Tag: interstellar (page 1 of 6)

Futuristic, may or may not involve multiple planets

Chapter 13: Bear the consequences yourself

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Yu Chenyu guessed correctly. Shortly after he rushed home to Qi Zihan, the army celebrated his return and made his medical report public.

Seeing him come back, Qi Zihan went to the bedroom to rest.

He felt especially drained, likely because he had consumed too much energy during the soothing.

If it weren’t for being nervous that something might happen to Yu Chenyu on his way back, he would have already gone to sleep after reading his medical report.

Why did he worry about Yu Chenyu?

It’s normal to worry about his roommate!

Not to mention that it was a roommate for whom he spent so much energy to snatch from the jaws of death!

“I’m sleepy. You can eat the leftovers and wash the dishes, it’ll be my turn next time…” Yawning, Qi Zihan waved to Yu Chenyu without looking back and went into the bedroom.

Yu Chenyu instinctively wanted to rush over to support him, but stopped when he saw him waving his hand.

Realising that he had waited for him to return before going to rest, joy and guilt intertwined within his heart.

He regretted not sending a message on his way back to tell Qi Zihan, “I’ll be back soon, you can take a nap if you’re tired.”

With that said, he hadn’t expected Qi Zihan to wait for him.

His Lord Wife waited for him.

The food on the table was already cold but Yu Chenyu ate it with relish.

However, when he turned on his terminal to check if there was any news –

Topic: First-Class Imperial General Yu Chenyu married. After a single soothing, his loss of control was instantly reduced to zero!

[Fuck! Isn’t he SS? What kind of female can directly clear the control loss of a SS male?]

[Not only the control loss, but the rate of control loss is also shockingly low! His wife’s too amazing! I really want to know who it is!]

[What? Is there someone who still doesn’t know? The army rescued a female from a high-risk area last night, General Yu Chenyu and the female had a match rate over 50 so they got together on the spot. It’s the first female who’s ever had a match rate more than 50 with General Yu Chenyu!]

[Regarding this female, the S-grade males have been talking about it like crazy! What does a match rate of over 50 mean? As far as I know, there’s no unmarried S-grade male whose match rate with this female is less than 80!]

[How is that possible! Is that still a female? That must be the world’s saviour!]

[What saviour? When have the gods ever cared about us zergs? This is the queen bee!]

Queen Bee?

Yu Chenyu thought of the Qi Zihan whom he saw in his inner world.

He had a pair of transparent membranous wings that fanned out behind him with plays of dizzyingly beautiful light and shadow.

The spike on his hand looked like a stinger.

The golden viscous liquid that first spurted out of his spike had a sweetness unique to honey.

Was his Lord Wife the ruler of the zerg race that only existed in their legends, who could soothe all of them by himself – the Queen Bee?

He kept reading absentmindedly.

[What’re you thinking? The queen bee’s spiritual power has to be at least SS! How can there be an SS-grade female?]

[But to be able to soothe an SS-grade male to this extent, his wife’s spiritual power can’t be lower than S!]

[Am I the only one curious about what the famously cold-blooded general looks like when he’s being soothed?]

[After imagining it, I suddenly feel that soldiers aren’t so annoying.]

[Whoa, females are in the comments, run away!]

Yu Chenyu silently closed the news site and logged into the military’s internal forum to take a look.

Topic: Welcoming First-Class Imperial General Yu Chenyu back to his beloved battlefield!


[Welcome back!]

[The empire is saved!]

[Many thanks to the general’s wife! Give the general’s wife a first-class merit!]

Expression easing slightly, the corners of his mouth even raised an arc.

The atmosphere in the military forum was still normal.

Yet just as he thought this…

[General, does your wife still need a spouse?]

Yu Chenyu’s smile froze.

[Wow, you’re really not afraid of dying.]

[Exactly. It’s one thing to show off your match rate, but you’re really brave to stick your face directly into the muzzle of the general’s gun.]

[Yeah, but… a female can’t have only one partner.]

[Although that’s true, this is a real-name forum, do you understand what I mean?]

[This child has never felt the terror of General Yu Chenyu.]

[It’s ok, right? Although General Yu Chenyu doesn’t like to smile and can kill aberrants and out-of-control comrades without blinking, he’s still better than General Zhu Yunqi who laughed while ripping off the legs of a deserter.]

[Hmm?] Zhu Yunqi appeared with a colourful flair unique to generals.


[Good job! Deserters should be punished!]

Yu Chenyu chuckled, shook his head, and posted a message.

Yu Chenyu: [If you have designs on my Lord Wife, go to the Female Association yourself. If you keep showing up in front of me, I’ll take it as a provocation – you’ll have to bear the consequences yourself.]

[Ahhhhh General Yu Chenyu’s here!]

[He calls his female Lord Wife!]

[I’m a little curious about how the general and his wife get along, but I don’t know if I should ask…]


[Ask, what’s wrong with asking?] Zhu Yunqi started to muddy the waters again. [It’s just that ‘you’ll bear the consequences yourself’!]


[Let’s go, let’s go.]

With no way to deal with Zhu Yunqi, he could only message him privately.

Yu Chenyu: I didn’t know you were so unpopular in the military forum.

Zhu Yunqi: This is called majesty, do you understand majesty?

Yu Chenyu: By removing a deserter’s legs?

Zhu Yunqi: If it was a stronger soldier who ran from the battlefield and abandoned his comrades, it wouldn’t be as simple as just having his legs cut off, besides, they’ll grow back anyways

Zhu Yunqi: Let’s not talk about this. Are you home yet? What did your wife say?

Yu Chenyu: Say about what?

Zhu Yunqi: He should’ve seen your med results, right? You’re already one of his, so his terminal should get a notification when your profile is updated. How did he react?

Thinking back, it seemed… there was no particular reaction.

Yu Chenyu: No reaction, he waited for me to come back before going to the bedroom, he was probably tired.

Zhu Yunqi: Oh yeah, it’s tiring to do soothing

Zhu Yunqi: But your control loss plummeted to zero! He did such an amazing thing but didn’t show off to you a bit? Didn’t he ask you to compensate him or anything?

Yu Chenyu: No.

Yu Chenyu frowned slightly.

It was good of Zhu Yunqi to remind him.

Yes, Qi Zihan did such a great job soothing him, he should do something as thanks.

Yu Chenyu: Should I be more proactive? But I don’t know what he wants.

Zhu Yunqi: Don’t panic, wait until he wakes up to ask. Even if he wants you to do a striptease, just do it. The degree of your loss of control has been reset to zero, so what can’t you give?

Yu Chenyu: You’re right.

Zhu Yunqi:

Zhu Yunqi: You really will do a striptease?

Yu Chenyu: Anyway, even if I dance it’ll only be for him to see, so you can forget it unless you want me to cut off your legs

Zhu Yunqi: 61Internet slang for praise, awesome, amazing etc

Yu Chenyu: By the way, I suspect that he’s the Queen Bee.

Zhu Yunqi: Ah?

Yu Chenyu: Although I haven’t seen his mimicry yet, in my inner world, he had a needle similar to a bee’s stinger, which is why I fought with him. I’d sensed danger after he invaded.

Zhu Yunqi: Really?

Yu Chenyu: I don’t know. Before I actually see his mimicry, I can only guess.

Zhu Yunqi: Queen bees only exist in legends… Wait, you mean, he soothed you to this extent without using his spiritual mimicry?

Yu Chenyu: Yeah.

Zhu Yunqi: Holy shit, that’s unbelievable! Maybe he really is the queen bee! Now the marshal can rest in peace!

Yu Chenyu: Do you want the marshal to die?

Zhu Yunqi: If living only brings him pain, then yes.

Yu Chenyu fell silent.

He didn’t want to watch the imperial marshal gradually lose control and die in his hands.

However, he also didn’t want him to have any contact with Qi Zihan using his body that had touched another male.

On one side was his former comrade and current superior officer.

On the other was his wife with whom he had fallen deeply in love.

As for how to choose, Yu Chenyu could only remain silent.

He was quiet and neither did Zhu Yunqi send any more messages.

Unlike him who was 23 years old, Zhu Yunqi was older by five years but the degree of his loss of control had always remained at around 20%, so he constantly fought on the empire’s most dangerous fronts. Who knew where he found the time to chat?

In contrast, Imperial Marshal Mo Yihai had never once been to the battlefield since his loss of control exceeded 50%. He operated in a limited range under the ‘care’ of several powerful soldiers.

How long had it been since Zhu Yunqi and Mo Yihai met in real life?

Yu Chenyu sighed silently, and after finishing his meal, he quietly took the dishes to the kitchen to wash them.

