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Conqueror Chapter 20

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Xiang Bo originally wanted to make a more thorough plan, but he couldn’t care about it so much right now.

He thought that since he was, after all, Xiang Yu’s blood-related uncle, and had made significant contributions, he could get away with it as long as he steadfastly refused to admit anything even if others slandered him.

This wasn’t the case for Zifang.

He had witnessed the killing intent Xiang Yu had shown at the banquet — if that scheming, deceitful Lü Bu hadn’t suddenly got some bad idea and stopped him, Xiang Bo wouldn’t have dared to protest to his face.

Since he understood very well the cruelty Xiang Yu held towards his enemies, how could he sit back and allow Zifang to stay?

When he thought of Zifang’s kindness in saving his life that year, Xiang Bo became even more determined.

He hardened his heart and decided not to hesitate anymore. As the saying went, it was better to act than to dawdle, so he chose a time when Xiang Yu had summoned all his ministers and the guards were most lax.

In order to avoid attracting attention, he only brought twenty men with him to the prison.

After descending into the prison and coming face to face with the greedy jailers, he only needed to give a pointed look for the soldiers behind him to understand. When the jailers bent to salute, the soldiers killed them all neatly and took out the keys from the corpses.

Although Zhang Liang was meditating in his cell with his eyes closed, he could not have missed these movements. Upon opening his eyes, he saw Xiang Bo, whom he had seen just the day before, nervously unlocking his cell door. “Zifang, are you well?” he asked hurriedly.

“Xiang-xiong, you are…” Zhang Liang started, surprised.

“King Xiang has a violent temper and already has murderous intentions toward you,” Xiang Bo explained quickly as the heavy lock finally opened. “Even if I’m risking my life, I can’t see Zifang being threatened again… the door’s open, dear brother, follow me!”

Things happened too quickly even for someone as resourceful as Zhang Liang to react. He could only forcibly suppress his unease as Xiang Bo pulled him out of the cell, put on a Chu soldier’s uniform over his prison clothes, and mixed him into his personal entourage to leave the prison. There was no time for him to come up with any better suggestions.

This was the first time Xiang Bo had directly violated Xiang Yu’s wishes and committed treason with no decent explanation except for ‘repaying a life debt’, so one could imagine the tension in his heart.

The group walked out of the prison as if nothing had happened and headed towards the palace gates.

Although Xiang Bo wasn’t as close to Xiang Yu recently as he was in the past, he was still the respected Minister of the Left who had been deeply trusted for many years; thus, while the Chu soldiers who saw him and his entourage walk quickly towards the palace gates with serious faces had doubts in their hearts, no one dared to go up and ask.

And because Xiang Bo usually gave people a friendly and easy-going impression, his unusually sullen expression also attracted the soldiers’ attention, so they had no time to pay attention to the unfamiliar face in his entourage, nor to the man’s out-of-sync gait.

Xiang Bo was tense throughout, and with the sun high overhead in addition to the hot weather, his military uniform was soon soaked with sweat.

He didn’t speak. Zhang Liang was still digesting the sudden changes and was similarly silent.

After all, he had been held imprisoned for half a month. Even if his spirit wasn’t much depressed, he still struggled to walk in step with the soldiers around him as he tried to adapt to the dazzling sunlight outside. 

For this group of people who were well aware of the seriousness of what they had just done, this familiar journey seemed to take an extremely long time until, eventually, the least guarded South Gate finally came into view.

As soon as he saw the familiar palace gate, Xiang Bo — who had been anxious the entire time — immediately relaxed, forced his lips into a smile, then turned to look at Zhang Liang behind him. “Zi–”

Before he could finish the name, everyone heard the sound of something sharp piercing through the air. At the same time, a slender shadow appeared out of nowhere and flew dangerously close, barely brushing against the cheek of Xiang Bo who had just turned his head.

And after it scratched his sweaty skin and caused a thread of blood to spill down his face, the slender shadow which carried the strength of thousands yet moved at tremendous speed continued to flash by everyone’s eyes.

–Like lightning piercing clouds, like fire sparking against rocks.

It wasn’t until it embedded into a solid brick an inch away from the tip of Xiang Bo’s boot that it finally stopped.

This was also the moment that everyone saw its true form.

It was an ordinary arrow used by the Chu army, but its arrowhead was now completely buried in the clay brick, and the wisps of white smoke it stirred up hadn’t yet dissipated.

Such an accurate arrow, such an arrogant warning, they went from uneasy straight to frightened out of their wits.

They’d been found!!!

Xiang Bo felt as if he had been hit in the head with a sledgehammer. His mind buzzed, and he was soon covered in a new layer of sweat.

One moment things were going smoothly and they were on the verge of success, but a threatening arrow blocked them the next. The feeling of despair brought by the extreme ups and downs was hard for anyone to bear, let alone for someone like Xiang Bo whose life had always gone according to his whims.

He couldn’t have cared less about his companion at this moment. Like a rabid dog, he twisted his body this way and that, trying to find the person who shot the arrow. “Who is it?! Who!!!” he yelled.

“Up here,” someone drawled, followed by a playful whistle. The nonchalant voice was in stark contrast to how fierce the arrow was just now, still fresh in Xiang Bo’s memory, and at a noticeable distance. “Your grandpa Fengxian is here.”

Xiang Bo gasped, jerked around, and looked up towards the source of the voice!

The tall Chu general who sat on the eaves of a palace roof one hundred and fifty paces away, with his legs propped up leisurely and a face filled with contempt, wasn’t it Lü Bu whom Xiang Bo hated deeply?!

Holding a bow and humming an unknown tune, he took another arrow from the quiver and unhurriedly nocked it.

“Impossible!” Xiang Bo blurted out as his eyes widened into saucers.

When talking about talented marksmen, the first one who came to mind was Yang Youji from the previous dynasty.

The tale of Yang Youji accurately shooting down willow leaves from a hundred paces away spread far and wide, fascinating soldiers everywhere.

He had once witnessed Lü Bu smashing the King of Chu’s head open with a broken guqin without a blink; he had also witnessed Lü Bu, alone, killing over sixty professional guards with a sword he had picked up off the ground in less than the time it took to brew a cup of tea. In addition, he had inspected the dismembered bodies of Liu Bang’s most trusted officers, including Fan Kuai, who was hailed as the best warrior standing beside Liu Bang.

But he never dared to imagine even in his dreams that there was someone so blessed with talent that he could not only use longswords, but also hid an archery skill that could rival Yang Youji and not show his edge until today!

How could he dare to believe it, how could he be willing to believe it?

When Lü Bu heard Xiang Bo’s remark, he wasn’t annoyed at all. He even raised his eyebrows and lifted the corners of his lips into a smile. “Oh?”

If he knew what Xiang Bo was thinking, he would definitely feel that the man was being unreasonable, maybe even incomprehensible.

How could this be called hiding it? It was just that there hadn’t been an opportunity to show it.

Moreover, he was under someone else’s roof — if he could do one thing less then he would do one thing less, he wasn’t so idle as to show off any special skills. He had learned from his own actions towards Gao Fuyi the true meaning behind the phrase ‘the capable work hard’.

To be honest, he had only placed himself under Xiang Yu to kill Liu Bang, he didn’t really want to serve him for the rest of his life. It was more than enough to get a low officer’s rank so he could go kill Liu Bang, why should he bother working hard and exhausting himself just to get a few more servants?

Lü Bu didn’t bother defending himself against Xiang Bo’s roar of an accusation.

When he shot the tip of his halberd from more than a hundred paces away at Yuanmen,1Referring to an incident in the Romance whereby Lü Bu broke up a fight by betting that he could hit the left tip of his Sky Piercer halberd with an arrow shot from 150 paces away; he succeeded. See glossary for more details. this little brat still hadn’t been… had already been dead for hundreds of years.

Although he disliked this bow that he borrowed from Han Xin for being so fragile that he couldn’t use more than 60% of his strength for fear of breaking it, he could still use it.

His only response was to straighten his legs, raise his bow with another arrow nocked, and take aim at Xiang Bo who was still frozen in place. “Go!” he shouted.

A sharp arrow’s shadow similar to the one before flew out as fast as a comet, as cold as frost, and unceremoniously rushed straight to Xiang Bo once again!

Although Xiang Bo had his doubts, he understood it in his heart, so he was more or less prepared.

Even so, he still couldn’t dodge Lü Bu’s second shot!

When the whoosh came and Xiang Bo threw himself to the ground in a panic, yelping, Lü Bu only raised his eyebrow and muttered, “Too slow! He’s eaten so much until his head’s this big, but he’s still moving this slowly. Is he even older than that old man Fan Zeng?”

Compared to the swift-moving arrow, Xiang Bo’s reaction was indeed too slow.

When Xiang Bo, soaked in cold sweat, stood up again with the help of his entourage, he didn’t even have time to pat away the dirt stained on his clothes before stinging pain from his scalp made him suck in a deep breath.

Just like the first arrow which flew provocatively close to his cheek, this divine marksman’s second arrow seemed to have been aimed at his face but had only scraped his scalp.

The gash on his head wasn’t small. As drops of sweat flowed into it, the burning sensation forced a few tears from Xiang Bo’s eyes.

He clutched at his wound and, not daring to look at Lü Bu anymore, searched for the second arrow.

What scared him was that the second arrow had landed precisely one foot behind him with greater force than the first arrow, such that the clay bricks had cracks spider webbing throughout.

These two arrows had fenced him in to a space of two feet.

Xiang Bo’s soldiers, who had also witnessed this shocking scene, were too frightened to move.

Merely two simple arrows had driven him to this point, until he dared not take half a step forward.

He was in great pain, and knew that it would be the simplest thing in the world for Lü Bu to take his life with his superb marksmanship; however, for some reason, Lü Bu only kept playing tricks on him…

Xiang Bo didn’t know why, but it was impossible for Zhang Liang to not know.

He ignored Xiang Bo, who had now slumped to the ground after being teased by Lü Bu like a trapped beast. Now he raised his head and braved the sting of bright sunlight to look in the direction of Bashu.

Sighing softly, he closed his eyes and suppressed the reluctance in his heart. When his eyes opened again, there were only peace and indifference within.

There was only one reason why Lü Bu would shoot at Xiang Bo but not kill.

And that was…

Just as Lü Bu was weighing his quiver, wondering why that person hadn’t yet arrived, and thinking of whether he should shoot another arrow to scare Xiang Bo a bit, he caught sight of something at the corner of his eyes.

It’s done.

When he saw that the main character had arrived, he stood up leisurely, hung the bow back on his body, and neatly rolled off the roof.

Although it took some effort, he had scared the piss out of Xiang Bo and stuck him with the crime of helping an enemy prisoner escape. No matter what happened to Xiang Bo now, at least he had the joy of appreciating that guy’s miserable look with his own eyes.

Heheh, if Xiang Bo wants to blame anything, blame Xiang Yu’s bitchy attitude, Lü Bu thought. He tormented me like that, and even made me listen to those scholars blathering on for ages.

He had been so irritated. If he couldn’t take his grievances out on the brainless hegemon-king, he could at least take it out on a piss-poor traitor like Xiang Bo right?

Lü Bu retreated from the stage with great satisfaction.

And the people still at the scene were left with things so horrific that it might as well have come out of purgatory.

After Xiang Yu had received a report from Han Xin, he rushed here with a wooden face and the last embers of hope, only to catch the criminals red-handed.

The moment Xiang Bo saw that familiarly stalwart figure, he also understood everything.

He knelt at Xiang Yu’s feet, ashen-faced, trembling, knowing that he had no way of denying anything. Xiang Yu himself was expressionless and inscrutable.

“Uncle,” Xiang Yu finally said after a long silence. He didn’t invite Xiang Bo to get up. Instead, there was a trace of confusion clear to everyone as he asked softly, “…Why?”

The Xiang clan had splintered one by one, so in his younger years, he had lived in exile with his uncle Xiang Liang as they sought refuge all over the land, and he had grown into an exceedingly suspicious person.

Among the confidants of his army, he had doubted Fan Zeng, doubted Zhongli Mo, doubted Ying Bu, doubted Long Qie, and doubted many, many more.

The only person he had never doubted was his blood-related uncle, Xiang Bo.

But it was his most beloved uncle who had betrayed him. The evidence was conclusive and without doubt.

Xiang Bo, faced with this simple question, finally felt a bit of shame and regret amidst his overwhelming fear.

But at this moment, even he himself didn’t understand why he was so obsessed with his life-and-death friend and the in-laws of whom he had hardly seen a shadow, to the point that he had completely betrayed his nephew who relied on him the most…

That’s all the free chapters of Unparalleled Conqueror, this novel translation is officially dropped. Next up is National Teacher Returns at Warp Speed, I’ll be translating 22 chapters. There are two chapters up as of this post.

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  • 1
    Referring to an incident in the Romance whereby Lü Bu broke up a fight by betting that he could hit the left tip of his Sky Piercer halberd with an arrow shot from 150 paces away; he succeeded. See glossary for more details.

Chapter 2: Evil Star

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Evil star.

People liked to hear and tell stories. When they spoke of it, they might not even know themselves what an evil star was; people shouted that the evil star was coming when a big meteorite fell in the south a month ago, and today this girl also called him an evil star.

The Iron-Clad Guards, who were under the emperor’s direct control, set out from their outpost, went through all four districts of the capital’s lower city, and took away dozens of men and women, children and elderly. Amidst their howling protests, the guard-captain drew his sabre, laid it against an old man’s wrinkled neck, and announced loudly, “His Majesty is about to preside over the Spring Festival, yet you talk of evil omens to confuse the public with wicked words. You should be punished according to the law!”

The blade rose, light flashed, and blood far more red than the frostbitten spring peaches outside the city splashed out. The crowd of onlookers shrank away, leaving only the victim’s relatives to let out silent cries as they crawled on the ground.

These were the emperor’s Iron-Clad Guards. They had the power to kill people in the streets and no one dared to stop them.

A trial? Was a pariah worthy of mobilising the justice department?

The fourth month was a time when the nobles held flower viewings in celebration of the Spring Festival. The flowers bloomed around this time and the weather typically wasn’t too hot to bear, therefore the current emperor, since ascending the throne a decade ago, took the lead in hosting flower viewings, banquets, and the like, and it had long since become a tradition. Thus did the nobles default to using the fourth month as a time for socialising — aristocratic young men played elegant games while drinking and composing poetry or went on spring hunts, while aristocratic young ladies wore their new clothes, admired each other’s embroidery, collected some of the many blossoms which fell to the ground, and went on leisurely outings on lakes.

From this came countless marriages among the nobles.

Not long afterwards, the street was once again spotless.

The premier spring banquet, exceedingly popular among nobles, was held at Linghe Pool which was also the residence of the Grand Princess. Princess Qinghe was the emperor’s younger twin sister, and everyone knew that she handled most of the government affairs while the emperor spent all his time in the inner palace.1The imperial harem  As a result, at every spring banquet season, so many noble guests in their gorgeous scented carriages lined up outside her door that they resembled long dragons winding through the streets.

Among these people were two outliers who rode tall, black horses. It wasn’t that the horses weren’t noble enough, but that when compared with everyone else who were all in their luxurious carriages, just riding a horse made them look very humble indeed.

Although one of the two sitting atop the horse wore a magnificent robe in aristocratic style, he frowned often and seemed to feel uncomfortable. People who passed by them also frowned, and even the servants of the nobles whispered to each other.

“They’re really…” they said hesitantly, then, “What a pity that they’re barbarians.”2蛮夷, specifically meaning ethnic minorities not living in the central Chinese plains

The handsome man on horseback turned a deaf ear, however his attendant glared at the gossiping servants and whispered to his lord, “My Lord, this is the first Spring Banquet held since the mourning period for the empress dowager ended and the emperor ordered all the princes to return to the capital. I said earlier that you would definitely get targeted if you come just like this…”

The man whom he called lord gave him a sideways glance. “In their eyes, I, Lan Jue, am only a representative for country bumpkin barbarians even if I come covered head to toe in gold. Didn’t you know this from the start?” he said casually.

