Chapter 8: Too loose, tighten it a bit more

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This would be the first time for Qi Zihan to soothe a male zerg, so he had no experience.

It was also the first time for Yu Chenyu to receive soothing from a female, he also had no experience.

Therefore, after one proposed and the other accepted, neither of them rushed to do anything, in favour of going through their various concerns instead.

“I won’t get hurt if I don’t get it right, right?” Qi Zihan would be trying his best not to harm Yu Chenyu, so he was more worried about getting hurt himself.

Yu Chenyu felt that this was justified. “I don’t know,” he said, “I suggest you tie me up before trying it.”


It involved his own safety this time, so Qi Zihan didn’t resist.

The two entered the bedroom one after another, closed the curtains, turned on the lights, then Yu Chenyu sat on the bed and offered his wrists to Qi Zihan.

Forcing himself not to think about what might happen after soothing Yu Chenyu, Qi Zihan picked up the coarse rope that he used a lot of effort to untie from the bed and wrapped it around Yu Chenyu’s wrists.

Yet before he could tie a knot, Yu Chenyu said, “It’s too loose, tighten it a bit more.”

“Don’t rush, aren’t I doing it now?” Qi Zihan pulled the rope tight after he wrapped it at least three times, then tied the first knot.

“Tighter, otherwise I can break free too easily,” Yu Chenyu said.

Qi Zihan: “…”

Okay, you’re strong, you’re awesome.

He used all his strength to tighten the rope, squeezing Yu Chenyu’s wrists as much as possible, before tying the second knot.

Yu Chenyu finally seemed satisfied, but then he said, “My ankles as well.”

Qi Zihan, whose palms had been rubbed raw by the ropes, looked at Yu Chenyu with resentment.

Yu Chenyu instantly quieted. After his wrists were tied together, he took the initiative to lay on the bed, then raised his arms and touched the handcuffs fixed to the headboard. “Shackle me.”

Handcuffs were much more convenient to use. “People who know would know that I’m about to soothe you, but people who don’t know would think that I’m interrogating a prisoner,” Qi Zihan couldn’t help complaining after he neatly locked him up.

Yu Chenyu stared for a while without responding. He just closed his legs and waited for him to tie up his feet with more ropes.

Sighing, Qi Zihan yielded to his fear of death and also tied his ankles together.

However, halfway through, Yu Chenyu’s voice came again: “Tighter.”

“Shut up!” Qi Zihan shouted as he exerted all his strength to tie up Yu Chenyu’s ankles, before laying on the edge of the bed to recover.

He felt as if his past ten years of exercising were all in vain!

He used so much strength but still couldn’t even leave a mark on Yu Chenyu’s body!

Males — no, what kind of monsters were soldiers!

Seeing Qi Zihan sink to his knees, Yu Chenyu suddenly realised something and went into a brief daze. “Sorry, I…”

He just didn’t want to hurt Qi Zihan in case anything went wrong, but he forgot that there was no way to compare the physical capabilities of male and female zergs.

Even if Qi Zihan’s body was stronger than that of most males, the gap between A and SS was the difference between life and death on the battlefield.

“Alright, you can stop emphasising that you’re stronger than me and can take more beatings,” Qi Zihan said irritably.

Although he was a female, he was a man! He was someone who had persisted in athletics for more than a decade! He hated seeing others with better muscles than him, people who could fight better than him!

Yu Chenyu didn’t dare to say anything more.

He realised that he had angered his wife, but it turned out to be because he brought attention to the vast difference in their physical capabilities?

He had never felt inferior due to being a soldier, and was even a little proud of it.

Like most soldiers, he looked down on drones whose physiques weren’t much different from females and couldn’t step onto the front lines.

But at this moment, as a spouse, he truly felt the gap between him and drones.

Yes, for females who were far from battles, they didn’t need a soldier’s protection. A soldier’s strength was useless except for giving them pressure and anxiety.

A drone’s gentleness, sensitivity, and docility were what they liked and needed.

He opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but stopped again.

He wanted to say that he wouldn’t hurt Qi Zihan, but this was his first time receiving spiritual soothing and he didn’t know what would happen. He couldn’t guarantee it.

Qi Zihan didn’t know his thoughts.

After resting for a while and regaining his strength, he got up, climbed onto the bed, and straddled Yu Chenyu.

He placed his hands on both sides of his head and leaned down to meet his eyes. His light brown eyes were obviously very indifferent, but perhaps because of the colour, they were also quite reassuring.

It only took a moment for Yu Chenyu to relax. For a moment, he felt as if there would be no danger even if he opened up his inner world completely and let Qi Zihan do whatever he wanted.

“Ready?” Qi Zihan asked.

Humming in agreement, Yu Chenyu closed his eyes and relaxed his whole body. Not only did he put down all his defences, he also opened his inner world invitingly.

“Then, I’m coming in.” Qi Zihan carefully released his spiritual power to look for the entrance of Yu Chenyu’s inner world.

He vividly remembered the past event Yu Chenyu told him about.

Knowing that a male’s inner world was fragile no matter how strong their physical capability, he was really afraid that he would hurt Yu Chenyu if he wasn’t careful, so he was extremely gentle.

However, he didn’t know that Yu Chenyu had concealed two things.

The first was that the murdered soldier had only B-grade spiritual power.

The second was that the words ‘a fragile spirit’ had nothing to do with Yu Chenyu, who had SS-grade spiritual power.

Yu Chenyu had encountered an aberrant with S-grade spiritual power in a high-risk area. That thing could use its spiritual power to forcibly invade and destroy a zerg’s inner world, which had once caused the annihilation of an entire army.