After wiping the dining table and sink, Yu Chenyu cleaned his hands again, then padded to the bedroom, pressed the door handle, and opened the door a crack.

Qi Zihan didn’t allow him to touch him without permission.

However, Qi Zihan didn’t say that he wasn’t allowed to sleep in the same bed.

Strong desire surged in his heart, wanting to get closer and closer to him.

Yet in the dim room where curtains blocked all light, Yu Chenyu looked at Qi Zihan’s sleeping figure from afar and finally failed to take that step.

He had never known fear on the battlefield and never retreated, but now he did so for the first time.

He quietly closed the door and lay down on the sofa.

* * *

The next day, Yu Chenyu wasn’t beside Qi Zihan when he woke up.

He didn’t know that Yu Chenyu slept on the sofa, he just thought that he had risen early and was already up.

Yu Chenyu had indeed gotten up and had even made breakfast for Qi Zihan and was now waiting for him in the living room.

Although he’d completely restored his status as a general, a newly married male had a maximum of seven days of marital holiday to accompany his female, of which the first three were mandatory.

In other words, even if Yu Chenyu wanted to return to the battlefield, he would have to wait another three days.

And rather than returning to the battlefield, he had more important things to deal with.

For example, the Female Association that was about to come recommend other males to Qi Zihan.

For another example, finding a way to deepen the relationship between himself and Qi Zihan.

The first thing Qi Zihan saw when he opened the bedroom door in his pyjamas was Yu Chenyu, sitting at the dining table, waiting for him to wake up.

Today Yu Chenyu wasn’t naked and nor was he wearing a military uniform. Instead, he wore a clean white shirt which was somewhat transparent due to sunlight coming through the window, making his tight muscles faintly visible.

He was stunned for a moment, and before he could recover, he saw Yu Chenyu stand and pull out a chair for him.

He clearly had plenty of time to pull it out, but he chose this time to do it, as if wanting him to see it.

“Good morning, Zihan,” Yu Chenyu smiled, “Do you want to wash up first or eat first?”

“Of course I’ll brush my teeth and wash my face first,” Qi Zihan said as he forced himself back to his senses and walked towards the bathroom.

“Okay, do you need help?”

“No thanks.”

Help? Help with what?

He hadn’t needed anyone to help him brush his teeth or wash his face since he was five years old.

“Today’s breakfast is egg and lettuce sandwiches with sweet milk. Do you want to add a spoonful of coffee to the milk to help wake you up?”

Did he mean turning it into milk coffee?

“Okay.” Although Qi Zihan liked sweets, he also liked coffee, albeit coffee that wasn’t too bitter.

Then, just as Qi Zihan finished washing up and sat down on the chair that Yu Chenyu pulled out for him, the doorbell rang.

“I’ll get it.” Yu Chenyu walked to the door, glanced at the display screen next to it, and saw two familiar faces.

They were the two from the Female Association who stopped him yesterday to extract information and brought out a recorder in an attempt to threaten him.

Yu Chenyu hesitated for a moment before saying to Qi Zihan, “They’re from the Female Association. They seem to be here to recommend males to you, do you want to let them in?”

“From the Female Association?” He had a rather good impression of them because they helped him a lot these past few days, so he said, “Let them come in.”

Yu Chenyu’s eyes dimmed a little as he opened the door.

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  • 1
    Internet slang for praise, awesome, amazing etc

Chapter 12: The Best Spiritual Soothing!

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What Mo Yihai’s body had been used to do?

He and Yunqi…

They did it?

Yu Chenyu’s blood pressure suddenly rose.

But he quickly suppressed it.

Because he knew full well that he was being provoked. If he got angry, he would fall into the trap.

He tried to respond calmly, but he seemed to have failed.

Yu Chenyu: Sure. If you dare to touch him, I’ll fulfil your wish and tear you to pieces!

Yu Chenyu: But I won’t allow it to happen!

Yu Chenyu: Don’t even think about touching a hair!

Mo Yihai: OK. Then let’s wait and see.

After that, no matter what Yu Chenyu said, the Imperial Marshal never replied.

After a while, Zhu Yunqi sent another message to Yu Chenyu.

Zhu Yunqi: You guys finished? What’d you say?

Zhu Yunqi: The marshal said that he got it wrong and there’s nothing wrong with you and he’s already apologised, is that true?


Yu Chenyu sneered silently.

Mo Yihai clearly didn’t tell Zhu Yunqi the contents of their conversation.

In that case, Yu Chenyu certainly didn’t want to lose Zhu Yunqi, his comrade and friend of six years.

But neither did he like to lie.

Yu Chenyu: Just pretend that this never happened. If you really care, just wait for my medical exam report to come out instead of making random speculations or slandering my wife

Zhu Yunqi: Your wife is that good?

Yu Chenyu: Yes, he’s amazing

Zhu Yunqi: He didn’t hurt you?

Yu Chenyu: No

Zhu Yunqi: And didn’t humiliate you?

Yu Chenyu: No

Zhu Yunqi: OK, I’ll believe you

Zhu Yunqi: But the more you say this, the more nervous I feel. It’s too good to be true… A SS-grade female falls from the sky and his match rate with you is 99.99%, he doesn’t beat or scold you, and gives soothing on the first day of your marriage

Yu Chenyu: I’ll introduce you someday

Zhu Yunqi: Aren’t you afraid that I’ll compete for favour?

Yu Chenyu: Well, you aren’t that kind of person

Zhu Yunqi: What kind?

Yu Chenyu: You’ll die on the battlefield


Zhu Yunqi: Yes

Zhu Yunqi: You’re right

Zhu Yunqi: I’ll only die on the battlefield

Zhu Yunqi: I’ll wait for your medical exam report

Yu Chenyu: Mn.

* * *

Yu Chenyu prepared a table full of delicious food for Qi Zihan, and waited for him to taste it before leaving.

Qi Zihan looked at the time and felt that it was getting late, so he didn’t make it difficult for him. After taking a few bites, he said, “Hm, not bad, you passed. Do you want to eat some before leaving?”

“No, it’s recommended to fast before a medical exam,” Yu Chenyu replied as he put on his military cap, once again dressed neatly from head to toe. “I’ll come back as soon as possible but I don’t know when that will be, may I take the keys with me?”

“Sure.” Qi Zihan took it out from his pocket and was about to toss it over, only to see Yu Chenyu take out his own keys from a pocket, gesture, and put it back.

Qi Zihan: “…”

That’s right, how could there be only one set?

“Then I’m heading out,” Yu Chenyu said. When he saw that Qi Zihan nodded without saying anything else, he turned around, opened the door, and walked out.

Qi Zihan quietly enjoyed the dinner Yu Chenyu made alone. It had to be said that his cooking skills were excellent, no worse than the chefs who served him before.

His appetite wasn’t that big so he left about half of all the dishes uneaten, which gave him an excuse to not wash the dishes.

Just as he turned on his terminal to learn more about this world, he received a system notification.

[System]: Dear Sir Qi Zihan, the medical examination results of your first male, Yu Chenyu, have been updated. Do you wish to check his profile immediately?

Qi Zihan: “…”

That gave him a fright, what the hell was first male?!

Who would give their spouses a number!

While complaining internally, he still spat out coldly, “Yes.”

Yu Chenyu’s updated profile page popped up in front of him.

Name: Yu Chenyu
Sex: Male (soldier)
Age: 23
Identity: First-class general of the empire, retirement application submitted 72 days ago has been automatically rejected
Last medical exam: 1 minute ago
Medical exam results: 0% control loss; rate of control loss is approx. 0.16%/day; estimated time until complete loss of control is 625 days; condition is good; it is recommended to immediately return to the front line to take command.
Physical capability: SS
Spiritual capability: SS
Spiritual mimicry: Illusory Flower Mantis

It worked!

His soothing method worked!

Seeing the medical exam results let him breathe a sigh of relief, then he subconsciously raised the corners of his lips. He was both happy for Yu Chenyu and proud of the role he played.

Meanwhile, Yu Chenyu, who hadn’t even stepped out of the clinic yet, threw the report in front of Zhu Yunqi.

Yu Chenyu: What do you say?

Zhu Yunqi: Holy shit!

Yu Chenyu: How is my Lord Wife?

Zhu Yunqi: Awesome!

Yu Chenyu: I told you so, you didn’t listen

Zhu Yunqi: I believe it! I believe it now! Holy fucking shit, 625 days! He’s given you nearly 2 years of life! He’s so much better than those females who can only extend our lives for a week! This is the best spiritual soothing I’ve ever seen! Is this what a SS female’s like!