Even though he was the king’s personal bodyguard, Yang Feng was still struck by this glance which made his heart beat wildly. When they first entered the capital, it was this look which attracted the obsession of countless young ladies, but unfortunately, as soon as they learned of his identity, they all dispersed.

Just as they were talking, a rather fat old man disembarked from his carriage and spoke to another middle-aged man. “I heard that several princes of marriageable age have come this year, do you have any suitable candidates?”

“In short, it’s fine as long as it’s not the Lord of Western Tang. It’s such a pity too, I heard that the boy is very handsome and has quite the elegant name, but he’s descended from a guilty minister and his fiefdom is so far away…”

Halfway through his words, he saw the person in question riding past with reins in his hands and looking at them with a bright grin.

Lan Jue, Lord of Western Tang. Originally, the entire Tang territory belonged to the Lan family, but due to a variety of reasons it was divided into two. This Lord of Western Tang didn’t have a good life. All kinds of bandits and foreigners wandered around his land’s borders and skirmishes constantly broke out, so as soon as the teenage Lan Jue could ride a warhorse, he began leading troops into battle. When he stood next to the other nobles, there was no way to hide his bloody aura; no matter how harmless he looked, the nobles all felt that his smiles hid knives.

And the outrageous thing was — he had only one servant following him? Wasn’t that for easier eavesdropping!

The female attendant in charge of welcoming guests to Linghe Pool secretly glanced over, and her heart rate accelerated sharply upon catching sight of Lan Jue’s smile. However, after she recognised the jade plate3Technically more accurate to call it a jade plaque, but plaque makes me think of dental plaque on his waist, she also clicked her tongue in disappointment.

Talking behind someone’s back was one thing, talking about them to their face was quite another. Although the two were nobles, their titles couldn’t match the lord of a principality,4国主: lit. master or owner of the country so they hurriedly backed away and let Lan Jue’s duo go first.

Yang Feng, angrily following his lord, couldn’t help saying, “Wars and refugees are everywhere yet the emperor is holding a banquet, is it just for these rice buckets to wag their tongues! Their daughters aren’t worthy of you!”

Lan Jue glanced there indifferently, then turned back. “If it weren’t for the famine and us truly needing food relief, do you think I would really be willing to travel thousands of miles to bring an unfamiliar woman home?”

This path was a last resort for Lan Jue, but unfortunately the current situation was that any daughters of the nobles who would be able to help him probably… really did look down on the position of his wife.

* * *

The banquet didn’t have to announce its start. After the guests arrived, the female attendants brought out cakes and fruits. A maid stood behind each noble to serve them their drinks, but Lan Jue waved her away.

Alcohol in the capital was too weak, Lan Jue put it down after a single sip.

After a while, some young men in plain clothes came out and began reciting poetry.

Lan Jue glanced at them, then called over an attendant and asked, “What’s going on over there?”

The attendant was stunned for a moment at his choice of words before she realised that he was talking about the people who were reciting poems. “Those are guests of various families,” she answered, “My Lord isn’t usually in the capital, you probably don’t know that recently there’s a trend for noble families to host a few luminaries, even the imperial family’s Donglang Pavilion and Cardinal Academy also have a few literati staying as guests. You weren’t present for the Spring Banquet last year, the literary debate then was particularly exciting and the Grand Princess personally selected four of them and called them the capital’s Four Young Masters.”

After listening silently for a while, Lan Jue commented, “Obscene words and lyrics.”

The attendant who was explaining to him was surprised again, then quietly retreated. No wonder everyone said the Lord of Western Tang only appeared as elegant as the moon, but was actually a bumpkin coming into the city.

Yang Feng was even more direct. “Not one of them can fight,” he said.

“Have you heard? Last night Chu Xiang had a poetry competition with that newly promoted Han Feng at Qianli Lake and lost, then he jumped into the lake!”

“Young Master Chu, from the Four Young Masters?”

“Yes, so now, who will the Grand Princess choose to replace him?”

As Lan Jue listened to the scholars, the corners of his mouth twitched and revealed an indifferent smile.

“Villagers in the countryside do everything to live another day, but nobles in the city jump into a lake just because they wrote a bad poem,” he chuckled under his breath. “How elegant, how boring.”

* * *

However, Chu Xiang, who had ‘jumped into the lake’, was currently wrapped in a white sheet at an inn and thinking about life.

The girl called herself Erni. She was a girl born into a poor family, so it was already pretty good that she wasn’t simply called ‘Er’.5‘Er’ as in two (二), ‘ni’ as in maid (妮). People were pretty shit to girls back then.  Chu Xiang gave her a jade button and asked her to help him pawn it, then buy him some new clothes and medicine to prevent colds, and she could then keep whatever was left as a reward. The girl burst into joy on the spot, and the evil star became a good omen to her.

Chu Xiang sat by the window. The street outside was very lively, with an ‘even if the world ends tomorrow we still have to live today’ kind of energy, it was completely different from the boundless universe he saw outside his Captain’s Quarters.

He carefully recalled his memories. He had spent so long in the 28th century that he forgot most things from this world, who knew if it was still the same as when he ‘died’ — right, how did he die again?

He couldn’t reach Longque’s control panel, he couldn’t hear the central AI in his ears, it truly did make him feel very lonely. Chu Xiang flipped through the memories which had only been gathering dust for many years and vaguely remembered…

It seemed that he attended some kind of banquet, drank too much, and then someone threw him off a bridge into a lake?

The Chu Xiang of this world was born in the snowy plains of the north, so naturally he had no swimming skills. A frail scholar was thrown into a lake while drunk — if the magical time travel hadn’t happened, he would be a corpse floating in the lake right now.

Longque Chu Xiang’s hand shook slightly. Oh Longque, I’m afraid you’ve already turned into stardust.

It wasn’t too bad. In this way, when his old comrades mentioned Chu Xiang’s name, they would think of his glorious closing ceremony, go to his grave in the Martyrs’ Cemetery to pay homage, raise their glasses to him, and say, “Congratulations, you died a brilliant death.”

And when millions of years passed, his stardust would create a new star.

Thinking of this, a smile crept into his eyes.

So the question came: the Chu Xiang of this world hadn’t yet reached adulthood, what should he do next?

He vaguely remembered that this place was similar but not identical to China in the 28th century. There had already been signs before he had travelled through time that the world was going to be turbulent. The vassal states were growing stronger, each raising troops and buying horses, while the emperor was a figurehead who indulged himself with his harem. Perhaps he also knew that his days as emperor were numbered, so he just enjoyed himself in the time he had left. Meanwhile, nobles in the capital held banquets and dances, living their luxurious lives with no thought of the future.

Literati gathered in Tianyan, the imperial capital, because elegant music and poetry were popular among the nobles there; even someone from a commoner’s background could become a celebrity overnight if they wrote a popular verse.

Sighing, Chu Xiang reflected that if it weren’t for his rebirth, he would also be like that.

…Now, without a spaceship, he felt too uncomfortable!

Moreover, he had no clue who targeted him! But he couldn’t just forget it either — although Chu Xiang didn’t necessarily want to retaliate, what if they tried again? Chu Xiang really couldn’t remember these grudges from over a decade ago, but he was still worried, so he needed to investigate a bit.

After waiting for more than four hours, when Chu Xiang was starting to suspect that Erni ran with the money, the little girl finally came back.

“Why did you take so long?” He handed her a cup of tea which the sweaty little girl drank in a single gulp.

“There were so many nobles and the streets were filled with guards, I heard that it’s because a big lord is hosting a banquet.” Erni didn’t mention that she had almost been beaten out of the city because they mistook her for a refugee. She handed him a bag of clothes, and said, “No one was at the apothecary, I bought a piece of ginger. I can make ginger syrup, you should be fine after drinking it.”

Chu Xiang thanked her, then found that the girl’s aesthetics were quite good. He held a light blue robe embellished with silver embroidery thread, which were more in line with his current tastes than the white mourning-style clothes ‘he’ originally wore.

It’s just that he wasn’t used to wearing long robes with long sleeves.

“Here, your money!”

“Don’t, I said that it’s for you, you go buy yourself a few pretty dresses,” Chu Xiang smiled.

Erni shook her head. “No way, if I’m too pretty, I’d have to marry someone as their concubine.”

Chu Xiang was speechless for a moment. Erni persistently stuffed the money to him, saying that she had already bought a bag of candy to eat and that was enough.

After a moment of silence, she suddenly spoke. “Evil Star, aren’t you going to the big lord’s banquet?”

Chu Xiang chuckled in surprise, wondering why he was suddenly stuck with the label of evil star.

However, when the girl brought up the banquet, Chu Xiang’s faded memories did offer something — the Chu Xiang of the past did often attend banquets, and seemed to have been called something fourth young master by the Grand Princess… Right, if he remembered correctly, today was the Spring Banquet held at the Grand Princess’ residence!


Chu Xiang abruptly jumped up. Although time travel was an extraordinary thing, since he had travelled back and got a new life, it would be too much of a pity to be dragged out and executed the next day just for not attending the Spring Banquet. Since the Grand Princes pointed him out, he should at least show his face there — this was a world where lese-majesty was a punishable crime.

However, just as he reached the door, Captain Chu suddenly had a headache when he realised that poetry and songs were all out of his reach now, because if he opened his mouth the only thing to come out would be 4D space-time battle tactics.

It’s a headache and a half to work out how to translate 国 (guó, kingdom) when it’s referring to a territory under the overall rule of an emperor, since kingdom implies a king as its sole monarch. I’ve given up and gone for principality — usually used for a state with a monarch using the title of prince or princess, e.g. Liechtenstein — but if anyone has a better idea please comment.

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  • 1
    The imperial harem 
  • 2
    蛮夷, specifically meaning ethnic minorities not living in the central Chinese plains
  • 3
    Technically more accurate to call it a jade plaque, but plaque makes me think of dental plaque
  • 4
    国主: lit. master or owner of the country
  • 5
    ‘Er’ as in two (二), ‘ni’ as in maid (妮). People were pretty shit to girls back then. 

Conqueror Chapter 19

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In fact, the ministers led by Fan Zeng had brought up similar words to Xiang Yu more than once.

But there were three reasons why they had never been heeded. First, when Fan Zeng offered advice, he explained things clearly but didn’t take Xiang Yu’s temper into account — his every word was carefully considered before he spoke, thus the lecture dragged on and Xiang Yu became drowsy, so of course he would have little enthusiasm. Secondly, many soldiers in the Chu army led by Xiang Yu were indeed from ancestral Chu lands and had been away for many years, which brought about a strong longing for their hometowns. If they were forced to stay here, they would likely face a sharp decline in morale. And lastly, there was Xiang Bo meddling around with his ulterior motives, as well as Chen Ping who knew what was going on but pretended to be confused and let things go as they pleased…

The situation was completely different with Lü Bu.

When he saw the brainless hegemon-king’s stupid behaviour, he treated it as if he were watching his younger self who had been reckless and took many needless detours in life, so he could naturally understand the man’s thoughts.

Only then could his particular combination of praise, encouragement, and suggestions hit the mark. It seemed all over the place, but it scratched the itch in Xiang Yu’s heart that no one had reached before and lit up the confused hegemon-king’s mind.

With this important event before him, Xiang Yu completely forgot the troubles caused by his uncle Xiang Bo’s suspicious behaviour.

Since he made up his mind, he wanted to get it done right away.

As he watched an impatient Xiang Yu disappear into the dust kicked up by Dapple’s hooves…

Lü Bu, who had always been very courageous and fearlessly moved forward, actually had goosebumps on his back for the first time in his life.

Damn, would Xiang Yu want him to discuss things with those chittering scholars and ‘persuade’ them soon?

Thinking up to here, he broke out in cold sweat.

Frozen in place, Lü Bu hesitated for a long, painful time between ‘just rub oil on your feet and run now, don’t bother with these troublesome things’ and ‘don’t waste your previous effort, go back and deal with it as it comes’, then finally chose the latter with reluctance.

He just didn’t believe that if he refused to speak, there would be people in the world who could force him to open his mouth.

It was entirely the fault of that brainless hegemon-king. He worked hard for more than half a month for the sake of taking revenge on Liu Bang, but before his revenge was taken, his troubles increased instead!

After secretly cursing at Xiang Yu a few times under his breath, Lü Bu let out a sharp whistle, summoning Jade Lion who was still wandering nearby, and leapt onto its back with a sullen face.

He really hoped that Xiang Yu wasn’t stupid enough to make him engage in a verbal battle with those Confucian scholars. If he was… then none of them would be able to survive under his sword.

Jade Lion, who had already recovered, was completely unaware of its new master’s worries. It let out a cheerful whinny, then lifted its hooves and galloped forth.

Although Jade Lion was no match for Dapple, who was unique in the world, it was still an uncommonly good horse who could travel like the wind.

He still kept his sullen face even as, before he knew it, he arrived at the gates of Xianyang.

Jade Lion carried its new — depressed — master proudly as it shuttled through the streets as if very familiar with the way, and they soon reached the Qin Palace.

At this time, there was hardly anyone in the Chu army who couldn’t recognise the man who had somehow won King Xiang’s trust. Seeing that the man approaching was Lü Bu who had accompanied King Xiang out before and now returned, they even skipped the step of requesting identification and directly opened the palace gate to let him in.

Lü Bu’s journey was unimpeded all the way. He quickly arrived at the palace which had been temporarily renovated and designated for administrative meetings and, dismounting, walked inside stiffly.

As he expected, he saw that the hall was filled with people, all of them wearing high crowns and long robes with long sleeves that were obviously difficult to move around in.

Lü Bu was the last to arrive, and his figure was completely different from an ordinary scholar’s typical leanness. He was tall and mighty, not much different from Xiang Yu, but what surprised the ministers the most was that apart from Xiang Bo, who was a blood relative, Lü Bu was the only person in the tent who had repeatedly caused Xiang Yu to change his decisions.

Xiang Yu sat indifferently in the main seat. Upon catching sight of Lü Bu’s entry, he nodded slightly. Han Xin, the sentry standing behind him, immediately understood and led his virtuous brother to the position that originally belonged only to the Minister of the Left, Xiang Bo.

Lü Bu sneaked a look around and found no trace of Xiang Bo. He raised his eyebrows at this, but otherwise didn’t react much.

As soon as Han Xin led him to his seat, he boldly sat down.

Many ministers sitting below frowned at his unruly posture and the way he had no intention of politely rejecting the seat a few times before he sat.

However, Xiang Yu himself up on the main seat obviously loved Lü Bu’s talent so much that he showed not the slightest indication of reprimanding Lü Bu even though he acted so arrogantly right under his nose.

Perhaps it was to calm the jealousy in everyone’s hearts that Xiang Yu, who had always cherished his words like gold, actually gave a few instructions to the servants and after a short while, snacks were delivered to these people who hadn’t yet had lunch and were getting a little hungry.

While they felt flattered and thanked King Xiang for the food, Han Xin had a more complicated look on his face.

His eyes involuntarily fell on the snacks in front of his virtuous brother, which were in a pile three times the size of others’.

The meat slices, which were made particularly attractive by the steaming hot sauce covering them, also looked extremely familiar… There were hardly any differences between it and the dried meat that he had secretly hidden for Lü Bu during the banquet earlier and which he had then carefreely gulped down.

Han Xin had a thought.

If he guessed correctly, everyone here should have benefited from the fact that his brother was hungry last time and made King Xiang worry about him.

Lü Bu, not nearly as attentive as Han Xin, went straight to eating it all, and in the blink of an eye he had eaten up the triple servings of meat.

And there was another, more important reason why he could eat with peace of mind — Xiang Yu had summoned him to this court meeting, but he had no intention of letting him argue with his ministers.

Since Xiang Yu decided to relocate the Chu capital to Xianyang, he had to resettle his soldiers.

Those who were willing to stay would be given certain official positions, and those who were unwilling would be given certain rewards. They could make their decisions with confidence.

In fact, what surprised Xiang Yu was that the Chu soldiers whom he thought to be homesick and eager to return only accounted for a very small proportion of the 400,000 man army.

