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Chapter 28: The Secretary Sneaks Into the CP Group

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…He really felt something was weird.

Luo Ran froze with his chopsticks in midair, feeling that his noodles and egg were no longer as fragrant.

On the other hand, Lillia, who saw through the truth with a single glance, was already numb.

She even wanted to see what else Luo Ran and Lucas could get up to.

Lucas noticed Luo Ran’s stiffness and turned to him with raised eyebrows as if asking what he was doing.

Luo Ran: “…”

He didn’t want to look at Lucas for the time being.

What a headache.

Luo Ran lowered his head to focus on his food, alternating between the soup and noodles.

Lucas frowned, then gave Luo Ran a kick under the table.

“…” Luo Ran almost choked on the soup.

Luo Ran carefully retracted his foot, pretended not to know anything, and kept chatting with Zhou Mingkai as he ate.

Lucas raised an eyebrow. Seeing that Luo Ran ignored him in favour of Zhou Mingkai, he forcefully swept his leg over.

Lucas just wanted to tease Luo Ran a bit but had no intention of speaking openly.

“Fuck, who kicked me!” Zhou Mingkai subconsciously shouted, shuddering.

Luo Ran: “…”

Lillia: “…”

* * *

A profound hush descended.

After a moment of silence, Lucas coldly replied, “Me.”

His action was too big and accidentally affected an innocent.

* * *

It became even quieter.

Zhou Mingkai froze and forced out a smile. “Ah, um, hahaha how fun.”

Luo Ran slapped down his chopsticks and said, smiling, “I’m going to the bathroom, you guys eat slowly.”

He left the canteen, walking towards the bathrooms.

Luo Ran, feeling confused the entire time, opened the article again.

[Ten Things Couples Do When Eating: Have You Fallen Prey to Them?]

…If you’ve experienced the first four! Then you two must be lovers!

And the next four are advanced tasks!

5: Make small movements under the dining table, like holding hands, hooking your legs together, or something~ ooh~


Luo Ran closed his terminal with a smack, refusing to read any more.

He regretted it a little.

…He regretted it a lot.

Now he understood why everyone on the forum misunderstood and kept shipping them together.

Was it because he and Lucas didn’t control themselves well enough and didn’t notice when they were being intimate?

Just as Luo Ran was wondering what to do, he picked up a strong scent from the bathroom.

It was an omega in heat.

Luo Ran frowned slightly.

It was a thick, sweet strawberry fragrance, but regardless of the flavour, this was… too vigorous, right?

An omega in heat would emit pheromones that made alphas lose control. Luo Ran wasn’t an alpha so he wasn’t affected, but he could detect the presence of his same kind.

This wasn’t the scent of a normal omega. It was so strong that it was more like the omega was the one who couldn’t control themselves – it was terrifying to imagine what would happen if there were an alpha nearby.

Luo Ran touched the inhibitor in his pocket and went closer to investigate.


Then, Luo Ran’s eyes widened.

He saw Andika leaning against a wall with teary eyes and a flushed face, clutching at the neck of another man.

Not many clothes were left on his body.

And the man who he held wore a military uniform. It was… Lu Cheng.

The two kissed fiercely, and their pheromones surged as if wanting to overturn the roof. Of course, Andika’s pheromones mainly took the lead, forceful and enthusiastic, while Lu Cheng was swept along until his eyes reddened and his movements turned impatient.

Luo Ran, shocked by this scene that should be mosaicked for children, froze in place.

And these two were the people involved.

He never would have thought.

Luo Ran’s thoughts turned rapidly in his mind.

He didn’t know if Andika did this on purpose, or if he really went into heat on accident.

He also wasn’t clear on if Lu Cheng freely chose this, and the two of them had something going on, or if he broke in unexpectedly and was muddled by pheromones.

One was Lucas’ adjutant, the other was a foreign prince.

But Andika’s pheromones were so strong that Luo Ran’s inhibitor couldn’t stop him, nor was it possible for an alpha whose fuse was already lit to restrain himself.

Since there was no way to control the situation inside, Luo Ran averted his eyes and didn’t continue to watch.

He simply left the bathroom and locked the door.

However, he still had some worries, so he stood guard outside.

To prevent the others from looking for him, he sent Lucas a message to say that he went to the warehouse to check on something.

After that, Luo Ran notified another adjutant, Wang Qi, and asked him to unobtrusively bring a pack of inhibitors over.

Luo Ran hesitated, then added, ‘ten tubes.’

He now knew why Andika consumed so many inhibitors. It was obviously due to a pheromone disorder which caused hormonal imbalances and even collapse.

But he didn’t know why.

Wang Qi arrived not long after.

Lucas’ adjutants were always very reliable in their words and deeds. Luo Ran took the inhibitors he handed over with thanks.

Wang Qi glanced curiously at the bathroom behind Luo Ran. “Did something happen to an omega? Do you need me to help?”

“You’re an alpha, so it’s not convenient for you. I’ll go,” Luo Ran said. “Don’t tell others.”


Andika’s situation wasn’t one that could be easily solved, so Luo Ran guessed that Lu Cheng would use 15 to 45 minutes to calm themselves down then find some inhibitors to tide over the rest.

Sure enough, half an hour later, Luo Ran heard someone trying to open the door.

As soon as Luo Ran opened the door, he came face to face with a nervous Lu Cheng.

“M-M-M-M-Madam!” Lu Cheng was so nervous that he blurted out his thoughts.

Luo Ran: “…”

Luo Ran handed him the bag in his hands.

“Take care of it in the bathroom, don’t make trouble.”

Although Luo Ran’s voice and expression were as gentle as ever, his awe-inspiring demeanour made Lu Cheng stiffen in anxiety and embarrassment. “Okay…! S-Sorry.”

Luo Ran watched Lu Cheng go back in and, seeing that the matter was just about resolved, left them to it and left first.

* * *

One hour later, in the warehouse office.

Luo Ran sat behind the desk while Lu Cheng stood stiff as a board.

“S-Sorry…” With Luo Ran silent, Lu Cheng blushed bright red and said, “I’m sorry to the admiral! I’m sorry to the Empire!”

Luo Ran wasn’t sure whether to laugh or cry. “Explain first, did you accidentally pass by or…?”

As Lucas’ adjutant, neither Lu Cheng’s abilities nor character were in question. Luo Ran also trusted him after so many years of working together.

Now, he only wanted to know how the prince was involved.

“I-It wasn’t an accident.” Lu Cheng took a deep breath. Thinking that a man should be brave, and anyways, at most he’d be fired, he said loudly, “He and I got together during the banquet!!”

Luo Ran: “…”

Luo Ran asked, “The banquet for the emperor’s birthday?”

It was the night that Lucas was drugged, and also the night Andika was found to have strange movements, used both contraceptives and inhibitors, and stayed overnight at the hotel.

“Yes…” Lu Cheng hardened himself and continued, “I fell in love with him at first sight at the banquet, so, so I couldn’t help following him. Then I found that… he suddenly felt unwell and ran to a corner of the garden, it seemed like he was going into heat… he kept taking inhibitors but they didn’t work, so I wanted to take him to the hospital.

“Then, he suddenly…”

There was no need to keep talking.

Luo Ran looked at him helplessly.

Unlike omega who were keenly aware of their own bodies, most alpha only knew the generalities of their physiology and didn’t think much on the topic.

Since Andika didn’t even use inhibitors, then when an alpha went up to him, they naturally…

“I looked for him later, and he happened to be in heat again, so we did it again… then he drove me away and we haven’t seen each other since,” Lu Cheng said, scratching the back of his head. “He came to ask me for help today.”

Luo Ran frowned. “Then why didn’t Prince Andika say so? He doesn’t intend to formalize your relationship?”

“He doesn’t like me…?” Lu Cheng replied in a dumb tone.

“What doesn’t like you.” Luo Ran reminded him with a soft smile, “Do you know who will suffer if this spreads?”

“He’s an omega…”

Luo Ran interrupted him. “Yes, he is a soft and weak omega, while you are an alpha who can overpower him at any time. He is here for marriage talks, but had improper relations with you, an alpha. Think, how will Luobing and the royal family react?”

Omega had always been protected by law. For example, when Luo Ran said his SSS omega friend was unwilling to reveal his identity to refine the UNK, the research institute didn’t dare to ask questions, much less investigate, for fear that they would be accused of oppressing omega.

Omega were innately advantaged in both law and public opinion. No matter who had taken the first step, the Empire would have a deadly weakness as long as Andika spoke up.

Lu Cheng was shocked.

“We don’t know why he suddenly has a pheromone disorder. We also don’t know his intentions, and whether the night he spent with you was accidental or on purpose,” Luo Ran said.

Lu Cheng straightened his back and said, “I understand! I swear that I will not betray the admiral, nor will I conceal any information! If anything happens in the future, I am willing to resign with absolutely no complaints!”

After a brief pause, Lu Cheng added, “But I don’t think Prince Andika would use this to make a fuss.”

Luo Ran nodded. They’d been investigating Andika this whole time, and he really was trying to hide it.

This situation wasn’t simple.

“Don’t worry, if that’s really the case, it isn’t as if the Empire has no solutions.” Luo Ran lightly tapped the desk. “However, you shouldn’t contact him for the time being.”

Lu Cheng hesitated, but complied. “Yes.”

After Lu Cheng left, Luo Ran quickly contacted the intelligence and investigation teams.

It was already deep into the evening when he finished the necessary arrangements, and the various highnesses from Luobing and the Empire had all left.

Once Luo Ran returned home, he read some documents, followed up on the intelligence team’s progress, then prepared to go to bed.

He habitually took a look at the forum.

But his mentality was a bit different when he saw the CP topics this time.

…A bit ashamed.

After a moment of hesitation, Luo Ran decided to join the forum’s ‘CP chat group’ to gain a better understanding of how everyone thought and where his own blind spots were.

…Then change his behaviour.

He and Lucas couldn’t go on like this.

Luo Ran searched for half a day before he managed to find the group ID and apprehensively applied to join.

Soon, the moderator One Tender Blossom* sent him a private message.

So Rong Duo is actually a moderator, Luo Ran thought.

One Tender Flower: Dear, you want to join the Secretary x Admiral is Real chat group, right?

False Truths: Yes.

One Tender Flower: It’s like this, we’re worried about fakes mixing into the group, so we need some verification!

False Truths: Okay.

Luo Ran waited for the verification method with trepidation.

One Tender Flower: We don’t need much, you just need to show evidence that you’re a fan of this ship! First of all, charity donations are a must. Otherwise, it can be things like posting top-tier threads on the forum, or receipts from purchasing their merch!

Luo Ran: ???

They had merchandise?

Luo Ran hurriedly went to the online marketplace to take a look.

#LuRan couples mug

#LuRan keychain

These were still normal.

#LuRan R18 book

#LuRan 4 admirals and 1 secretary ♂play♀together

Luo Ran: “…”

Was it what he thought it was?

Was it?

Was it?

Luo Ran felt as if struck by thunder* and immediately placed an order.

He wanted to see exactly what it was.

Then, Luo Ran searched up the donations and found that it was a charity fund the CP fans set up to send warmth and financial assistance to poorer families and other special groups.

Luo Ran felt a little moved.

This wasn’t so bad. Since they did it in his and Lucas’ names, it was a good thing for Lucas’ public opinion. After all, there were so many rumours of his brutality floating around.

Luo Ran invested a large sum of money, then sent a screenshot of his receipt to One Tender Flower.

One Tender Flower: Wow!! It looks like our new friend is a local tyrant! But, um, looking at the date, it seems to have been donated today… I’m a bit uncertain about this (・・;)

One Tender Flower: Does dearie have any better evidence? Maybe something you’ve bought before? Not something from today~

Luo Ran racked his brains and thought hard.

He was clearly the person himself, yet he had to painstakingly search for personal verification like this.

It’s too hard.

It took a long while before he thought of something.

Luo Ran scrounged up Lucas’ jacket, then took a photo of it to send.

False Truths: It’s the same style as the admiral’s, I bought it from a reseller. I can send more photos from other angles.

So after many hardships, Luo Ran, the righteous master, was finally allowed in.

A crowd of people warmly welcomed him in as soon as he joined the group, including the other moderators.

Nana: Welcome, new friend!

Triumphant Once Again: Welcome, welcome! Newbie, let’s do the ritual together!

False Truths: What ritual?

Triumphant Once Again: Please recite three times: secretary x admiral is real!!

Luo Ran: “…”

Triumphant Once Again: Hurry hurry hurry!

One Tender Flower: Newbie, are you daydreaming? So slow~ hurry up and say it!

False Truths: Secretary x admiral is real.

Triumphant Once Again: Can you be a bit more enthusiastic?! It’s like you haven’t had lunch yet!

Luo Ran: “…”

False Truths: Secretary x admiral is real!!!

False Truths: Secretary x admiral is real!!!

False Truths: Secretary x admiral is real!!!!

Luo Ran thought to himself, I must have gone off the deep end when I decided to join this group.

Those 10k characters from c25 and c27 have severely depleted my stockpile, so don’t be surprised if updates slow down for a while.


  1. One Tender Blossom [一朵娇花]: the second character, 朵 (duǒ), is the same as in Rong Duo’s name (容朵)
  2. Struck by thunder [五雷轰顶]: lit. five thunderbolts hit [your] head; to my knowledge this expresses extreme shock, but Baidu is also giving me stuff about Daoism and heavenly punishment, so if any friends can help out that’d be appreciated

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Chapter 27 (2): The Secretary Starts to Pretend

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The hovercar once again began moving, this time heading towards Luo Ran’s little apartment.

And the forum became lively again that night.

@Hoping LuRan Get Married Tomorrow: aaaaahhh I live on 5 XX Street! Above the shop! Tonight I was about to sleep when I heard noises outside and saw a hovercar make an emergency landing, and thought, o-ho! I don’t know which couple argued?! Then I saw our devastatingly beautiful* Secretary Luo come out!!!

Not long after that the admiral also came chasing him and directly slammed him against a wall, aaaaaa it’s a pity my house’s balcony blocked my view! I don’t know what they did but they soon came out, and before they got on the hovercar the two smiled at each other, letting go of their previous resentment!

I’m done! Waaahh what a wonderful love!

This post quickly racked up thousands of comments.

[XXX: A wonderful love!! aaaaaaaa that damn balcony!! I’m going to OP’s house right now to dismantle it!!]

[XXX: A wonderful love! Geez what else could they be doing, it must be that the admiral kissed and hugged, showed off the strength of an SSS alpha, and coaxed the secretary back (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)]

[XXX: A wonderful love! I’ve been smashed by sugar today too!]

[XXX: A wonderful love! I don’t understand… why the admiral and secretary haven’t tied the knot! Could it be that the marshal and his wife aren’t satisfied that Secretary Luo was born a commoner and isn’t an omega? Boohoo]

This was immediately followed by a reply from Qiao Beauty.

[Qiao Beauty:* Nonsense! I’m an insider, and let me say, the marshal and his wife hope for Secretary Luo to join their household every day! Secretary Luo is a very good child (^v^)]

[Qiao Beauty: Forgot the formation]

[Qiao Beauty: A wonderful love!!]

Luo Ran: “…”

He’d been swiping through the forum while in bed as usual when he saw this post from the marshal’s wife’s friends circle and fell into deep thought.

If he could turn back time, he definitely wouldn’t get off the hovercar just to tease Lucas.

The party involved now regretted it very much.

Then, he saw Nana’s update.

The last update talked about how the relationship between Zimei Xueran and his secret love, Lucas K. Dior Gucci Prada, heated up, and how Zimei Xueran then escaped.

Lucas K., furious, frantically searched for this man who took his bun and ran, but he couldn’t find him anywhere in the world.

He was heartbroken.

This damned man!