Yu Chenyu: You admit defeat?

Zhu Yunqi: I admit it, I admit it! I want to kneel down and kiss his feet right now!

Yu Chenyu: Get lost.

Zhu Yunqi: OK OK, it was just a joke. I said I won’t fight over him with you and I mean it, I’m a confirmed bachelor. I’d rather die on the battlefield than touch a female

Zhu Yunqi: But to be honest, it’s a pity for such an amazing female to have only one male, and you’re even a soldier at that

Yu Chenyu: I don’t know who was so worried about me being rejected a few minutes ago? Now it seems like I’m the one not worthy of him

Zhu Yunqi: Ahem, I didn’t mean to say that there’s anything bad about you…

Yu Chenyu: Okay, I know what you mean. I’m guessing that the military department will make my report public in the next few minutes, then people from the Female Association will

Zhu Yunqi: What’s wrong? It’s not like you to only say half

Yu Chenyu: They’re here

Zhu Yunqi: Huh?

Yu Chenyu turned off all the screens blocking his view and looked towards the two males in front of him who were wearing uniforms of the Female Association.

These two worker males, both at least half a head shorter than Yu Chenyu, had to look up at him. Their momentum weakened before they even opened their mouths, not to mention that Yu Chenyu was wearing a formal military uniform.

“Um…” one of the workers began, “excuse me, are you General Yu Chenyu?”

“I am,” he replied expressionlessly.

“It’s like this. Recently, the Female Association has received many applications from males who want to marry your wife. According to standard procedure, we should go directly to him to recommend some males who are interested in marriage. However, we learned that he is an SS-grade female, so…”

“Scared?” Yu Chenyu summarised for him. His face was blank but a hint of sarcasm flashed in his eyes before it disappeared in an instant.

They were afraid of his wife so they wanted to get some information from him first?

Why did they think he would be happy to see his wife marry another male?

In this regard, he could only say one thing. “My Lord Wife has no plans to marry again for the time being, so there’s no need to bother.”

“Is this your wife’s intention or yours?” the other worker asked as he raised the recorder in his hand. “You should know that forcing a female to remain married to only yourself is illegal, right?”

At the sight of the recorder, not only was Yu Chenyu’s tone caustic, he scoffed as he easily pressed down the hand holding the recorder. “It’s my wife’s. If you don’t believe me, you can come for a visit, anyway, you’ll be the ones embarrassed, not me.”

The two workers looked at each other with identical expressions of disbelief.

Some females only married one male, but most of them did so because their spiritual strength wasn’t enough to soothe more males.

An SS-grade female would never have such troubles. It would be a waste to only marry one male, not to mention that the male in question was a soldier!

No female would be devoted to a cold and unresponsive soldier.

If there was, it could only be said that he hadn’t met a drone who was good at flirting.

Although they wanted to question Yu Chenyu’s words, his aura as a soldier was too intimidating. They could only back down.

“Okay, we will prepare gifts and go as soon as possible,” said the first worker.

“When the time comes, we will convey your words to him verbatim. We sincerely hope that you didn’t lie,” said the other worker as he put the recorder away.

“As you like.” Yu Chenyu didn’t think Qi Zihan lied.

Even though Qi Zihan’s original words were that he wasn’t ready to get married, and the people he wasn’t ready to marry included not only other males but also Yu Chenyu.

On the other hand, their marriage was already registered and Qi Zihan had provided him with such effective soothing – this was enough to prove the ‘feelings’ between them.

So he deliberately concealed this point, making the two workers mistakenly believe that Qi Zihan only loved him.

In reality, Yu Chenyu didn’t dare to guarantee that Qi Zihan wouldn’t be interested in the males recommended by the Female Association, but…

Anyway, the words had already been spoken, so let come what may.

Yu Chenyu admitted that he was feeling a little dizzy. After all, his loss of control was directly reset to zero, and the speed of the loss was also reduced to the lowest. No female had ever been able to soothe anyone to this extent!

And no male had ever been able to enjoy such efficient spiritual soothing!

This was the happiest he had been in his entire 23 years of life, so happy that he could wipe out all the aberrants on an entire planet!

As soon as the two workers left, Yu Chenyu opened his terminal again and brought up the chat with Zhu Yunqi.

Yu Chenyu: A couple people from the Female Association came, wanting to learn more about him before recommending some males. I drove them away

Zhu Yunqi: You chased away people from the female association? How did you get the guts?

Yu Chenyu: Yeah, how? But strangely, I’m not afraid at all

Zhu Yunqi: I think you should be a little scared. People from the female association are the best at tattling, they’ll charge you with interfering with the marital freedom of females and you can say goodbye to the battlefield you love forever.

Yu Chenyu: It’s fine, I trust him

Zhu Yunqi: What do you mean?

Yu Chenyu: I think a female as strong as him won’t like drones

Yu Chenyu: And among soldiers, I’m the strongest

Zhu Yunqi: ?

Zhu Yunqi: You already love him to the point of being delusional?

How could there be a female who liked soldiers and not drones?

Yu Chenyu: Yes, I love him.

Yu Chenyu: Yunqi, do you want to make a bet?

Zhu Yunqi: Bet on whether your wife likes soldiers or drones more?

Yu Chenyu: No, bet on whether the Association will get anything when they come to our door

Zhu Yunqi: Shit! Yu Chenyu, you’re crazy! Interfering with a female’s marriage will get you locked up!

Yu Chenyu: I won’t interfere. Do you dare to bet?

Zhu Yunqi: Damn, I just don’t believe it! Is there really such a good female in the world? I’ll bet! I bet that he’ll have a second, third, fourth, fifth male! But Chenyu, you don’t know how much I hope I’ll lose!

Yu Chenyu: Don’t worry, I’ll win

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Chapter 11: Make him get lost

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Yu Chenyu could hardly suppress his excitement when talking to Zhu Yunqi on his terminal.

However, he regained his usual indifference when he walked out of the bathroom.

The cold water washed away the marks on his body and his insatiable desires, but it couldn’t wash away the sins he carried.

He still had to face the mistakes he made and make up for them as much as possible.

If only because he didn’t want to lose that person.

He thought about it a lot while he was in the shower, constantly analysing and reflecting on why Qi Zihan was so disgusted by his confession.

Anyone would be disgusted if the one who made a mistake acted like a victim in front of the actual victim.

So this time, he adjusted his attitude. Steadily walking to Qi Zihan and ignoring his confused gaze, he first knelt on one knee then the other, and calmly listed his faults while on his knees.

“My mistakes are mainly four: one, I shouldn’t have allowed my mimicry to attack you while you were soothing me; two, I shouldn’t have had the thought of conquering you and shouldn’t have put it into action; three, I shouldn’t have imagined offensive scenes without your consent which led to failing to control my body’s reaction; and fourth, I shouldn’t have presumptuously guessed at your preferences, which resulted in me acting in such a way that arouses disgust.

“Someone who makes a mistake should accept punishment. This isn’t only compensation for you, but also my atonement. So, I hope you can give a clear punishment. I will accept anything.”

Qi Zihan listened very seriously at first, but halfway through, he picked up the snacks on the table and began eating.

This man was too serious!

He had tried to downplay things just now, yet he listed them one by one… Couldn’t he just pretend that nothing happened?

Qi Zihan didn’t dislike serious people, and he also understood Yu Chenyu’s anxiety about not being punished after making a mistake.

However, the reason why he didn’t punish him wasn’t due to kindness or tolerance, but because he didn’t think Yu Chenyu did anything wrong.

It was normal to be hostile when his inner world was invaded.

It was also normal to have a desire to conquer when seeing someone who was beautiful, powerful, and their ideal type.

The Yu Chenyu in reality couldn’t control his desires, but it wasn’t as if he couldn’t control his actions. Looking at the way he was tied to the bed and unable to move, Qi Zihan didn’t feel offended at all.

And the last one, speculating on what he was thinking.

Qi Zihan truly didn’t like others getting ahead of themselves. He didn’t even like having a maid tidy up his desk without his consent because it seemed messy but actually had its order.

However, how long had he known Yu Chenyu?

They only met last night, yet he wanted to know everything about his personality and preferences today?

He was asking too much of himself.

But they were from two different worlds, growing up in two different environments, so it was to be expected for them to have completely different views on the same thing.

Since Qi Zihan understood Yu Chenyu’s anxiety about his lack of punishment, he could give a punishment.

But before that, he wanted to know if Yu Chenyu thought that he was in the wrong.

After casting a slow glance at the time on his terminal, he felt that there was still plenty of time, so he would ask about it one by one.