Most of the remaining were soldiers from other kingdoms who were later incorporated into Xiang Yu’s army, whose family members were already separated and lost, or otherwise had nowhere to return to; or they were from Chu, but were unwilling to be content with going home to an ordinary life with an ordinary wife. They wanted to follow the powerful Xiang Yu and take advantage of the world’s chaos to win more fame and wealth, and didn’t mind suffering hardship.

For the scholars who desired to stand out from the masses, following an overlord who had the qualifications to be a king, had ambition, and could make rational, beneficial decisions was of course better than serving someone who decided on a whim to go home in order to show off.

Anyone who wasn’t blind could see that Pengcheng held no advantages when compared to Guanzhong. To abandon the fertile fields of Guanzhong in favour of returning east to Pengcheng was like handing over a gift from the heavens, or like something a child would do.

They were naturally happy to see King Xiang stop being so stubborn and realise that he should bring order to the chaos, so how could they object?

Even the few dissenters were only worried that it may be too difficult to win over the common people.

Xiang Yu listened to the heated discussion below with an expressionless face, nodding from time to time to show his agreement.

He had only called Lü Bu here to let everyone know who this should be credited to, so he specially arranged for him to sit at the table where the Minister of the Left Xiang Bo usually sat.

If it had been anyone else facing King Xiang’s tender care, they would have already been moved to tears and vowed to serve him until death.

As for Lü Bu… he was just glad to have escaped without incident and, for the sake of the meat not tasting too bad, decided to scold the brainless king a little less.

Fan Zeng was very pleased with Xiang Yu, who had always been hard-headed yet quietly changed his mind this time and made a wise decision. At the same time, he admired and felt affection for Lü Bu.

He was intelligent, brave, and could even persuade King Xiang at his most stubborn. In addition, the man cared for neither fame nor fortune, but only stayed loyally at his king’s side…

It could only be said to be good fortune gifted to the hegemon-king by heaven.

As the leader of King Xiang’s ministers, Fan Zeng was the one who would implement specific arrangements after the overall strategy was determined.

He had fully learned his lesson from the events of Hangu Pass, when Xiang Yu, despite being furious at Liu Bang, impulsively changed his mind on attacking many times. In order to prevent this from happening again, he wasn’t even willing to wait until the next day to arrive before he gave orders to the servants around him one after another.

Once Lü Bu had eaten and drank enough, he propped up his chin with one hand and lazily watched the excitement for a while, but soon felt bored.

Since the position of marshal would likely be given to Zhang Han, who was currently the King of Yong, then he should be able to ask for another post, right?

Seeing Fan Zeng, an old man with snow-white hair and beard, hard at work assigning duties, Lü Bu — fearing that he would be roped into taking care of administrative tasks — quickly found an excuse to scurry out of the hall.

As soon as Lü Bu opened his mouth, Xiang Yu, who had been daydreaming with a straight face, came back to his senses and glanced at him lightly.

It wasn’t hard for him to see that Lü Bu couldn’t sit still from his sullen expression and the way he kept changing his posture. He simply lifted his hand, not only following his wish, but also let his friend Han Xin go out with him.

Elsewhere, Xiang Bo had no way of knowing Xiang Yu’s sudden decision to relocate the capital to Xianyang.

He also had no idea that his act of bribing the jailers to take better care of Zhang Liang with treasure he received from Liu Bang had been exposed, and that with the unique markings the former Qin dynasty stamped on items in their treasury, even someone as slow as Xiang Yu could follow the clues and suspect that he had been in secret communication with Liu Bang for a long time.

His estimation of himself was very high, no less than that of Xiang Yu, and he had always believed that everything he did was for the sake of ‘righteousness’. Therefore, whether he was informing Zhang Liang of the Chu army’s movements, privately meeting with Liu Bang, accepting gifts from Han, or firmly supporting Liu Bang in front of Xiang Yu, without a thought as to if he was harming the Chu army’s interests… strangely, he had never felt guilt.

That day at the banquet, when he had to step forward to defend Zhang Liang yet received open provocation and humiliation from some nobody called Lü Bu, he had been incandescent with rage but knew that the power disparity between them was too large and he was no match for him, so he could only swallow his anger.

Just this already made him unable to bear it, but what shocked him even more was that Xiang Yu, who usually trusted and respected him greatly, actually acquiesced to Lü Bu’s rude attitude!

He was the patriarch of the Xiang clan! He had weathered many years of storms and did everything for the younger generation, but now he was treated like this — he felt full of resentment toward Xiang Yu.

Xiang Yu hadn’t invited him to the discussion. He was already disturbed by his status’ sudden drop in his nephew’s heart, and felt that his face had been hurt. How could he grovel and beg for peace?

His resentment towards Lü Bu and Xiang Yu deepened. Apart from visiting Zhang Liang in the prison, he mostly stayed in his palace residence, so he was a step late in receiving notice of what was going on outside.

The only thing that didn’t change was his determination to set Zhang Liang free. Xiang Yu’s mood was unpredictable and he could kill at the drop of a hat; for every day Zhang Liang stayed imprisoned, the danger to him increased.

The main army would set off back to Pengcheng after the land was divided — being in the capital of Chu would make it even more difficult to escape.

Xiang Bo tossed and turned, and in the end finally decided to ignore Zhang Liang’s objections during their earlier meeting and rescue him before doing anything else.

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Chapter 1: The Captain Who Fell From the Sky

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Early spring frost stained the flowers red. The weather in the capital was very strange this year — it should have warmed already, but the ladies selling ice-cold water looked upon the morning’s cold fog in astonishment and didn’t know whether they should go out into the streets.

Throughout the streets and alleyways, early morning vendors chatted quietly with each other:

“I heard people from uptown say that the days are abnormal, they’re afraid it’s a bad omen…”1妖星 (yāo xīng) is an astrological term for a collection of phenomena (e.g. comets) that portend disaster

“Who’d you hear this nonsense from–”

“Psh, it’s not nonsense, the astrologers at the Observatory calculated it…”

The guards who passed by occasionally scolded them for spreading evil rumours, but when they turned away, the guards also muttered to themselves, “Please don’t let there be a disaster…”

In the dim pre-dawn sky, there was an eye-catchingly bright red star hanging very close to the horizon, which indeed looked like it was about to fall onto the city. It so resembled the rumoured evil star that the stories gained momentum the farther it travelled, and eventually people came to believe that this year would experience a great disaster — Mars was shining brightly, chaos was on its way.

But no matter if it were troubled times or an evil star, it had little to do with the poor folk in the lower city who were perpetually on the verge of starvation, especially an extraneous little girl. A girl around ten years of age crawled out from a pile of hay where she had spent the night with her hair in disarray. She shook off bits of hay from her head and shivered from the chilly morning dew.

Taking advantage of the remaining darkness, she moved her reed-thin legs and scurried to the eastern district. Few people ever went there. In the lower city, on the outer edges of a peach grove, there was a lake; this lake wasn’t natural, it was dug artificially by an unknown wealthy family for their own enjoyment of the scenery. And the lake was filled to the brim with carp.

The girl snuck up to the lake and slipped into the water like an eel. The carp, raised by humans, had grown big and fat, and were unafraid of being caught. It took no time at all for her to catch enough to eat for three days. Although the area was privately owned, the owner seemed to rarely visit, so there were hardly any guards posted there except for the occasional evening banquet. To this little girl, the scenic lake was like the legendary seas that she heard about, and she relied on this lake to avoid the fate of being sold to the West Street butcher.


The girl put her fish on the shore where they flopped and struggled, and when she turned around, she saw that the lake surface still had considerable ripples even after she left the water — could there be a huge fish?

She was torn, and finally couldn’t resist going back into the water. The child who had been hungry for a long time became greedy. Even if her catch was already enough to last her three full days, she still wanted to take a look at the bigger fish, even if it was just a glance…

However, before she could go any deeper than chest-high water, there was a plop

The girl almost choked on water as she flailed, scared out of her wits. Something in the water had grabbed at her ankle — it felt like a human hand!

The ice-cold hand gripped her leg. Before she could react, the water shook violently and something black and white emerged from the depths.

A water ghoul!

The little girl quickly ran through her life in her small mind, trying to think of whether she had done anything harmful to the world that would cause her to be targeted by ghouls and ghosts, as she used her entire body’s strength to retreat towards the shore. At this moment, the pair of pale hands had reached above her knees — oh, the water ghoul’s hands had clear joints and clean nails, they were quite pretty…

Her will to survive was very strong. She soon reached the shore, and with a loud splash, the ‘water ghoul’ also crawled out of the lake, let go of her legs, and coughed violently. Black hair draped wetly over its shoulders and the ends floated in all directions on the water, but it no longer looked anything like a water ghoul. After all, in no myth would a water ghoul have such clear eyes or handsome features.

He truly was a very beautiful man. It wasn’t that the girl hadn’t seen any young men from the upper city, but when compared to this person, those men wrapped in brocade cloth and mink furs couldn’t be called anything but ugly. Even if he was currently wet and miserable, an awe-inspiring aura still lingered around him.

He coughed for so long that someone might worry he would cough out his guts, but thankfully he only spit out a whole bunch of water before tiredly turning over to lay on his back in the shallows and letting out a long breath. His fine eyelashes curled up, catching hold of water droplets. The girl thought that this might be some kind of fairy who had absorbed all the essence of this lake into that single drop. His eyes rippled in reflection of the lake water.

The girl, staring blankly at him, subconsciously crouched next to him and poked his water-chilled face.

It was only then that he came back to his senses and said, “Thank you.”

He burst into laughter just as a white crane landed next to a willow tree. As the morning light shone onto the cold lake, his joy at surviving disaster wasn’t concealed in the least, but neither did it make him appear crass. On the contrary, it was the observer who was struck dumb for half a day, until he raised his hand and pinched the girl’s chin.

“Did I scare you?”

There was silence for three seconds.

Then the girl flinched back as if facing a ghost, rolled into the water with a yelp, and scrambled away. It was at this time that Mister Drowned Rat belatedly cursed to himself, very anachronistically — 

This fucking backwards feudal society. If I do that, the ancient people here will probably think I’m a hooligan…

* * *

The unfortunate drowned rat’s name was Chu Xiang.

There was no doubt that Chu Xiang had transmigrated, or perhaps the word ‘rebirthed’ was more accurate. As for what happened before that rebirth…

In 2953, during the 28th century of the Galactic calendar,2Yes the RAWS say 28th century for the 2900s, just go with it the Galactic Federation’s first-class mothership Longque was performing an escort mission in Sector Delta, under the command of Rear Admiral Chu Xiang.

Sector Delta was located very far away from Earth, so the Federation had little control over it. The area was filled with alien militaries, interstellar pirates, and planetless nomads beyond counting — as well as mineral veins which produced extremely rare ores used as industrial raw materials. If it weren’t for this, it would be impossible for a first-class military use mothership to be assigned to escorting merchant ships.

Sure enough, they encountered pirates, and what was even worse was that two separate pirate bands had set their eyes on the merchant ships. They nonetheless fought bravely. Longque and the pirates launched a three-way melee, and the spectacle of quantum missiles hitting their targets in the silent universe was as grand as a fireworks show.

However one group of pirates saw that they could not succeed as long as Longque was present, and they might even be annihilated in turn, so they simply went all in and released a black hole bomb — a xenotech weapon which created an artificial, temporary black hole to swallow everything in its path, equally harmful to oneself as well as the enemy.

Space suddenly became chaotic as gravity grabbed hold of every spaceship. At the last moment, in order to allow more people to escape safely and return home, the captain of the Longque, Chu Xiang, ordered everyone to abandon ship and board the merchant vessels, then he used kinetic energy generated by the self-destruction of the mothership’s core to send his comrades and the merchant ships out of the gravity well and of Sector Delta entirely.

At the moment the spaceship self-destructed around him, Chu Xiang admitted that he had acted impulsively, but he neither hesitated nor regretted it. From the very first moment that he flew into the starry sky, he had been prepared to turn into stardust, because that was one of the logical ends to a spaceship captain’s life.

* * *

But it was certain that crawling out of the water after all that, soaked through, was definitely not part of the plan.

It felt surreal as his soul fell from the stars to land on earth, but as wave after wave of cold water lapped against his cheeks, his sense of reality slowly recovered.

It felt like déjà vu.

Chu Xiang lay in the water. Although it was cold, the excitement of regaining his life warmed him. However, Chu Xiang had no strong reaction to his rebirth, because he held a secret —

He originally came from this world.

It was quite fantastical. At the beginning, after Chu Xiang fell into the water — he couldn’t swim at the time — he thought he would die with regrets just like that, but when he opened his eyes again, he had already arrived in the interstellar era of another Earth.

It took him many years to adapt to a new world and understand his incredible experiences the first time he transmigrated. Fortunately, nothing infants did in their first few years of life would be taken as unreasonable, so there, he had the opportunity to grow up again, reach adulthood, and truly become a human of the 28th century. He graduated from Starfleet Academy’s command track with impeccable grades, took flight above the stars, and then…

Then his death sent him back?

Did this thing give return tickets?

His eyes were still filled with the flames of explosions when he suddenly woke up underwater and almost suffocated to death. Thankfully, although the captain of Longque was a spaceship captain, he drowned to death in his previous life so he made sure to practise swimming in this life!

Thus, he struggled his way out of the water, and the prior scene happened.

He even confirmed, repeatedly, that this was his body from this world. Age, condition, and the location where he fell into the water were all correct. There was… a ridiculous sensation of going to another world to study and graduate, then returning to his hometown. If it weren’t for the fact that his swimming skills were brought back with him from the 28th century, he would suspect that the decades he lived as a spaceship captain were just a dream he had as he was dying.

As it was, the time spent flying among stars was engraved in his bones and blood, even rebirth wouldn’t be able to erase it.

With some strength coming back to him, Chu Xiang sat up again.

Like a Möbius strip, everything went back to where it started.

There was a skinny little girl squatting not far away. Chu Xiang looked at his saviour — without this girl, he might really have drowned. This wasn’t the body of a spaceship captain, after all; the Chu Xiang of this world was so pathetically weak that even a captain’s civilian secretary would be able to beat him up.

It was clear at a glance that the child was severely malnourished, with withered yellowing hair, an overly pointy little face, and a pair of big protruding eyes looking at him warily yet curiously.

Sighing, Chu Xiang waved her closer. “Don’t be scared, I want to thank you for saving me.”

“You…” the girl started saying, shivering, “you’re not a water ghoul, right?”

Tsk, feudal superstition.

Chu Xiang smiled and stretched out a hand. “It’s warm.”

Seeing that Chu Xiang’s movements were so natural, the girl pursed her lips, looking like she was thinking deeply. After a while she carefully stretched out her fingers and speedily tapped Chu Xiang’s palm. In the former captain’s eyes, it was like a trembling kitten testing the range of its claws.

Appearance was useful no matter the world, especially as the Chu Xiang of this world lacked exercise. If evaluated from the perspective of someone from the 28th century, he was a thin, weak, and sickly man, the kind who hardly saw any sunlight or wind.

The girl weighed their respective combat abilities, and came to a decisive conclusion: even if this beauty was a water ghoul, he wouldn’t be able to beat her.

So she plucked up her courage and moved closer, and couldn’t help tugging on Chu Xiang’s long hair. “Then where did you come from?”

“I fell from the sky,” Chu Xiang smiled.

The girl with little knowledge stared at his smiling face in a daze. Maybe it was because she was bewitched by beauty, or she really was so ignorant, that she actually nodded seriously. “Then are you the evil star? Wow, the evil star fell into the lake where I catch fish…”

Chu Xiang: “…”

From a water ghoul to an evil star, well, at least it was progress.

I’ll be translating 22 chapters of this novel.

A note on 妖星 (yaoxing), which I’ve chosen to translate as evil star/bad omen: like all astrology terms, it has an abundance of connotations associated with it. To describe it very simply, it’s seen as one of the worst omens possible, the kind that leads to the downfall of dynasties. If someone is unlucky enough to be born on a day the 妖星 is strong, they’re seen as prone to disaster and bringing misfortune to everyone and everything they touch. 妖星 are often in the form of comets.