Lucas K. sat in a 10,000m2 luxury hovercar gazing out the window, his eyes filled with sadness and gloom.

Three years later…

Lucas K. saw the man he dreamed of every night at a banquet, accompanied by a three-year-old child.

“Heh, I’ve finally found you, you can’t escape from my grasp!” Lucas K. gripped Zimei Xueran’s chin. He grimly said, “Now you must suffer my punishment!”

“Waah! Uncle, don’t!” The boy beside Zimei Xueran hugged Lucas K.’s leg and cried cutely, “Don’t bully my dad!”

“You even had a son with someone else! Speak! Whose is he? Is it that playboy Shangguan Mingkai?” As Lucas K.’s grip strengthened, Zimei Xueran felt pain both physically and in his heart.

How could he tell Lucas K. that this was his own child!

He even had the same passionate yet humble heart!*

A rainbow-coloured tear flowed down from the corner of Zimei Xueran’s eye.

“Heh!” Lucas K. picked the child up and snarled, “I’ll kill this despicable thing you had with another man!”

“No, don’t!” Zimei Xueran panicked. “He’s a nationally recognised prodigy! His IQ is 250 and his EQ is 380! He designed a mecha at one, opened an interstellar supermarket chain at two, and is one of the top ten richest men! He’s now treasured by the state as an important researcher! The country is protecting him!

“If you kill him, I will never forgive you, for the rest of my days!!” The resolve within Zimei Xueran’s opalescent eyes pierced Lucas K.’s heart.

“You’re actually disobeying me for another man! It must be because I treat you too well, so you dare to do this! If that’s the case, then I’ll take him away. I’ll wait for you to come and beg me!”

“No–” Zimei Xueran fell to his knees. “You might as well kill me. Kill me, Lucas K. Dior Gucci Prada!”

Lucas K. cruelly replied, “You wish. If you want to die, you can only die on my bed.”


* * *

Luo Ran: “…”

Luo Ran didn’t bother to read the rest, because it was full of 38cm.

Luo Ran: “…”

Luo Ran began to doubt life.


He even gave birth to a child, then took the bun and ran.

Luo Ran felt a little sorry for Zhou Mingkai.

Afterwards, he felt that his precious time should be spent sleeping instead of reading his own real-person fic.

So he expressionlessly turned off his terminal, washed, and went to bed.

The forum experienced unprecedented furore that night. Yet just three days later, the Empire announced even more exciting news.

Admiral Lucas and his private soldiers broke into Xie Ancheng’s villa. For a military officer to violently invade the private residence of the duke’s son, they could be charged with serious crimes.

The ducal family wanted to sue Lucas, but before they could get started, Lucas already sued them first.

When they broke in, they happened to catch Xie Ancheng in the act with four or five omega beauties who all turned out to be illegal prostitutes.

The ducal family was criticized as soon as this news spread, bringing them great shame.

Then Lucas’ complaint was brought to court. He accused Xie Ancheng of colluding with interstellar pirates to conduct illegal transactions on the black market and using his purchases on his secretary during the banquet.

Illegal pimping, illegal transactions, colluding with interstellar pirates, intentionally causing harm to others…

Just a single accusation could make Xie Ancheng suffer. No matter how hard the duke tried, he could only reduce the sentence and had no way to rescue him completely.

No one thought Lucas would be so resolute, not leaving any escape for them, and no one thought he would dare to directly break into their house.

What Lucas did do was send a clear message to everyone: don’t challenge his authority, and don’t touch his secretary.


In the office, Luo Ran gripped the court notice with a tangled expression. “You really… now the news networks and netizens are all talking about you.”

For this matter, Lucas for once took the initiative to take care of everything himself. Luo Ran hadn’t done much, he only helped collect information on the black market to track down the source of the drugs and their connection to the interstellar pirates.

He never thought that when the evidence was just about complete, Lucas would take people to raid a house when Luo Ran was busy at Xia Zhi’s home dealing with the UNK.

“Impulsive? You didn’t notice how smoothly this case went?” Lucas leaned back in his seat, crossed his legs, and raised his eyebrows with a smile. “Even the royal family secretly helped out.”

He was asking for it.* Xie Ancheng previously targeted many people – the daughter of an earl, the son of a prominent minister, and so on. He had long been hated by many.

This wasn’t even mentioning that this guy even attacked Zhou Mingkai’s little sister. Although he hadn’t succeeded, it was undoubtedly a challenge to royal prestige, and the emperor carried this knot in his heart ever since he learned of it. The duke had moved too fast for anyone to find the evidence. Omega were inherently disadvantaged in this type of encounter, so no one dared to stand up and resist.

The royal family had wanted to clean up this person for a long time, but it was easy for them to be criticized if they took any unreasonable actions against aristocratic families.

As for the second prince, he seemingly took the Xie family as his followers, but secretly, he’d wanted to get rid of them as soon as he knew their deeds.

If the first prince was a classic politician, then the second prince acted more like a warlord. The eldest prince was gentle and affable towards others, whereas the second prince was stubborn and indifferent.

For these reasons, and because of his identity as the eldest son, the eldest prince had the upper hand in the struggle for power.

Now that Lucas took the first step, it was natural for everyone to give him a hand.

“I know…” Luo Ran said, “I just think that things would go better if Admiral directly submitted the evidence to the court.”

And not break into someone’s home to escort them to the judicial court while quarrelling with the ducal family, which would make them hold grudges.

Luo Ran’s thinking was to hope everything went well with Lucas and to close any loopholes that others might use to attack him.

“Where’s the information you found about the black market? Give it to me.” Lucas didn’t answer, he only changed the topic.

Luo Ran reacted after a short silence. “Yes.”

They traced Xie Ancheng’s clues and found that he was instigated to go to the black market by some good-for-nothing friends where he bought drugs from a group of people.

Although neither buyers nor sellers at the black market were registered, judging from the remaining evidence, that group of people were probably interstellar pirates.

After several years of war, the Empire had stabilized, and now the only real threat was the interstellar pirates.

“If those people really are interstellar pirates, our question now is – how did they get in?” Luo Ran furrowed his brows. “This was a mistake in security.”

Lucas nodded.

“There have also been new developments on the investigation team’s side,” Luo Ran said as he handed the other report to Lucas. “We previously looked into Luobing’s prince, Andika, and… found that recently, the amount of inhibitors he bought has reached frighteningly high levels.”

Lucas didn’t bother to read the report after he took it, he just waited for Luo Ran to get to the point.

“He either bought it himself, let the maid from that night go buy it, or he would occasionally order another maid to go. In addition, he has taken all the inhibitors freely provided by the embassy. At a rough estimate, if he is the only one using those inhibitors, he is using them at a rate of fifteen tubes a day. A normal omega would never use so many, even during a heat.”

When Luo Ran had his heat, he only used one or two tubes a day.

Lucas raised an eyebrow. “Both contraceptives and inhibitors?”

Luo Ran nodded. “Indeed, it’s suspicious.”

Lucas had already locked onto him, but Luo Ran knew that wasn’t possible.

So he thought, maybe on that night… Andika did experience some trouble, and he did do ‘exercises’, but with someone else.

Maybe that person had a special identity, and there was a secret behind it?

“We will continue to investigate. Not only Luobing’s prince, but everyone in their delegation.”

Lucas’ intelligence network was completely handled by Luo Ran, and he himself was only responsible for giving orders. Once Luo Ran finished his report, Lucas just waved his hand and let him take care of everything.

Lucas and Luo Ran chatted for a few more minutes, then it was time for lunch.

Luo Ran delivered a meal to Lucas and went to eat his own boxed lunch with Rong Duo next to their desks.

The boxed lunches were made by the company’s logistics department, and were all the same apart from Lucas’ meal.

But Lucas wasn’t taking advantage of his position at all. The company benefits were very good – employees could eat meat, vegetables, and eggs with rich taste – but Lucas wasn’t used to eating this delicious food. His meal consisted of a bland carbohydrate product and some blanched meat, the simpler the better. If he only ate good food, he would feel weak and hungry.

Rong Duo swiped through her terminal as she ate for the whole lunch break, and the corners of her mouth didn’t flatten once.

“What are you reading?” Luo Ran asked curiously, swallowing a mouthful of vegetables. “Anything interesting?”

He definitely wasn’t paranoid. After watching Rong Duo and the others happily celebrate his CP every night, he couldn’t help but think in that direction.

At first, Rong Duo was surprised, but then she thought that it wasn’t anything that had to be hidden, so she smiled and replied, “A commentator published an article online, and everyone is discussing it.”


“Now, everyone is praising the admiral, and they’re really envious of you.” Rong Duo handed her terminal over with a grin.

It was a short article.

—— On Why the Admiral Did Not Apply For an Expedited Appeal, But Broke Into a Private Residence

In summary: Why? Of course it’s to beat up the scumbag! It’s said that Scumbag Xie was covered in wounds when he went to court. However, the admiral controlled himself well and the person didn’t go to hospital, so he can’t be convicted of causing injury. As for why it was necessary to beat him up, of course it was to help his secretary vent his anger!

The admiral is telling everybody not to mess with his people (subordinates)! Otherwise, he’ll definitely go crazy.

Rong Duo probably didn’t dare to let Luo Ran see the comments praising the CP, so she specially downloaded the article for him to read offline.

After reading it, Luo Ran didn’t know how to feel.

With Lucas’ personality, it wouldn’t be strange for him to make trouble at someone’s house, so Luo Ran was surprised to discover that he did it for him.

And… it was for an outsider.

What if Lucas hadn’t done it for him?*

Either way, there would be movement on the forum. Luo Ran, unsure whether to laugh or cry, handed the terminal back to Rong Duo.

Sneakily glancing over, Rong Duo saw Luo Ran smiling quietly to himself as he ate and read documents; not the usual polite smile, but a real smile filled with stars.

A wonderful love!

Rong Duo covered her mouth and cried.

* * *

The next day, Luo Ran once again accompanied Lucas to the military camp.

However, this time was a bit special. The Empire’s three princes would bring the two royals of Luobing and a few of their ambassadors to watch the exercises, in order to enhance their understanding and relationship.

This was the normal procedure, and the Empire was also happy to show off some of its might.

“This is the exercise grounds.”

“This is the canteen.”

“This road leads to the warehouse and barracks. As outsiders are not allowed in, we will not visit there today.”

Lucas’ adjutant, Lu Cheng, was their tour guide.

Lucas and Luo Ran merely followed, walking alongside several royals.

Luo Ran noticed that Princess Lillia kept looking at him with a sad gaze.

Andika’s eyes never left Lu Cheng as he spoke, as if wanting to absorb every word. In contrast, Lillia paid him zero attention, and instead stared at Luo Ran and Lucas, not missing a single interaction between them.

Luo Ran: “…”

That’s right, he lied to Lillia that he and Lucas were already together.

Then today… he had to pretend?

Luo Ran gave the indifferent Lucas a glance.

After putting on a formal military uniform, Lucas looked much fiercer, and barely anyone dared to get close.

Luo Ran felt a headache coming on.

He had to give the impression that he and Lucas were a pair, under the circumstances that the other party wouldn’t cooperate and he could only act by himself.

And it couldn’t be too much. If it was too much, Lucas would resist, and if he responded with a questioning look, his whole plan would collapse.

Several people walked while deep in their own thoughts as Lu Cheng kept babbling on. Lucas, bored out of his mind with his arms crossed over his chest, could only turn to look at Luo Ran.

Luo Ran also wore a suit today, with a formal military uniform underneath a white coat, all neatly buttoned up.

The blue ends of his hair, which was combed tightly back, perfectly matched his buttons.

Since Lucas only looked because he was bored, he found that Luo Ran’s tie was crooked.

He unthinkingly reached out to straighten it for him.

So Luo Ran watched this tall man with lowered eyes use his inflexible mechanical fingers to fix his tie, his movements natural yet careful.

Lillia: “…”

Just like Lucas, Luo Ran didn’t think much of it either. After all, they’d had closer physical contact before. “Thank you,” he said with a smile.

When he turned his head to look at Lillia, Luo Ran began to feel a little strange.

After the tour, everyone split up to walk around. The ambassadors all followed the eldest prince and second prince to chat about politics.

Luobing’s Prince Andika went to the bathroom, while Lillia brought her maid and bodyguard together to stick to Luo Ran and Lucas like glue.

Zhou Mingkai was embarrassed* to see this, so he suppressed his laughter to give Luo Ran a hand, suggesting they go to the canteen to eat something.

Along the way, Luo Ran tried to imagine how he might act at the canteen if they were a couple.

He quickly opened his terminal to look for references.

[Ten Things Couples Do When Eating: Have You Fallen Prey to Them?]

1: One person orders food for both of you!

2: You’re familiar with each other’s likes and dislikes, and will keep them in mind!

3: They eat the food you don’t like off your plate, and give you a taste of their delicious food!

4: When others are present, they sneakily start flirting!


Luo Ran hadn’t finished reading yet when they arrived at the canteen.

“What do you guys want to eat? I’ll order everything at once,” Zhou Mingkai said with a smile as he held the menu.

Lucas crossed his arms and didn’t answer.

Luo Ran reflexively said, “The admiral will have one bowl of white rice, not too thin, and a C set meal, but the meat only needs to be blanched, no sauce, and the other dishes and soup should be switched with the B set meal.”

“Okay.” Zhou Mingkai wrote this down. “Secretary Luo, why don’t we eat this large A set meal together?”

Before Luo Ran could reply, Lucas already interjected, “No.”

Zhou Mingkai: “Huh?”

“Luo Ran can’t eat spicy food, can’t eat tomatoes, and can’t eat coconuts,” Lucas said.

Zhou Mingkai looked at the menu’s main dishes and desserts, and let out a dumb “oh.”

Luo Ran nodded. He‘d had digestive problems ever since he was young, and felt terrible every time he ate those things.

Luo Ran smiled at Lucas and received a raised eyebrow in return.

The food arrived not long after they ordered.

During this time, Zhou Mingkai and Luo Ran kept talking, so the atmosphere wasn’t so awkward.

Luo Ran had ordered a bowl of noodles with two egg halves on top, which looked very tempting.

He took a bite, then put the other half of the egg into Lucas’ bowl.

“Admiral, try this, the egg is deliciously sweet.”

Lucas ate it in a single bite, grunted, and didn’t have much more of a reaction. He’d never been very fond of this type of food.

Luo Ran also knew Lucas didn’t care, but he still did it as usual, since Lucas would eat it either way.

Luo Ran ate a few mouthfuls of noodles, thinking that he should find opportunities to start acting.

And then…

Luo Ran: “…”

He felt that something was off.

Something was definitely off.

There truly is something weird??

Oh Luo Ran, you hit everything on that list…

I’m experimenting with English onomatopoeia for crying sounds, but it reads awkwardly to me. What do you guys think? Keep the original wuwuwu or use waaah?

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  1. Devastatingly beautiful [沉鱼落雁倾国倾城]: actually two idioms back to back. The first, 沉鱼落雁 (lit. sinking fish and falling geese), describes Xi Shi and Wang Zhaojun – two of the four beauties of ancient China. It’s said that Xi Shi was so beautiful that when she washed her clothes in the stream, the fish there would stare at her face, forget how to swim, and sink. Wang Zhaojun was sent to the foreign Xiongnu for a political marriage, and on the journey there, when she played the pipa the geese flying south saw her incredible beauty, forgot how to fly, and fell from the sky. The second idiom, 倾国倾城, describes a woman so beautiful her feminine wiles cause the destruction of countries and cities, similar to how Helen of Troy is called ‘the face that launched a thousand ships’; previously derogatory but now carries positive connotations of praise.
  2. Reminder that Qiao Beauty is the username of the marshal’s wife (i.e. Lucas’ mother)
  3. Humble is not how I would describe Lucas…
  4. He was asking for it [不作不死]: a meme in China, which may take the form of ‘no zuo no die’; meaning if you hadn’t done it, you wouldn’t be suffering now. Exactly what it says on the tin.
  5. Not sure on this. Here’s the raws if anyone wants to help out: 而且……这只是个外人。/ 也许卢卡斯不是为了他呢?
  6. Embarrassed [尴尬]: feel awkward, second-hand embarrassment

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Chapter 27 (1): The Secretary Starts to Pretend

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Luo Ran felt the world spin.