First question: “When the inner world is invaded, the spiritual mimicry will instinctively attack – can this behaviour be controlled?”

Yu Chenyu pondered for a while and finally decided to tell the truth, remembering that Qi Zihan liked ‘truthful answers’. “Spiritual mimicry in the inner world relies more on instinct, so… it’s hard.”

“Since that’s the case, what did you do wrong in this matter?” Qi Zihan asked.

Yu Chenyu opened his mouth slightly before hesitating, suddenly finding that he couldn’t answer this question.

As a male zerg, he attacked a female. No matter who he told this to, the other party would think that he was finished, he would die, and that his crime was unforgivable.

However, the reason why he attacked was because he felt that Qi Zihan’s mimicry was very dangerous. In a sense, his attack was a recognition of Qi Zihan’s strength.

Was it wrong to recognise a person’s strength?

Yu Chenyu didn’t know how to answer.

However, Qi Zihan’s patience was limited. “Three, two…”

“I don’t know,” Yu Chenyu said honestly.

Qi Zihan continued to ask without commenting. “Under what circumstances would someone have the desire to conquer another person?”

“He must be powerful yet charming, like a once-in-a-lifetime treasure,” he replied, carefully recalling how he felt in his inner world at the time. “You’ll want to possess it before others discover it.”

Qi Zihan, very happy to hear this, felt the frustration caused by being unable to beat Yu Chenyu head-on disappear. “Thank you for your compliment, but that means you want to say that your recognition of me is a mistake?”

“No,” Yu Chenyu blurted out. He then opened and closed his mouth as if wanting to say something, but in the end, he couldn’t say it.

Qi Zihan didn’t care. “It’s true that I didn’t expect you to do that. You think it’s offensive, don’t you? Fine. Do you know how other females soothe males? I don’t like that method so I tried something else, but you still had the same reaction as the other males, which made me feel that my efforts were useless – this is what I care about, do you understand?”

“Understood,” Yu Chenyu nodded.

He had vaguely guessed that Qi Zihan was confirming something when he asked him to give truthful answers.

It was only now, after listening to Qi Zihan’s explanation, that he understood just what he was confirming.

“Finally, about my personality and preferences,” he began, then paused. “If you want me to speak directly, I can’t explain it. I can only say that when two people live together, there’ll always be a period of adjustment. In this time, you will understand me better, and I’ll also understand you better. But what I want to understand is the real you, not a mask that you put on to please me. Even if that works, if you’re not happy, then what’s the point of extending your life?”

Yu Chenyu looked up in astonishment and met Qi Zihan’s eyes.

Before, he had been keeping his head down, not wanting to do anything that could annoy Qi Zihan further.

But after hearing this, he could no longer hold back.

Several years ago, when his medical exam report wasn’t as bad as now, he once said to his comrades in high spirits, “Whoever wants to pamper females can go do it themselves, I just want to die on the battlefield. Even if I can survive by crawling at their feet, what’s the point of living unhappily?”

Why did he forget that?

When did he become someone that he looked down upon?

The kind of person who would give up everything just to survive.

Yu Chenyu’s emotions went up and down again and again. He wanted to say something to Qi Zihan, but he couldn’t utter a single syllable from his slightly opened mouth.

Qi Zihan sat on the sofa in a leisurely posture, looking down at him without flinching, just like when they were fighting in the inner world.

All that needed to be said had been said, it was time to punish people.

This was Qi Zihan’s punishment for Yu Chenyu: “I’m hungry, make me something to eat. If it’s not tasty I’ll cut off your arm.”

“Okay,” Yu Chenyu responded softly. He got up, looked at Qi Zihan deeply, and then went to the refrigerator.

While he cooked, he received a message full of worry from his good friend Zhu Yunqi.

Zhu Yunqi: I discussed it with the marshal and feel that your inner world might’ve been manipulated by your wife. It just so happens that you’re going to have a medical exam today, the marshal’s asking which clinic you’re going to, he’ll come help you take a look

Yu Chenyu: ?

Yu Chenyu: He also wants to fight me in the inner world?

Fighting with Qi Zihan in his inner world was an accident, it only happened because Qi Zihan was too handsome and he aroused his desire.

But Qi Zihan was a female, so he could still control himself to a certain extent and avoid hurting him.

If it were a male coming in instead, it wouldn’t end at just fighting a few rounds.

Zhu Yunqi: The marshal… Yihai says he’s about to lose control, so it doesn’t matter if he’s beaten to death in your inner world. At least he’ll be able to confirm your safety before then, so it won’t be in vain

Yu Chenyu: Tell him to fuck off

Zhu Yunqi:

Zhu Yunqi: You’re sure you want me to reply like that?

Yu Chenyu: Sure.

Zhu Yunqi:

Zhu Yunqi: He’s now the marshal, the top-level military authority, the supreme ruler of the empire

Yu Chenyu: If he wants to die, die on the battlefield. Don’t use me to relieve his pain

Zhu Yunqi: He didn’t mean that…

Yu Chenyu: Tell him to get lost, I don’t want to say it again

Zhu Yunqi: Yu Chenyu!

Yu Chenyu: Let him come tell me what he wants himself

Zhu Yunqi didn’t reply.

After a while, Imperial Marshal Mo Yihai sent a message.

Mo Yihai: I’m here.

Yu Chenyu: Fuck off

Mo Yihai had anticipated this reply. Without even blinking, he used his spiritual power to input words and replied to him patiently.

Mo Yihai: This is the level of soothing that your wife provides?

Upon seeing this, Yu Chenyu had to calm down to confront him for the sake of Qi Zihan’s reputation.

Yu Chenyu: You know yourself what you’re thinking. As an SS-grade soldier, do you really think that spiritual power can change a person’s cognition and even personality? I don’t care about why you lied to Yunqi and I won’t talk about your relationship, but it doesn’t mean that I don’t know. But if you want to die, don’t plot against me. I’ll only kill you when you lose control

Mo Yihai: Haha, you’re still so sharp, nothing can escape your eyes.

Mo Yihai: Okay, I’ll admit it, I do want to die in your hands because in the entire empire, only you have the ability.

Mo Yihai: There’s another reason that will be enough for you to attack me.

Yu Chenyu: What reason?

Mo Yihai: You probably don’t want me to touch your beloved Lord Wife with this body of mine, which you should be able to guess what it’s been used for, right?

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Chapter 10: Fascinated

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Qi Zihan was still straddling Yu Chenyu, so he easily noticed something was off.

Quickly flipping from the bed to the floor, he looked at Yu Chenyu on the bed with a frown. “I didn’t… Why did it happen again?”

He obviously found a different way to soothe Yu Chenyu, so why did it lead to such a result?

What went wrong?

“I’m sorry,” Yu Chenyu said, not daring to look at Qi Zihan.

He had too many things to apologise for, so many that he couldn’t and didn’t dare to count.

Ultimately, he could only close his eyes and accept his fate. “Please punish me. If you have reservations, untie me and I will do it myself.”

“Do what yourself?”

“Are you going to cut off one of my arms or one of my legs? Or cut off my…”

“Stop!” Qi Zihan was a little flustered.

When he first discovered Yu Chenyu’s physical changes, he did have the idea of scaring him with something like ‘believe it or not, I’ll castrate you,’ but now he dared not say it out loud.

Because he did not doubt that Yu Chenyu would do it.

Since entering his inner world, Qi Zihan knew how serious this person was. Every single word that came out of his mouth was to be taken for real, he would do exactly as he said.

Not refined at all.

Yet Qi Zihan quite liked this aspect of him.

“Okay, considering that I’m the one who tied you up, I forgive you,” Qi Zihan said as he threw the quilt on Yu Chenyu’s body, which was wearing clothes yet still couldn’t conceal anything, trying to preserve his remaining dignity. “I just want to know – are you like this because of my soothing, or were you imagining something?”

“It was my fault,” Yu Chenyu admitted with lowered eyes.

His tightly bound hands clenched into fists and his legs bent, as if to cover something.

“Really?” Qi Zihan pinched his chin, trying to look him in the eyes to determine whether he said the truth.

But Yu Chenyu kept his eyes down, not daring to look at him.

Despite having been on the battlefield for so many years, he had never been as embarrassed as he was now. He had never lost composure in front of anyone like this and had no idea how to face him.

Being stripped naked and tied up on their wedding night was something that every male zerg had to experience to make the female feel as safe and relaxed as possible, and to leave a good impression. This was why Yu Chenyu didn’t feel anything in particular regarding it.

Personally handing a whip to the female and letting them whip them was a common practice among soldier zergs.