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  • 1
    妖星 (yāo xīng) is an astrological term for a collection of phenomena (e.g. comets) that portend disaster
  • 2
    Yes the RAWS say 28th century for the 2900s, just go with it

Conqueror Chapter 18

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Xiang Yu waited quietly for his response. Lü Bu, who had two… no, four eyes steadily staring at him, managed to suppress his shock and forced his brain to move quickly.

Damn, why am I so unlucky? he mourned. Since travelling to three hundred years in the past, he had to constantly search his guts and rack his brains in order to safely pass his trials.

He had been doing well these few days, why did this brainless overlord throw him a hot potato again?

Lü Bu was full of grief and indignation — in this short month’s time, why did he have to use his brain so much?

The thought he put into Xiang Yu’s affairs almost surpassed the sum he spent in his entire life!

With a crisis imminent, his mind whirled even as his face remained steady. Suddenly, a flash of inspiration struck him like lightning, revealing everything to him.

His expression turned serious and his voice lowered as, instead of answering, he asked solemnly, “May I ask Your Excellency why you would abandon the fertile lands of Guanzhong in favour of returning to Pengcheng?”

As its name suggested, Guanzhong was a land surrounded by mountains with few paths through:1Guanzhong consists of the words 关中 (guān zhōng), which together literally means ‘within the [mountain] passes’ Hangu Pass in the east, Wu Pass in the south, Dasan Pass in the west, and Xiao Pass in the north. With such terrain, even someone who had no knowledge of the art of war could easily see that it was a precious land that was easy to defend and difficult to attack.

In terms of military facilities, the former Qin dynasty built a solid foundation here; in terms of leisure, one only needed to look at the magnificent palaces built during Qin Shi Huang’s time.

Then look at Chu’s capital city, Pengcheng. It was surrounded by plains on all sides, and there was nowhere to build defences. With Guanzhong as an example right there, how could it be suitable to be a capital for the hegemon-king?

Lü Bu had only pondered for a short while and already thought up several tactics on how to restrain and harass any defenders within the city, as well as weaknesses to attack.

Xiang Yu lightly closed his eyes. “After being away for so many years, all the soldiers of Chu must miss their hometowns,” he replied in a deep voice.

No matter how magnificent or luxurious this Qin Palace was, it had all been built on a pile of human flesh and bones. No one from the six former kingdoms didn’t hate the Qin to their bones, how could they bear to live here? How could these dead, lifeless things be worth it? It could never compare to the longing wanderers had for their hometown.

As long as they took the objects away and set the palaces ablaze, they could return home in style.

Xiang Yu’s demeanour was profound, and as he said this, his figure was elongated by the sun, making it even more radiant.

Unfortunately, the only one present — Lü Bu — didn’t believe a word of it.


The corners of his mouth twitched slightly as he mentally slandered this brainless king who only knew how to say beautiful but useless things.

He might have believed it, if he hadn’t remembered a sentence in the history books — this man was the one who personally said, “If you do not return to your hometowns when you obtain wealth and honour, it would be as if you wore brocade at night. Who would know of it?”2Refers to the idiom 锦衣夜行; when Xiang Yu wanted to return to Pengcheng, he said the above with the implication of showing off his success and killed the advisor who tried to persuade him to stay in Xianyang. Paradoxically, it now has a more positive connotation instead, i.e. exhorting people to be vigilant and keep a low profile in the face of success …Bah! He was so smart, how could he ever be deceived by such flimsy words?

But having said that, Lü Bu — aware of the man’s little thoughts of showing off with his tail raised — also knew that this truth could not be spoken.

However, during the short moment when he was silent, the usually quite slow Xiang Yu noticed something and took the initiative to ask, “What is Fengxian thinking of?”
I’m thinking that you’re an idiot! Lü Bu cursed secretly in his heart, but with a mischievous grin on his lips, he said something that directly pierced Xiang Yu’s heart. “Is it because of the incident in Xin’an that Your Excellency refuses to stay?”

As soon as these words came out, Xiang Yu’s pupils instantly shrank!

Because of the uncontrollable threat of rebellion, the lack of supplies, and having few loyal soldiers on hand, he ordered two hundred thousand Qin soldiers to be killed and buried at Xin’an.

Although he had been forced to do so, the blood debts still laid on his shoulders. Not only did he bear the infamy of having killed countless men, making it hard to do many things, it also made it difficult for him to stay in the former capital of the Qin, where many here hated him to the bone.

Seeing Xiang Yu’s expression suddenly change but still remaining silent, Lü Bu knew that he had hit the mark and couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

…It was fortunate that he had always felt that Xiang Yu’s decisions were quite similar to that of his fledgling self, so he followed his own thoughts when he guessed, and he really got it right.

Upon confirming his conjecture, Lü Bu’s confidence completely returned. “Your Excellency conferred the title of King of Yong upon Zhang Han, was it in order to use Qin to rule Qin?” he asked.

“Not bad,” Xiang Yu said as he looked at Lü Bu with a complicated expression.

“The people of Qin hate Your Excellency for being cruel but they despise Zhang Han for his brutality more,” Lü Bu said bluntly. “The people’s hearts have long become exhausted. I fear that it will only take three days for him to become insignificant!” And three months to be buried!

Lü Bu had personally experienced the people’s strong support, it was an unforgettable memory.

Nothing would happen when the result was still in question, but once the chaos calmed, it would become a sharp blade hanging above their heads.

Back then, he and that old man Wang Yun were settled nicely in Chang’an; Wang Yun, the Excellency over the Masses,3司徒 (sītú) was one of the three most important official posts during the Han/Three Kingdoms period, which together were referred to as the Three Excellencies had his prestige in court and he had his unparalleled martial vigour, but in the end, they were somehow defeated by Li Jue and Guo Si’s tattered, half-baked army who were equipped with broken copper and rusted iron and hardly had any real soldiers among them.

Although he did lack troops, the main reason was that old man Wang Yun beheaded Cai Yong for trivial reasons. He neither did good things nor ordered others to do good things, so he lost the hearts of the people and gave Li Jue and Guo Si, those two mad dogs, an opportunity to bite.

Xiang Yu was noncommittal. After a while, he asked, “Then how does Fengxian think the land should be divided?”

If Fan Zeng heard this, he would surely be shocked, because Xiang Yu was very stubborn. Unless absolutely necessary, he would not listen to anyone who didn’t have the surname Xiang.

Even he, whom Xiang Yu politely called ‘Yafu’, was usually only listened to and not obeyed.

Who knew that there would be a time when Xiang Yu personally asked a general for their opinion?!

The one who was granted this honour had no idea how valuable it was. When Xiang Yu asked him, he slyly revealed his true thoughts. “Zhang Han is experienced as a minister and quite capable, but he is not suitable to rule the Qin as the King of Yong. Your Excellency, why don’t you give him a marshal’s rank and keep him with you? I think he would be willing.”

Zhang Han had surrendered to Chu, and had no way out because his soldiers were part of those who were buried alive. He could only rely on Xiang Yu. For him, it would be more reassuring to serve as a high-ranking Chu official next to Xiang Yu than to rule over the Qin people who all hated him.

Xiang Yu had no idea that he had already been roped into Lü Bu’s conspiracy.

It was also due to his high self-esteem and the power of the Chu army as it swept the world that he never imagined that there would be someone who looked down on being a left marshal.

Upon hearing Lü Bu’s words, he pondered for a moment and felt that it did make some sense. Then he actually followed the topic and continued to ask, “Then in Fengxian’s opinion, who should be given control over the Qin capital?”

Yes! He’s hooked!

Lü Bu, suppressing his joy, immediately let a stream of sweet flattery flow out of his mouth, fully showcasing his ability to kneel which he used to great effect during his time with Dong Zhuo. “The capital of the former Qin dynasty is a land surrounded by four fortresses and possesses untold wealth; for such an important place, how can it be handed over to just anyone? The only one who can suppress the draconic power of this place is none other than you, Your Excellency.”

Xiang Yu couldn’t help frowning when he heard him repeat this old argument. “Inappropriate,” he stated concisely.

Although Lü Bu received a blatant rejection, his expression remained unchanged.

It wasn’t strange that Xiang Yu objected. If he really could be so easily persuaded to abandon Pengcheng and move the capital to Xianyang, then the sky must be raining red!

However, whether Xiang Yu would foolishly return eastward and continue to use Pengcheng as the Chu capital, or suddenly realise that he should stay in Guanzhong, soften the people’s hearts, resolve their hatred, and slowly put down roots in this fertile land… what did it have to do with him, Lü Fengxian?

He didn’t care about the fate of the Chu kingdom, nor if it was weak to attack. He only knew that he needed to befuddle Xiang Yu into giving Zhang Han that useless Left Marshal position, which would naturally allow him to stay in Guanzhong. That was the important thing!

Lü Bu had his own ulterior motives. In order to make Xiang Yu less suspicious, he drew from everything he heard from Chen Gongtai’s nagging which he had never bothered to put into practice, and started talking nonsense. “Although the Xin’an people hold deep hatred, it can still be attributed to unavoidable losses due to military struggle. The former Qin dynasty themselves built their empire on violent conquests — life and death are uncertain once you step on the battlefield, and those who surrender thereby put their wealth and life in the hands of others,” he said. At this point, having inadvertently poked at his own sore spot, Lü Bu angrily gritted his teeth before continuing. “Even if they were killed, they could only count themselves unlucky… If I were a soldier’s family member, the person I would hate the most would be the Qin officials who recruited people randomly.”

Xiang Yu listened with rapt attention. Seeing Lü Bu suddenly stop, he couldn’t help but urge, “Keep talking.”

Haven’t heard enough?

Lü Bu had been saying whatever came to mind, he hadn’t thought that he would be forced to keep making things up. He was dumbfounded.

However, the hegemon-king was still staring at him with bright eyes. He could only drag out the time by taking a few sips of tea, all the while being urged by Xiang Yu’s shiny eyes, before bitterly continuing to spew bullshit. “…In conclusion, regarding Xin’an, it is not completely without room for manoeuvring. Instead of ignoring it or leaving things to the jurisdiction of others, it would be better for Your Excellency to personally come forward to appease the people of Qin. For example, exempting them from taxation and forced labour for a few years, doing them some small favours, and giving a few brib– gifts, to coax them into loyally assisting the new Chu officials and to guide the people’s thoughts. And the deceased soldiers’ families should also be accommodated. Regardless of whether they appreciate it or not, it would be enough to do it openly and generously.”

By the time Lü Bu dragged the topic here, he really couldn’t remember any more of what Chen Gongtai said, so he tactfully stopped before he began stuttering and took a secret glimpse at Xiang Yu’s face.

Fortunately, Xiang Yu had fallen into deep thought again. The attentive glimmer in his double pupil eyes drifted away, and he finally stopped making him prattle on.

As his eyes skimmed over the deep and handsome face which resembled a stone carving, Lü Bu couldn’t help complaining that this overlord was getting more and more difficult to serve. He let out a breath and drank a few more sips of water. That conversation was too long, too exhausting, his mouth was parched.

It’s just that he had departed too suddenly, the waterskin he brought was the small one he borrowed from Han Xin before. He had already drank from it before, so it didn’t take more than a few gulps before it became empty.

Lü Bu licked his still-dry lower lip, but couldn’t be bothered to search for a spring, so he just hung the empty waterskin back on his horse.

When he turned around again, he was almost hit in the face by a gold-trimmed, gem-embedded, obviously expensive waterskin that had silently been held out behind him at some point.

The owner of this waterskin was, of course, Xiang Yu.

Only after Lü Bu unconsciously took it did Xiang Yu expressionlessly withdraw his hand and flip onto his horse.

He lowered his head slightly, probably in order to not appear too condescending, as he spoke. “What Fengxian said just now does have some truth,” he frankly admitted in a light yet tactful tone.


Lü Bu blanked out.

What truth?

Because he stood with his back towards the light and he was preoccupied with his thoughts, Xiang Yu did not notice his confusion and only continued slowly, “However, it is a very important matter, we still need to go back to the city and summon everyone to discuss it before making a decision… I will go first. Fengxian, after you’ve drank your fill, follow quickly.”

Lü Bu: “…………”

I’ll be dropping this after c20, may pick it up again next year if no one else does before then. My next project is National Teacher Returns at Warp Speed by 素长天, planning to translate 22 chapters.

#1: It’s like the second to worst student tutoring the worst student

#2: And the point is he actually understood it lmao

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  • 1
    Guanzhong consists of the words 关中 (guān zhōng), which together literally means ‘within the [mountain] passes’
  • 2
    Refers to the idiom 锦衣夜行; when Xiang Yu wanted to return to Pengcheng, he said the above with the implication of showing off his success and killed the advisor who tried to persuade him to stay in Xianyang. Paradoxically, it now has a more positive connotation instead, i.e. exhorting people to be vigilant and keep a low profile in the face of success
  • 3
    司徒 (sītú) was one of the three most important official posts during the Han/Three Kingdoms period, which together were referred to as the Three Excellencies

Conqueror Chapter 17

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To Lü Bu’s surprise, not only was Xiang Yu not angry because he was neglected by his beloved horse but after he suppressed the shock on his face, he calmly stroked Dapple’s neck as it insisted on getting closer to Lü Bu.

His usually stern face even softened by a fraction or two, and the corners of his lips curved slightly as he asked in a curious tone which Lü Bu had never heard before, “Dapple has such an arrogant temper, how did Fengxian tame it?”

It should be noted that while Xiang Yu was a proud man, he had the good cultivation of a nobleman. Except for occasionally bursting into a rage due to hurt pride, he was, for the most part, an iceberg more prone to silence than Han Xin.

Let alone Lü Bu who had been with him for half a month at most, even his own biological uncle Xiang Bo and respected elder Fan Zeng had hardly ever seen him smile.

Although Lü Bu didn’t know just how rare Xiang Yu’s smile was, he had been faced with his frosty expression for more than a few days. As this brainless king’s attitude gentled, he felt as if he was watching a permafrost glacier gradually melt with his own eyes.

Seeing that Xiang Yu was magnanimous and didn’t intend to blame him at all, and recalling that he still had the great merit of killing the King of Chu, the guilty conscience Lü Bu felt for stealing the man’s beloved steed for a ride was easily tossed aside.

“Maybe it’s because Dapple is smart and recognises heroes,” Lü Bu replied brazenly as he pinched Dapple’s ears.

As he spoke, he pinched a bit too hard. Dapple, who had been sincerely flattering him, angrily shook its head, broke free, and ran back to Xiang Yu.

Lü Bu’s face instantly turned ugly.

He’d just praised it! This prissy temper!

Lü Bu had frankly called himself a hero, but Xiang Yu — who was world-renowned for his martial arts and wisdom — didn’t feel it was exaggerated at all, and even agreed. “Not bad.”

With the arrival of a groom leading a horse behind him, the smile on Xiang Yu’s lips withered without a trace.

He leapt onto his horse’s back and looked down upon Lü Bu solemnly from atop the tall horse.

But Lü Bu didn’t notice Xiang Yu’s gaze at all, he was busy staring at the handsomely tall, snow white horse.

Xiang Yu looked at the way Lü Bu couldn’t hide his love for it, then said shortly, “Jade Lion1Likely based on 照夜玉狮子: a horse from Water Margin (the novel is set in c. 1220 AD), described as being white all over without any variegation, able to travel a thousand miles a day, and the best horse to be born in the Western Regions (i.e. Xinjiang region). is for you, follow this king out the city.”

After the death of the King of Chu, Xiang Yu had thoroughly learnt his lesson. He no longer pushed anyone to the throne in an effort to make more trouble for himself, he simply proclaimed himself the overlord and took charge of a king’s duties.

As a result, the Chu army was the most powerful, Xiang Yu had the highest prestige, and Liu Bang, the only one otherwise who came close, had the stigma of ‘murdering his lord for the sake of power’ and had been forced to retreat to Bashu. Although many warlords were jealous, none dared to step out and object first.

From the day he was proclaimed the overlord, Xiang Yu began to call himself ‘this king’.

“Thank you for the reward, Your Excellency!”

Although his words were few, there was not a single one that did not suit Lü Bu’s wishes.

Marvellous! He deserved to be the Hegemon-King of Western Chu, he was really generous!

