Chapter 7: Are you willing to let me try?

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A rectangular electronic screen popped up in Qi Zihan’s field of vision with familiar Chinese characters written on it.

Just as he wanted to ask if this was the norm for this world’s script, he heard Yu Chenyu ask, “Do you see anything?”

Looking at him in surprise, Qi Zihan pointed at the screen in front of him. “You can’t see it?” he asked.

Surprise flashed across Yu Chenyu’s face, but it wasn’t because he couldn’t see the screen. Rather: “You succeeded.”

As he expected, it was impossible for a SS-grade female to be unable to use spiritual power.

The corners of his lips subtly raised as he explained, “When you log in to your terminal with spiritual power, the interface will appear in a form that cannot be captured by the naked eye but can be detected by mental power. Put another way, the information is directly transmitted to your brain through spiritual power, so only you can see the screen, unless…”

Here, he abruptly stopped speaking.

“Unless what?” Qi Zihan asked curiously.

Since he had asked, Yu Chenyu answered. “Unless you allow me to use my spiritual power to invade your brain, or you use your spiritual power to invade my brain, then share your vision with me.”

“I see.” Qi Zihan guessed that the reason he saw Chinese characters wasn’t because zergs used the same written language, but because the information his spiritual power detected appeared in a form which he was familiar with.

After going through the terminal’s tutorial, he roughly understood what it was and what its functions were.

Just as he thought that he ‘wanted to know more about Yu Chenyu’, a window containing Yu Chenyu’s personal data popped up.

Name: Yu Chenyu
Sex: Male (soldier)
Age: 23
Identity: First-class general of the empire; retirement application has been submitted, expected to be approved in 18 days
Last medical exam: 7 days ago
Medical exam results: 37.14% control loss; rate of control loss is approx. 1.95%/day; estimated time until complete loss of control is 25 days; you may ride but it is not recommended to drive a vehicle travelling above 10,000m/s.
Physical capability: SS
Spiritual capability: SS
Spiritual mimicry: Illusory Flower Mantis

Estimated time until complete loss of control is 25 days — reading this line, Qi Zihan jumped!

Yu Chenyu seemed as if he was in good condition. Qi Zihan thought that even if he would lose control, it would be in a few years. He never expected that he had less than a month left!


How was it so fast!

In that case, divorcing him was no different from a death sentence.

Suddenly feeling a sense of urgency, he didn’t bother to question Yu Chenyu before using his spiritual power to retrieve information related to spiritual soothing.

If a female wanted to use spiritual power to soothe a male, then given the male’s willingness, the female would insert spiritual power into the male’s brain and enter the male’s inner world.

Repairing the male’s inner world could slow down the rate of control loss, while soothing the male’s spiritual mimicry could directly cure the male of their loss of control.

Yu Chenyu said that using spiritual power required a degree of imagination.

Spiritual soothing also needed it.

For example, if a male’s inner world was a barren desert, the female should imagine his spiritual power as rain irrigating it.

If a male’s inner world had lots of weeds, the female should think of a way to remove them.

Pulling them one by one was too slow, so most would turn their spiritual power into herbicides, but this would cause a certain amount of damage to the male.

As for soothing the mimicry… mimics of males who were on the verge of losing control would often be highly aggressive. If it were another male who invaded their mind, they would resist fiercely.

But if it was a female invader, males would instead have a courtship instinct, which could temporarily suppress their urge to attack. The female could then take the opportunity to flirt with spiritual power and use sexual stimulation to fight against loss of control.

Qi Zihan: “…”

He seemed to understand why males had to get married to females if they wanted soothing.

The spiritual power of males was full of aggression and was often used to kill enemies.

The spiritual power of females was full of attraction, allowing them to use the most gentle methods to make those valiant male zergs surrender.

So, soothing was usually carried out at the same time as certain behaviours.

Qi Zihan raised his hand to support his forehead, feeling a little overwhelmed.

He had just told Yu Chenyu to treat himself as being single, yet now he had to flirt with him in order to soothe him, purely as a roommate?

“You didn’t tell me that you only have twenty-five days until you lose control,” he accused.

“Twenty-five days ago, I also thought I only had twenty-five days left to live,” Yu Chenyu replied calmly without blinking an eye.

“What do you mean?”

“The rate of control loss is an estimate.” Knowing that Qi Zihan had read his personal data, Yu Chenyu stopped explaining the terminology and went straight to the point. “The number varies, and it varies quite a lot. A month ago my rate of control loss was more serious than now, reaching 3% per day, but at the same time my total control loss was 31%. It’s currently 37%. So it increased by 6% in a month, at an average of 0.2% per day.”