Their bodies weren’t as flexible as drones’, nor could they learn a drone’s skills in pleasing females; the only thing they had to offer were their strong bodies that could recover no matter the damage suffered, as long as they survived.

Thus, when he also did so, he felt that it was humiliating but necessary.

Yet now, as he was fighting with his wife in his inner world, he was filled with the idea of conquering him while being conquered by his fighting posture, which aroused some strange desires in him.

Then his wish to conquer was discovered and the him in the inner world was defeated in such a mortifying way. Then the him in reality was overwhelmed by desire, and not only did his body change, but he was also caught by his wife there as well…

No, he had to do something, otherwise it wouldn’t be enough to make up for his mistakes!

“Lord Wife,” Yu Chenyu said, forcing himself to raise his eyes to meet Qi Zihan’s gaze.

Qi Zihan was stunned for a moment, not because he suddenly moved but because he looked a little pitiful right now.

Even when he was naked and offering a whip, his eyes had been cold and forbearing.

He endured the humiliation and refused to lose the last scraps of his dignity no matter how humbly he acted.

But at this moment, his eyes were filled with complex emotions that Qi Zihan couldn’t understand.

Like a lone wolf trapped in a quagmire of despair, unable to break free alone, he could only lower his arrogant attitude and ask for help.

Qi Zihan quietly listened to what he had to say.

And what came was, “I’m sorry, please punish me, whatever you want to do to me, please… I know my crime is unforgivable and any punishment is meaningless, but if it can make you feel even a little bit better, please punish me…”


It felt a little surreal. Qi Zihan looked at the man in front of him who looked up with pitiful eyes as he tried desperately to apologise, thinking of the man in the inner world who fought back and forth with him with a blank expression throughout the whole process…

They were the same person?

He had originally been a little tempted, but when he submitted so quickly, he lost interest.

“First of all, did I or did I not make a deal with you, for you to not call me Lord Wife or to use honorifics?” he stated coldly.

“Yes… I apologise.” Yu Chenyu smiled bitterly in his heart.

Another crime was added to the list.

“Secondly, when I ask you a question, I want a real answer, not something that you think would make me happy. Don’t presumptuously try to guess at my thoughts or do things that you think would please me.” He looked down at Yu Chenyu and asked again, “Tell me, are you like this because of my soothing, or were you imagining something?”

“It’s me…” Yu Chenyu reluctantly answered, pursing his lips.

He had already angered him, how could it get any worse?

“I was deeply attracted by the way you fought, and I wanted to possess you completely and become your male, so I couldn’t control myself,” he said, his tone finally returning to its usual calmness as the emotion in his eyes also subsided a little.

“I see.”

Qi Zihan was quite satisfied with the answer this time. He could finally confirm that there was nothing wrong with his soothing method.

Therefore, the next step was to determine its effectiveness.

“When is your next medical exam?” he asked.

Yu Chenyu used his spiritual power to log in to the terminal on his wrist, twisted awkwardly to look at the time, and answered, “In an hour.”

“Uh, so fast?” Qi Zihan looked at the time displayed on his own terminal in surprise, and then realised that despite it feeling like only ten minutes had passed since entering Yu Chenyu’s inner world, it had been nearly six hours! It was almost time for dinner!

“Can you make it in time?” he asked as he hurriedly unlocked the handcuffs on Yu Chenyu’s wrists, and then took off the ropes.

Letting him do whatever he wanted, Yu Chenyu sounded somewhat depressed as he replied, “There’s a clinic nearby, it only takes a few minutes by hoverbike. I only need to get there ten minutes early.”

“I’m not talking about that.”

“I’ll make you dinner before I go.”

“And not that either…” Qi Zihan glanced at the quilt.

Yu Chenyu hesitated to speak, but finally forced himself to say, “I can.”

“Okay.” Qi Zihan untied Yu Chenyu, then left the bedroom and walked into the living room, where he sat on the sofa and played on his terminal.

Yu Chenyu, who had regained his freedom, stayed in the bedroom for a long time before going out. As he did, he passed behind the sofa and looked at Qi Zihan’s back, wanting to say something, before stopping himself. In the end, he went into the bathroom without saying anything.

He felt uneasy. However, he faintly realised that his wife didn’t like his vulnerable side, so he couldn’t show it.

How strange. Most females preferred gentle drones to cold soldiers.

They would dote on their drones while torturing their soldiers.

Therefore soldiers didn’t like to get married, and could even be said to be afraid of getting married.

Yet ironically, soldiers were the most likely out of all males to lose control and were also the most dangerous when they did, so they had the greatest need for marriage.

Yu Chenyu thought that he would never be able to learn what drones did and he didn’t want to learn it either, but he still looked up some information.

But now he found that his research was useless.

His wife appeared to be an outlier who preferred soldiers to drones.

As he showered, he couldn’t resist asking his friend for help.

Yu Chenyu: If a female likes stronger males, wagging their tail to beg for mercy will only cause disgust. So after doing something wrong, how can they admit their mistake without causing disgust?

Zhu Yunqi: Are you stupid? The female says he likes tough guys but does he actually like tough guys? It’s just that tough guys are more exciting to bully

Zhu Yunqi: Wait, is the female you’re talking about…

Zhu Yunqi: Are you ok?

Yu Chenyu: Not very good

Yu Chenyu: He gave me soothing

Zhu Yunqi: ?

Zhu Yunqi: And then?

Yu Chenyu: And then our spiritual mimicries fought in my inner world

Zhu Yunqi: Wha?

Yu Chenyu: I couldn’t control my mimicry. I revealed a desire to conquer him and even thought about how to conquer him. Then he sensed it

Zhu Yunqi: Wha?

Yu Chenyu: In the end, I lost. He injected me with something while in my inner world, I don’t know what it was but my inner world is now very peaceful. It’s calmer than ever, like a clear sky after heavy rain.

Zhu Yunqi: No, wait. A female fought with you, a first-class general of the empire, in your inner world? And defeated you?

Yu Chenyu: Yes.

Zhu Yunqi: How can that be! Is your SS spiritual power just for show?

Yu Chenyu: He’s also SS

Zhu Yunqi: If even you lost, then wouldn’t he wipe the floor with me?

Zhu Yunqi: Wait wait wait, that’s not right, stop changing the subject. Wasn’t it for soothing? Why did you fight? Are you a straight male or not! Why did you fight with a female?

Yu Chenyu: He…

Yu Chenyu washed his face with cold water, turned off the faucet, and leaned on the wall with one hand, feeling his frantic heartbeat and unable to suppress certain emotions in his heart.

Yu Chenyu: He was so cool, I couldn’t help myself. You don’t know how much he fascinated me

Zhu Yunqi: ?

Zhu Yunqi: You went crazy?

Yu Chenyu: I didn’t. I’m very awake. If you experience his mental invasion, you’ll know that his strength is deserving of his arrogance

Yu Chenyu: I don’t feel good now, I’m uneasy. I’ve done so many things that offend him. If it were any other female, maybe I’d already have been prosecuted in court right now

Yu Chenyu: But after talking with you for a while, I’ve realised that the uneasiness isn’t because I’m afraid I’ll be punished but because I’m afraid of losing him

Yu Chenyu: You don’t know how upset I was when he said he wants to look for other males!

Yu Chenyu: I obviously know that he has the right to! He has the right to all the males in the empire! But I actually wanted to stop him! I actually didn’t want to share him with anyone!

Zhu Yunqi: You’re crazy.

This time, Zhu Yunqi used an affirmative statement.

He had known Yu Chenyu for six years. In that time, he had seen his bravery on the battlefield, his despair after killing his out-of-control comrades, his anxiety when facing his own loss of control, and his numbness after getting used to it.

Most of the time, Yu Chenyu restrained his emotions.

This was the first time Zhu Yunqi saw him be so excited, to the point that he seemed like a different person.

What did that female do to him in his inner world?

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Chapter 9: Want to conquer him?

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Qi Zihan quickly noticed the spike on his hand.

It was pure silver, very thin, and about one metre long.

Rather than holding it, it grew out of his right palm.

Touching it with his left hand, he found that he could freely extend and retract it, and moreover, he didn’t feel any pain even if he retracted the spike into his flesh.

What was it?

It seemed to be part of his body.

But this wasn’t important. Yu Chenyu’s spiritual mimic had already appeared, how should he soothe him?

Qi Zihan turned his attention back to Yu Chenyu, who stood not far away.

During the time he spent studying the spike, Yu Chenyu could no longer hold himself back.

Qi Zihan’s invasion of his inner world had dragged Yu Chenyu’s consciousness in as well, and now it was attached to his spiritual mimicry.