He took a deep breath and tried to push himself back up.

It shouldn’t be…

Xie Ancheng handed him a glass of water just now, but he refused it because he keenly sensed something wrong.

He didn’t eat or drink anything the entire night.

Yet it wasn’t a heat. He only felt that his whole body was weak, he couldn’t move, and his head was a little groggy.


Lucas guessed what probably happened, and also knew what Luo Ran wanted to say. He supported Luo Ran and interrupted, “I know, I’ll take you to Xia Zhi.”

Luo Ran nodded, and said in a soft voice, “Good…”

Lucas had a sullen expression.

After all, the first person Luo Ran thought of when he got into trouble was Xia Zhi.

Luo Ran originally wanted to figure out what he ate and drank tonight, but his mind was so chaotic that he couldn’t think at all.

“Admiral, I apologize… for causing you trouble.”

“It’s okay, you’re no trouble.” Lucas frowned slightly, feeling that Luo Ran’s words sounded strangely harsh to his ears.

Luo Ran was just a little tired at first, but his body suddenly began heating up.

My heat just ended, why would I now…?

With a body experiencing pre-heat symptoms, Luo Ran immediately did his best to endure it, not daring to let his pheromones out.

An alpha’s pheromones could make an omega more excited, but that was only when the alpha did it on purpose.

Now, the pheromones Lucas unintentionally leaked out instead made Luo Ran calmer. He could barely suppress his body’s anomalies with his head resting on Lucas’ shoulder, leaning against him while surrounded by the thick scent of tobacco and earth.

“Admiral, please… you let go first,” Luo Ran said. “I’ll sit against the chair.”

Lucas didn’t move an inch.

With no strength left in his limbs, Luo Ran also couldn’t move if Lucas didn’t do anything.

“Don’t move,” Lucas ordered. “Just be still.”

Of course, he was in a bad mood. Someone gave his secretary date rape drugs, and Luo Ran didn’t think of him at all afterwards.

Before the accident, this person was even dancing with the eldest prince and Xie Ancheng.

He only had work in his eyes, and the only way he’d think of Lucas was also because of work.

Did this person really not have feelings?

Didn’t he say he liked him?

And Luo Ran had no idea of the drama in Lucas’ mind at this moment. He buried his head into Lucas’ shoulder in a daze, but couldn’t withstand the temptation of hormones and opened his mouth to take a bite of his shoulder.

So sweet.

So comfortable.

Lucas froze.


Lucas frowned, but seeing that Luo Ran became anxious, he subconsciously reached out and rubbed the back of his head.

His hand was mostly made of metal. No matter how gentle he tried to make his actions, Luo Ran could feel the stiffness, which wasn’t particularly comfortable.

Yet it let people feel safe.

Lucas didn’t stop his movements and just let Luo Ran bite. Anyway, he had thick skin and didn’t feel much pain.

After a while, Luo Ran hazily fell asleep and let go by himself.

The hovercar smoothly flew to the city outskirts, heading towards Xia Zhi’s home.

Lucas hugged Luo Ran for the entire journey, and never thought of putting him down.

The person in his arms was gentle and soft as he lay against his shoulder with his eyes closed. His eyelashes were long and slender, and he appeared quiet and elegant.

He said he likes me…

It was only after Lucas held Luo Ran against himself and was bitten on the shoulder that he reflected on the day’s events.

To be honest, this was the first time in his life that Lucas gave thought to something like a relationship.

It would probably be troublesome to manage a relationship after falling in love, and if they got married, it would be even more troublesome if he died in battle.

Lucas looked down at Luo Ran.

What would it be like to fall in love with Luo Ran?

Luo Ran might show him a face different from his usual professional appearance.

Would he act cute? Would he act angry yet spoilt?

Lucas suddenly wanted to see it very much.

Compared with Luo Ran’s normal look when taking care of his problems, Lucas was very curious – if he was in a relationship, would he also make those unreasonable requests?

Beep—— Beep——

The hovercar let out a series of notification beeps.

They’d arrived.

* * *

Xia Zhi, seeing that Luo Ran was again unconscious and had to be carried in, had eyes as wide as copper bells and even his hair was about to stand up.

“Wh-What happened this time?!”

Lucas placed Luo Ran on the sofa and looked at Xia Zhi with a dim gaze. “He was drugged.”

Xia Zhi glanced at Lucas.

As an omega himself, he could easily feel the pheromones full of oppression and hostility which were emanating from the man in front of him.

…Why did he feel that he was being targeted?

But it wasn’t the time to tangle with this. Xia Zhi pulled up a chair and brought his instruments over to give Luo Ran a check-up.

“Ranran doesn’t have any major problems, but…” Xia Zhi frowned. “Some other things might not be so simple.”

Xia Zhi injected Luo Ran with a few vials of medicine, among which Lucas recognized one as a sedative.

“Ranran is like this because he came into contact with a narcotic,” Xia Zhi explained.

Lucas narrowed his eyes.

Xia Zhi continued, “Don’t worry, Admiral, it’s not a truly harmful narcotic, just one that ‘adds fun’. It’s not addictive.

“This drug makes people lose strength, and omega are forced into heat. But it is only effective for beta and omega, because an alpha’s spiritual power is generally strong enough to resist it, and the drug is only a weakening agent.”

It was also because Luo Ran was an SSS-grade that he could prevent himself from falling into heat. If his strength weren’t enough, he would’ve already searched out an alpha to solve it.

“The problem is that this drug is banned in the Empire, and only interstellar pirates use it to play around. Not only this, but it’s only considered a small thing to them, and they have a lot more than this drug on their warships.”

Lucas naturally understood Xia Zhi’s words.

This drug only needed an alpha to get it on a beta or omega’s body through direct contact or through airborne inhalation to take effect. For it to appear at the banquet, it meant that… an alpha brought it in, then made sure it got in contact with Luo Ran.

And no one thought of this possibility, so Luo Ran had no way of defending himself.

Xia Zhi frowned. “Now the main point isn’t the drug, but rather… why would someone have something which only interstellar pirates should have? They might have planted an agent in the capital, or directly sneaked in.”

But that didn’t make sense. Lucas’ army strictly controlled the checkpoints, and the Empire’s borders were similarly guarded. Generally speaking, it was extremely difficult for interstellar pirates to mix in, and it was impossible for Lucas and the others to not know about it if they tried. Plus, there was an envoy from Luobing, so things were even more strict.

Unless… they had an internal leak.

“Not just this,” Lucas said with a sullen expression.

Also – someone tried to use this thing on Luo Ran.

Xia Zhi suddenly felt the air pressure in the room drop. Seeing Lucas seated beside Luo Ran and looking at him without a word, he changed the subject. “Does Ranran have any symptoms other than fatigue?”

“A red, flushed face, and rapid breathing.” Lucas frowned. “But he’s not an omega.”

“Ah…” Xia Zhi rolled his eyes around, then said smilingly, “Ranran might be allergic to something in the drug, these are all allergy symptoms. Was he red all over?”

Lucas nodded.

“Then…” Lucas stated in a questioning tone, “He was claustrophobic before, and his whole body was red then too.”

“Combined with the faster breathing, it’s probably anxiety. Ranran gets like this when he’s nervous.” Xia Zhi smiled and spewed nonsense with his eyes wide open.

“You know him quite well.” Lucas raised his eyebrows at Xia Zhi.

Xia Zhi couldn’t stop mentally rolling his eyes. This guy Lucas examined him up and down the moment he stepped through the door and even plainly showed ‘this is it?’ on his face. He didn’t hide his scrutiny at all.

As if he would steal away his Secretary Luo.


Xia Zhi decided to remind this muddled, vinegar-chugging lion in front of him that he was old enough to be their father. “Admiral, we’ve met before when you were young. Do you remember?” He asked with a smile.

Lucas paused. “Hn.”

In the past, Xia Zhi and Shen Xiluo followed the former Admiral – that is, Lucas’ uncle – as doctors on the battlefield. Although he didn’t have much contact with the two doctors, he still remembered them.

Before the two could talk more, Luo Ran slowly woke up and looked around suspiciously.


“Ah, I’m here.” Xia Zhi rubbed Luo Ran’s shoulders and smiled. “You’re…”

“You’re alright!” Lucas’ voice was thunderous.

Xia Zhi: “…”

Luo Ran, startled, turned to find that Lucas was also present.


As Luo Ran struggled to sit up, Xia Zhi subconsciously reached over to support him… but another person’s hand suddenly intercepted him.

Their two hands simultaneously froze in midair.

Luo Ran felt it was strange yet funny. He got up by himself, then tidied his messy hair and collar. “How long was I unconscious?”

Xia Zhi: “Not…”

Lucas: “Not long! Half an hour.”

Xia Zhi: “…”

Luo Ran: “…”

Luo Ran subconsciously glanced at Xia Zhi.

What’s going on?

Lucas ate the wrong medicine while he slept?

Xia Zhi was helpless. “Since Ranran’s fine…”

“Then I’ll send him back,” Lucas interrupted.

Saying so, Lucas immediately pulled Luo Ran to his feet and they left Xia Zhi’s house after Luo Ran received his medicine.

Xia Zhi opened and closed his mouth, helpless.

He had some private matters to discuss with Luo Ran, but talking over the terminal was fine too.

On the hovercar, Luo Ran received his message.

{Ranran, today Shen Xiluo told me the admiral went to him to investigate you.}

Luo Ran’s heart skipped a beat.

{Investigate what.}

{Nothing critical, I’m just saying so you’re aware. The admiral asked Shen Xiluo if he knew you had claustrophobia, maybe because he thinks Shen Xiluo and I still talk. He also asked if you have any other problems. He might’ve thought you acted weirdly that day? That was the time you were in heat, right?}

Luo Ran couldn’t quite believe it.

Was Lucas so idle? He still remembered what happened that day?

{And then?}

{No ‘and then’. Shen Xiluo didn’t know anything, he said everything was normal. Plus he assured the admiral that nothing would happen since you have me as your doctor.}

Luo Ran paused. He didn’t think Lucas was the type of person who had to get to the bottom of other people’s affairs.

{He… Does he suspect something?}


{Probably not, I think he’s just worried about you.}

Luo Ran secretly decided to be more careful next time.


His eyes landed on the sentence ‘he thinks Shen Xiluo and I still talk’, not knowing if he wanted to laugh or cry.

As if they didn’t talk.

But on the other hand, Shen Xiluo probably sent this information to Xia Zhi on his own initiative. When he previously met Shen Xiluo at the medical department, that calm, rational alpha ran to him and seriously asked him to say a few good words about himself to Xia Zhi.

Later, Lucas explained the overall situation to Luo Ran.

As he rested on the soft seat, Luo Ran chomped on a tube of nutrient solution and said, “I didn’t eat or drink anything today, but I’ve been in contact with a lot of people. However, the only ones who were close to me for a long time were His Royal Highness the First Prince and Xie Ancheng. In this case, we can start by investigating Xie Ancheng. Although the stimulant itself isn’t a big deal, it’s important to know who buys it and where they get it.”

“You don’t need to care about this,” Lucas said with a completely blank face. “I’ll do it personally.”

“Admiral, this may involve…”

“Shut up,” Lucas said coldly.

Luo Ran froze. Huh?

He’d felt something strange from the start.

After a moment of silence, Luo Ran threw the empty nutrient solution into the trash can and asked warmly, “Is Admiral… angry with me?”

Lucas saw a pair of watery eyes as soon as he turned his head.

He stared at Luo Ran as he said, “Someone drugged you, then you almost fell into danger. You think this isn’t a serious concern?”

Luo Ran was now completely focused on how to find the source of the drugs.

His mind was filled with work.

“…” Luo Ran paused a beat, then tentatively asked, “Is it serious?”

Lucas: “…”

He immediately explained, “No… I mean, I won’t fall into their schemes so easily. Even if I’m caught off guard like today, I wouldn’t be in critical danger. There are very few people who can forcefully suppress me like you. Like tonight, even if Admiral hadn’t arrived in time, I’d contact the guards outside and not allow myself to be caught alone.”

Not to mention that Luo Ran’s pheromones were ranked at SSS, so apart from Lucas, barely anybody could make him unable to fight back.

At the end, he added, “Admiral doesn’t need to worry.”

Lucas: “…”

Lucas felt he might have a heart attack.

“Okay, okay!” Lucas snorted a few times, then simply used his terminal to stop the hovercar.

So this small personal hovercar abruptly landed in the middle of the road.

“I know you don’t need me, so you won’t need me to send you home or whatever either. You scram and call a ride or walk home yourself,” Lucas said.

Luo Ran: “…”

Luo Ran gave an “oh” and got up to open the hatch.

Lucas: “????”

Luo Ran got off the hovercar, stood in the middle of the road, and looked around.

It was now late night. The whole place was dead quiet and all the shops along the road had long closed their doors, but the street lights were still bright.

Luo Ran walked to the door of a closed shop and took out his terminal to call a car.


The next moment, a sharp light flashed across Luo Ran’s eyes, then he was harshly shoved into a wall behind him. The aggressively sharp scent of tobacco made him fall into a momentary daze.

At some point, Lucas also got off the hovercar, and trapped Luo Ran in his arms.

Luo Ran felt helpless. Lucas seemed to enjoy clasping his wrists together and pressing them above his head; maybe he thought the action was very intimidating and could stop him from resisting.

Resist my ass, Luo Ran thought.

“Admiral… although it’s late, someone will see if they pass by,” he reminded him.

“You stop talking, I get angry every time you speak.”

“Then will Admiral tell me why you are angry?” Luo Ran asked, very seriously. “I can’t help you if you keep it to yourself.”

Lucas stared hard at Luo Ran.

In the brightly lit night, rays of moonlight softly fell on Luo Ran’s silver hair and cast small shadows below his long lashes, where a single teardrop hung.

The two stood in front of the shop for a long while. Finally, Lucas let go of Luo Ran and turned away. “Go back with me.”

Luo Ran followed him.

Just as he was about to step into the hovercar, Lucas, with his back towards Luo Ran, said, “The next time something’s wrong, you can come find me. I’ll try my best to do whatever you ask.”

Luo Ran stared blankly at Lucas.

When he turned and saw Luo Ran still in a daze, Lucas scowled. “Still not coming in?”

Luo Ran stepped up, smiling. “Admiral is very different from before.”

Lucas shot him a quizzical look.

Very emotionally, he said, “You’ve found a conscience.”


Lucas gritted his teeth. “I treated you very badly before?”

“Not at all.”

Luo Ran paused, then lowered his eyes with a smile. “You are very good to me…”

His voice sank into the silent night.

Luo Ran fainting count: 2

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Chapter 26: The Secretary and the Beautiful Misunderstanding

TW: implied date rape drugging (unsuccessful), towards the end, starts at ‘Xie Ancheng’

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As soon as Luo Ran’s words came out, everyone was shocked into speechlessness.

Luo Ran, the famously perfect secretary of the Empire, was capable, intelligent, and rational to the point that it was doubted if he had emotions. Everything he did was for the good of Lucas, and there was hardly anyone else who could move him.

His character was naturally gentle, but it could also be called alienating, or even apathetic.

But he actually said… he liked Lucas?

“No, there’s no way!” As she looked at the handsome man in front of her, Lillia felt her worldview shaking.

