Chapter 9: Want to conquer him?

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Qi Zihan quickly noticed the spike on his hand.

It was pure silver, very thin, and about one metre long.

Rather than holding it, it grew out of his right palm.

Touching it with his left hand, he found that he could freely extend and retract it, and moreover, he didn’t feel any pain even if he retracted the spike into his flesh.

What was it?

It seemed to be part of his body.

But this wasn’t important. Yu Chenyu’s spiritual mimic had already appeared, how should he soothe him?

Qi Zihan turned his attention back to Yu Chenyu, who stood not far away.

During the time he spent studying the spike, Yu Chenyu could no longer hold himself back.

Qi Zihan’s invasion of his inner world had dragged Yu Chenyu’s consciousness in as well, and now it was attached to his spiritual mimicry.

Although this was the case, he couldn’t completely control its actions.

Because he was much more ‘straightforward’ here than in reality.

In the real world, he could easily suppress the whims, desires, and impulses that he shouldn’t have, and prevent himself from turning them into reality.

Yet in the inner world, he acted on instinct, and often, a mere thought was enough to make him act accordingly.

The current Yu Chenyu instinctively wanted to both defend himself from the invasion and to pursue the female.

He decided that it was best to act while Qi Zihan was studying the spike, so he flapped his membranous wings and approached while slightly opening his folded forelimbs, making a hunting posture.

However, in the inner world, Qi Zihan was equally sensitive. As soon as he noticed his movements, he thrust out the sharp needle until it was a full two metres long.

Males typically didn’t attack females. When facing female zergs, their courtship instincts far outweighed any aggression.

But that was because most males had much better physical and spiritual abilities than females, and because spiritual mimicry of females usually looked harmless; even if they didn’t want to mate, they rarely had the intention to attack either.

Qi Zihan was different. His spiritual mimicry was extremely aggressive, and his spiritual power reached as high as SS-grade.

This was the first time Yu Chenyu’s inner world was invaded by someone with SS-grade spiritual power. Although he was the one to invite them in, his mimic couldn’t relax. Instead, his hostility increased sharply, so much so that any instinct for mating turned into something more like conquering.

He wanted to clamp him with his forelimbs, subdue his spike, and then…

“Your thinking is quite dangerous.”

Qi Zihan could use his spiritual powers to sense the thoughts of flowers, so how could he not sense what Yu Chenyu’s spiritual mimic was thinking?

This man wanted to conquer him?

This man who would kneel naked at his feet, raise a whip above his head, and repeatedly emphasise that he should tie the rope tighter.

Did he want to conquer him?


Sensing Yu Chenyu’s thoughts, Qi Zihan’s fighting instinct was also aroused.

He wanted to see who would conquer whom!

Battle was about to erupt, no one knew who would start first.

It could be that Yu Chenyu opened his folded forelimbs first, or it could be that Qi Zihan raised the spike on his hand first.

In short, the distance between them abruptly shortened, and both aimed their ‘weapons’ at each other!

Qi Zihan pointed his spike at Yu Chenyu’s shoulder, only for him to easily twist away and then swing his forelimbs towards Qi Zihan!

Qi Zihan fell at high speed, successfully evading his grasp. He then darted behind Yu Chenyu and thrust his spike again!

Yu Chenyu was dominated by instincts in his inner world, but Qi Zihan still had rationality.

He knew that he couldn’t hurt Yu Chenyu. Although he was angry that he wanted to conquer him, he had promised to soothe him!

Even if he had to nail him to the ground with his spike, he had to accept the soothing amidst the pain!

After a round of fierce combat, Qi Zihan suddenly felt a strong emotion coming from Yu Chenyu’s mimicry.

It was a mixture of pleasure from meeting a worthy opponent and fear of the future.

He wasn’t afraid of a future where he would lose control, but rather–

[I-I attacked my Lord Wife! How could I… What am I doing!]

Hearing this, Qi Zihan couldn’t help but sneer. “Didn’t you want to conquer me just now? Now you remember that I’m your wife?” Then he felt that something was wrong. “Psh, who’s your wife! I haven’t had the time to know that many people since coming to this world, maybe I can meet someone better than you? Why should I hang myself on a tree like you!”

Yu Chenyu, who had just stopped attacking out of fear, suddenly charged towards him with his two serrated forelimbs stretched out!