Although this was the case, he couldn’t completely control its actions.

Because he was much more ‘straightforward’ here than in reality.

In the real world, he could easily suppress the whims, desires, and impulses that he shouldn’t have, and prevent himself from turning them into reality.

Yet in the inner world, he acted on instinct, and often, a mere thought was enough to make him act accordingly.

The current Yu Chenyu instinctively wanted to both defend himself from the invasion and to pursue the female.

He decided that it was best to act while Qi Zihan was studying the spike, so he flapped his membranous wings and approached while slightly opening his folded forelimbs, making a hunting posture.

However, in the inner world, Qi Zihan was equally sensitive. As soon as he noticed his movements, he thrust out the sharp needle until it was a full two metres long.

Males typically didn’t attack females. When facing female zergs, their courtship instincts far outweighed any aggression.

But that was because most males had much better physical and spiritual abilities than females, and because spiritual mimicry of females usually looked harmless; even if they didn’t want to mate, they rarely had the intention to attack either.

Qi Zihan was different. His spiritual mimicry was extremely aggressive, and his spiritual power reached as high as SS-grade.

This was the first time Yu Chenyu’s inner world was invaded by someone with SS-grade spiritual power. Although he was the one to invite them in, his mimic couldn’t relax. Instead, his hostility increased sharply, so much so that any instinct for mating turned into something more like conquering.

He wanted to clamp him with his forelimbs, subdue his spike, and then…

“Your thinking is quite dangerous.”

Qi Zihan could use his spiritual powers to sense the thoughts of flowers, so how could he not sense what Yu Chenyu’s spiritual mimic was thinking?

This man wanted to conquer him?

This man who would kneel naked at his feet, raise a whip above his head, and repeatedly emphasise that he should tie the rope tighter.

Did he want to conquer him?


Sensing Yu Chenyu’s thoughts, Qi Zihan’s fighting instinct was also aroused.

He wanted to see who would conquer whom!

Battle was about to erupt, no one knew who would start first.

It could be that Yu Chenyu opened his folded forelimbs first, or it could be that Qi Zihan raised the spike on his hand first.

In short, the distance between them abruptly shortened, and both aimed their ‘weapons’ at each other!

Qi Zihan pointed his spike at Yu Chenyu’s shoulder, only for him to easily twist away and then swing his forelimbs towards Qi Zihan!

Qi Zihan fell at high speed, successfully evading his grasp. He then darted behind Yu Chenyu and thrust his spike again!

Yu Chenyu was dominated by instincts in his inner world, but Qi Zihan still had rationality.

He knew that he couldn’t hurt Yu Chenyu. Although he was angry that he wanted to conquer him, he had promised to soothe him!

Even if he had to nail him to the ground with his spike, he had to accept the soothing amidst the pain!

After a round of fierce combat, Qi Zihan suddenly felt a strong emotion coming from Yu Chenyu’s mimicry.

It was a mixture of pleasure from meeting a worthy opponent and fear of the future.

He wasn’t afraid of a future where he would lose control, but rather–

[I-I attacked my Lord Wife! How could I… What am I doing!]

Hearing this, Qi Zihan couldn’t help but sneer. “Didn’t you want to conquer me just now? Now you remember that I’m your wife?” Then he felt that something was wrong. “Psh, who’s your wife! I haven’t had the time to know that many people since coming to this world, maybe I can meet someone better than you? Why should I hang myself on a tree like you!”

Yu Chenyu, who had just stopped attacking out of fear, suddenly charged towards him with his two serrated forelimbs stretched out!

“Again? Can’t you just take your soothing properly!”

Qi Zihan didn’t want to fight anymore because he realised that although Yu Chenyu was fighting very hard, he had never used his full strength from beginning to end. Several times, he was almost caught, but Yu Chenyu’s movements would suddenly stop, thus allowing him to escape.

He truly had thought he could fight Yu Chenyu to a draw in his inner world at first, but after realising that Yu Chenyu was going easy, he instantly lost interest.

What he didn’t know was that Yu Chenyu also felt frustrated.

Not only because he failed to suppress his instincts and committed a very grave offence, but also because he could see that Qi Zihan didn’t use all his strength – his sharp silver needle seemed able to inject venom, yet it had never been aimed at his vital points even once.

Just as Qi Zihan’s suggestive words about wanting to find other males stimulated him into rushing forward madly, a ball of sweet golden liquid flew towards him and covered his face.

What… is this?

With this moment of hesitation, his fierce forelimbs and glittering wings were all stuck in the golden sticky liquid, unable to move an inch.

Losing its support, his body fell straight down into the flowers, where he rolled and struggled with all his strength.

Qi Zihan flew closer and looked down at his writhing form.

Instead of any cloth, Yu Chenyu’s body was covered with a thick golden mucus.

The mucus was extraordinarily sticky, and it stuck the two beautiful butterfly-like transparent wings behind him together.

No matter how he tumbled or rolled, it couldn’t do anything except make his wings more miserable and himself more embarrassed.

Qi Zihan looked at the spike growing out of his right palm, which still had a drop of golden mucus on the tip.

Huh? What’s this? It’s so useful!

Using his left hand, he took the drop from the needle and licked it from his stained fingers.

Sweet. It was honey.

Putting that aside, he looked down at Yu Chenyu who had finally stopped struggling.

The half-mantis Yu Chenyu was now lying in a field of flowers, covered in honey and panting violently.

Qi Zihan could sense his unwillingness and humiliation through spiritual power.

It turned out that he knew of humiliation.

And he also cared about his dignity.

So, when he humbly knelt naked in front of him and begged to not be abandoned, just how much did he endure?

The soldier at his feet right now was proud, he enjoyed the thrill of fighting and didn’t like to bow to anyone – it was a completely different impression than before.

Qi Zihan didn’t want to admit that his heartbeat quickened a little at the sight of such a lofty soldier falling, disgraced, to his feet.

Does he want to conquer me?

Why can’t I want to conquer him as well?

Conquer this man who looks stronger than me.

Yet he didn’t attack in the end.

Yes, he enjoyed the feeling of conquering the strong.

But he disdained humiliating already conquered prey.

Giving him that gratification would be an unnecessary humiliation and a further trampling of his dignity.

Although the victim was ready for it, and even expected him to do so.

There should be another way.

Using sexual stimulation to combat loss of control was only the simplest and most vulgar way.

“What do you want?” Qi Zihan asked as the tip of his needle touched the man’s chest.

The man’s emotions flowed directly into Qi Zihan’s mind through the long silver needle: [I want to calm down.]

“Then, let’s try a tranquiliser,” he replied. Raising the needle tip, some slightly opaque white liquid – completely different from the honey – soon flowed out.

He used his spiritual power to examine it carefully, and only after confirming that the liquid had a sedative effect did he insert the slender needle into Yu Chenyu’s arm and inject it into his body.

The ‘strategy’ he found on his terminal was right – practice was indeed the best learning method.

During the battle with Yu Chenyu, he quickly understood the true use of his spike.

He could make all kinds of liquids and spray them out from the small hole at the tip of the needle, just like a syringe that could inject all kinds of medicine.

We took so long just to find out that my spiritual mimicry is a doctor? he complained internally.

Seeing that Yu Chenyu’s mimicry had stabilised, he immediately waved his hand to dispel the honey, returning him to a spotless body.

Although he didn’t know whether his unique way of soothing would work, Qi Zihan had done everything he could and also felt that he could leave.

As soon as he had that thought, he found himself back in the bedroom, on the bed, and on Yu Chenyu.

He stared for a while until Yu Chenyu slowly opened his eyes. His expression was calm and he seemed to be in a good condition.


Wasn’t there something wrong with his body?

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Chapter 8: Too loose, tighten it a bit more

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This would be the first time for Qi Zihan to soothe a male zerg, so he had no experience.

It was also the first time for Yu Chenyu to receive soothing from a female, he also had no experience.

Therefore, after one proposed and the other accepted, neither of them rushed to do anything, in favour of going through their various concerns instead.

“I won’t get hurt if I don’t get it right, right?” Qi Zihan would be trying his best not to harm Yu Chenyu, so he was more worried about getting hurt himself.

Yu Chenyu felt that this was justified. “I don’t know,” he said, “I suggest you tie me up before trying it.”


It involved his own safety this time, so Qi Zihan didn’t resist.

The two entered the bedroom one after another, closed the curtains, turned on the lights, then Yu Chenyu sat on the bed and offered his wrists to Qi Zihan.