Lü Bu happily mounted his newly acquired Jade Lion. The horse was surprisingly docile as it lowered its head to allow him on, not at all resisting desperately like Dapple.

Lü Bu was a step slower and had to get used to cooperating with Jade Lion first, so his speed could not be called very fast, but Xiang Yu wasn’t moving at full speed either. With Dapple also occasionally slowing down as it turned its head to sneak a few glances at them, Lü Bu easily caught up to the noble general in front.

Due to the frequent changes of city lords and constant war, the people of Xianyang were full of panic.

Those who could go to other relatives had already left, while those who had to stay all closed their doors tightly and never left their homes unless absolutely necessary.

They were extremely alert even towards Liu Bang, who intentionally spread goodwill; there was no need to mention their attitude towards their mortal enemy Xiang Yu, who had ordered 200,000 Qin soldiers to be buried alive in Xin’an.2After the Qin army surrendered at the Battle of Julu, Xiang Yu suspected they might start a mutiny (and the 200,000 Qin soldiers were a liability to his army’s food supply), so he had them all buried alive south of Xin’an City. Wikipedia

In the case of Liu Bang, he very much valued his life, so he would always send generals with superb martial arts ahead as his vanguard. If the army was ambushed, someone would be standing between himself and the enemy.

But no matter if it was Xiang Yu or Lü Bu, they were both heroic warriors who could stand alone against hundreds — how could they fear any assassin?

With Xianyang now completely in Chu hands, the two of them rode unimpeded all the way south and soon left the city.

As soon as they passed the city walls, Lü Bu saw that Xiang Yu’s previously restrained demeanour changed drastically, no longer concealing his confusion and anger. He urged Dapple onwards, leaving Lü Bu behind as he galloped wildly towards an open field.

After all, he was a young man in his early twenties, it was impossible not to be frustrated sometimes.

Though he sighed, Lü Bu also felt a little excitement stir up. In any case, he never intended to hide his skills when he joined the Chu army, so he squeezed his horse’s belly to urge Jade Lion to run with all its strength.

Two bolts of lightning, one black and one white, flashed across the lush forest. Wherever the horses’ hooves stepped, they left deep imprints and billowing dust.

Dapple was very happy as it ran and snorted twice. Just as it did so, Xiang Yu, who had been gazing at the distant mountains and forests in thought, heard the sound of hooves thumping behind him.

It was Lü Bu, catching up.

It being the first time Xiang Yu met a master of equestrianism who could keep up with Dapple at full speed, he couldn’t help feeling a little moved.

Seeing that Xiang Yu had dismounted, Lü Bu also turned over and easily landed on the ground.

While Dapple and Jade Lion walked off to look for water, Lü Bu ambled towards Xiang Yu who was standing with his arms folded, thinking about something.

When he was a couple of steps away, Xiang Yu suddenly turned around, and a pair of deep pupils gazed steadily at Lü Bu as he said calmly, “In half a month, I will preside over distributing fiefs to the various lords, then I will lead the army back to our capital, Pengcheng.”

Lü Bu listened expressionlessly, only to furtively wipe bitter tears off his face.

These people, each was more infuriating than the last!

Thinking back, in order to stay in Chang’an,3Raws actually say Luoyang, but according to both historical sources and the Romance the events referenced took place at Chang’an, which was the capital city at the time; see glossary for details; Wikipedia the land of treasures, he could even endure Wang Yun4A politician during the late Eastern Han dynasty; a major figure in instigating Lü Bu to betray his foster father Dong Zhuo. Wikipedia who obviously looked down on him.

But he hadn’t enjoyed it for more than a few days before he was kicked out by Li Jue and Guo Si’s army5Li Jue and Guo Si were followers of Dong Zhuo; after the latter’s death, they formed an army to attack the capital when their request for amnesty was refused which came from nowhere, making him run around everywhere afterwards.

First he worked for nothing, painstakingly using eight hundred cavalrymen to exterminate the hundred thousand bandits of the Heishan Army yet no benefits came to him. If he moved just a little slower, he would’ve been killed! Then he scrambled to Big-eared Liu’s territory and cheated him out of his land, although this only made that deceitful guy hold a grudge against him…

Even so, he hadn’t been able to rest for very long. Cao Cao’s troops overwhelmed his, then his brother-in-law Wen Xu and the other ungrateful bastards tied him up in a flash, and finally a single word from Big-eared Liu resulted in his death.

Compared with his life which was full of ups and downs, it was as if Xiang Yu had been born in a honeypot!

He had so many good places to choose from yet was unwilling to stay in the fertile Guanzhong, which was also easy to defend and difficult to attack, and he instead wanted to go home like a kid showing off his fledgling feathers!

It was a rare moment for Xiang Yu to be willing to take the initiative to share his plans with someone who wasn’t an advisor. Not knowing that the person in front of him had already slandered him from top to bottom, he kept explaining, as if to himself. “Fengxian has made great achievements, but it is not easy to make the true reason for Xiong Xin’s death public. The merit of killing four Han generals is not enough to grant you a kingly title.”

“Fame and fortune are nothing but drifting clouds.”

He had already been a marquis once, as for the throne… he really didn’t care about climbing the ranks three centuries in the past, and besides, with the way the world was changing every day, who knew how long he would be able to keep the title?

Just look at this hegemon-king. He was so majestic right now, but he had only been king for a few short years before he faded from history.

Lü Bu, grinning, waved his hand nonchalantly. “I only hope that Sir can make me a general, so…” The best kind would be someone who could lead troops to fight Liu Bang.

Xiang Yu had exactly this intention.

He had always cherished talents, not to mention that recent events had proven Lü Bu to be unparalleled in the world. Amid the huge Chu army, Lü Bu was one of the people he admired the most.

Seeing that Lü Bu was open-minded, calm, and truly didn’t care about not receiving a kingly position nor was he boasting of his achievements, he immediately liked him even more.

Lü Bu directly asked for the rank of a general. In Xiang Yu’s eyes, this was only natural for someone who had the brains and skills that he did.

He nodded slightly in satisfaction, brushing away the agitation caused by Xiang Bo’s secret communication with Han, then simply offered the position he thought of before. “I wish to grant Fengxian the rank of Left Marshal6Previously translated as Major of the Central Army, what is your opinion?”

Lü Bu’s eyes lit up.

Compared to the trashy lian’ao which he had never heard of, the title ‘Left Marshal of the Central Army’ had both the words ‘marshal’ and ‘army’, this was obviously someone who could lead troops!

Before he could open his mouth to ask, Xiang Yu had recalled his ignorance of military ranks and the way he bluntly asked questions last time, so he simply added, “When the main commander of the central army is not present, or matters are urgent, the left marshal can take over and independently lead soldiers into battle.”

Upon confirming his guess, Lü Bu was even happier.

Who cared about rewards or whatnot, it was good as long as he could command people!

But before he agreed, he still remembered to ask, “May I ask, the central army’s main commander is…”

He remembered that bastard Xiang Bo was the Minister of the Left, he definitely wouldn’t let himself fall into his hands.

He just didn’t know if it would be the barely passable Zhongli Mo, or that idiot Ying Bu who couldn’t do things properly and always ran his mouth…

After all, Lü Bu only came to the Chu army not long ago, and his only thought was of killing Liu Bang quickly then washing his hands of them — of course he wouldn’t care who the generals of the Chu army were. At most, he asked Han Xin about it a few times once he realised killing Liu Bang would be a long term job.

Other than these two, he only knew of Long Qie, who sounded like someone highly regarded by Xiang Yu.

“The commander of the central army,” Xiang Yu said proudly, “is me.”

The central army was more important than the left and right armies, its commander had always been the King of Chu himself.

Now that there was no King of Chu, the hegemon-king naturally took over himself.

Xiang Yu’s arrangement wasn’t only due to his love for talent, it was also to compensate Lü Bu for not being able to be honoured as a king who had made great achievements in an open and aboveboard manner.

It was a pity that Lü Bu didn’t appreciate it.

After hearing his statement, the smile on his face petrified.

Damn, I knew fate didn’t have good things in store for me!

If he really became the Left Marshal of the Central Army for this blockhead, wouldn’t his life be as hard as Gao Fuyi’s!

In fact, he would be far unluckier than Gao Fuyi — at least Gao Fuyi could follow a wise and powerful hero like himself who didn’t care even if he couldn’t spit out any useful strategies, while he had to get along with a foolish tyrant!

When he thought of the days to come, Lü Bu shuddered.

Not only would he have to run back and forth for the brainless king all day long, most importantly, he would have to return to his hometown Pengcheng with him. How would he be able to guard Hanzhong and catch Bang’s rat tail!

Lü Bu has an overly inflated view of himself but that’s half the fun.

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  • 1
    Likely based on 照夜玉狮子: a horse from Water Margin (the novel is set in c. 1220 AD), described as being white all over without any variegation, able to travel a thousand miles a day, and the best horse to be born in the Western Regions (i.e. Xinjiang region).
  • 2
    After the Qin army surrendered at the Battle of Julu, Xiang Yu suspected they might start a mutiny (and the 200,000 Qin soldiers were a liability to his army’s food supply), so he had them all buried alive south of Xin’an City. Wikipedia
  • 3
    Raws actually say Luoyang, but according to both historical sources and the Romance the events referenced took place at Chang’an, which was the capital city at the time; see glossary for details; Wikipedia
  • 4
    A politician during the late Eastern Han dynasty; a major figure in instigating Lü Bu to betray his foster father Dong Zhuo. Wikipedia
  • 5
    Li Jue and Guo Si were followers of Dong Zhuo; after the latter’s death, they formed an army to attack the capital when their request for amnesty was refused
  • 6
    Previously translated as Major

Conqueror Chapter 16

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He was, after all, holding up the banner of ‘restore righteousness, kill the traitor’, so Xiang Yu still sent Zhongli Mo and thirty thousand cavalry to chase Liu Bang as he fled all the way west, in order to exterminate the roots.

Although Zhongli Mo delayed for half a day before setting off again, the Han army was familiar with neither people nor land in Bashu, so they got lost several times amongst the rugged mountain roads and Zhongli Mo soon caught their tail.

So these five thousand carefully selected elite soldiers were reduced by another thousand men under the wolf-like Chu army’s attack.

Liu Bang fled at his army’s forefront without hesitation. Zhongli Mo persevered in chasing him all the way to the border of Ba County, but in the end failed to capture him.

And the rest of the Han army also melted away into the myriad mountain roads. After careful consideration, he decided to follow Xiang Yu’s prior military order of ‘stop when appropriate’ — he stabilised his own soldiers and began to turn back in an orderly manner.

Zhongli Mo’s cautious behaviour soon paid off. They had retreated barely a mile when their rear guard, personally commanded by Zhongli Mo, encountered a thousand cavalry led by Guan Ying.

It turned out that Liu Bang, who had been chased by these wolves for his entire journey and lost more than a thousand soldiers to them, could not so easily discard his hatred. He wanted to take advantage of the negligence the Chu army would inevitably show when they chose to give up the pursuit, so he ordered his most trusted cavalry commander Guan Ying to lead a counterattack.

In his earlier years, Guan Ying had made a living by selling textiles far and wide. Not only did he develop good riding skills, he also had the habit of staying vigilant.

He first sent a dozen or so riders to scout ahead; seeing as the Chu army showed not a hint of returning, he guessed that there must be a reliable general in the rearguard, perhaps even Zhongli Mo himself.

“What a pity,” Guan Ying muttered to himself.

He couldn’t do much if Zhongli Mo was on guard.

Guan Ying knew that the Han were no longer as strong as before, and it would not be easy to gain a firm foothold in Bashu, where everything was unfamiliar.

It did not matter if Liu Bang could vent his grievances or not. The important thing was that they could not afford to lose more soldiers.

Although he was returning empty-handed, Guan Ying wasn’t worried about being blamed — he knew that his brother could distinguish what was and was not important.

He decisively turned his thousand-man cavalry around before Zhongli Mo could react and went to rejoin Liu Bang.

Lü Bu hadn’t had much confidence in Zhongli Mo’s ability in the first place, but after an impatient half month’s wait in the former Qin Palace, he was still very disappointed to hear that Liu Bang successfully escaped.

Because he was in an extremely bad mood, he made up his mind to torment Xiang Bo vigorously to comfort himself.

——If I’m unhappy, Xiang Bo has to be even more unhappy.

Xiang Bo had no idea that he was being targeted by a black-hearted tiger named Lü Bu. He had been only slightly slower than the people in the main hall in receiving news that Liu Bang had evaded pursuit and entered Bashu — upon hearing this, he had breathed a big sigh of relief.

Lucky, very lucky, he thought.

He had been feeling deeply ashamed for almost failing to protect Zhang Liang from Xiang Yu’s murderous sword, and for letting Lü Bu stir up trouble even when he had clearly sensed that the man had evil intentions, thus giving Liu Bang endless troubles.

Thankfully Liu Bang had escaped successfully, so they could still plan things out slowly.

As for the matter of being trapped in Bashu, he could only deal with it after Xiang Yu calmed down; Zhang Liang was imprisoned but it wasn’t difficult for him to take care of him. He would secretly release him when the dust settled.

If things were handled properly, he could even blame Lü Bu for neglecting his duty and letting Zhang Liang escape, so that Xiang Yu would value him less.

Thinking of Lü Bu’s despicably smug face in the palace as he spewed lies, which caused Liu Bang to be in such a mess and resulted in the death of tens of thousands of Han troops, Xiang Bo felt his chest tighten and his breath come short.

Compared with how Lü Bu ruined Liu Bang’s life work, his little revenge was nothing.

Xiang Bo, who had made up his mind, paced in his tent with gloomy eyes. After what felt to him like a very long time, he found an excuse to go to the prison where Zhang Liang was detained while Xiang Yu summoned his ministers once again.

In the early days when rebel armies rose everywhere and the Qin army was short of men, Zhang Han was named a general and when he needed to recruit soldiers from Guanzhong, he used imprisoned convicts.1Zhang Han was a military general of the Qin dynasty who surrendered to Xiang Yu at the Battle of Julu; see glossary for more details; Wikipedia

When the Qin Palace was taken over by the Han army, then subsequently the Chu army, people all focused on the gold, silver, jewels, and other shiny dead things in the treasury. And so the other prisoners who were old, weak, or crippled, who had not been recruited into the army, were overlooked and eventually starved to death.

They were valued less than weeds. By the time they were discovered, their corpses already stank of rot, and people had to pinch their noses as they were dragged out, wrapped in threadbare mats, then thrown into a mass grave.

And so, Zhang Liang became the only prisoner in the Qin Palace dungeons.

Although Xiang Yu did not deliberately mistreat him, nor did he torture him for information on Liu Bang, Zhang Liang still lost weight quickly after a few days in prison.

However his heart was tenacious and he wasn’t shaken by outside events, so even though he never bathed or ate enough, his bearing was still magnificent.

Yet his haggard appearance still made Xiang Bo cry on the spot.

Zhang Liang was resting his eyes when he heard footsteps get closer to him before stopping, but he did not react until he heard quiet sobbing sounds. Opening his eyes, he said in surprise, “Xiang-xiong.”

“Your foolish brother is incompetent, I’ve made you suffer.” Xiang Bo’s voice was filled with bitterness. He originally wanted to wait a while longer before taking action, but seeing that Zhang Liang was so thin, he didn’t want to wait a moment more. “Liu-xiong has successfully reached Shu County, just wait–”

Zhang Liang did not let him continue. “The walls have ears, don’t speak carelessly,” he said softly, gesturing sharply.

“My dear brother, no need to worry,” Xiang Bo sighed. “Although your foolish brother isn’t as cunning as that villain, I haven’t reached the point where I can’t even control a little prison guard.”

He had his servants bribe the greedy jailor with pearls long before he stepped foot here, the area was under his control.

Moreover, Lü Bu killed the king. Although those present at the scene had all been dealt with — those who should have been silenced were silenced, and those who should have been threatened were threatened — the matter could not be concealed from the higher ranks of the Chu army.

Those who reacted most radically were Chen Ying, who had served under Xiang Liang and was later strongly promoted by the King of Chu, and the father and son pair Lü Qing and Lü Chen, of whom the former was the prime minister and the latter the Minister of the Household, who had both been greatly favoured by the King of Chu.