“I like him very much,” Luo Ran solemnly said. “I cannot hide it any longer, I hope Your Highness will be considerate.”

Lillia: “…”

Lucas: “…”

Zhou Mingkai, standing to the side, desperately held in his laughter.

As someone who’d spent a long time on the love scene, he knew at a glance what Luo Ran was doing.

Lucas turned his head to look suspiciously at Zhou Mingkai, who was hunched over into a ball and trembling.

At this moment, Zhou Mingkai suddenly felt blessed.

For his brother’s future happiness! For the marshal and his wife to live happily with grandchildren! For the hopes of millions of people in the Empire! For excellent descendants in the next generation!

Carrying the trust of millions, he–

“Oh, heavens.” Zhou Minkai squeezed out a few tears, clenched his fist, and beat his chest. “What a wonderful love! How pitiful, to have to secretly nurture his love like this! Secretary Luo has suffered…!”

Who knew what Lucas was thinking, the man just turned expressionlessly and walked away.

He was still the mighty admiral who was unmoved by feelings.

However, when he passed the balcony steps, he suddenly stepped on air and the whole person staggered and almost fell.

Zhou Mingkai: “…”

Zhou Mingkai looked up at the moon and pretended not to see it.

Lucas snorted coldly, stomped on the steps once with a terrifyingly dark expression, then strode away.

Zhou Mingkai immediately scurried after him.

The two on the balcony didn’t notice the actions over there at all. Lillia was still looking at Luo Ran with disbelief.

“You, you… You believe it or not, I’ll tell everyone!”

“If Your Highness wants to, then I can’t do anything.” Luo Ran lowered his gaze, looking extremely pitiful.

To be honest, Luo Ran dared to say this because he wasn’t afraid the princess would do anything.

The princess was already known for acting willfully, and her brainless reputation was deeply entrenched in people’s minds. Her words didn’t have much credibility.

And even if she did say it, the people who believed it were already CP fans, while those who didn’t believe would think that the CP fans were making trouble again. People would only use it as a chat topic for a while.

“Then… Then you can like the admiral, I don’t mind! A-Anyways, he doesn’t like you, I can snatch you back!”

Luo Ran: “…”

He once again wondered how Luobing’s royal family raised this princess. The other royal children were clearly normal.

However, Luo Ran still had another method.

“Your Highness, do you really want to steal people from the admiral?” Luo Ran asked with a raised eyebrow.


Lillia stared. “D-Don’t you just have a crush? You and the admiral… are together?”

Luo Ran didn’t speak, he didn’t admit it nor did he refute it, but Lillia felt that such an attitude meant that he acquiesced to the truth.

No way, right…?

Woo, you’re shameless!”

Lillia cried as she ran away.

How could she compete with Lucas…! That was the admiral who beat her country into a vassal state!

As he watched Lillia leave in anger, Luo Ran breathed a sigh of relief.

The princess shouldn’t want anyone from the Empire anymore.

Since he solved this problem, Luo Ran returned to the main hall. He couldn’t find Lucas after searching everywhere, but just as he was about to ask someone, he came across the star of this birthday banquet – Zhou Mingyu.

“What a coincidence.” Zhou Mingyu grinned. “Did Secretary Luo encounter any difficulties?”

“Your Highness.” Luo Ran respectfully bowed in greeting, then asked, “Does Your Highness know where the admiral is?”

Zhou Mingyu paused. “Apologies, I haven’t seen him.”

“Oh…” Luo Ran wondered if he went to a private room upstairs with Zhou Mingkai to drink and play darts.

Zhou Mingyu joked, “There are so many birds and butterflies here. He may be more comfortable if Secretary Luo doesn’t follow too closely.”

Luo Ran only smiled.

“Since we’ve met, might Secretary Luo join me for a dance?” Zhou Mingyu gestured at the dance floor.

Luo Ran remembered that Zhou Mingyu invited him to be his dance partner before. Now that he asked again, he was a little surprised.

This royal highness could hardly lack dance partners, why would he insist on him?

“It’s a little embarrassing.” Zhou Mingyu shook his head with a smile, and said jokingly, “Maybe it’s because I’m still single at this age that my family always tries their best to let me meet excellent omega and beta. At a banquet like this, I’m like a fragrant piece of meat surrounded by starving wolves.”

Luo Ran understood.

Zhou Mingyu, as the eldest prince, was the person most likely to inherit the throne. His princess consort would thus be the future empress who would enjoy supreme glory.

There were probably piles upon piles of people who would do anything to seize a chance to dance with Zhou Mingyu, so he became so frustrated that he directly pulled Luo Ran over as a shield.

Zhou Mingyu also confirmed Luo Ran’s guesses, saying helplessly, “So I could only invite Secretary Luo to be my dance partner. You are the admiral’s secretary, no one would dare to say anything. It’s a pity… you refused so mercilessly, I’m disappointed.”

“I apologize…” Luo Ran smiled. “I hadn’t known… that Your Highness would have this trouble.”

“You know now.” Zhou Mingyu held out his hand, bowed slightly, and politely asked, “This handsome gentleman, may I ask you for a dance?”

Luo Ran smiled and took his hand.

Since Zhou Mingyu said this, he had no reason to refuse. Besides, Lucas currently didn’t need his help, so he accompanied Zhou Mingyu to the dance floor.

Soft lights shone down, and gentle music surrounded them.

“Secretary Luo dances well,” Zhou Mingyu commented with a smile as he lightly held Luo Ran’s waist. “It’s a pity we don’t have many chances to appreciate it.”

Luo Ran looked down. “Thank you for your kind words.”*

“Sometimes I can’t help but envy the admiral. With someone like you as a secretary, don’t mention how much work is saved, even daily life will become much easier.”

“Your Highness’ secretary graduated from the Imperial Academy and is professionally trained, they must be much better than me,” Luo Ran replied.

“How could that be?” Zhou Mingyu smiled and shook his head. “That year, Shuang Ye competed against you for the position of secretary for the admiral and lost. Even now, she admires you a lot, and mentions it to me from time to time.”

Luo Ran was shocked.

“That year…” Luo Ran checked, “That year when Admiral Lucas was looking for a secretary?”

“Yes…?” Zhou Mingyu was a little surprised that Luo Ran didn’t seem to know this. “You didn’t know that you and Shuang Ye competed? Not only her but also several civilians related to the imperial family.”

Luo Ran fell silent for a moment, then casually followed the topic with a smile. “It’s been so long, I’d forgotten.”

But he had some doubts in his heart.

At the time, he was directly pulled from the preliminary auditions to the final selection, so he didn’t have much contact with the other applicants.

If there were several people from the Imperial Academy, why was he chosen in the end…?

Zhou Mingyu’s next words broke his train of thought.

“But Shuang Ye will resign in a few days.”

“What happened?”

“She’s getting married and plans to focus on her family. So… I want to ask you for help again.” Zhou Mingyu sighed. “The newly appointed secretary hasn’t got used to things yet. For the sake of making the Empire’s official affairs more efficient, can you come teach him a bit?”

“It won’t take much of your time.”

Neither humble nor arrogant, Luo Ran said, “I’ll try my best, but the military and economy are very busy recently.”

People and wine swirled around them in a lively scene,* as the two chatted and danced.

* * *

A private room, upstairs:

“He actually dared to lie to me!” Lucas smacked the table. “Luo Ran’s pretty brave, hey, ‘many years’? So he’s fooled me for so long!”


Zhou Mingkai’s hand suddenly trembled and the dart deviated from the target hanging on the wall.

Zhou Minkai was stunned. “What Admiral cares about is… that he lied to you?”

He sat on a table, crossed his legs, and opened a bottle of wine.

Lucas paced back and forth with his hands behind his back.

Zhou Mingkai thought, Before, if someone said they liked Lucas, his reaction would be anger and disgust. There had been a noble omega at the previous banquet who confessed to Lucas with a rose. As a result, he sneered and called the guards to throw the person out the hotel’s main door along with the rose.

But now… Lucas, who never once thought of his own emotions, would be so confused?

Zhou Mingkai didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

A few seconds passed.

Lucas stopped. “Actually, it’s not unreasonable.”


“After all, he’s stayed by my side for so many years, getting along day and night. Isn’t it reasonable to fall in love?” Lucas asked rhetorically.

Lucas felt this development was natural, and his tone even revealed hints of satisfaction.

“And there’s no better alpha than me.”

“Other alpha and omega are all inconsistent trash, not one of them look good.”

“Staying beside me and remaining unmoved is a tall task, after all.”

Zhou Mingkai: “…”

Lucas frowned and asked, “Then how do I reject him? What if he gets angry and resigns?”

Zhou Mingkai: “Why would you reject him??”

Lucas: “What does an admiral like me talk about love for? Don’t misunderstand. I only fight wars.”

Zhou Mingkai: “…”

At this time Zhou Mingkai once again thanked his lucky stars that he had this chance. He patted his chest and said, “First, Secretary Luo could hide it from you for so many years, and second, it hasn’t affected your work. Can’t you stay like this?”

He frantically added, “The secretary is too tragic! Don’t rush to reject him. Secretary Luo has an introverted character, you’ll hurt him if you act too rashly.”

Tsk, so troublesome.

Lucas scratched at his head, thinking that being too attractive brought trouble.

His silly secretary was also very worrisome.

Just as he was about to say something, someone knocked on the door.

It was one of Zhou Mingkai’s good brothers, a young punk* who dyed his hair a fiery red.

“Brother Kai!” As soon as the young man saw Zhou Mingkai, he shouted, “Your sister-in…”

Then he saw Lucas standing behind Zhou Mingkai. He instantly shrank his head and swallowed his words.

“What?” Zhou Mingkai frowned.

“Uh, Secretary Luo just danced with the eldest prince.”

“Hah?” Although Zhou Mingkai was a little surprised to hear this, he still found it inexplicable. “Is this worth running up to tell us?”

“No no no, after Secretary Luo finished dancing with the eldest prince, he was forced to agree to that bastard Xie Ancheng’s invitation, they’re dancing right now! Big bro, didn’t you tell me to keep an eye on that Xie Ancheng bastard!”

Lucas’ expression sank. “Who is Xie Ancheng?”

“Damn it.” Zhou Mingkai’s face also became dark. “Xie Ancheng is the only son of old Duke Xie, and he takes advantage of the fact that his family made great contributions to play around with good-looking beta and omega. That’s my rival!”

Lucas’ expression sank further.

Zhou Minkai continued, “But I’m friends with my partners and everyone is willing. That bastard is different. He seems like a cheerful and upright person to the world, but then he secretly drugs people when they’re not looking and plays them to death! His family also has the power to suppress all the news about this for him. If this motherfucker didn’t dare to do this to my own sister before, I still wouldn’t know!”

Lucas strode out of the private room without a single word and headed downstairs.

* * *

Luo Ran was dancing with Xie Ancheng. The man looked particularly gentle, and smiled as he said, “It’s rare that Secretary Luo is willing to play out here today.”

Xie Ancheng was just about to continue speaking when a sudden wave of pheromones almost brought him to his knees.

He was completely taken by surprise.

As an alpha with relatively strong spiritual power, how could he be suppressed until he couldn’t move…?

“Admiral…?” Luo Ran looked behind Xie Ancheng with shock.

Lucas directly seized Luo Ran’s wrist, roughly pulled him behind himself, and dragged him out of the banquet hall.

Xie Ancheng was as pale as death as he watched Luo Ran get dragged away.

So it was Lucas…

“Admiral…” Luo Ran, who was hauled into a hovercar, looked at the suddenly angry Lucas before him doubtfully.

“Was it fun?” Lucas asked coldly. “That eldest prince and that duke’s son or whoever, was it very fun?”

“…” Luo Ran stared blankly at Lucas.

“I’m asking you!”

Luo Ran felt that the current Lucas was like a lion who screamed because his territory was invaded. He explained helplessly, “I couldn’t possibly refuse the eldest prince when he asked me to dance. You also know that the eldest prince and second prince have been fighting to win you over. After I danced with him, I worried that other people would think too much and think that you’d made a decision, so I also accepted Xie Ancheng’s invitation. Everyone knows that Xie Ancheng’s family all follow the second prince.”

“Secretary Luo is quite thoughtful,” Lucas sneered.

Luo Ran was going to reply when his whole body lost strength and he uncontrollably toppled over.

Lucas subconsciously caught him. As a result, Luo Ran crashed into Lucas’ chest so hard that he saw stars.

Lucas’ first reaction was: fuck, this little bastard is planning to seduce me?!

But then he remembered Zhou Mingkai’s description of Xie Ancheng – secretly drugs people.

* * *

Lucas’ eyes darkened.

Xie Ancheng… doesn’t want his life anymore, right?

Zhou Mingkai: I’m the Empire’s biggest CP fan! Who would disagree!
Nina: I disagree.
Rong Duo: I disagree.
Adjutant: I disagree.

Lucas really cracks me up sometimes. But also, fuck that Xie Ancheng guy.

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  1. Thank you for your kind words [过誉]: lit. ‘you’re overpraising me’, but in essence, it’s a polite response to a compliment. Sounds awkward in English so I changed it to something that more or less means the same.
  2. Lively scene [觥筹交替]: very likely it’s supposed to be 觥筹交错, the last character is different; lit. wine goblets and tallies intertwine
  3. Punk [杀马特]: specifically, shamate; an edgy aesthetic which developed in China around 2008, involving spiky hair dyed in unnatural colours, dark makeup around the eyes & lips; inspired by Japan’s Visual Kei style.

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Chapter 25 (2): The Secretary Confesses!

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After they finished eating, Lucas first sent Luo Ran home before going to the company himself.

Even after he took a shower and laid in bed, Luo Ran still felt the day was a little surreal.

His body was sore from riding a horse for half a day, but it wasn’t a major problem.

Who knew that he would spend the third day of his holiday with Lucas like this.

Luo Ran suddenly thought of the forum.


He froze, then forcefully steadied his heart, bravely picked up his terminal, and opened the forum to see if there were any new posts.




Luo Ran: “…”

There weren’t any real posts, just screaming.

Only after flipping several pages, almost making his finger cramp, did Luo Ran find a post with actual content.

[{Master Post} {Screenshots} The Admiral and Secretary Had a Date!]

After he clicked in, he found that the poster was a high-level member of the group who organized all the main points of the day.

[1: Unlimited doting – the entire amusement park’s dolls are for you!
The admiral reveals his domineering side and fights for love! He asks the secretary which one he wants, because he can get them all!
The secretary shyly expresses that anything the admiral gives him is fine. The admiral shows off his prowess and says he can give anything he wishes for.
The secretary is so happy that he teases the admiral, saying that he doesn’t want dolls anymore, he wants to play something more exciting. (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄) (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)
Below are photos taken by passersby.]

[2: Feelings are hard to suppress – I can’t help being intimate!
The haunted house is very private, so we don’t know exactly what they experienced. However, everyone can see from Miss Ghost’s post that the SSS-grade overbearing admiral is even jealous of a ghost! When they came out, Secretary Luo’s face was red and his legs were also soft (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄) (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)
Then the two ran underneath a tree, close enough to kiss – it’s not clear – then the secretary shyly pushed the admiral away and they went into the bathroom.
According to eyewitnesses, the admiral and secretary embraced in a cubicle, and the cubicle door was knocked off its hinges (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄) (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)
Below are photos.]

[3: The promise of love – a romantic dinner!
After sunset, the two went to a place famous for its beauty to take photos, below are screenshots from the lady boss’ account.
The lady boss says the two were particularly sweet together. The photos and meal were all decided by the secretary, looks like our Empire’s heroic lion can’t escape the fate of being henpecked (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄) (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)
Then they watched fireworks together. Here I have to thank all the sisters who crowdfunded this, you’re too amazing!
The secretary watched fireworks and the admiral watched him, completely fascinated. He even sneakily took a photo. The secretary doesn’t know we know!! A sister got a picture!]