“Hss — that’s too scary.” Qi Zihan couldn’t imagine how Yu Chenyu lived until now.

Every day he thought he was going to die, but he survived against expectations again and again.

Did the males’ medical exam system have something wrong with it?

As if knowing what he was thinking, Yu Chenyu explained, “Everyone’s spiritual stability is different. Some people can be fine one second and suddenly collapse the next. I know a soldier who had just been soothed by a female whose control loss had basically been cleared, but he deteriorated rapidly a few days after returning to his squad and eventually died at their hands.”

“What did the female do to him?” Qi Zihan asked reflexively.

Yet this caused Yu Chenyu to look visibly surprised. After a while, he asked in return, “Why do you think it was caused by his female?”

“Uh, it wasn’t?” Qi Zihan hadn’t thought much about it, he had no particular reason for his reaction.

Yet it was correct.

“Even if a male has SS physical capabilities, his inner world is extremely fragile,” was Yu Chenyu’s next sentence. “That female probably wanted to prove that his spiritual power is as assertive as a male’s, so he planted a time bomb in the male’s inner world while he was soothing him.

“After he lost control, I forcefully invaded his inner world while trying to stop him, so I saw how it was blown up into a mess.”

His tone was very calm as he said it, but the calmer he was, the more uncomfortable Qi Zihan felt.

Qi Zihan believed that Yu Chenyu must have been furious at the time, but he could do nothing other than killing his comrade to give him relief.

He was only so calm now because he had accepted his fate. He had accepted the reality of this world, and had accepted that males were such lowly creatures.

“I brought my findings and speculations to the marshal,” he continued, “his response was for me to not let anyone else know, to forget about it, and to pretend that nothing happened.”

“Even the marshal…”

“Yeah, even if he’s the marshal, he doesn’t dare to interfere in cases involving females. Rather, it’s precisely because he’s the marshal that it’s easier for him to be attacked, so he can’t make any mistakes on sensitive things like this. I understand it, so I don’t blame him.

“This is what the world is like. No matter what happens, it won’t ever be the female’s fault. I even know what will happen after I tell the truth — everyone will say it’s the male who didn’t do enough as a spouse, didn’t do what he did do good enough, or wonder what he did wrong to his female for him to be retaliated against.”

Qi Zihan thought about his own Earth. Whenever there was news about a girl being raped, there would always be some weird comments accusing the girl of dressing too scantily, or even speculating that her identity was unclean, all without any evidence.

Really, no matter which world it was, there would always be these kinds of people who spewed garbage as soon as their mouths opened.


“The marshal ordered you to bury the truth forever, but you told me just like that?” Qi Zihan felt that Yu Chenyu trusted him too much.

Was it really okay to trust someone you knew for less than a day?

“You’ll know sooner or later,” Yu Chenyu replied, but seeing that Qi Zihan didn’t understand, he had to explain it more clearly. “Spiritual appeasement… doesn’t allow secrets.”

Ah, understood.

Meaning that they could see memories of the host in their inner world?

“When is your next medical exam?” Qi Zihan asked, wanting to give him soothing before his next exam to see the effect.

Yet he didn’t expect his answer to be, “Tonight.”

Qi Zihan: “…”

Help! I’m not ready!

He quickly searched on his terminal if it was possible to soothe without sex.

The answer was yes.

Some females liked to see males remaining unsatisfied after being soothed, so of course it was possible.

Once again, Qi Zihan supported his forehead.

“What is it?” Yu Chenyu asked worriedly.

He didn’t know what Qi Zihan’s terminal showed.

He wasn’t afraid of Qi Zihan checking his data — males had no secrets in front of their females. Not to mention their travel routes, even more personal information such as when their heart rates picked up could be checked clearly.

To Yu Chenyu, none of these were something to be hidden from his wife.

What he was afraid of was that after Qi Zihan became more familiar with this world, he would be assimilated and become like most females, despising the lives of males and treating them like toys to be thrown away, or even conducting all sorts of cruel experiments.

Qi Zihan did want to use Yu Chenyu as an experiment.

There was no other way, he only had Yu Chenyu.

“I’ve mostly mastered the theoretical knowledge on how to use spiritual power to soothe males,” he said, “but because every male’s inner world is different, there’s no set way to do it, so I can only explore the practical portion myself. Are you willing to let me try?”

Yu Chen Yu hesitated briefly, with a hint of worry in his eyes.

But after a moment of silence, he nodded.

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