Forcing himself not to think about what might happen after soothing Yu Chenyu, Qi Zihan picked up the coarse rope that he used a lot of effort to untie from the bed and wrapped it around Yu Chenyu’s wrists.

Yet before he could tie a knot, Yu Chenyu said, “It’s too loose, tighten it a bit more.”

“Don’t rush, aren’t I doing it now?” Qi Zihan pulled the rope tight after he wrapped it at least three times, then tied the first knot.

“Tighter, otherwise I can break free too easily,” Yu Chenyu said.

Qi Zihan: “…”

Okay, you’re strong, you’re awesome.

He used all his strength to tighten the rope, squeezing Yu Chenyu’s wrists as much as possible, before tying the second knot.

Yu Chenyu finally seemed satisfied, but then he said, “My ankles as well.”

Qi Zihan, whose palms had been rubbed raw by the ropes, looked at Yu Chenyu with resentment.

Yu Chenyu instantly quieted. After his wrists were tied together, he took the initiative to lay on the bed, then raised his arms and touched the handcuffs fixed to the headboard. “Shackle me.”

Handcuffs were much more convenient to use. “People who know would know that I’m about to soothe you, but people who don’t know would think that I’m interrogating a prisoner,” Qi Zihan couldn’t help complaining after he neatly locked him up.

Yu Chenyu stared for a while without responding. He just closed his legs and waited for him to tie up his feet with more ropes.

Sighing, Qi Zihan yielded to his fear of death and also tied his ankles together.

However, halfway through, Yu Chenyu’s voice came again: “Tighter.”

“Shut up!” Qi Zihan shouted as he exerted all his strength to tie up Yu Chenyu’s ankles, before laying on the edge of the bed to recover.

He felt as if his past ten years of exercising were all in vain!

He used so much strength but still couldn’t even leave a mark on Yu Chenyu’s body!

Males — no, what kind of monsters were soldiers!

Seeing Qi Zihan sink to his knees, Yu Chenyu suddenly realised something and went into a brief daze. “Sorry, I…”

He just didn’t want to hurt Qi Zihan in case anything went wrong, but he forgot that there was no way to compare the physical capabilities of male and female zergs.

Even if Qi Zihan’s body was stronger than that of most males, the gap between A and SS was the difference between life and death on the battlefield.

“Alright, you can stop emphasising that you’re stronger than me and can take more beatings,” Qi Zihan said irritably.

Although he was a female, he was a man! He was someone who had persisted in athletics for more than a decade! He hated seeing others with better muscles than him, people who could fight better than him!

Yu Chenyu didn’t dare to say anything more.

He realised that he had angered his wife, but it turned out to be because he brought attention to the vast difference in their physical capabilities?

He had never felt inferior due to being a soldier, and was even a little proud of it.

Like most soldiers, he looked down on drones whose physiques weren’t much different from females and couldn’t step onto the front lines.

But at this moment, as a spouse, he truly felt the gap between him and drones.

Yes, for females who were far from battles, they didn’t need a soldier’s protection. A soldier’s strength was useless except for giving them pressure and anxiety.

A drone’s gentleness, sensitivity, and docility were what they liked and needed.

He opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but stopped again.

He wanted to say that he wouldn’t hurt Qi Zihan, but this was his first time receiving spiritual soothing and he didn’t know what would happen. He couldn’t guarantee it.

Qi Zihan didn’t know his thoughts.

After resting for a while and regaining his strength, he got up, climbed onto the bed, and straddled Yu Chenyu.

He placed his hands on both sides of his head and leaned down to meet his eyes. His light brown eyes were obviously very indifferent, but perhaps because of the colour, they were also quite reassuring.

It only took a moment for Yu Chenyu to relax. For a moment, he felt as if there would be no danger even if he opened up his inner world completely and let Qi Zihan do whatever he wanted.

“Ready?” Qi Zihan asked.

Humming in agreement, Yu Chenyu closed his eyes and relaxed his whole body. Not only did he put down all his defences, he also opened his inner world invitingly.

“Then, I’m coming in.” Qi Zihan carefully released his spiritual power to look for the entrance of Yu Chenyu’s inner world.

He vividly remembered the past event Yu Chenyu told him about.

Knowing that a male’s inner world was fragile no matter how strong their physical capability, he was really afraid that he would hurt Yu Chenyu if he wasn’t careful, so he was extremely gentle.

However, he didn’t know that Yu Chenyu had concealed two things.

The first was that the murdered soldier had only B-grade spiritual power.

The second was that the words ‘a fragile spirit’ had nothing to do with Yu Chenyu, who had SS-grade spiritual power.

Yu Chenyu had encountered an aberrant with S-grade spiritual power in a high-risk area. That thing could use its spiritual power to forcibly invade and destroy a zerg’s inner world, which had once caused the annihilation of an entire army.

For the sake of avenging those who had died and to resolve a major hidden danger, Yu Chenyu flew into battle alone and used his spiritual power to rip the aberrant’s mimicry apart, crushing it from the inside out.

Thus far, nothing could forcibly invade his inner world, let alone cause damage to it.

Qi Zihan patiently explored the thing that should be Yu Chenyu’s spiritual power for a while. Through their contact, he could feel something flowing between them, which were probably Yu Chenyu’s emotions.

No anxiety, no uneasiness, only relaxation and quiet anticipation.

He believed in him.

He handed over everything he had, including his life, and let him do as he pleased.

Soon, Qi Zihan felt a force guiding his spiritual power.

Guiding him through the entrance to the inner world, which he had found but was afraid to touch.

He realised that this was Yu Chenyu’s invitation.

Since that was the case…

Taking a deep breath, he released more spiritual power, then squeezed into his inner world.

The moment he did so, he found that his environment changed.

He wasn’t on the bed, he wasn’t even in the bedroom, and there was no Yu Chenyu beneath him.

At this moment, he floated — or hovered, or was flying — above a field of flowers.

Was this Yu Chenyu’s inner world?

It looked pretty good.

Although Yu Chenyu himself was handsome, the kind of handsome that would let his enemies lose their minds.

Qi Zihan had been quite surprised the first time he saw Yu Chenyu.

It wasn’t just because of his seductive posture, it was also because of his appearance.

Qi Zihan had never seen such a good-looking man.

Perhaps the reason why he went against himself time and time again — agreeing to keep him and soothing him even when he clearly knew what it meant — was because he was too handsome.

Although he complained about soldiers’ strength, in truth, he admired strong people.

He couldn’t stand men who had more beautiful muscles, more strength, or more beautiful fighting skills.

But if that man belonged to him…

Qi Zihan clicked his tongue to stop himself from being distracted.

He should do soothing properly since he was here, how could he get excited for no reason!

He tried to move around in the inner world, and succeeded.

It seemed as if anything he wanted to do was possible here, including flying through the sky or hiding in the ground.

But when he tried to find anything wrong with the beautifully coloured flowers below… he couldn’t find anything.

Well, he thought he would see dry land or overgrown weeds, and even visualised in advance how to call rain. He didn’t expect Yu Chenyu’s inner world to be so…

Just as he wanted to say ‘healthy’, Qi Zihan sensed something.

When the outer reaches of his spiritual power penetrated deep into the flowers, he felt their pain.

They forced themselves to bloom and to always show their most beautiful side, but there weren’t enough nutrients for them to absorb and they would soon wither.

Although this scene was pleasing to the eyes, it was only temporary, like a striking yet short-lived dream.

Not enough nutrients, so, did they need fertilisers?

This really stumped Qi Zihan.

His garden was taken care of by a hired gardener while he was only responsible for admiring it. Let alone how to fertilise plants, he didn’t even know how often the flowers needed to be watered.

Wait. Since he could sense the flowers’ pain, could he also sense what the flowers wanted?

Thinking of this, Qi Zihan continued to reach his spiritual power along their stems and roots.

[Want to drink nutrient solution.]

It was a tiny voice that made the request.

“What is nutrient solution?” Qi Zihan asked.

Information was released from the flowers and directly transmitted to his brain through his spiritual power.

Oh, so this is nutrient solution.

In the end he still needed to ‘make it rain’.

The difference was that it wouldn’t be normal rain, but a nutrient-rich rain.

It was time to do the experiment.

As Qi Zihan opened his arms, he didn’t notice that a pair of glittering, transparent insect wings also unfolded behind him.

He summoned dark clouds, and so dark clouds appeared in the sky.

He applied the information that had just been transmitted to him into the clouds, and with a boom of thunder, drops of water began to fall.

The drizzle moistened every swaying flower, and the nutrients within caused them to cheer.

[Feels much better.]

[Can hold on for a while longer.]

[Thank you.]