After receiving the King of Chu’s trust, they were determined to loyally support the young monarch. Although they would not openly scold Xiang Yu for his part in the terrible events, they all left their seals behind as they silently departed with their families, expressing their decision to sever ties with action.

Xiang Yu valued friendship very much — although he was a little unhappy at their departure, he did not stop them. But filling the sudden vacancies left would give him headaches for quite a while, naturally he had no time to monitor any movements in the prison.

But Zhang Liang still felt that Xiang Bo’s behaviour was too high profile, so he shook his head and refused to indulge him. “It’s not suitable for Xiang-xiong to be here, please leave.”

He closed his eyes after he spoke, despite Xiang Bo’s stiff face. Xiang Bo could not force a conversation, so he had to go back in a dispirited mood.

Since Zhang Liang objected to his plan, he could not act on it himself. He could only bribe the jailor with pearls to keep his silence and make him take better care of Zhang Liang, before leaving dejectedly.

Little did he know that as soon as he left, the jailor, who had been extraordinarily flattering, instantly changed his face and went to speak with Han Xin.

After Han Xin received the item, he promptly handed it to Lü Bu and praised, “It really is as you said.”

Lü Bu squinted his eyes. When he confirmed that the pearl was stamped with the seal of the Qin Palace, he immediately became satisfied. “Thank you for your help, Han-xiong!”

No matter how reticent Han Xin was, he had been in the Chu army for two years and had a few contacts.

Lü Bu didn’t ask him to help for nothing, he had already made up his mind to remember this cheap brother of his in the future. He wasn’t an ungrateful cur who forgot favours, he truly treated this god of war as his brother now, especially after Han Xin sneaked him meat after the banquet which he could not attend.

Within the time it took to brew a cup of tea, the gold and pearls which Xiang Bo used to bribe his cronies fell into Xiang Yu’s hands.

With an unclear expression, Xiang Yu played with a pearl clearly engraved with the seal of the Qin Palace’s treasury.

It had only been half a month since the Chu army took over the Qin Palace, the gold and valuables that Liu Bang had confiscated still sat untouched.

So from where could Xiang Bo get anything from the treasury?

Only from Liu Bang’s hands.

How could Fan Zeng give up this opportunity to add insult to injury? Although he didn’t agree with Xiang Yu’s decision to kill his sovereign lord, he hated Xiang Bo’s despicable behaviour — betraying his master, yet still insisting that he was justified — even more.

However, just as he was about to speak, Lü Bu opened his mouth and said lazily, sarcastically, “The Minister of the Left is truly… This is what people call holding great generosity and love, right? I’ve never seen someone so good at rationalising their actions, I feel deeply ashamed.”

Xiang Yu’s expression instantly turned as dark as the bottom of a pot.

At this, Fan Zeng surreptitiously wiped away his cold sweat, thinking that this warrior surnamed Lü was remarkable, he even dared to disregard the general’s face like this with a straight face.

It’s just that Xiang Yu, whose face was hurt, didn’t get angry and neither did he make a sound. He just stood and sullenly stalked out.

Fan Zeng did not get up and chase — he had followed Xiang Yu for several years, and knew of his temper by now. Although he was notoriously violent, he seldom did anything to his subordinates. He was actually quite polite most of the time, and would not punish people merely for saying a few unpleasant words.

When he heard something that made him upset and didn’t know what to do, he would take Dapple and gallop outside the city for a while to vent his frustration.

But Lü Bu did not know this. He only thought that Xiang Yu didn’t want to accept the fact that Xiang Bo was a traitor, and intended to cover it up.

He still had another trap waiting for Xiang Bo to jump in, there was no way he would allow Xiang Yu to muddle his way through this. He followed him out without another word.

He saw Xiang Yu narrow his eyes slightly, put his right index finger and thumb against his thin lips, then blow, letting out a long and pleasant whistle.

Lü Bu’s eyes widened.

It didn’t take long before the sleek, black-coated Dapple trotted over majestically.

Xiang Yu waited for a while, and when Dapple was close enough, he was about to press against the horse’s back and leap into the saddle.

Unexpectedly, Dapple, who had just been full of arrogance, caught sight of Lü Bu standing guiltily nearby and its eyes lit up.

Without the slightest hesitation, it left its master — whom he could see at any time — and rubbed affectionately against Lü Bu, sticking its tongue out as if it wanted to lick his face like last time.

Xiang Yu: “…”

Lü Bu, who had his face enthusiastically washed with saliva by Dapple, stood dumbfounded.

Fearless as he was, when he saw the shock written across Xiang Yu’s face, who hadn’t even twitched at the King of Chu’s death, he felt a chill in his heart.

Damn… it was obviously just a short moment of greed which made him secretly ride someone else’s prized horse for a while, why did he feel as guilty as if he had slept with their wife?

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  • 1
    Zhang Han was a military general of the Qin dynasty who surrendered to Xiang Yu at the Battle of Julu; see glossary for more details; Wikipedia

Conqueror Chapter 15

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Lü Bu used a single trick to enter Xiang Yu’s inner circle and became a person with notoriety and a certain right to speak. Although he was far from the peak, the way was much smoother.

Since the blame had to be placed on Liu Bang’s head, he could not be openly credited with killing the King of Chu and his sixty guards.

But because Xiang Yu never bothered to covet the achievements of his subordinates, fantastical rumours of Lü Bu overcoming four enemy generals alone still spread along with the sensational news that the King of Chu was stabbed to death by an assassin sent by Liu Bang.

And after Fan Zeng specially sent people to spread the word, everyone from beggars to merchants knew of it, and it also disseminated into the Han camp one step earlier.

In stark contrast to Lü Bu’s success, before Liu Bang — who had fled back to the Han camp alone — could breathe a sigh of relief, he heard a succession of bad news: his four officers were killed, Zifang was captured, the King of Han was assassinated, and Chu would attack them on the grounds that the Han were rebels.

Especially regarding the death of Fan Kuai and Xiahou Ying; cold-hearted as Liu Bang was, even he couldn’t help but shed a few real tears.

They were not only capable officers whom he valued highly, but also companions of his heart and soul, as well as good brothers for many years!

With wave after wave of misfortune beating down on him, not even someone as resilient as Liu Bang could suppress the anxiety, and he fainted on the spot!

His subordinates hurried to help. Liu Bang, who subconsciously knew that the Han army was in deep danger, didn’t pass out for too long. He coughed up a mouthful of blood, after which the breath stuck in his chest was slightly better.

At this moment, he still didn’t know Lü Bu’s role, and also deliberately forgot the way he left the four officers behind on foot as meat shields — all his resentment was directed at Xiang Yu. “Xiang Yu is too vicious!”

Whether it was him or the other resourceful counsellors like Zifang, they had all underestimated Xiang Yu. He normally disdained to use tricks, but once he did, he was more ruthless than anyone else!

How could he have known that the man who had always been upright and acted with a benevolence more suited to a woman would suddenly be enlightened, and seize upon this huge flaw?

It had only been a single moment of greed, and now they had not only made wedding dresses for the enemy, they had also been splashed with a pot of dirty water, to the point that they could only flee in embarrassment… Liu Bang regretted until his intestines turned green, wishing that he could turn back time to slap his smug self.

With a single move, Xiang Yu not only succeeded in getting rid of his lord who had only ever been an obstacle for his Chu army, he also took advantage of Liu Bang recruiting soldiers, privately hiding a horse in the Qin palace, and secretly leaving alone, to — after killing all naysayers and threatening the Chu officials who were greedy for life and afraid of death into compliance — pin his own crime onto him!

It was the first time Liu Bang, who had always been eloquent and quick-witted, tasted the feeling of being unable to explain himself.

Although it was impossible for Xiang Yu to fool all the smart people in the world, everyone had differing hearts, and the common people could hardly recognise a single word so they often believed what they heard on the streets.

What’s more, the powerful Chu army was on the verge of overwhelming them. Who would believe him, and who would be willing and able to uphold justice for him?

“General, the situation is urgent, please give your orders.”

Since Zhang Liang left and never returned, leaving Liu Bang feeling hopeless, Xiao He had no choice but to step out and remind him.

Speaking of it, neither Xiao He nor Cao Can had any less tears on their faces compared to Liu Bang when it came to Fan Kuai and Xiahou Ying’s deaths.

But in the face of great disaster, they didn’t have the time to mourn their fallen comrades.

Xianyang had eight city gates, six of which were guarded by Chu soldiers. Only two were still under Han control.

Nearly half of Liu Bang’s 100,000 Han troops were stranded in the city.

They needed to quickly decide how many they wanted to bring with them, and how many they could bring, before the Chu army was fully dispatched.

Liu Bang sighed sadly, raised his reddened eyes, then said hoarsely, “There are only twenty thousand Chu soldiers in the city with Xiang Yu. If we gather our hundred thousand troops and counterattack instead of running, charging into the palace to kill him by surprise, can we bring him down with us?”

As soon as he said this, the officials rushed to dissuade him.

“This must not be done!” A group of veteran officials — Cao Can, Zhou Bo, and Guan Ying — all bowed one after another. “General, please reconsider!”

They hadn’t personally witnessed the Battle of Julu after which Xiang Yu’s name became renowned throughout the world, but the man’s natural talent for command brought all those proud Qin generals to their knees. Everyone heard of how the entire Qin army was captured then ruthlessly massacred like sheep.

Although Liu Bang also had some ability to lead in battle, he was much overshadowed by Xiang Yu — not to mention that Xiang Yu was best at winning against more with less in quick battles.

Now that the Chu army had an absolute advantage in numbers, how could the Han army ever match them? This wasn’t going down together, this was clearly throwing eggs at a rock face, actively looking for death!

Liu Bang was forced to retract his statement. Although his breath was still short and he panted like a cow, he no longer said anything about attacking Xiang Yu with his 100,000 Han soldiers.

Xiao He had been silent since his earlier reminder. Seeing that he had mostly calmed down, he stepped forward again. “Our current situation is certainly dire, but it is not hopeless. There is still hope to be found,” he said.

“Why do you say that?” Liu Bang asked with a hoarse voice, his expression shifting slightly.

Xiao He answered with a question instead. “If there is delicious wine every day and beauties to hold every night, would General indulge himself and abandon his ambitions?”

“You joke,” Liu Bang smiled wryly, “our lives are about to end, how can there be wine or beauties here?”

Xiao He only observed Liu Bang, saying nothing.

Thus, Liu Bang straightened himself and seriously replied, “Wine and beauties are ephemeral, how can they compare to the world’s great affairs?”

Only now did Xiao He smile and continue his explanation. “Xiang Yu’s army is powerful; it cannot be conquered by force, only outsmarted. To rush forward blindly is to seek self-destruction, like dashing jade upon a rock.”

Liu Bang’s face wrinkled in embarrassment, but he did not open his mouth to refute.

Xiao He changed the subject. “General, do you remember King Tang of Shang, and King Goujian of Yue?1Both sovereigns of their respective states who are known for enduring harsh circumstances for years before counterattacking. Wikipedia links for Tang of Shang and Goujian. Major events in the world can only progress slowly, they cannot be rushed. Do not charge forward recklessly because of a momentary gain, and do not shrink back because of a momentary loss. Only those who are willing to bend when they see the situation clearly and endure the difficulties until it passes will be able to convince everyone in the future. There is nothing for you here, General. This minister hopes General can give up the burdens around you and go to Bashu to win people’s hearts, gather wise men, and use the two counties as a foundation to build your kingdom. When the situation is right, you can recruit allies and use the strength of both counties to counterattack Guanzhong.”

What Xiao He didn’t say was that there were many worthy people following Xiang Yu like clouds, but the man had a strong bias towards his family members and thus ignored Xiang Bo, the bug slowly eating away at heartwood.

With Zhang Liang’s ingenuity and wit, it was impossible for him to lose his life easily. As long as he stayed alive, and Xiang Bo was there to be used, the day things could turn around might come earlier than expected.

As he listened to Xiao He, Liu Bang heaved a deep sigh, then nodded heavily. “Go according to sir’s plan.”

Although the Ba and Shu counties were barren and remote, they could be said to be vast and full of resources, and the people there had always been comfortably self-sufficient.

This was especially the case after the Qin dynasty’s careful management. The irrigation networks had been repaired, as were the city walls, and law and order were in place. All aspects were on the rise.

Based on all this, Liu Bang had previously decided on Bashu as his last resort.

And most importantly, Bashu was surrounded by natural barriers — towering mountains and narrow, rugged roads made it notorious for being easy to defend but difficult to attack.

Let alone a large army, even a small squadron could hardly make their way through and could not have the slightest carelessness.

With such roads, it would be useless even if Xiang Yu relied on the strength of numbers to chase him.

What’s more, the blame had already been thrown on his head, his goal was achieved. There was no need to insist on killing him. In the future, Xiang Yu only needed to deploy troops to Hanzhong to keep him immobile.

Liu Bang forcefully suppressed his sorrow and, as fast as he could, quietly arranged for the troops to withdraw to Bashu.

He thought, with not a little grim humour, that it was fortunate that he had thought about this before and had a detailed plan, otherwise it would be much harder now.

It was a pity that the road was difficult, so he could not bring many men. But on the other hand, the Chu army was bearing down on them, so in any case he already had to give up most of his army to block them and buy time for his retreat.

By the time Xiang Yu’s fierce generals, Ying Bu and Zhongli Mo, led Chu soldiers to kill their way into the Han camp, they found the Han soldiers leaderless and like pigs to the slaughter. Only then did they realise that they were one step late. The cunning and cold-blooded Liu Bang had run west along a small path, bringing with him only a group of his closest advisors and five thousand elite troops!

Meanwhile, Lü Bu had no authority to command soldiers and could only hang around the palace as he waited for news. When he heard that thirty thousand of the ninety thousand Han soldiers left behind had been killed and the remaining sixty thousand surrendered, but Liu Bang himself and several others ran away, he became numb instead of exploding in anger.

…Well, what could he say?

Lü Bu, who was granted a seat next to Xiang Yu where Xiang Bo usually sat, had his two long legs propped up arrogantly. Compared with Xiang Yu sitting upright and proper beside him, his posture was completely out of line.

However, his eyes resembled a dead fish’s as he fixed a glare full of resentment on Ying Bu, who was excitedly reporting the battle results to Xiang Yu.

He wouldn’t say anything about the way Xiang Yu procrastinated, but all the people surnamed Liu that he met were like rats, they all ran so fast…

If he was allowed to lead the troops to chase instead of this guy who also had Bu in his name, he’d get them easily!

Ying Bu’s attention was entirely on Xiang Yu who was listening silently; he didn’t notice Lü Bu’s burning gaze coming from the side, but Zhongli Mo did.

Zhongli Mo glanced at the chattering Ying Bu, then at Lü Bu who sat next to King Xiang. He couldn’t help showing some confusion at the inexplicable hostility.

Could it be that one mountain could not contain two Bu?2一山不容二布: A play on words with 一山不容二虎, meaning one mountain cannot have two tigers; 布 () and 虎 () sound similar

Inspiration flashed in his mind.

Frowning, he began to think wildly. Although he had no deep friendship with Ying Bu, for the sake of being colleagues, he should still mention something to him.

He didn’t know the details of what happened in the palace hall, but the name of ‘Mastermind Lü’ had been spread by the ministers who formerly worked for the King of Chu, who had all been so scared that they almost crawled out, and it hadn’t seemed fake.

Since Yafu also treated Lü Bu so politely, his wisdom must be extraordinary.

Lü Bu, busy glaring at Ying Bu who was evidently incapable of doing things, would never have imagined even in his dreams that he would one day be called a mastermind of any sort.

Xiang Yu’s thoughts were indeed as Liu Bang had predicted.

Although he failed to behead Liu Bang and the world had one more beautiful lie, the man he hated the most was, from beginning to end, the King of Chu, who had insisted on objecting to everything he did.

In his eyes, Liu Bang was merely a jumping clown who was able to make waves only by taking advantage of the King of Chu’s power. Now that the king was dead, he smartly fled to Bashu in embarrassment, and obviously would not be a problem.