The comments below were going wild.

[Aaaah goddamn!!! I believe in love again! So sweet!]

[Wuwuwu it turns out the admiral can be so gentle.]

[Even jealous of a ghost… Admiral, as expected of you.]

Luo Ran: “…”

I-It really wasn’t like that…

Luo Ran wanted to cry.

And… the photos of that night only existed because after the lady boss posted them and people saw, this poster gathered donations to buy them and display them online.

It took a lot of work.

Luo Ran: “…”

Luo Ran, helpless, wondered if he should thank them.

But if he did, wouldn’t that be indirectly acknowledging it…

Never mind.

Stuffed among the many incoherently screaming posts, Miss Nina’s posts were as eye-catching as ever.

She started another work, but this time it was a series of short stories.

[The Devilishly Charming Secretary and the Domineering Admiral Who Can’t Stop Doting on Him!]

“Zimei Xueran.” Lucas K. Dior Gucci Prada affectionately held Zimei Xueran’s hand and said, “I love you. I’m willing to share my family name with you.”*

“From now on, your name is Xueran Dior Gucci Prada.”

* * *

Luo Ran: “…”

Luo Ran remembered what he told Lucas before: If I ever lie to you, I will take your surname.

Luo Ran: “…”

The forum was going crazy, and Luo Ran felt he might be going crazy too.

Now that everyone thought they were together, what would the real wife of the admiral do in the future?

The admiral’s problems were his problems.

Then the admiral’s wife’s problems were also his problems.

Anyways, it was always him who solved it in the end.

Luo Ran looked at the forum which looked like it was New Year’s Eve, or like the Empire won a great victory, with a tangled expression.

After thinking for a long time, Luo Ran finally decided to make an official account to explain.

[@Luo Ran the Secretary: A friend told me everyone here bought the fireworks, thank you, they were very beautiful {bow.jpg}. The admiral and I liked it very much. To celebrate our friendship, he brought me to relax today. I will continue to work hard in the future ^_^]

As soon as Luo Ran opened his account, a huge number of people followed and commented, showing his popularity.

It only took a few minutes for the news of Secretary Luo’s new account to spread.

His account received many messages.

[Cheers to the admiral and secretary’s great friendship! {doge.jpg}*]

[Friendship is a glass of wine, everyone who drinks will get drunk. I wish you many years of friendship!]

[Oh, what a beautiful friendship, I’ll toast to the admiral and secretary’s friendship!]

Seeing this, Luo Ran was very relieved and satisfied.

Sure enough, clarification was the right choice.

He stretched, set an alarm, then turned in for the night.

The next day, Luo Ran’s damnable heat finally ended, and so he returned to his usual ‘early to bed, early to rise’ lifestyle.

Luo Ran first went to the company to rescue the people in the secretary’s office and its director who were about to commit suicide from the stress, dealt with the urgent documents, brewed coffee for Lucas and arranged his clothing, then went to Xia Zhi in the afternoon to continue refining UNK.

In the past few days, neither Luo Ran nor the omega at the research institute made much progress, even though they poured all their energy into exploring this troublesome ore.

Luo Ran couldn’t rest even after night fell, he still had to check on the gift for the eldest prince’s birthday.

After all, the day of his birth was fast approaching. As the eldest son of the Empire’s most noble royal family, it was only natural that he organized a banquet and invite every big name in the Empire and its surrounding territories – including Lucas.

After he finally finished everything on his schedule, Luo Ran was about to head home when he was stopped at the company’s door by a person from Luobing.

A girl dressed as a maid stepped in front of Luo Ran. She smiled and said, “Our Royal Highness the Princess invites you to dinner.”

“Her Royal Highness, Lillia…?” Luo Ran felt a little strange. Last time, Lucas scolded her until she cried because of him. Logically, Lillia should hate him to death, right?


“She’s inviting me, not inviting Admiral Lucas?”

“Yes! She hopes you can attend! It is taking place now, at the embassy.” The maid’s smile brightened. “It is inconvenient for the princess to leave the embassy. However, the top floor of the embassy has a good view and a beautiful greenhouse, so the chef was invited there.”


It wouldn’t be a trap, right?

“The princess sincerely hopes you can come!” The maid urged. “She also prepared a gift for you.”

Luo Ran let out a sigh, then followed the maid onto the hovercar.

If it was a trap then it was a trap, anyway, she couldn’t do much to him. At most, she wanted to retaliate by humiliating him. He could deal with that.

But such a sudden invitation was still too weird, so Luo Ran sent a message to the captain of Lucas’ guard-escort about his plans and asked him to contact him later just in case.

On the top floor of the embassy, Lillia, in a markedly different style than before, cheerfully watched Luo Ran approach.

Luo Ran walked up to her. “Did Your Highness ask for me?”

“Sit, let’s eat.” Lillia pointed to the seat opposite her and said in a haughty tone, “This princess requests you to accompany me for dinner.”

As Luo Ran sat, he wondered if she was trying to manipulate his emotions into saying good things about her to Lucas.

“I have received the secretary’s office’s chocolates, and I also accept your apology.” Lillia crossed her arms. “So this princess will not care about the past any longer.”

Luo Ran smiled and nodded.

Lillia was stunned by this smile.

She remembered that when they first met, Luo Ran also treated her this gently as he persuaded her not to provoke the admiral.

Looks like he’s also a pitiful person who is bullied by that unreasonable admiral.

The second time they met, he handed her a tissue and comforted her, and didn’t get angry even when she called him a watchdog.

Afterwards, he also sent chocolates as an apology.

Lillia clearly remembered what her mother told her.

Only if she married someone with a lower status would her spouse love, respect, and be in awe of her.

If they were a proud son of heaven like Lucas, they would only arrogantly refuse to take her seriously.

“This princess has decided, you’re not too bad.” Lillia stroked her chin. “What’s so good about marrying the admiral? He’s so fierce. Wouldn’t it be better to be with you?”

Luo Ran: “…” ??????

Luo Ran suspected his ears weren’t working properly.

Lillia tilted her face up proudly. “This princess permits you a trial period, and afterwards, we can slowly get to know each other.”


After a moment of silence, Luo Ran reacted. “Your Highness, I am not suitable. You are a princess.”

“It’s because I’m a princess that you have to listen to me! I like you now, I want you.” She eyed him. “You are a secretary of the Empire, and your status isn’t low. It’s acceptable for you to marry into Luobing.”

His features were refined, his manners elegant, and his speech gentle and courteous.

And he was so handsome, with silver hair resembling a galaxy.

He was much better than that Lucas guy.

Lillia became more satisfied the more she looked at him.

Luo Ran thought… it was a little funny.

Before he arrived, he worried about his own safety, but things now were completely different from what he speculated. Why were Luobing’s people all so strange?

At this inopportune time, Luo Ran suddenly thought of a certain post on the forum.

[These Luobing people, their brains have probably been frozen by ice for a long time! So their IQ aren’t very good.]

Luo Ran shook his head and solemnly stated, “Princess, it is precisely because I am a secretary of the Empire that I cannot marry you. I know too many secrets of the Empire.”

“Huh?” Lillia frowned, not understanding at all.

Luo Ran explained, “In the Empire, civil servants who work with high officials have always been ordinary people with simple backgrounds because only these people will not and do not have the power to use the Empire’s secrets to its detriment. We can only seek protection from our superiors in the Empire.”

Lillia still didn’t really understand.

“So I am not someone of high status, but I have a hand in all military affairs in the Empire. Your Highness, as a foreign princess, do you think it is possible to marry me?”

“This, this…” This was indeed a problem. Lillia frowned.

After thinking it over, she clapped her hands and smiled brightly. “We can elope! How romantic!”

Luo Ran: “…”

Grinning, Lillia began to plan. “I’ve watched it in dramas, eloping is romantic and fun! Plus, Luobing will protect us!”

“Luobing was previously defeated by Admiral Lucas,” Luo Ran reminded her.

“But, but he doesn’t like you, he won’t send troops to snatch you back!” Lillia said. “Don’t let him deceive you! He treats you terribly, yelling and scolding, and even made me apologize for the sake of his own pride!”

Luo Ran felt extremely helpless.

They couldn’t communicate at all.

“Your Highness, please dispel your ridiculous thoughts. Marriage is not a game.” He stood. “I will pretend this never happened. I also hope Your Highness will no longer raise this matter, otherwise, the relationship between our two countries may become troubled.”

As soon as Luo Ran finished speaking, he left.

Just then, the captain of the guard-escort called him.

“Secretary, are you alright?!”

“I’m fine…” Luo Ran hesitated, then ordered, “Don’t tell the admiral about today.”


        ———  XXXX  ———

The next day, the birthday banquet of the eldest prince took place as scheduled.

This was a big event. It was also a good opportunity for the eldest prince’s faction and the second prince’s faction to compete for Lucas’ favour.

–Only when they had military power in hand could they have the country.

And Lucas controlled almost all the strongest military forces in the Empire. The officers under him would follow whoever Lucas aligned himself with.

But Lucas was unwilling to interfere in their struggle for power. He only obeyed the Empire and its king; between the eldest prince and second prince, he would listen to whoever ascended the throne in the end.

Lucas’ thoughts on this were very simple and he didn’t care how the two princes messed around, but it was impossible for the people under them to sit still.

So, as soon as Lucas stepped into the banquet hall, a group of people rushed over like hungry wolves to toast him.

When Lucas put on a cold expression, his whole body was as imposing as an ice sculpture.

Among them was an old comrade of the marshal who was probably only there to greet Lucas, so Luo Ran didn’t rashly go and block them.

But there also wasn’t much for Luo Ran to do, just standing behind Lucas, so he simply turned around to get some food for him and Lucas to eat.

Luo Ran once again met Luobing’s Prince Andika near the buffet table. It seems like this person really loves to eat.

“Your Highness.”

“Ah… It’s Secretary Luo!” Andika smiled at him. “Thank you for the food last time, I liked it a lot…! It was delicious.”

“It’s good as long as Your Highness is satisfied.” Luo Ran glanced at the attendant following Andika and, smiling, commented, “I think I’ve seen this young lady before. Was it at the last banquet?”

Andika thought nothing of it and straightforwardly refuted him. “No, it was a different maid last time.”

“Oh… Why did it change?”

Andika stiffened for a moment, then his smile turned dry. “She fell sick.”

“Is that so? Then has she seen a doctor?” Luo Ran asked. “The Empire’s medical department is led by Shen Xiluo, they have many skilful doctors there. Your Highness can go there and try.”


“What are you two talking about!”

Lillia’s angry voice came from behind Luo Ran.

“What are you flirting for, you bastard!”* Lillia glared at Andika and huffed, “Scram!”

“I-I’m sorry…!” Andika stumbled away with his plate of food.

Luo Ran faintly frowned.

“What were you talking about?” Lillia leaned in with a smile. “Accompany me to drink?”

Luo Ran looked at the beautifully dressed young woman in front of him. This matter can’t be left to fester, he thought, it’ll be bad if this little princess causes more trouble and it involves Luobing and the Empire.

As Lucas’ secretary, he was someone who existed to solve his problems, not add to them.

“Your Highness, let’s chat.”

* * *

Lucas was being forced by his father’s comrade to reminisce together when he saw Zhou Mingkai bounding over like a monkey.

“Admiral, Admiral! Brother brother brother! It’s not good!”

When the old comrade saw that the young people had something to say, he obligingly left.

“Spit it out,” Lucas ordered in an annoyed tone.

“Sist– Secretary Luo is going to be taken away!”

Lucas: “?”

While pulling at Lucas, Zhou Mingkai lowered his voice and said, “When I went home yesterday, I accidentally overheard my eldest brother talking about that princess of Luobing’s, Lillia. I don’t know what’s wrong with her brain, she somehow fell in love with your Secretary Luo, and even wanted to officially ask the Empire for his hand in marriage! But my eldest brother secretly suppressed this news.”

Lucas’ eyes widened. “How dare she?!”

“That’s right, that’s right!” Zhou Mingkai nodded his head as if he was pounding garlic. “She’s too audacious, oh I’m so nervous! Just now I saw the princess drag Secretary Luo to the balcony!”

Lucas’ eyes became even fiercer. “Absurd!”

“That’s right, that’s right!” Zhou Mingkai continued nodding, pounding away at the garlic. “It’s too fucking audacious! So let’s hurry to the balcony!”

Daring to steal his sister-in-law, wasn’t it absurd?!

 * * *

The balcony:

“Why? Why can’t we be together?!” Lillia was flushed with anger.

Luo Ran paused, then said, “Because… my heart already belongs to someone else.”

Suitable means for suitable problems.

“Huh???” Lillia couldn’t believe it. “Who do you like?!”

Luo Ran was silent for a while, then said with a heavy expression, “I like… Admiral Lucas.”

“I’ve liked him for many years.”

At this time, Lucas’ usual reputation of ferocity was very useful.

 * * *

As soon as he arrived at the balcony, Lucas heard this sentence.

Lucas: ???

Zhou Mingkai: ???

And thus begin the misunderstandings…

This was a monster of a chapter at 10k characters, more than double the earlier chapters. For reference, those were 3-4k characters. Expect future chapters to be a bit longer at 4-6k characters, except for chapter 27 which is also 10k (T▽T)

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  1. Share my family name [以我之姓,冠汝之名]: the more typically used (female) version is 以吾之名 冠汝之姓, meaning ‘using my name, crown it with your surname’. This is because in ancient times, when a woman married into a man’s family she would add his surname to hers. So when before she might have been surnamed X, and called Miss X, afterwards people would call her YX-shi, meaning Madam X of Y, with Y being the husband’s surname. At no point in history did the wife give up her surname completely and change it into the husband’s surname as in the West. A concise explanation here.
  2. Doge.jpg [狗头]: literally the doge meme. In Chinese netizen slang, it conveys sarcasm/irony and is a way of stating the reverse position
  3. As in bastard son, not as in an asshole. Though I’m sure Lillia would be happy to mean it that way as well.

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Chapter 25 (1): The Secretary Confesses!

Happy lunar new year! Another early chapter to celebrate our New Year 2.0, and this one’s a doozy. It’s so long I’ve had to split it! Once again, your regularly scheduled update will go back to normal on Wednesday… which is tomorrow.

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In the bathroom:

Once he was in the bathroom stall, Luo Ran locked the door and dug out the inhibitor from his pocket.

He took its cap off with trembling hands. Just as he was about to inject it, he heard a thunderous shout from outside.

“Luo Ran?! Where are you?”

Lucas could detect the smell of white tea.

Luo Ran was so frightened that his hands shook and almost collapsed.

He opened his mouth but didn’t dare to speak, instead hurriedly thrusting the needle into his wrist.

Fortunately, he’d already sprayed scent blockers, so Lucas shouldn’t be able to smell his heat pheromones.

“Luo Ran?”

Lucas banged on the door.

“I-I’m fine…” Luo Ran tried to steady his voice, but couldn’t stop his shivering.

The inhibitor needed some time to work. Luo Ran kept his eyes on it with a death stare.

Lucas felt anxious when he heard Luo Ran so weak.

“Luo Ran, open up!”

“Admiral, I… Please don’t come in!”

Lucas pushed at the door, wanting to break in.


Luo Ran stared at the pitiful door, which was constantly being hit, with ever-widening eyes.

It was at this time that the inhibitor finished injecting its contents.

One second later, the door crumpled and was officially turned into scrap.

At almost the same moment as when the door was shoved open, Luo Ran successfully threw the inhibitor and its bag into the trash can.

The pop of the trash can’s automatic lid closing was perfectly masked by the much louder sound of the door breaking.

Luo Ran lost his strength and slid to the floor.

“Luo Ran!” Frowning, Lucas strode forwards and caught Luo Ran in his arms. “How do you feel? Still sick from the claustrophobia?”