“Again? Can’t you just take your soothing properly!”

Qi Zihan didn’t want to fight anymore because he realised that although Yu Chenyu was fighting very hard, he had never used his full strength from beginning to end. Several times, he was almost caught, but Yu Chenyu’s movements would suddenly stop, thus allowing him to escape.

He truly had thought he could fight Yu Chenyu to a draw in his inner world at first, but after realising that Yu Chenyu was going easy, he instantly lost interest.

What he didn’t know was that Yu Chenyu also felt frustrated.

Not only because he failed to suppress his instincts and committed a very grave offence, but also because he could see that Qi Zihan didn’t use all his strength – his sharp silver needle seemed able to inject venom, yet it had never been aimed at his vital points even once.

Just as Qi Zihan’s suggestive words about wanting to find other males stimulated him into rushing forward madly, a ball of sweet golden liquid flew towards him and covered his face.

What… is this?

With this moment of hesitation, his fierce forelimbs and glittering wings were all stuck in the golden sticky liquid, unable to move an inch.

Losing its support, his body fell straight down into the flowers, where he rolled and struggled with all his strength.

Qi Zihan flew closer and looked down at his writhing form.

Instead of any cloth, Yu Chenyu’s body was covered with a thick golden mucus.

The mucus was extraordinarily sticky, and it stuck the two beautiful butterfly-like transparent wings behind him together.

No matter how he tumbled or rolled, it couldn’t do anything except make his wings more miserable and himself more embarrassed.

Qi Zihan looked at the spike growing out of his right palm, which still had a drop of golden mucus on the tip.

Huh? What’s this? It’s so useful!

Using his left hand, he took the drop from the needle and licked it from his stained fingers.

Sweet. It was honey.

Putting that aside, he looked down at Yu Chenyu who had finally stopped struggling.

The half-mantis Yu Chenyu was now lying in a field of flowers, covered in honey and panting violently.

Qi Zihan could sense his unwillingness and humiliation through spiritual power.

It turned out that he knew of humiliation.

And he also cared about his dignity.

So, when he humbly knelt naked in front of him and begged to not be abandoned, just how much did he endure?

The soldier at his feet right now was proud, he enjoyed the thrill of fighting and didn’t like to bow to anyone – it was a completely different impression than before.

Qi Zihan didn’t want to admit that his heartbeat quickened a little at the sight of such a lofty soldier falling, disgraced, to his feet.

Does he want to conquer me?

Why can’t I want to conquer him as well?

Conquer this man who looks stronger than me.

Yet he didn’t attack in the end.

Yes, he enjoyed the feeling of conquering the strong.

But he disdained humiliating already conquered prey.

Giving him that gratification would be an unnecessary humiliation and a further trampling of his dignity.

Although the victim was ready for it, and even expected him to do so.

There should be another way.

Using sexual stimulation to combat loss of control was only the simplest and most vulgar way.

“What do you want?” Qi Zihan asked as the tip of his needle touched the man’s chest.

The man’s emotions flowed directly into Qi Zihan’s mind through the long silver needle: [I want to calm down.]

“Then, let’s try a tranquiliser,” he replied. Raising the needle tip, some slightly opaque white liquid – completely different from the honey – soon flowed out.

He used his spiritual power to examine it carefully, and only after confirming that the liquid had a sedative effect did he insert the slender needle into Yu Chenyu’s arm and inject it into his body.

The ‘strategy’ he found on his terminal was right – practice was indeed the best learning method.

During the battle with Yu Chenyu, he quickly understood the true use of his spike.

He could make all kinds of liquids and spray them out from the small hole at the tip of the needle, just like a syringe that could inject all kinds of medicine.

We took so long just to find out that my spiritual mimicry is a doctor? he complained internally.

Seeing that Yu Chenyu’s mimicry had stabilised, he immediately waved his hand to dispel the honey, returning him to a spotless body.

Although he didn’t know whether his unique way of soothing would work, Qi Zihan had done everything he could and also felt that he could leave.

As soon as he had that thought, he found himself back in the bedroom, on the bed, and on Yu Chenyu.

He stared for a while until Yu Chenyu slowly opened his eyes. His expression was calm and he seemed to be in a good condition.


Wasn’t there something wrong with his body?

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