In the future, as long as they stationed a sufficient army in Hanzhong, the people in Shu County could be kept there until they died.

This point could be seen by any general worth their salt, and this of course included Lü Bu.

It made him even more anxious — if Liu Bang refused to come out, what could he do to him? It wasn’t as if he could follow him into the mousehole!

No, he couldn’t let this be.

Lü Bu, who had repeatedly suffered setbacks in killing Liu Bang but grew more courageous with each failure, glanced around and suddenly had a new idea.

Having made great achievements that were inconvenient to publicise, with Xiang Yu’s generosity, he would definitely be rewarded some time in the future. Then he just needed to request a position which allowed him to lead troops, and volunteer to guard Hanzhong himself.

With Liu Bang’s wolfish ambition, it was impossible for him to be willing to stay in that tiny parcel of land and retire to a life of leisure — he could simply lure the enemy out of his hole, then give him a head-on blow!

Lü Bu’s inner abacus was clacking away happily when his belly suddenly let out a muffled gurgling noise, making him realise that he was very hungry.

He had always had a thick skin. It had been because of Xiang Bo’s obstruction that he was unable to attend the banquet, and then he killed over seventy people in quick succession. Though he was miraculously unharmed, he was physically exhausted.

But the others in the tent already had full meals during the banquet prior, so now they were only focused on cleaning up and oblivious to the fact that Lü Bu hadn’t eaten for a whole day.

The sound wasn’t loud, but Xiang Yu was close enough to have heard it clearly. He frowned, and after thinking for a while, he realised his neglect. He silently turned and looked at the sentries behind him.

Han Xin seemed to be the only one present who remembered Lü Bu’s hunger. Before Xiang Yu could speak, he had already stepped out of his position first, saying quietly, “This one will go order someone to prepare dinner.”

“Thank you, General Xiang, but you don’t have to bother Han-xiong.” Lü Bu had a keen sense of smell. As Han Xin got closer, he caught the faint but unique smell of meat mixed with spices, and his eyes lit up immediately. He unthinkingly slid a hand into Han Xin’s sleeve and took out a few pieces of jerky wrapped in a clean cloth, then started chomping on them, interspersed with drinking from the bowl of cold soup in front of him. “Thank you as well, Han-xiong,” he mumbled as he chewed.

Xiang Yu silently stared at the rather impolite Lü Bu for a long moment. It was unknown what he was thinking, but when he finally looked away, he didn’t mention anything about calling for dinner.

As for Han Xin, after he recovered from his surprise, he looked at Lü Bu who was devouring the dried meat as if they were full of flavour, and felt a strange sense of satisfaction in his heart… like he was feeding a fierce tiger.


#1: Facts have proven that he isn’t stupid, he’s just lazy. Squeeze a bit and Fengxian can become a mastermind, squeeze a bit more and he can enjoy the world. Although it’s a bit more troublesome at night, and the beauty is slightly bigger, in the end he can rule the world when awake, and lie in the arms of a beauty when drunk.

#2: You can ride King Xiang’s baby day and night, what’s there to be unhappy about (serious)

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  • 1
    Both sovereigns of their respective states who are known for enduring harsh circumstances for years before counterattacking. Wikipedia links for Tang of Shang and Goujian.
  • 2
    一山不容二布: A play on words with 一山不容二虎, meaning one mountain cannot have two tigers; 布 () and 虎 () sound similar

Conqueror Chapter 14

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When Lü Bu asked his question, Xiang Yu was silent for a long time, seemingly thinking about something.

Just as he got tired of waiting and began to wonder if the Brainless King of Western Chu was drunk, Xiang Yu nodded.

To Lü Bu’s satisfaction, although Xiang Yu took a long time to think, his attitude was very clear.

He first nodded slightly to Fan Zeng who was still immersed in shock, then he turned sideways and calmly ordered the Chu soldiers behind him, “Do as Attendant Lü said.”

“Yes, sir!”

The Chu soldiers who had been bewildered for a long time finally had their orders. They responded with deep voices, then stepped forward one after another, swinging their swords at the others in the hall without hesitation.

Blood sprayed throughout the hall, wailing sounded from all corners.

All the followers of the King of Chu who dared to resist had already been cut down by Lü Bu, the few remaining were all huddled together as they trembled.

After they saw that the man who agreed to spread the fictitious sequence of events was spared by this mad god who came out of nowhere, they all rushed to express their loyalty and beg for their lives.

As for the one hundred escorts Liu Bang brought with him, they knew that they could not escape with their lives, so they gathered into a formation and fought to the death. In the end, Lü Bu slaughtered half of them; as for the remaining half, they weren’t opponents of the Chu soldiers at all and were quickly killed on the spot.

 In the blink of an eye, the only one within the hall who could be called ‘of the Han’ was Zhang Liang alone.

Xiang Bo, terrified, thoughtlessly stood in front of Zhang Liang who was like a brother to him as he tried to block the soldiers rushing towards him. “General Xiang please think twice!” he blurted out in a rush. “This cannot be done! That man has only been here for a few days yet has so many evil schemes, since he dares to harm the King of Chu today, he will dare to harm you in the future!”

“Oh?” Lü Bu had disliked him for a long time, so now seeing him standing in front of Zhang Liang protectively, he couldn’t help raising his eyebrows provocatively and say in a meaningful tone, “Even if I get tired of living one day, who knows if I’ll even be able to harm General Xiang, but Minister Xiang, you…”

He wasn’t angry at all with the way Xiang Bo glared at him. He even rubbed his smooth, hairless chin a few times, pretended to think hard, then clapped his hands together. “The way you protect the enemy’s trusted advisor is very much like a female beast selflessly protecting its cub.”

“How audacious!” Xiang Bo was so enraged by these words that smoke almost came out of his ears. He whipped his sword out and pointed its tip at Lü Bu’s nose. “This is unfounded slander! I must kill you today–”

Lü Bu was casually fiddling with the hilt in his hand. Upon hearing this, he sneered and exerted some force with his thumb, revealing the blood-splattered, still-warm blade.

“The Minister of the Left truly wants to duel with me, regardless of life or death?” he asked, eagerly interrupting his ignorant opponent as he narrowed his eyes.

He was very willing to see Xiang Bo taking the initiative to seek death — if that was the case, then no matter how much Xiang Yu disagreed, he would fulfil his long-cherished wish to send his spirit to the underworld.

In his eyes, the ‘remnant of the Han army’ most deserving of condemnation was the traitor Xiang Bo, who was shameless enough to stay in Chu even as his heart was in Han.

If it wasn’t for him being part of the Xiang family, and Xiang Yu’s biological uncle at that, he would have chopped him up long ago.

Xiang Bo grit his teeth angrily, but the hand holding his sword trembled slightly.

Although blood rushed to his head and hatred boiled within, he did not completely lose rationality. He had to admit that he was no match for Lü Bu, who had just gone up alone against hundreds — and won.

Lü Bu’s aggressive provocation made him feel like he was burning up inside, but he still remained silent and even flinched back.

Fan Zeng watched his face change colours as he endured humiliation. “What Fengxian says is true. Is there a reason why our Minister of the Left is so eager to protect Zhang Liang?” he sneered and asked bluntly.

He had been silent until now because everything happened so suddenly.

And seeing Lü Bu act so brutally yet boldly with his own eyes startled and confused him, his mind was too disturbed to react.

After calming down a bit, he concluded that Lü Bu’s way was the best solution. Even if they put him to death now, they would still be blamed for not doing more to stop the assassination due to his status as a sentry in the Chu army, and others would undoubtedly use it as leverage.

Then in that case, it would be better to take things to the end. All the witnesses would either be silenced or forced to take their side, and Liu Bang, who escaped the banquet early and thus would be unable to refute, would take all the blame; although they may not be able to fool all the smart people in the world, they could at least muddy the water.

Others might not know, but Fan Zeng was well aware of Xiang Yu’s intention to kill the King of Chu. They would reach that point sooner or later, so they might as well finish it cleanly to prevent endless troubles later.

It’s just that Lü Bu, who was usually very quiet and low-key, was much more incredible than him.

Fan Zeng had also plotted against Liu Bang, but not only did he also need Xiang Zhuang’s help, he failed to accomplish anything except for attracting the King of Chu’s disdain.

In stark contrast, Lü Bu’s plan was insidious yet effective, and the viciousness of the quick kills shocked him.

He himself supported appeasement, yet he could do nothing for the King of Chu’s insistence on adding stumbling blocks to Xiang Yu. Xiang Yu resented the King of Chu and became more certain on killing him; in the end, he could only acquiesce to his plan to implicate and accuse the King of Chu on false charges then secretly kill him.

The surprising thing was that Lü Bu was not only ruthless and decisive, he seemingly had no fear that he would be unable to carry it out due to a lack of combat power.

But what was even more incredible was that he was afraid of neither Xiang Yu’s jealousy, nor if his commander would be reluctant to cooperate or burn bridges after crossing the river… This precise grasp of Xiang Yu’s temperament vaguely revealed an unfathomable side to him.

The more Fan Zeng thought about it, the more frightened he became, and at the same time, the more confused he was.

It sincerely puzzled him why someone who was both courageous and wise was willing to be a mere sentry for so long.


After listening to Lü Bu and Fan Zeng’s words, Xiang Yu frowned slightly, and he looked at Xiang Bo with doubt for the first time.

Xiang Bo, having been questioned by Fan Zeng and Lü Bu consecutively, couldn’t help feeling guilty.

However, he had always thought himself righteous. From having a guilty conscience due to accepting bribes, he soon became angry due to embarrassment. “That’s ridiculous! Han has made many great achievements, it is unjust for the general to attack them; and the general is a servant of the King of Chu, it is even more unjust to indulge the kingslayer and reverse black and white! If the master is wrong, his ministers should advise him. What does it matter what relationships are involved?”

Upon hearing this impassioned speech, Lü Bu just picked at his ears in boredom, then he slowly shifted his sword and stepped forward. “Shut your trap!” he scolded. “Squabbling everywhere, we’re all big men, but you mess around more than an old nag. Either get out of the way, or pick up your sword and come at me, or even better, swear on your beloved ‘justice’ that if you and Zhang Liang are friends, you’ll turn into a pig and be struck by lightning… and let’s see if General Xiang believes you.”

Seeing that Xiang Bo’s eyes were opened wide, and he wanted to keep arguing, Lü Bu drew his sword and aimed it directly at his nose. Then he began to spout nonsense. “Although I’m a crude person who doesn’t read much, I know the simple truth that ministers should be loyal to their lord. You yellow-mouthed kid,1黄口小儿: meaning someone who makes unreasonable decisions due to childishness or ignorance you haven’t done anything great but still want more power, and you ignored the people’s suffering to suppress General Xiang. How is it righteous to support Liu Bang, that vulgar old man who sticks his nose everywhere?!2滚刀肉: lit. hob knife meat; Northeastern Chinese slang, meaning someone who always entangles you and never listens to what you say; named after a kind of meat that’s very tough to cut You’re the Minister of the Left, the general’s own uncle, but you still force the general to allow himself to be bullied by those gangsters every day using your just or unjust, and now you even stand in front of the enemy like you want to die together like a pair of mandarin ducks!”

Speaking of this, Lü Bu took the opportunity to avenge his personal grievances by spitting at his ugly mug.

It’s a pity that the spit didn’t reach Xiang Bo’s face, but this didn’t prevent him from fully immersing himself in the script as he stated loudly, “I only have this one life. Even if it ends here today, I have to give the general justice!”

Xiang Yu: “…”

Hearing these sonorous words, and looking at Lü Bu, who had been so brave and proud yet was now angry for his sake and scolding Xiang Bo…

Xiang Yu, who didn’t know that he had been stamped with ‘Brainless King of Western Chu’, subconsciously felt tiny ripples form in his heart for the first time.

He shifted his eyes without showing a trace and lightly tapped his knuckles on the table, as if meditating, but in fact his mind was a pure blank.

Xiang Bo was already speechless after being repeatedly interrogated by Lü Bu.

Zhang Liang, who had been watching it all helplessly, knew that the situation had completely derailed and that he was powerless to drag it back. He finally chose to end his long silence.

He sighed softly, let go of his worries about Liu Bang, stood, then gracefully walked out of Xiang Bo’s circle of protection. “There are many capable people under General Xiang’s command, who are willing to use their skills to your advantage. Now you are the knife and I am the fish, if you want to kill, you can do as you please. But if I am to die, I beg it to be open and aboveboard, please do not involve others,” he said calmly.

“Zifang!” Xiang Bo cried out.

How could he not know that Zhang Liang taking the initiative to seek death at this time was only in order to protect him, who was under suspicion?

Lü Bu squinted slightly at this touching separation at life and death, looked Zhang Liang’s fair and beardless face up and down a few times, then abruptly changed his mind.

This person looks pretty good!

When it came to men’s appearance, Lü Bu thought he wouldn’t lose to anyone — even Xiang Yu, who was born with double pupils and a heroic face, could only rank second.

But Zhang Liang’s brows were soft and delicate, with a bit of feminine beauty… 

Lü Bu blinked.

…Never mind, this person was wholly loyal to Liu Bang and it was impossible to truly use him, but keeping him as bait would be more than enough to catch a few stupid fish.

So, under everyone’s eyes, Lü Bu neatly returned his sword to its sheath and said, quite hypocritically, “Since the minister has such a deep brotherly bond with the enemy’s advisor, I really… dare not do anything.”

Xiang Bo was so angry at Lü Bu’s hypocrisy that he almost spat out a mouthful of blood.

Damn, this kid’s too shameless! Not a word out of that mouth is humane!

He even dared to smash the King of Chu’s head to pieces with a guqin without blinking an eye, but now he was putting on airs in front of Xiang Yu?!

“Not a problem.” Xiang Yu, who had been quiet all this time, suddenly stepped forward with his right hand resting loosely on the hilt of his longsword and a stony face. His voice was low and cold as he said, “If it’s inconvenient for Fengxian, I’ll do it.”

Despair entered Xiang Bo’s eyes as he tightened his grip on the hilt of his sword.

He dared to speak for Liu Bang in front of Xiang Yu, dared to stand up when he realised that Fan Zeng had sent Xiang Zhuang up to assassinate Liu Bang, and he dared to yell at Lü Bu when he approached aggressively.

But the difference in combat ability between him and Xiang Yu was like the difference between heaven and earth…

He was afraid of Lü Bu, who had superb martial skills, but he was terrified of facing Xiang Yu and his overflowing killing intent.

What’s more, he knew very well that his behaviour of defending Zhang Liang was too obvious, even someone as dense as Xiang Yu would be able to realise it.

To kill Zhang Liang in front of him was also a warning.

Zhang Liang had been a little perplexed by Lü Bu’s inexplicable actions, but now that he knew the dust had settled, he even smiled in relief and made a self-deprecating joke. “I’m honoured to have General Xiang himself do it.”

But to everyone’s surprise, Lü Bu, who had been so murderous just now and wanted to take Zhang Liang’s life with his own hands, became the only person present who dared to stop the angry Xiang Yu. “General Xiang, please wait,” he interjected.

What surprised people was that Xiang Yu really stopped. He looked back indifferently and asked, “What?”

“It’s a secret matter, if General can step here for a moment,” Lü Bu grinned.

At first he only retracted his intention to kill Zhang Liang because of his eye-catching appearance, but after calming down and thinking about it carefully, he realised that keeping Zhang Liang alive would be far more useful than killing him for a momentary pleasure.

Xiang Yu frowned.

Just when everyone thought that Xiang Yu was about to lose his temper, he nodded expressionlessly, turned to walk towards Lü Bu, and leaned closer to listen to his words!

The two of them didn’t pay attention to anyone else, they discussed their secret right there in front of everyone.

Lü Bu understood very well the torment Xiang Bo’s heart was going through at this time, so while he happily talked in Xiang Yu’s ear, he also gave Xiang Bo ambiguous looks. Xiang Bo gritted his teeth, furious but not daring to speak.

“Then do as you say, keep him for now.”

No one knew what Lü Bu said just now. Everyone from Chu was shocked when they heard Xiang Yu’s calm voice give his final decision.