Luo Ran, still faintly trembling, didn’t speak.

It was almost revealed.

He couldn’t believe that he forgot he was still in heat.

But it was also Lucas’ fault for blocking his door so early in the morning, then the two set off for the amusement park, so Luo Ran forgot to inject his inhibitors.

“Luo Ran?”

Seeing that Luo Ran didn’t respond, Lucas said, “I’ll call Shen Xiluo.”

Shen Xiluo was Lucas’ GP.*

Then, as if he thought of something, Lucas added, “I can also help you call Xia Zhi.”

“No need.” Once Luo Ran recovered, he supported himself against the wall and stood.

Lucas frowned and offered Luo Ran his body as a crutch.

Luo Ran stumbled to his feet, only to hear an exclamation not far away.

Maybe it was because Lucas was too loud when he kicked the door open that all the nearby tourists and staff ran over to see what was going on.

So when they came in, what they saw was–

The door to the cubicle was, for some reason, off its hinges and fallen to one side. Inside, an imposing man held a delicate silver-haired man. The two men leaned on each other. The silver-haired man was flushed red and seemed to be unsteady on his feet.

* * *


The scariest thing was when everything turned silent.

“Ah… uh…” One of the staff members spoke up. “The door needs to be repaired! Everyone, don’t stand here and hinder the work!”

Then everyone finally reacted and slowly dispersed.

Luo Ran: “…”

Once everyone left the scene, Luo Ran expressionlessly turned and walked away.

Lucas: “…”


Lucas chased him. “Luo Ran?”

Not saying a word, Luo Ran walked onwards with his arms crossed.

“Luo Ran? You’re angry?”

“Not at all,” Luo Ran said with a smile.

Lucas: “…”

“Why are you angry?” Lucas asked.

Luo Ran fell silent again.

“…” Lucas followed Luo Ran in a daze. He didn’t have any goal either, just wandering around while carrying his juice.

“Luo Ran.”

“Luo Ran?”

“How about you give me a beating.”

“Luo Ran.”

“How about I buy you something?”

Luo Ran stopped in front of a carousel.

“If the admiral takes a ride on this, I won’t be angry anymore.” Luo Ran kept smiling.

Of course, it was a smile that didn’t reach his eyes.

Lucas glanced at the colourful, disgustingly cute carousel with cheerful music, and fell silent.


He was a dignified admiral, whose name brought awe to everyone who heard it. Even if Luo Ran was angered to death, angered to the point that he jumped off a cliff, Lucas wouldn’t take one step onto this damn thing.

* * *

Lucas: “I’ll go buy a ticket.”

Luo Ran was taken aback.

…He’s really going?

In a dull voice, he slowly replied, “No need to buy tickets… you can go straight up.”

Then he heard Lucas take a deep breath and stomp up the stairs.

Luo Ran: “…”

A man with a heroic bearing and a fierce expression stood under the rainbow pavilion, choosing his pony with the focus one might give to murder. No matter how someone described it, it made a weird picture.

In the end, Lucas chose a relatively less fancy one. He threw his leg over it with jerky movements, stiffly placed his hands on its handles, and sat up straight with his expression as serious as ever.

Luo Ran immediately, pitilessly, took out his terminal – to take a commemorative photo for Lucas.

Lucas’ gaze faintly rested on him.

He couldn’t suppress his laughter anymore.

When Lucas looked down, he saw that Luo Ran laughed so hard his eyes curved and his hair swayed, which was very beautiful.

Then Lucas also began chuckling.

He jumped down and walked to Luo Ran. “Not angry now?”

“I wasn’t… angry before.” Luo Ran smiled and tilted his head.

“Today I’ve seen a different side of the admiral.”

They circled back to the beginning.

It felt both comfortable and refreshing.

Tsk,” Lucas snorted, then said, “I’ll take you to a place, it’s much more interesting than here.”

Lucas brought Luo Ran onto the hovercar. The navigation distance was quite long, bringing them straight to the city outskirts.

When Luo Ran looked out the window, he saw lush forests and vast grassland.

“Admiral, where are we going?”

“Going to a fun place.”

“Ah…” Luo Ran curiously asked, “Has Admiral been there before?”

He knew everything about Lucas’ movements. Logically speaking, if Lucas came here before, he should know about it.

“Twice, both times for meetings hosted by the Aldor family.”

Luo Ran understood as soon as Lucas spoke. Lucas attended the annual Aldor family reunion every year without Luo Ran accompanying him, and neither would Luo Ran inquire about it, since it was arranged by the marshal’s people.

But the entire Aldor family, from the main family to its branches, were involved with the military. A meeting place for this kind of people…

Luo Ran looked at the primitive landscape below them and fell into thought. If Lucas brought him to train or climb a mountain during his break, he’d… actually, he couldn’t do much.

After the hovercar landed, Luo Ran got off, prepared for anything to happen.


But when he saw what was in front of him, he was still a little surprised.

“This is…”

Lucas smiled and said, “A ranch.”

Before them was a wide grass plain and fluffy white clouds against a clear blue sky, lit by warm sunlight.

The grass plain was full of horses of all sizes and colours. Some were resting, while others ran with the wind.

It was the first time Luo Ran saw such a scene.

“This is also a kind of entertainment left by the people of ancient Earth. But now, not many people know of it, and even fewer know how to ride a horse,” Lucas explained. “They’re all from ancient Earth, but it’s much better than your amusement park or whatever. If you want to ride then ride this kind of horse, what’s the point of riding a little wooden horse?”

This was much better than what Luo Ran expected. He happily walked forwards, wanting to take a closer look.

“Wait.” Lucas grabbed Luo Ran’s wrist. “Some horses who aren’t broken in will be violent and might kick people. You follow me, don’t run around.”

Lucas took Luo Ran to a farmhouse and asked the boss there for a saddle and bridle.

With a raised eyebrow, Lucas said, “I’ll take you on a lap, then I’ll teach you how to ride a horse.”

“Yes.” Luo Ran looked expectantly at the equipment in Lucas’ hands.

It was the first time the elderly boss saw Lucas bring someone there, and it was even such a beautiful person. All smiles, he said, “Have fun, young master, I won’t tell Madam Marshal.”

“You’ve misunderstood, this is my secretary.”

Lucas brought Luo Ran away to pick a horse.

Luo Ran asked curiously, “He calls you young master?”

“Yeah, the Aldor family bought the ranch, so now it’s private land.”

Luo Ran nodded.

People from Lucas’ family who were retired or didn’t want to join the military mainly went into business, and their family company could be considered a big one. His family had a handle on both the military and economy in the Empire.

As Lucas spoke, he patiently picked through the horses in the stable. If it were just himself, he would prefer to ride a spirited horse, or choose to tame a young colt, but today he wanted a docile and beautiful one.

The horse he stood in front of had a coat of pure white, soft hair, and a pair of eyes that shone like water in the sun.

At Lucas’ signal, Luo Ran stretched out his hand and stroked it. The horse lowered its head and rubbed his hand.

Luo Ran glanced at the nearby wooden sign with the horse’s breed and name, and smiled. “Hello, Lisa.”

Luo Ran had a foundation in fighting and good physical strength. Lucas wasn’t particularly worried.

Lucas taught Luo Ran how to mount the horse, and after he got on, Lucas jumped on too.

Luo Ran stiffened as soon as he detected warmth and pheromones coming from the person behind him.

He tentatively asked, “Do we have to ride together…?”

Lucas threaded his hand past Luo Ran’s waist, held the reins with him, and sat behind Luo Ran while holding him in his arms.

Lucas smirked. “You want to ride alone the first time you’re on a horse?* You’re quite arrogant.”


Lucas controlled the reins and stirrups, causing the white horse to amble out with the two on its back. They circled the pasture once, then slowly began to trot.

They didn’t move fast. Luo Ran could feel the oncoming wind on his face, which was extremely comfortable.

Sitting on this tall horse, he instantly felt the world open up. He could even see a lake in the distance.

“Having fun?” Lucas smiled. “Isn’t it much better than the amusement park?”

“Just as fun!” Luo Ran’s eyes were full of joy.

It was Luo Ran’s first time doing this, so everything was fresh.

Lucas hooked his lips, held Luo Ran’s waist tightly with one hand, and held the reins with the other. He kicked the horse’s flanks and sent it galloping with a sharp command.

“…!” Thrown by the force, Luo Ran’s body slammed against Lucas.

The shaking intensified, but after getting used to it, it was more comfortable once he found his balance and kept up with the rhythm.

Lucas made the horse run even faster, letting go of all scruples.

Luo Ran felt as if he’d plunged headfirst into the jetstream. At this speed, the boundary between heaven and earth blurred into nothingness.

Just as the books described, this was the feeling of freedom.

Lucas saw Luo Ran grip the reins so hard that his hands were rubbed red. “Let go.”


Lucas’ lips curled up. “Trust me.”

Before he knew it, Luo Ran already obeyed and released his hand.

Lucas hugged Luo Ran’s waist tightly. Under his strong power, Luo Ran’s position didn’t deviate an inch.

“Comfortable…! So comfortable.” Luo Ran couldn’t resist raising his hands to feel the wind passing through his fingers.

Luo Ran’s long hair, blown by the wind, brushed against Lucas’ ears and lips.

The horse galloped on the prairie. At this speed where they could barely see the way ahead, Lucas gently kissed his hair.

       ———  XXXXX  ———

Lucas took Luo Ran to ride a horse and taught him basic riding skills. By the time they finished, it was getting into the evening.

The two found a nearby restaurant to have dinner and led the horse there. The restaurant also had stables, which could be said to be very convenient.

Lucas eyed the small wooden house hidden in the forest which was covered in lanterns and little lightbulbs, and said with some surprise, “I haven’t been here before.”

This place was near the ranch but not within its borders, so it wasn’t one of the Aldor properties.

Usually, when the Aldor family came, everyone would return to the main house to gather around a long table and have a formal meal.

Luo Ran commented, “Very romantic, very beautiful.”

The restaurant deck was decorated with tulle fabric, tassels, and candles.

“Hello, guests… It’s the admiral and his secretary!” The boss, a young woman, became a little excited when she saw them.

“Who?!” The young woman’s husband was cleaning the back porch. When he heard her words, he also came to the door to greet them.

“Oh!!! It’s the admiral and his secretary!”

Luo Ran didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.


“Please sit! Please sit!”

The lady boss then brought the two of them to the second-floor balcony, where they could watch the most beautiful scenery and feel the night breeze as they ate.

She also handed them the menu.

Lucas sat there with his arms crossed and couldn’t be bothered to read it. Anyways, Luo Ran knew what he liked.

As Luo Ran looked over the menu, the lady boss enthusiastically introduced, “We’re famous for being a good spot for photography here! A lot of friends and couples have taken photos here, would you like to try?”

The lady boss indicated one of the walls on the lower level, which was covered in small photos, writing, and drawings.

It was messy, but also lovely.

“It’s very simple. We have a lot of good places, you just need to take a photo!” She continued, asking, “If you do take one, can we upload it online for publicity?”

Luo Ran: “…”

Luo Ran felt helpless, but he didn’t mind that much. The news that he and Lucas came here had already spread, one photo wouldn’t be able to change much.

“So… would you guys like a camera to take photos?” The lady boss looked to Lucas with a smile, asking for his opinion.

Lucas, not having much interest in it, pointed to Luo Ran. “Ask him.”

Faced with the ardent eyes of the proprietress, Luo Ran said, “Okay, if it’s not too much trouble.”

When the two returned to the first floor, they saw a corner area sectioned off and set up as a photography spot with a hanging chair, a swing, beautiful wallpaper and shelving, and fresh flowers and lighting. It was indeed very beautiful.

According to the photo wall, most people first took a solo picture by themselves before taking a group photo.

Lucas directed Luo Ran to stand beside a bunch of flowers, then held the camera up and ordered, “Stand up straight.”

“Yes, keep your back straight.”

“Put your hand on your leg, make a fist!”

“Hold your head up higher, keep your shoulders back! Haven’t you eaten?”

The boss and lady boss, watching this happen: “…”

The two were dumbfounded as Luo Ran was guided to stand at attention.*

Luo Ran was also helpless.


Luo Ran’s solo photo was complete.

Although he stood as if he were participating in a military parade, the photo still turned out well because of his high face value and beautiful background.

After Lucas took his own photo, the two men stood stiffly in front of the gorgeous wallpaper and asked the lady boss to take their photo.

And so, their first photo together was created.

The lady boss printed out the photo then looked up with a smile. “Do you want to write something? For example, your relationship…?”

All the photos on the wall had a description, like ‘my love’, ‘a friend of fourteen years’, or ‘celebrating our eleventh anniversary of marriage’.

Luo Ran and Lucas answered at the same time.

Luo Ran: “Employee and employer.”

Lucas: “Brothers.”

The lady boss: “…”

The lady boss: “Okay.”

After the two went upstairs for their meal, she thought about it for a moment then wrote a line of words on the photograph.

The special you

As they ate, Luo Ran received a report from their guards.

He read through it with a deep frown. “Admiral, we’ve got results from the investigation into Luobing’s Prince Andika. The investigators found scent blockers and… contraceptive pills… in the bathroom, which are suspected to have been used by Prince Andika.”

“Contraceptives?” Lucas’ brows knitted together.

“There is currently no way to confirm he was the one to use them, but the investigators think they were bought by the same maid he asked to buy fever-reducing medicine.”

“It’s really him?” Lucas raged.

“Not necessarily… I don’t think he is.” But Luo Ran also felt puzzled.

The perpetrator was clearly himself! How could it be someone else?

Then why did Andika need to buy these drugs? His movements also completely matched that person’s on the night.

Luo Ran quietly tapped the table as he thought.

Could it be…

“Eat if you’re going to eat, don’t think about work.” Lucas scowled and knocked on Luo Ran’s terminal.

Luo Ran looked up at Lucas in surprise.

Lucas, his boss, the Empire’s admiral, would actually be so caring?

But then again, the fact that he and Lucas were here for a meal together was already unusual.

Lucas bit at a piece of meat. “What?”

“I’m just thinking… I’ve worked with you for so many years, but it’s the first time we ate and played together,” Luo Ran chuckled softly.

He even felt it somewhat magical when he said it out loud.


Luo Ran paused, then said, “Happy. It’s not only the first time having fun with the admiral, but also the first time I came out myself.”

Lucas was a bit surprised. “The first time?”


Lucas thought, His first outing was with me.

The lion’s possessiveness was satisfied once again, so Lucas broke into a grin. He tsk’d and said, “Secretary Luo’s life is very boring.”

“Think about who’s the reason.” Luo Ran also smiled. “It’s so busy at the company that Admiral can’t go out the door. I have even less time.”

“You.” Lucas waved a fork at Luo Ran warningly. “Anyway, you have to be my secretary for a lifetime.”

The atmosphere was pretty good.


Immediately afterwards, the two were attracted by the fireworks that suddenly exploded in the sky.

Someone had bought fireworks and set them off at a nearby lookout.

Fiery rockets trailing shining tails soared upwards, then bloomed among the heavens.

Flowers soon decorated the barren night sky, as if a painter gave colour to the world.

“Beautiful.” Luo Ran subconsciously put down his knife and fork to watch.

As Lucas gazed upon the person in front of him whose face was cast into shadow and light by the fireworks, he raised his terminal… and took a photo.

In it, the silver-haired man’s eyes reflected a beautiful play of lights as he smiled up at the sky, against a backdrop of fireworks and the night sky.

Rushed this to get it out for the lunar new year, my fingers are going to fall off

Thanks to diabolomenth for the Ko-fi!

