retired, I have so much money that you can’t possibly spend it all. You can rest assured in using it, even if in the future…” he hesitated, then forced himself to continue, “even if you still don’t like me after a long time and insist on divorcing me. It doesn’t matter if you spend everything before then.”

Qi Zihan was his last hope. He bet everything on him — even if he lost everything, he had no way out.

Qi Zihan noticed his uneasiness but had no time to comfort him because he had noticed an unexpected word: “Retired?”

This person looked no older than 30 years old, perhaps even younger than 25, nowhere near retirement age. Why would he be half-retired?

“Because you’re losing control?” he guessed.

Yu Chenyu nodded.

This was the main reason behind males submitting marriage proposals. He thought Qi Zihan already understood this, so he had never stated it explicitly.

Before he knew that Qi Zihan had minimal knowledge of this world, he had even thought that he deliberately ignored it to humiliate him.

Now that he thought about it, he was judging a gentleman with a villain’s heart.

Qi Zihan sat for a while, thoughtful. “Then, let’s make a deal,” he abruptly said.

“A deal?” A hint of confusion was barely perceptible on Yu Chenyu’s face, and his gaze towards Qi Zihan once again turned scrutinising.

On the battlefield, his eyes could capture all details and allow him to react in the face of danger.

He had stubbornly escaped death countless times thanks to these eyes.

Yet now, at such a close distance, he couldn’t see through the thoughts of his wife.

Ignoring his stare, Qi Zihan raised a slender index finger. “For example, I’ll soothe you and prevent you from losing control. In exchange, you’re not allowed to touch me without permission.”

Yu Chenyu wanted to say that he wouldn’t dare to casually touch a female even if there wasn’t such a deal, but instead, he nodded and agreed.

When he nodded, he glanced at Qi Zihan’s fingers and noticed their shape for the first time, causing him to be distracted for a moment.

Delicate and distinctly jointed, they looked more like expertly carved jade than fingers.

Were all females’ hands so beautiful?

“Like this, I make a request and you make one as well. As long as we both keep by each other’s terms, I won’t casually chase you away.” Folding away his finger, Qi Zihan crossed his legs, giving off feelings of both pride and laziness like a rare breed of cat.

His appearance couldn’t be less threatening to a soldier.

Most females had gentle features as if they were flowers raised in a greenhouse, or like carefully maintained jade. Qi Zihan was no exception.

But his well-proportioned body — broad shoulders, narrow waist, and long legs — made him look stronger than most females.

Yu Chenyu could even faintly detect tight muscles hiding underneath his clothes.

His vision, which had finally focused, became blurred again. He raised a hand to support his chin as if he were thinking about Qi Zihan’s proposal, but his mind was a complete blank.

“My second requirement is that you can’t call me ‘Lord Wife’, and you can’t use honorifics towards me either. Just call me Qi Zihan or Zihan.”

After saying this, he kept his arms crossed instead of raising another finger. He retracted his right hand’s thumb, ring finger, and little finger, leaving only his index and middle fingers tapping elegantly on his arm.

Then he lazily glanced in Yu Chenyu’s direction. “Come on, make your second request,” he said.

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