Where was the General Xiang they knew?

As soon as General Xiang went into a rage, he would go on a killing spree which no one could stop.

Lü Bu was so powerful, he was actually able to persuade the furious general. Zhang Liang truly would be kept alive.

Little did they know that Lü Bu, who had never talked that much nonsense at once, also quietly broke into a cold sweat after the turmoil calmed down.

As expected of me! My brains are so smart! 

Since he couldn’t escape punishment, he simply killed the person who could punish him — this trick proved to be quite useful.

About this chapter’s JJWXC comment, let’s put it this way: Lü Bu’s reputation nowadays is… he’s a great warrior, but not very smart. If you read the RAWs on JJWXC, you’ll find that a lot of the comments are along this theme.

#1: All the counsellors and subordinates whom you commanded are blind from crying, Fengxian. You’ve mastered an emperor’s strategies, but you’re using them to carry Xiang Yu.

#2: Chen Gong: So mad, why weren’t you this clever before?

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  • 1
    黄口小儿: meaning someone who makes unreasonable decisions due to childishness or ignorance
  • 2
    滚刀肉: lit. hob knife meat; Northeastern Chinese slang, meaning someone who always entangles you and never listens to what you say; named after a kind of meat that’s very tough to cut

Conqueror Chapter 13

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Xiang Yu was in the middle of the banquet yet didn’t say a word, he just drank in silence.

The King of Chu either insinuated things1指桑骂槐: lit. to point at the mulberry tree and curse the locust tree; meaning to scold indirectly, or to make oblique accusations or gave him orders without a care. He didn’t even bother to lift his eyelids, he just silently signalled the servers to continue pouring wine.

His previous dislike towards Liu Bang and his petty tricks was completely overwhelmed by his hatred for the King of Chu who incessantly jumped on the border between life and death.

However, it was unacceptable for any minister to kill his lord no matter how unreasonable they were.

Xiang Yu had discussed with his staff all through the previous night, and decided on a plan to implicate, migrate, then assassinate.

After this banquet was over, he would control all the cities in Guanzhong, so there was no need for the King of Chu to point fingers everywhere. First promote him to Emperor Yi of Chu, then name himself as Hegemon-King and he would act in place of the emperor.

With the Chu army’s current deterrence power and the fact that this course of action would not shake the interests of the other warlords, he did not expect much obstruction to carrying out these three tasks in sequence.

Xiang Yu, who was busy drinking wine and making plans for after the banquet, didn’t notice Xiang Zhuang performing a sword dance aimed at Liu Bang on Fan Zeng’s instructions; didn’t notice his most trusted uncle Xiang Bo joining the performance and blocking all the strikes; didn’t notice the King of Chu erupting in anger, forcibly stopping the farce, and kicking Xiang Zhuang out; and he missed the eye contact between Liu Bang and Zhang Liang, as well as the suspiciously long time Liu Bang was absent due to ‘answering the call of nature’…

Music and dance intertwined, wine flowed ever on. The palace had many rooms, so the commotion caused by Lü Bu outside wasn’t transmitted in the slightest.

Zhang Liang, who had been entrusted with the heavy task of stalling for time until Liu Bang reached the Han camp, calmly held a cup of wine as he exchanged toasts, not showing a single clue as to what he and his lord were planning.

He knew that it only took a stick of incense’s worth of time2A timekeeping method before clocks, approximately 30 minutes to reach a small group of palaces garrisoned by Han soldiers.

But he also knew that anything could happen on the way. The longer he dragged on, the better it was for Liu Bang, so he tried his best to stabilise things here.

At this moment, the doors to the hall which had been shut tight since the banquet began were suddenly pushed open. A man rushed in, shouting, “Report, something happened!”

This uninvited guest brought an abrupt end to the music and dance.

The King of Chu shot to his feet. “What happened? Why are you so panicked!” he exclaimed.

All eyes fell on Lü Bu, who had suddenly entered the palace hall.

Of those present, there were few who could recognise him, but apart from Han Xin, none were not highly valued in the Chu army.

There weren’t many seated on the raised platform. Among them, the King of Chu had the most honourable seat facing east; Xiang Yu sat facing south, which was the second most honourable seat; Fan Zeng and Liu Bang also had first-class seats, facing north; Zhang Liang faced west, with the least honourable seat of the five.

Their followers and attendants, such as Han Xin, were not qualified to participate and could only stand behind them.

Han Xin looked at Lü Bu’s filthy body and subconsciously pinched the meat he had secretly hidden in his sleeve for his brother who missed the banquet as he suppressed the bewilderment in his eyes.

Xiang Yu was already half drunk, his sight wasn’t clear, but he became slightly more alert when the music suddenly stopped. He cast his gaze to the intruder, but only a double image appeared before his eyes.

Frowning, he secretly massaged his swollen temples and asked quietly, “Who is it?”

Han Xin heard him clearly. Stepping closer, he replied, “General, it is Attendant Lü.”

“Fengxian?” Xiang Yu looked around blankly, and only then did he realise that Lü Bu had never come in. “When did Fengxian go out?”

Xiang Bo coughed lightly, glared at Lü Bu who was the centre of a fuss again, and said in a low voice, “Your horse didn’t have anyone looking after it, so I ordered Attendant Lü to go.”

Although Xiang Yu was only half awake, he still frowned and expressed his disapproval. “How can you force a warrior to do the work of a groom?”

While they had been whispering, Lü Bu hadn’t answered the King of Chu. He only looked at Xiang Yu hesitantly.

This slight delay immediately infuriated the King of Chu, who already hated Xiang Yu — great, even a soldier of Chu dared to listen to a mere general before him, the king!

A courtier immediately stepped out and arrogantly demanded, “His Majesty asked you a question, why aren’t you answering?”

Zhang Liang silently put down his cup and watched with fixed eyebrows.

This unusually tall Chu soldier looked like a mess and had his clothes on backwards for some reason, but his appearance was extraordinary and his face, which some might describe as fair, was… surprisingly clean.

Suspicion suddenly arose in his heart.

But before he could think more, Lü Bu raised his head. “It is a secretive matter of much importance, there are many people here…” he said reluctantly.

Seeing that he was unarmed, the King of Chu let down his guard and said impatiently, “Then I allow you to come closer!”

Lü Bu glanced uncertainly at Xiang Yu again. By the time he slowly shuffled towards him, the King of Chu was so angry that he was about to urge him again.

He straightened and pushed his chest out. On his third step, when he was nearly twenty metres3十丈: 1 zhang = 10 chi; 1 chi ≈ 0.22m away from the king, Xiang Yu finally moved a little as he adjusted his posture.

He only shifted because he was sore from sitting too long, but Lü Bu, who had caught a glimpse of his small movement from the corner of his eye, suddenly burst into action!

Under everyone’s watchful eyes, this Chu soldier who interrupted the banquet swiftly snatched a guqin from a nearby musician and smashed it against the ground!

Lü Bu hadn’t brought any weapons inside in order to lower these people’s vigilance, so he simply made one from local materials now.

After the rather heavy guqin reached his hands, it became as light as a feather. Then before anyone could react, he dragged the broken guqin straight at Xiong Xin, the King of Chu!

He had no intention of playing tricks. Even the already suspicious Zhang Liang was powerless to stop him from the moment the King of Chu ordered him to go closer.

There was only one person in the entire hall who could stop him, and that was Xiang Yu.

However, Xiang Yu was still focused on his plans for the King of Chu after the banquet, and he was more than a little tipsy. How could he have thought that Lü Bu would suddenly attack the King of Chu directly!

Meanwhile, Lü Bu had a clear goal and he had fully learned the lesson from Liu Bang’s escape just now — never talk nonsense before doing the deed, kill first then monologue. He went up with big strides and, before the servants around the King of Chu could do more than widen their eyes, lifted the broken guqin and smashed its jagged edge at the King of Chu’s head!

The guqin, made of nanmu wood,4Nanmu wood is from the Phoebe zhennan tree, which is found only in the Guizhou, Hubei, and Sichuan provinces; in the past, nanmu wood was so rare that only royal families could afford its use. Wikipedia was an instrument which could play exquisite music in the hands of a skilled musician; in the hands of Lü Bu, his strength turned it into a downright lethal weapon.

He used 80% of his strength to greet the King of Chu’s shocked face. Even if his skull wasn’t turned into a smear on the ground, it was enough to cover it in blood.

In the blink of an eye, the King of Chu’s skull was caved in and he died miserably.

Everyone present sucked in a breath of cold air.

Such a brutal method, such strength!


The official closest to the King of Chu was scared out of his wits. He scrambled backwards as he screamed, “What are you doing, quickly take down the assassin!”

The king’s guards who were a little farther away recovered faster, they angrily drew the swords at their waists and rushed towards Lü Bu!

However, the current Lü Bu was no longer as pathetic as a few minutes ago, he had no need to borrow a guqin to kill.

He ignored the official pissing himself in terror as he leaned down to take the man’s sword.

Although he could handle all manner of weapons, swords and bows were among his most familiar.

Having finally obtained his best weapon in hand, Lü Bu completely regained the ease he felt as he rushed to and fro impetuously on the battlefield.

“Perfect, now I don’t have to catch you one by one myself!” he laughed.

He drew the sword out of its sheath and faced the King of Chu’s guards who surrounded him without an ounce of fear.

While Lü Bu fought one against a hundred and caused blood to run like a river, the Chu soldiers present were first shocked then stupefied.

The man was a blatant kingslayer, but he was one of their own, and even wore the uniform belonging to the general’s sentries…

They were Chu soldiers. According to common sense, they should definitely kill the person who murdered the King of Chu, without question.

However, the King of Chu had always treated General Xiang badly, and the relationship between monarch and minister was not harmonious. They had followed the general for many years, and were also aggrieved by this.

They didn’t know if this was really an assassin, or if General Xiang finally couldn’t bear it any more and privately ordered Lü Bu to do it?

Regarding whether they should cooperate with the king’s guards and take down the assassin, or if they should help Lü Bu… Xiang Yu was the only one who could make the final decision.

And as for Xiang Yu, who had an expressionless face but was actually confused, he couldn’t figure it out either.

While they were still in a daze, Lü Bu had happily fought alone against dozens, and his morale grew stronger as he did so.

A sword that was merely a gorgeous decoration for a courtier became a sharp weapon that felled countless others in his hands.

This decision of his to return directly to the palace and kill the King of Chu had only been a whim, but it was still the most suitable choice.

Although he was pants at strategizing, he had the wit to respond quickly to changes.

As long as the King of Chu was alive for one more day, Xiang Yu would be under the control of someone who favoured that ruffian Liu Bang. Who knew how much Liu Bang would make him suffer, and if that happened, until when would he have to wait for the two armies to openly confront each other?

Just now, he made the decision to ‘kill the King of Chu and blame Liu Bang’ after staring at the four Han officers dressed as ordinary soldiers.

Whether it was the west gate that Liu Bang segregated away, the Han officers pretending to be foot soldiers, or Liu Bang disappearing without a trace or farewell… it was all true anyway, what was a few more buckets of dirty water.

Although he couldn’t remember how long Xiang Yu tolerated the King of Chu in history, he knew that Chu and Han fought for supremacy and Xiang Yu appointed himself as the Hegemon-King of Western Chu, so the King of Chu must have been taken care of.

The world considered it a great injustice for a minister to kill his lord. If he wanted to do great things, he had to grasp the banner of righteousness.

Lü Bu had seen with his own eyes how Dong Zhuo, who killed that unlucky emperor Liu Bian, lost the people’s hearts and was chased by a group of warlords under the banner of eliminating tyranny… Lü Bu would never fall into the same pit a second time.

Instead of letting Liu Bang run wild, he might as well act first and stick the pot of regicide on the person who fled the scene. It would be hard for him to argue even if he wanted to.

Lü Bu’s sword rose and fell without pause and, while the Chu soldiers were still hesitating, he quickly killed two of the King of Chu’s closest courtiers and sixty of his guards.

In the hall which had only recently been filled with singing and dancing, there was now a river of blood and piles of corpses.

The guards who had dared to surround Lü Bu, and the soldiers left behind by Liu Bang, were frightened by his ferocious, god-like might. They pushed and shoved at one another, only daring to lift their weapons but not to step forward.

Lü Bu didn’t care that he was covered in blood. He just strode forward and put his sword below the chin of the man who seemed to be ranked the highest and trembled the most among the King of Chu’s remaining staff, then asked in a deep voice, “Do you want to live or die?”

Seeing his approach, the man couldn’t move an inch as he shuddered and wept bitterly, thinking that he was about to die. However, he didn’t expect Lü Bu to take the time to ask questions instead.

He was taken aback for a moment, then he replied fearfully, “I, I-I will listen to General’s orders.”

“I’m not your fucking general, shut up with the useless flattery,” Lü Bu snorted. He used the chilly blade to pat the man’s cheek, and immediately smelled urine in the air.

He frowned, retracted the sword in disgust, took a step back, and said lazily, “If you want to live, then don’t say things that would get you killed, understand?”

The man stared at him stupidly with his mouth open, not emitting a single sound. Lü Bu cursed him for being an idiot under his breath, then impatiently prompted him. “Liu Bang plotted to rebel in order to monopolise the treasures in the Qin Palace, he has coveted the Chu throne for a long time… His Majesty was aware of this and secretly ordered the Grand General to kill him at this banquet, but the thief was cunning, and sent four generals to enter the palace in disguise to assassinate the king… Fortunately, the Grand General is unparalleled in bravery. Although Liu Bang succeeded in his plan, the assassin was killed on the spot…”

As early as when he was in Luoyang with Dong Zhuo, he understood how eloquent these opportunists could be.

Instead of killing them all, it would be better to keep a few alive. For one, it would save him a lot of effort, and for another, it would be easier to deceive the idiots outside.

They were after all close ministers to the king, their words would be more likely to be believed than some random person’s.

Lü Bu wasn’t at all worried that they would object; these people had only gathered around the King of Chu for their own interests, and had targeted Xiang Yu out of fear. Once those interests disappeared and their lives were in danger, each would only be faster than the last to find another backer.

“Understood?” he asked impassively.

The man desperately nodded.

Satisfied, Lü Bu then looked around and considered the people Liu Bang had abandoned at the banquet… but right now he was no longer a marquis, he was a sentry who couldn’t even get his hands on proper clothing.

He looked towards Xiang Yu and Fan Zeng who had stood up at some point, as well as Xiang Bo who was so incensed that he was about to charge up… He directed a malicious grin at the latter and asked provocatively, “In my opinion, none of the thieves here can be kept. What does the general think?”

Damn, was this stupid overlord doing it or not? If he couldn’t even do this, then Lü Bu won’t do any work either!

I’m really getting a kick out of trawling the comment section, there are some real gems here

#1: I really want to hear Zhang Liang’s inner thoughts hahahahaha it must be really exciting

#2: It’s probably (???.???)???? and ⊙A⊙! then ⊙?⊙! then 0._.0

#3: Hey #2 why does your kaomoji have nostrils

#4: Zhang Liang: damn, I’m a Hann5A different hán (韩) from Liu Bang’s hàn (汉), and romanized differently in academia to make it clear; it’s actually the same hán used for Korea (韩国). Wikipedia person I don’t wanna serve Liu Bang anymore bye bye

#1: It’s great lol, everyone else is scheming, only Yuyu is seriously drinking wine and daydreaming lol

#2: Maybe he’s thinking… did he actually order Bubu to give the King of Chu a knife hahaha

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  • 1
    指桑骂槐: lit. to point at the mulberry tree and curse the locust tree; meaning to scold indirectly, or to make oblique accusations
  • 2
    A timekeeping method before clocks, approximately 30 minutes
  • 3
    十丈: 1 zhang = 10 chi; 1 chi ≈ 0.22m
  • 4
    Nanmu wood is from the Phoebe zhennan tree, which is found only in the Guizhou, Hubei, and Sichuan provinces; in the past, nanmu wood was so rare that only royal families could afford its use. Wikipedia
  • 5
    A different hán (韩) from Liu Bang’s hàn (汉), and romanized differently in academia to make it clear; it’s actually the same hán used for Korea (韩国). Wikipedia