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  1. GP [私人医生]: lit. private doctor; general practitioner, aka family doctor; usually the first medical port of call for the normal person, especially in Western countries (maybe Eastern too? I know China has a more centralized medical system that focuses on hospitals rather than clinics); in my experience, not affiliated with hospitals
  2. Note: Riding double is dangerous for both horse and rider. The weight is bad for the horse (especially two grown males!), falls are more likely, it’s harder to control the horse, and most saddles just aren’t made for it so it’s uncomfortable to boot. When you’re learning to ride for the first time, there’ll be a rope lead held by a more experienced person riding another horse or walking in front. This is fine because horses follow other horses. The beginner doesn’t even have to touch the reins at all, they can just hold onto the mane or saddle for dear life. 
  3. Standing at attention [军姿]: a military posture often used in parades or for inspections etc. Usually involves standing upright with an assertive posture; general guidelines include: chin up, chest out, shoulders back, stomach in, eyes front, heels together

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Chapter 24: The Secretary is In Heat Again?

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After getting off the roller coaster, Luo Ran’s legs trembled uncontrollably, and he immediately had to support himself with the railing.

But his situation was already considered good. Some people directly vomited as soon as they got off, or they couldn’t even stand firmly and fell to the ground, or they had to stagger to a nearby bench to rest.

Luo Ran turned to Lucas, who stood beside him.

He still had his arms crossed across his chest, but now looked at Luo Ran with an expression of intense interest. “It’s a very different side of the secretary than usual.”

“I don’t think it’s boring anymore.” Lucas grinned. “What’s next? The pirate ship? The Turbo Drop?* Let’s try them all.”

Luo Ran: “…”

Luo Ran pursed his lips. “We won’t play these, let’s go to the escape room.”

Where no physical effort was needed.

Luo Ran swiftly turned and left, followed by a smiling Lucas.

The escape room had a supernatural theme. Players entered in teams, and not only did they have to solve puzzles to progress through the rooms, but they also had to endure various ‘scares’.

A team had a minimum of two people and a maximum of five.

Luo Ran and Lucas waited in line for a long time before they could go in, but they didn’t feel impatient at all. Rather, while queuing, they silently pulled out their terminals at the same time to… do paperwork.

When they walked into the dim room, the atmosphere immediately changed.

The candlelight swayed, the wind whistled, and there were strange sounds from time to time.

Luo Ran looked around the first room, which was shabby and dilapidated. The walls were messy and covered in bloodstains, and there were only three pieces of furniture: a bed, a desk with drawers, and a wardrobe. It undoubtedly matched the supernatural theme.

Luo Ran and Lucas first tacitly went to check the exit door, where they found a keyhole. It looked like the goal was to find a key.

Luo Ran: “Then let’s start looking for clues.”

The two began to search.

Luo Ran started with the bed. He pulled open the sheets to reveal a lighter, which should be a prop.

Following this, he crouched down, wanting to see if there was anything under the bed.

* * *

Then he met a pair of eyes rolled back to show their whites.

Luo Ran: “…”

They actually hid an artificial corpse under the bed, and its eyes were so big they could become searchlights.

Thinking quickly, Luo Ran calmly stood up. “Admiral, there’s a prop under the bed that I can’t reach.”

His tone was the same as usual, and his expression also wasn’t any different.

Lucas went and crouched down without thinking.  

 * * *

Lucas: “…”

He got up. “You’re too bored.”

Luo Ran had some regrets.

He’d found a lighter on the bed, while Lucas found a charcoal grill* in the drawers, which happened to correspond with Luo Ran’s clue.

Logically, the key must be hidden inside something which needed to be melted. Lucas had searched the walls earlier, and the things there only explained the room’s story, so the key should be in the large wardrobe.

Luo Ran stepped up and opened the cabinet door.

He was prepared for something to jump out, yet unexpectedly there was no movement.

The cabinet was completely empty except for a lonely plastic ball in a corner.

Luo Ran reached out for it, but the back panel of the cabinet suddenly disappeared. The wood backing was actually just a piece of fabric that hid a small space behind it, from which a woman with dishevelled hair and a terrifying face leapt out at Luo Ran with a shrill scream.

She’d always wait until the player let down their guard before scaring them.

But Luo Ran wasn’t any ordinary person. He watched the female ghost come at him without any reaction, then calmly grabbed her shoulder.

Female ghost: “…”

This was a bit embarrassing. 

Didn’t most people close the cabinet door…!

And when the female ghost rushed out, her angle was a bit tricky, so she soon lost her balance and began to fall. Luo Ran immediately stretched out his hand to support her other shoulder.

Female ghost: “…”

This was even more embarrassing.

Lucas was using the lighter to make a fire, but when he saw what was happening, he angrily rushed forward. “What are you two doing!”

He saw the physical contact between them and, glaring at the female ghost, uncontrollably let out some pheromone due to an alpha’s strong desire for control.

His fierce gaze and hostility made the female ghost tremble all over. She quickly went back into her hiding spot, and even conscientiously closed the cabinet door herself.

Luo Ran: “…”

He didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. “What are you doing, Admiral?”

“I haven’t even asked what you two were doing, pulling at each other,” Lucas sneered.

When she heard this, the female ghost hiding behind the cabinet covered her mouth to muffle her cries while logging on to the forum.

That’s it!

The admiral was so fucking excessive! He was even jealous of a female ghost! It’s too hard to be a ghost these days!

He deserved to be an SSS-grade alpha!

What a wonderful love!

As for the excessive Lucas and Luo Ran, after they collected the props and used fire to melt the plastic ball, they collected the key and moved on to the next room.

Although the design of the escape room was exquisite – the difficulty increased with each room, and there were many things to scare people – the two of them smoothly completed it all without any waves in their hearts.

When they came to the entrance of the last room, Luo Ran paused for a moment.

It looked like they had to crawl through a narrow passage.

Seeing Luo Ran’s hesitation, Lucas asked, “What’s the matter?”

“Nothing, let’s go.”

Past the passage was a smaller room, this time with a password-protected door. The walls were covered in countless colourful posters and stickers, among which the password was probably hidden.

This room was very special. It wasn’t so much a room as it was a box, which could barely fit five people standing up.

The sealed box only had a small gap in the corner for ventilation, and was very dark, giving a heavy sense of oppression.

Luo Ran and Lucas didn’t have much room to move around; the two had to match their movements if they wanted any hope of success.

Luo Ran stood in front of a wall, collecting clues, yet Lucas frowned slightly.

In this narrow and quiet space, he could feel Luo Ran’s breathing gradually becoming rapid.

Lucas stepped closer and touched the back of his hand to Luo Ran’s exposed skin.

It was freezing cold.

With a stern tone, he asked, “Luo Ran, you’re uncomfortable?”

“No.” Luo Ran replied quickly but his voice was a little weak.

Lucas directly pressed Luo Ran’s shoulder to make him turn around, then turned on his terminal’s flashlight.

As soon as the light turned on, he saw Luo Ran’s flushed face covered in a cold sweat.

Lucas frowned deeper. “Claustrophobia?”

“…” Luo Ran hesitated, then said, “It doesn’t matter, we can go out after finishing this.”

In fact, the entire escape room complex was automatically monitored by an intelligent system, so they could use their terminal to contact the administrator and immediately stop the game. However, Luo Ran didn’t want to do this.

For a game like this, he didn’t want to and didn’t need to give up here.

Luo Ran gently moved Lucas’ hand away and turned around. “Hurry up and I’ll be fine.”

He clenched his hands into fists, pinched his palm with his fingers, and forced himself to calm down. He did his best to adjust his breathing so that the inexplicable fear wouldn’t affect his rhythm.

The next second, he was enveloped by warmth.

Startled, Luo Ran turned his head and met Lucas’ eyes.

They were so close that the tips of their noses almost touched.

Lucas hugged Luo Ran from behind and pulled at his own jacket to embrace Luo Ran within.

Luo Ran could feel the heat of Lucas’ hand at his waist through the jacket, and his entire person was wrapped in the coat.

It was like being surrounded by tobacco. The sharp, strong scent soon swept through his brain.

Although they were so close together, Lucas thought he was a beta and didn’t see the need to restrain his pheromones, so Luo Ran felt a little weak. Fortunately, with claustrophobia as an excuse, his unsteadiness could be explained away.

Lucas: “Continue.”

The man’s deep voice floated into Luo Ran’s ears. He took a deep breath and nodded.

The alpha pheromone and sudden hug calmed him down.


After a while, Luo Ran input the correct password and the two left the room.

This metal box was the last puzzle. The exit door led directly outside, where Luo Ran couldn’t quite react to the glaring sunlight.

“Congratulations on your success. In addition, you guys are the fastest team this month!” The staff member smiled and handed them their ‘escape room report’.

“And because you’re the current record holder, we have a gift for you.”

The staff member pointed to a shelf behind them, which was filled with rag dolls. “You can choose one to take home!”

Lucas had no interest in this, but Luo Ran went over to choose one.

After looking through them all, he picked a little lion.

The young male lion had a thick mane, was covered in fluff, had a cute scowl on its face, and its four paws were amusingly big for its size.

“This is for you.” Luo Ran stuffed the little lion into Lucas’ arms.

Lucas expressed distaste. “I don’t need these.”

“One for each person, take it as a souvenir.” Luo Ran also took back the little sheep he stored behind the counter.

The staff member watched the two big men. One of them was even tall and fierce, but one held a little sheep, while the other held a little lion…

It looked pretty cute.

The staff member couldn’t help but chuckle.

Lucas gritted his teeth.

Were the citizens of the Empire so idle?

They’d shoot targets for dolls, ride roller coasters, play in haunted houses, and do these clearly silly things all day?

Everyone had so much free time.

Afterwards, the two bought drinks and rested in a shaded area. Lucas asked with a frown, “Where did your claustrophobia come from?”

“Ah…” Luo Ran took a sip of juice, then said after a pause, “Born with it?”

“Lying again.” Lucas’ expression turned sullen. “If you keep lying, I’ll pour this water on your head.”


“What’s your evidence that I’m lying?” Luo Ran asked.


“Admiral, your intuition isn’t accurate.”

Lucas sneered. “If my intuition wasn’t accurate, I’d already be dead on a battlefield somewhere.”

So Luo Ran simply said, “Then I don’t want to say.”


“You sure are bold enough.”

“Yeah.” Luo Ran nodded calmly.


The next second, Luo Ran was pressed against the tree trunk behind him.

Luo Ran: “…”

The reason he dared to act like that was because they were outside, so he didn’t think Lucas would do anything.

But… this?

Luo Ran panicked for a moment. “Admiral, people will see…”

“And I’d care?” Lucas raised his eyebrows. “I’ll let go when you say it.”

Lucas supported himself with the tree trunk behind Luo Ran, trapping him there.

Luo Ran quickly calmed down.

Although Lucas had a domineering personality, he wasn’t someone who would act rashly in public.

Luo Ran quickly assessed their surroundings. They were hidden in a corner where few people passed, and even if someone came, Lucas stood at the perfect angle for his tall body to block him from sight.

So, Luo Ran smiled at Lucas. “I’m not saying.”

Lucas: “…”

Lucas was a little angry.

His pheromones became denser.

Luo Ran: “…”

Luo Ran knew Lucas didn’t do it on purpose, but his legs softened once again and his mind buzzed.

Before, it was already deadly for him to be so close to Lucas in the escape room, especially as Lucas was the SSS-grade alpha who gave him his temporary mark, not to mention he was currently going through heat.

It was just that he felt more fear and tension at the time, so nothing much happened.

Now he was already drenched in Lucas’ rich pheromones. With him being teased like this, Luo Ran felt a bit wrong.

“Ad… miral, let go.” Luo Ran grabbed Lucas’ hand and tried to push him away. “I feel a little nauseous. I’m going to the bathroom.”

Lucas frowned. Was he trying to escape?

Luo Ran lowered his head, his breathing somewhat disordered. “…Please.”

Lucas was so shocked that he subconsciously complied. Plus, his face did look very sick.

Lucas watched Luo Ran’s diminishing figure in a daze, not moving an inch.

A beat passed.

Then Lucas reacted and chased after him.

Luo Ran’s pallor was so bad, did something happen?

Kabedon 2.0!

From next chapter onwards is the start of the VIP chapters. It’s also 2.5x the length of this one, so you can look forward to that. Go support the author on JJWXC if you can!

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  1. Turbo Drop: a vertical drop tower that uses compressed air to slowly lift passengers to the top of the tower, hold for several seconds, then launches them down
  2. Charcoal grill [炭烤盆]: these are probably small tabletop versions which are different from the usual Western outdoors BBQ grills
Turbo Drop
Charcoal grill

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Chapter 23: The Secretary Has a Date?

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Lucas stood there and even scolded Luo Ran. “How come you came home so late!”

Luo Ran: “…”

That’s right, this was a man who would act so righteously even though he was the one blocking someone else’s door.

Luo Ran could only helplessly ask, “Does Admiral want something?”

This feeling was as if it were a weekend and you were immersed in the joy of doing nothing, yet the boss suddenly called you in to work overtime.

Lucas didn’t answer Luo Ran’s question. Instead, he pointed at the door and said, “I’ve been waiting a long time.”


Luo Ran opened the door.

As soon as Lucas walked in, he sat on the sofa and pulled out three ties from the bag he held.

Luo Ran: “?”

Lucas frowned. “You help me choose one to wear at work today.”

Luo Ran: “???”

Then he ordered, “And brew me a cup of coffee.”

Luo Ran: “…”

Luo Ran stagnated for a moment then asked, “Admiral, you came all this way… just to drink coffee and choose a tie?”



Lucas crossed his legs and folded his arms. “I couldn’t have one yesterday, if I still can’t drink I won’t be able to work.”

And the tie, if it wasn’t one Luo Ran chose then he always felt it looked ugly no matter how he arranged it. He’d been uncomfortable and distracted for a whole day.

Luo Ran admitted defeat.

He made it sound like no one in the company could make coffee.

Luo Ran had to obediently go into the kitchen and brew a cup.

Lucas sat in the living room and looked around him.

So small.

He furrowed his brows.

Doesn’t Luo Ran earn enough? How can his apartment be so small?

Although… it was both beautiful and homely. The walls were covered in sticky notes, cards, calendars, and other small ornaments. They all looked to be bought separately and arranged by the homeowner himself, showing that he knew how to treat himself well.

“Okay, here’s the coffee Admiral wanted.” Luo Ran handed the cup to Lucas. He swept an eye over Lucas’ outfit then picked out one of the three ties.

Once the tie was loosely knotted, he handed it to Lucas for him to put it on himself.

“Oh, right… There’s also this.” Luo Ran trotted into his room and came out with a small, delicate bag. “Yesterday I bought some buttons and buckles for Admiral.”

Surprised, Lucas raised his eyebrows and said, “You’d buy me things when you go out?”

“Of course.” Luo Ran passed the bag. “Your wardrobe needs to be replenished.”

Lucas’ expression lightened, and he even carried a hint of a smile.

He held the little bag and glanced inside. “Not bad.”

The styles were all to his taste.

Lucas carefully put it away then leaned back in satisfaction to drink his coffee.

Hmm, so comfortable.

Lucas looked at Luo Ran, who stood nearby. “What are your plans for today?”

“Go… to the amusement park.” Luo Ran remembered last night’s outrageous experience, and asked curiously, “How does Admiral know I’m going out?”

Lucas didn’t answer him. Instead, he frowned and asked again, “Going by yourself?”

Luo Ran nodded.

After a pause, Lucas turned on his terminal and opened his itinerary for the day.

He originally had another military meeting, but yesterday he’d asked Rong Duo to postpone it, so now there wasn’t anything particularly important on the schedule.

“I’ll go with you,” Lucas stated.



Luo Ran stared blankly at Lucas.

The admiral said… he’s going to the amusement park?

Lucas crossed his arms. “It’d look too bleak if you go alone.”