For the sake of avenging those who had died and to resolve a major hidden danger, Yu Chenyu flew into battle alone and used his spiritual power to rip the aberrant’s mimicry apart, crushing it from the inside out.

Thus far, nothing could forcibly invade his inner world, let alone cause damage to it.

Qi Zihan patiently explored the thing that should be Yu Chenyu’s spiritual power for a while. Through their contact, he could feel something flowing between them, which were probably Yu Chenyu’s emotions.

No anxiety, no uneasiness, only relaxation and quiet anticipation.

He believed in him.

He handed over everything he had, including his life, and let him do as he pleased.

Soon, Qi Zihan felt a force guiding his spiritual power.

Guiding him through the entrance to the inner world, which he had found but was afraid to touch.

He realised that this was Yu Chenyu’s invitation.

Since that was the case…

Taking a deep breath, he released more spiritual power, then squeezed into his inner world.

The moment he did so, he found that his environment changed.

He wasn’t on the bed, he wasn’t even in the bedroom, and there was no Yu Chenyu beneath him.

At this moment, he floated — or hovered, or was flying — above a field of flowers.

Was this Yu Chenyu’s inner world?

It looked pretty good.

Although Yu Chenyu himself was handsome, the kind of handsome that would let his enemies lose their minds.

Qi Zihan had been quite surprised the first time he saw Yu Chenyu.

It wasn’t just because of his seductive posture, it was also because of his appearance.

Qi Zihan had never seen such a good-looking man.

Perhaps the reason why he went against himself time and time again — agreeing to keep him and soothing him even when he clearly knew what it meant — was because he was too handsome.

Although he complained about soldiers’ strength, in truth, he admired strong people.

He couldn’t stand men who had more beautiful muscles, more strength, or more beautiful fighting skills.

But if that man belonged to him…

Qi Zihan clicked his tongue to stop himself from being distracted.

He should do soothing properly since he was here, how could he get excited for no reason!

He tried to move around in the inner world, and succeeded.

It seemed as if anything he wanted to do was possible here, including flying through the sky or hiding in the ground.

But when he tried to find anything wrong with the beautifully coloured flowers below… he couldn’t find anything.

Well, he thought he would see dry land or overgrown weeds, and even visualised in advance how to call rain. He didn’t expect Yu Chenyu’s inner world to be so…

Just as he wanted to say ‘healthy’, Qi Zihan sensed something.

When the outer reaches of his spiritual power penetrated deep into the flowers, he felt their pain.

They forced themselves to bloom and to always show their most beautiful side, but there weren’t enough nutrients for them to absorb and they would soon wither.

Although this scene was pleasing to the eyes, it was only temporary, like a striking yet short-lived dream.

Not enough nutrients, so, did they need fertilisers?

This really stumped Qi Zihan.

His garden was taken care of by a hired gardener while he was only responsible for admiring it. Let alone how to fertilise plants, he didn’t even know how often the flowers needed to be watered.

Wait. Since he could sense the flowers’ pain, could he also sense what the flowers wanted?

Thinking of this, Qi Zihan continued to reach his spiritual power along their stems and roots.

[Want to drink nutrient solution.]

It was a tiny voice that made the request.

“What is nutrient solution?” Qi Zihan asked.

Information was released from the flowers and directly transmitted to his brain through his spiritual power.

Oh, so this is nutrient solution.

In the end he still needed to ‘make it rain’.

The difference was that it wouldn’t be normal rain, but a nutrient-rich rain.

It was time to do the experiment.

As Qi Zihan opened his arms, he didn’t notice that a pair of glittering, transparent insect wings also unfolded behind him.

He summoned dark clouds, and so dark clouds appeared in the sky.

He applied the information that had just been transmitted to him into the clouds, and with a boom of thunder, drops of water began to fall.

The drizzle moistened every swaying flower, and the nutrients within caused them to cheer.

[Feels much better.]

[Can hold on for a while longer.]

[Thank you.]

Sensing their joy and gratitude, Qi Zihan let out a relieved sigh, feeling that he had done pretty good for his first time.

But just as he thought that it had rained enough, a bright blue praying mantis with two pairs of transparent butterfly-like wings flew out.

It looked very similar to the flower it had lay on just now, so Qi Zihan hadn’t noticed it.

Until it grew bigger and bigger and bigger, becoming the size of a person, and part of its body took human form.

He was naked as he flew above the field of flowers towards Qi Zihan.

His human form had Yu Chenyu’s face, though a pair of furry antennae sprouted from his head and two pairs of membranous wings fanned out behind him, creating beautiful arcs of light and shadow.

However, his two arms were both huge mantis forelimbs, each covered with a row of startlingly sharp serrations.

Qi Zihan could easily imagine what would happen if he was caught by those arms.

He’d probably be cut in half…

This should be Yu Chenyu’s spiritual mimic, a perfect combination of himself mentally and physically.

Waving his hands to disperse the clouds, Qi Zihan’s eyes wandered over Yu Chenyu’s mimic, looking for a place to attack.

Hm… Did he really need to soothe him according to the ‘strategies’ he saw?

What he didn’t know was that while he was looking at Yu Chenyu, Yu Chenyu’s consciousness was also looking at him through the mimicry’s golden eyes, with expectation intertwined with vigilance.

Was this his Lord Wife’s spiritual mimicry?

Didn’t they all say female mimics were cute?

That long spike on his hand… What was that?

Yu Chenyu: I heard the spiritual mimicry of females are all very cute, like butterflies and moths.

Qi Zihan: Take a look at my baby (40m needle)!

Yu Chenyu: …An SS-grade Lord Wife truly is special.

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