The scene completely had the appearance of Lucas deigning to grant his secretary a favour.

“I think going alone will also be fun,” Luo Ran said.

He wanted to relax, not take care of his boss all day.

Lucas turned his head and said in a dark tone, “You don’t want to go with me?”

Luo Ran pasted on a smile. “I just don’t want to waste your time. Admiral, you still have meetings to go to and have so many important tasks to do. A place like a playground for children isn’t suitable for you.”

“How can I know it’s not suitable if I’ve never been there? Besides, I also want to see what’s so special about it.”

“Admiral, I…”

Before Luo Ran could say anything, Lucas already took off his tie and military jacket, and undid the top three buttons of his shirt.

Once the formal outerwear came off and he only wore a thin white shirt, Lucas’ smooth lines of muscle became clearer.

And after unfastening his top three buttons, there was a hint of his broad and strong chest, as well as the swell of his Adam’s apple.

Luo Ran subconsciously looked away.

Lucas cracked his neck, pulled at his collar, and asked, “When do we leave?”

Luo Ran: “…”  

* * *

An hour later, Lucas and Luo Ran appeared at the entrance of the Retro Amusement Park in the empire’s capital.

Since Lucas rarely went out, he didn’t have many casual clothes.

So before they set out, Luo Ran went to the mall and quickly bought him a normal jacket. When Lucas wore the black leather jacket, he looked even more handsome.

Luo Ran randomly chose a long-sleeved blue shirt for himself and folded the cuffs to show his wrists.

The two bought tickets and went in.

The amusement park was full of people, and all the facilities dazzled the eye. Of course, the most eyecatching was the super-tall ferris wheel and the roller coaster.

As Luo Ran looked around him, his mood improved a bit.

Lucas, with his hands stuffed in his pockets and sunglasses firmly perched on his nose, followed behind him in a lackadaisical manner.

The closest attraction was a shooting booth. Luo Ran bought them a set of darts each and handed one to Lucas.

Lucas looked back suspiciously.

Luo Ran pointed at the target. “As long as five darts hit, you can take a small prize. If ten hit the bull’s eye, you can get a doll.”

Lucas looked at the row of large plushies placed on a high shelf within the booth with disgust.

He looked around him. So many people desperately throw this thing, just for those fluffy things? Are they so bored?

Lucas impatiently turned to Luo Ran. “Which do you like, I’ll get it for you then we’ll go.”

Luo Ran: “…”


“…Anything’s fine.”

When the boss and nearby people heard their conversation, they all cast their gazes over.

Who would be so arrogant?

…Ah, it’s Secretary Luo?

And the admiral?!


Some people in the crowd recognised the two of them and, covering their mouths in excitement, eagerly took sneak shots.

Quite a few people already recognised them, but the middle-aged boss was still stunned and said, “Young man, this target isn’t so easy to hit. If you want to show off in front of the one you like, you have to see if you have the ability first.”

Lucas sneered and didn’t say a word. He just stood in place and threw the dart in his hand with a whoosh.

Twenty darts were thrown out, and every one landed squarely in the little red area.

Yet the thrower didn’t stop his movements in the least, not even pausing for breath between each dart. He barely paid attention, instead preferring to look at Luo Ran and the boss.

“So cool…! Who is he?”

“It, it’s him!”


Lucas’ series of actions brought a wave of admirers who all kept looking at Luo Ran with envy.

Luo Ran was a bit distressed.

This… he predicted that he would once again make his debut on the forum.

Maybe Lucas was already used to it, so he didn’t feel anything about being the centre of attention and nonchalantly walked up to Luo Ran. “Which do you want?”

There was a suppressed scream from the crowd.

Luo Ran’s ears flushed red, a little uncomfortable.

“A-anything’s fine…”

Originally, Luo Ran didn’t think this was anything big, just a normal interaction between superiors and subordinates who worked together for many years. But now that he was under the enthusiastic gazes of people who would later go on the forums to cheer for their CP,* Luo Ran felt somewhat embarrassed.

The boss had already solidified into a statue.

Heavens… what kind of person is this, is this a soldier of the empire who came out to play?

No, would a soldier come to a place like an amusement park?

Lucas stepped up, swept his eyes through the fluffy dolls, and finally took a little sheep.

Since it’s for Luo Ran, let’s get this one.

The little sheep was a big ball of fur. It was pure white, had a sleepy expression, and there were even two tiny horns on its head.

Lucas thought, it suits him. Very soft, very silly.

“Thank you…” Luo Ran took the doll.

“What else do you want?” Lucas asked. “Or we’ll go to other booths.”

He looked as if he was about to commit a robbery.

Luo Ran suggested, “Let’s go play something more exciting.”

And avoid these people on the way, otherwise, it would be too awkward.

Luo Ran saw that Lucas looked uninterested in the booths, so he decided to head for the most thrilling ride.

So the two lined up at the ticket counter for the roller coaster.

There were too many people in the amusement park for everyone to recognise them, plus Lucas also wore a pair of sunglasses.

Luo Ran examined the roller coaster track, which soared among the clouds and had many sharp turns. Riders were even restricted to those above eighteen years old.

“Scared?” Lucas stood aside, watching Luo Ran with his eyebrows raised.

“No way.” Luo Ran shook his head and smiled. “I’m looking forward to seeing a different side of the admiral.”

“Then you’ll have to wait.”

After Luo Ran stored his little sheep behind the counter, the two followed the crowd and got on the ride. Luo Ran tied his long hair into a firm braid and fastened his seat restraint.

“Five, four, three…”

“Two… One!!”

Following this announcement, the roller coaster slowly started moving.


The train made dull noises as it crossed over the tracks, but they were soon concealed by shrill screams that rose one after another.

Luo Ran could just barely stabilize himself. With his personality, he wouldn’t scream, but he was still dizzy and could only hold the handrail tightly.

When the roller coaster entered a relatively peaceful section, he turned to look at Lucas.

Lucas sat steadily with his arms crossed over his chest, looking just as bored out of his mind as before.

If his hair weren’t blown out of shape, you’d think he was sitting on a rocking chair.

That’s when Luo Ran remembered that Lucas was trained to fight in a mecha.

Mecha used on the battlefield shook much more than this, so control over the body’s balance was very important. At the same time, pilots also had to actively control the mecha to defeat the enemy.

Lucas, seeing Luo Ran’s death grip on the handrail, even let out a whistle.

“Weak chicken.”

“Not screaming?” Lucas pointed at the other people who were screaming for their lives and signalled Luo Ran to study them.

Luo Ran: “…”

There really wasn’t any sense of fun.

Hahaha imagining Lucas’ unimpressed face gives me life


  1. CP: couple, as in shipping people together; often in the sense of pairing up celebrities

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Chapter 22: The Secretary’s Third Day of Vacation

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As Lucas’ deafening military order-like voice roared out from his terminal, Luo Ran’s gaze turned towards Wang Zitong and Luo Cheng, who were trembling so much they couldn’t even move their chopsticks.

The scene froze.

Luo Ran: “…”

He wanted to crawl into a hole.

He’d thought up countless possibilities for this call. It might be because Lucas had a request, or it might be because Lucas got angry and wanted him to solve a problem.

But he never imagined that the reason would be this inexplicable?

“I…” Luo Ran was momentarily rendered speechless.

“Really went? With who!” Lucas received reports that Luo Ran wasn’t at home today, but his exact location wasn’t clear. However, Lucas couldn’t step away from the military exercises, and he had a lot of things left to do for the meeting.

“…I went back home to visit my parents today,” Luo Ran explained helplessly. “I’m not using my holiday to play around.”

A period of silence came from the terminal, maybe because Lucas was thinking over his words.

Then he coldly snorted. “It’s not that you’re not allowed to play, but you’re sick, so don’t run around.”

“…Yeah.” Luo Ran lowered his head, not daring to look at his parents’ expressions. “Then, if there’s nothing else…”

“Did you drink a lot of water?”

“I did, um…” Luo Ran only wanted to quickly end the call.

“Have you had three meals a day? Did you eat enough?”


“Did you sleep properly, for a full eight hours?”


When Lucas paused for a moment, Luo Ran took the opportunity to say, “Then I’ll hang up now, Admiral, have a good day.”


He finally passed this trial. Then he subconsciously looked to Luo Cheng and Wang Zitong.

With slight hesitation, Wang Zitong brought up a different topic. “Ranran took a break because he’s on sick leave?”

“It’s not serious, it’s only…” Luo Ran originally wanted to say overwork, but abruptly changed his words. “Only a small cold.”

“Why didn’t you say so?” Luo Cheng frowned.

“This child… hiding everything from us,” Wang Zitong rebuked. “You don’t even say when you’re sick. Mom will make soup for you when we go back home. Have you eaten your medicine yet? You have to eat medicine when you catch a cold!”

Luo Ran nodded. “I did, I’ve already eaten it.”

The group continued to eat. The little brother asked curiously, “Second brother, who was that fierce brother just now?”

Luo Ran smiled. “That’s my boss, the heroic admiral of the empire.”

“I know…! My teacher said, the admiral brought peace to the empire!” His little brother immediately raised his hand. “He fought Bing… Luobing, and pirates, and the other countries so they don’t dare to bully us anymore!”

“Yes.” Luo Ran grinned. “My little brother is so good at politics and history.”

His little sister, who was eating a bun on the other side of the table, didn’t show any weakness; she also raised her hand and shot back, “Little brother is talking nonsense! That brother wasn’t fierce, he was as nice as our second brother!”

Internally, she thought, he was fierce at the start, but later his tone was super gentle.

“Okay, stop, don’t yell while we’re eating.” Wang Zitong lightly patted the little girl’s hand.

Fruits and desserts were served after the main meal. The group ate and chatted comfortably, spending a fun day out.

As they talked, Wang Zitong casually asked, “By the way, I don’t think Ranran’s said, how old is the admiral this year?”

Luo Ran sent a slice of watermelon to his mouth, then replied, “Older than me by two years.”

“Oh… then he’s not so young now, does he have a lover?”

Luo Ran said, “No, his personality is a bit special, it’s harder to match.”

Wang Zitong paused. “Then for a military officer like him, they usually completely focus on the battlefield and the empire, and don’t care much about love matters?”

“I don’t know, I’ve never heard the admiral talk about it,” Luo Ran idly replied. “I haven’t seen him hold anyone in his heart.”

Wang Zitong and Luo Cheng glanced at each other.

Luo Ran smiled and said, “If you’re interested in the admiral you can check out his interviews with the official media, his information is just about all there with them.”

Wang Zitong kept a smile on her face.  

* * *

Once they finished eating, the group went home. As Luo Ran laid in bed and scrolled through the forums, he received a report from the military department.

It was the investigation into the person who had followed him before.

This report gave Luo Ran a big surprise because the man turned out to be an ordinary worker at the research institute. But how was it possible for a mere overseer to have such good skills?

As expected, a deeper investigation revealed that he was inserted last year to replace the previous overseer due to a leg injury, but that injury wasn’t simple either.

The man spilled everything. His master ordered him to follow Luo Ran and track the institute’s research progress into the DNA found under Lucas’ nails in order to control the trail of clues regarding his one-night stand.

Luo Ran continued reading, but the most critical piece of information was missing.

The man didn’t know who his master was. They only communicated through terminals with hidden IPs.

To be able to insert a spy into the research institute showed that they weren’t an ordinary person. After all, the institute’s security system was exceedingly strict.

But who could it be?

Luo Ran frowned thoughtfully.

Fortunately, I hid my identity as the one that night, he thought.

He not only saved his own life, but now there were other uses too. Besides Lucas, there was another group of people looking for him.

Then they were in the dark, while he stood in the light.

Luo Ran narrowed his eyes.

He wanted to see just what their goals were.

Knock, knock…

Knocking on the door interrupted Luo Ran’s thoughts.

“Come in.”

The door quietly opened to reveal Wang Zitong with a bowl of soup.

“Ranran, come, have a bowl of soup before bed.”

“Thanks…” Luo Ran was somewhat surprised.

He hadn’t thought Wang Zitong would really make soup once they got home, especially not so late.

“No need… for thanks.” Wang Zitong felt both warmed and sad to hear Luo Ran thanking her, adding, “This is what I should do. Mom and dad care about you.”

“Yeah.” Luo Ran obediently nodded, took the porcelain bowl, and drank.

Wang Zitong sat on his bed. “Ranran’s grown up.”

Luo Ran grinned back. “But my mom is still young.”

“Oh, this child…”

Wang Zitong couldn’t resist laughing at first, but then she trailed off. She turned away, and said with a slightly hoarse voice, “Ranran, fortunately, you’re a beta, not an omega.”

Luo Ran’s action of drinking soup froze.

“Otherwise, life would be too hard. I’m sorry, Ranran.” Wang Zitong shook her head. “Mom and dad always wanted to tell you, we’re sorry.”

“It’s okay…” Luo Ran was stunned.

How come she suddenly brought this up…?

Was it because he politely thanked her?

“It’s really okay.” He smiled. “It happened so long ago, I don’t even remember it.”

That year, Luo Cheng’s younger brother got into big trouble. He owed a massive gambling debt to an underground casino run by star pirates, and even Luo Cheng got hurt by the debt collectors chasing him.

Luo Cheng’s heavy wounds compounded on his previous physical weakness, and the shock of the incident then made him fall deeply ill. At the time, Luo Ran’s little siblings were too young, while his elder brother was on the cusp of graduation.

If the eldest son couldn’t graduate, their family would be finished.

So Luo Ran and Wang Zitong could only work desperately to get food on the table, to pay the medical fees and elder brother’s school fees, not to mention the gambling debt.

Although the empire’s citizens enjoyed a high standard of living and the government provided state welfare, they wouldn’t lend a hand to families who owed gambling debts, and especially not those who were involved with star pirates. They deserved it.

Then Luo Ran differentiated. Wang Zitong waited anxiously for a whole day until he came out of the Department of Hormones,* gripping a report in his hands. “The results are out, I’m a B-grade beta.”

With relief, he said, “Since I’m not an omega, mom doesn’t have to worry. Tomorrow I’ll go apply to be a frontline secretary. I heard that they only accept alpha and beta for this position, but it earns a lot. I’m already working as a secretary in the military’s logistics department, so I have a good chance.

“I’ve also heard that the empire’s newly promoted admiral is also looking for a secretary, though he only wants betas. Maybe I’ll go try my luck… if I can pass the initial interviews.”

At the time, Luo Ran had only just become an adult, and his face still carried some baby fat.

But Wang Zitong had no way to refuse.  

* * *

“Mom, don’t think so much, aren’t we all fine now? It wasn’t a big deal.” Luo Ran smiled and handed the bowl back to Wang Zitong.

“Mn, yeah.” Wang Zitong smiled back. “So I hope that your future partner is kind, thoughtful, meticulous, and can take good care of you.”

“…Okay?” Luo Ran had never thought of it. His whole life consisted of work, and he hadn’t had the chance to even think about looking for his other half.

After this, Wang Zitong didn’t bother Luo Ran anymore.

Luo Ran reminded the secretary’s office to send a placating gift to Princess Lillia, then went to bed early for once.

He returned to his own home the next morning.

For the last day of his holiday, Luo Ran planned to follow his schedule and go play around at the amusement park, museum, and so on.

It’d been a long time since he could take it easy.

“Luo Ran.”

In the end, Luo Ran received a shock as soon as he got home.

Because Lucas, wearing an overcoat, stood at the door to his home like a pillar as if it were completely normal.

Luo Ran: “…”

It seemed like he wouldn’t be able to relax this time.


  1. Department of Hormones [信息素管理局]: I’m honestly not sure what to call this to make it sound less awkward. The literal translation is Pheromone Department, i.e. the department in charge of ABO differentiation/pheromone stuff. If anyone has suggestions, please comment below.

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