Sensing their joy and gratitude, Qi Zihan let out a relieved sigh, feeling that he had done pretty good for his first time.

But just as he thought that it had rained enough, a bright blue praying mantis with two pairs of transparent butterfly-like wings flew out.

It looked very similar to the flower it had lay on just now, so Qi Zihan hadn’t noticed it.

Until it grew bigger and bigger and bigger, becoming the size of a person, and part of its body took human form.

He was naked as he flew above the field of flowers towards Qi Zihan.

His human form had Yu Chenyu’s face, though a pair of furry antennae sprouted from his head and two pairs of membranous wings fanned out behind him, creating beautiful arcs of light and shadow.

However, his two arms were both huge mantis forelimbs, each covered with a row of startlingly sharp serrations.

Qi Zihan could easily imagine what would happen if he was caught by those arms.

He’d probably be cut in half…

This should be Yu Chenyu’s spiritual mimic, a perfect combination of himself mentally and physically.

Waving his hands to disperse the clouds, Qi Zihan’s eyes wandered over Yu Chenyu’s mimic, looking for a place to attack.

Hm… Did he really need to soothe him according to the ‘strategies’ he saw?

What he didn’t know was that while he was looking at Yu Chenyu, Yu Chenyu’s consciousness was also looking at him through the mimicry’s golden eyes, with expectation intertwined with vigilance.

Was this his Lord Wife’s spiritual mimicry?

Didn’t they all say female mimics were cute?

That long spike on his hand… What was that?

Yu Chenyu: I heard the spiritual mimicry of females are all very cute, like butterflies and moths.

Qi Zihan: Take a look at my baby (40m needle)!

Yu Chenyu: …An SS-grade Lord Wife truly is special.

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Chapter 7: Are you willing to let me try?

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A rectangular electronic screen popped up in Qi Zihan’s field of vision with familiar Chinese characters written on it.

Just as he wanted to ask if this was the norm for this world’s script, he heard Yu Chenyu ask, “Do you see anything?”

Looking at him in surprise, Qi Zihan pointed at the screen in front of him. “You can’t see it?” he asked.

Surprise flashed across Yu Chenyu’s face, but it wasn’t because he couldn’t see the screen. Rather: “You succeeded.”

As he expected, it was impossible for a SS-grade female to be unable to use spiritual power.

The corners of his lips subtly raised as he explained, “When you log in to your terminal with spiritual power, the interface will appear in a form that cannot be captured by the naked eye but can be detected by mental power. Put another way, the information is directly transmitted to your brain through spiritual power, so only you can see the screen, unless…”

Here, he abruptly stopped speaking.

“Unless what?” Qi Zihan asked curiously.

Since he had asked, Yu Chenyu answered. “Unless you allow me to use my spiritual power to invade your brain, or you use your spiritual power to invade my brain, then share your vision with me.”

“I see.” Qi Zihan guessed that the reason he saw Chinese characters wasn’t because zergs used the same written language, but because the information his spiritual power detected appeared in a form which he was familiar with.

After going through the terminal’s tutorial, he roughly understood what it was and what its functions were.

Just as he thought that he ‘wanted to know more about Yu Chenyu’, a window containing Yu Chenyu’s personal data popped up.

Name: Yu Chenyu
Sex: Male (soldier)
Age: 23
Identity: First-class general of the empire; retirement application has been submitted, expected to be approved in 18 days
Last medical exam: 7 days ago
Medical exam results: 37.14% control loss; rate of control loss is approx. 1.95%/day; estimated time until complete loss of control is 25 days; you may ride but it is not recommended to drive a vehicle travelling above 10,000m/s.
Physical capability: SS
Spiritual capability: SS
Spiritual mimicry: Illusory Flower Mantis

Estimated time until complete loss of control is 25 days — reading this line, Qi Zihan jumped!

Yu Chenyu seemed as if he was in good condition. Qi Zihan thought that even if he would lose control, it would be in a few years. He never expected that he had less than a month left!


How was it so fast!

In that case, divorcing him was no different from a death sentence.

Suddenly feeling a sense of urgency, he didn’t bother to question Yu Chenyu before using his spiritual power to retrieve information related to spiritual soothing.

If a female wanted to use spiritual power to soothe a male, then given the male’s willingness, the female would insert spiritual power into the male’s brain and enter the male’s inner world.

Repairing the male’s inner world could slow down the rate of control loss, while soothing the male’s spiritual mimicry could directly cure the male of their loss of control.

Yu Chenyu said that using spiritual power required a degree of imagination.

Spiritual soothing also needed it.

For example, if a male’s inner world was a barren desert, the female should imagine his spiritual power as rain irrigating it.

If a male’s inner world had lots of weeds, the female should think of a way to remove them.

Pulling them one by one was too slow, so most would turn their spiritual power into herbicides, but this would cause a certain amount of damage to the male.

As for soothing the mimicry… mimics of males who were on the verge of losing control would often be highly aggressive. If it were another male who invaded their mind, they would resist fiercely.

But if it was a female invader, males would instead have a courtship instinct, which could temporarily suppress their urge to attack. The female could then take the opportunity to flirt with spiritual power and use sexual stimulation to fight against loss of control.

Qi Zihan: “…”

He seemed to understand why males had to get married to females if they wanted soothing.

The spiritual power of males was full of aggression and was often used to kill enemies.

The spiritual power of females was full of attraction, allowing them to use the most gentle methods to make those valiant male zergs surrender.

So, soothing was usually carried out at the same time as certain behaviours.

Qi Zihan raised his hand to support his forehead, feeling a little overwhelmed.

He had just told Yu Chenyu to treat himself as being single, yet now he had to flirt with him in order to soothe him, purely as a roommate?

“You didn’t tell me that you only have twenty-five days until you lose control,” he accused.

“Twenty-five days ago, I also thought I only had twenty-five days left to live,” Yu Chenyu replied calmly without blinking an eye.

“What do you mean?”

“The rate of control loss is an estimate.” Knowing that Qi Zihan had read his personal data, Yu Chenyu stopped explaining the terminology and went straight to the point. “The number varies, and it varies quite a lot. A month ago my rate of control loss was more serious than now, reaching 3% per day, but at the same time my total control loss was 31%. It’s currently 37%. So it increased by 6% in a month, at an average of 0.2% per day.”

“Hss — that’s too scary.” Qi Zihan couldn’t imagine how Yu Chenyu lived until now.

Every day he thought he was going to die, but he survived against expectations again and again.

Did the males’ medical exam system have something wrong with it?

As if knowing what he was thinking, Yu Chenyu explained, “Everyone’s spiritual stability is different. Some people can be fine one second and suddenly collapse the next. I know a soldier who had just been soothed by a female whose control loss had basically been cleared, but he deteriorated rapidly a few days after returning to his squad and eventually died at their hands.”

“What did the female do to him?” Qi Zihan asked reflexively.

Yet this caused Yu Chenyu to look visibly surprised. After a while, he asked in return, “Why do you think it was caused by his female?”

“Uh, it wasn’t?” Qi Zihan hadn’t thought much about it, he had no particular reason for his reaction.

Yet it was correct.

“Even if a male has SS physical capabilities, his inner world is extremely fragile,” was Yu Chenyu’s next sentence. “That female probably wanted to prove that his spiritual power is as assertive as a male’s, so he planted a time bomb in the male’s inner world while he was soothing him.

“After he lost control, I forcefully invaded his inner world while trying to stop him, so I saw how it was blown up into a mess.”

His tone was very calm as he said it, but the calmer he was, the more uncomfortable Qi Zihan felt.

Qi Zihan believed that Yu Chenyu must have been furious at the time, but he could do nothing other than killing his comrade to give him relief.

He was only so calm now because he had accepted his fate. He had accepted the reality of this world, and had accepted that males were such lowly creatures.

“I brought my findings and speculations to the marshal,” he continued, “his response was for me to not let anyone else know, to forget about it, and to pretend that nothing happened.”

“Even the marshal…”

“Yeah, even if he’s the marshal, he doesn’t dare to interfere in cases involving females. Rather, it’s precisely because he’s the marshal that it’s easier for him to be attacked, so he can’t make any mistakes on sensitive things like this. I understand it, so I don’t blame him.

“This is what the world is like. No matter what happens, it won’t ever be the female’s fault. I even know what will happen after I tell the truth — everyone will say it’s the male who didn’t do enough as a spouse, didn’t do what he did do good enough, or wonder what he did wrong to his female for him to be retaliated against.”

Qi Zihan thought about his own Earth. Whenever there was news about a girl being raped, there would always be some weird comments accusing the girl of dressing too scantily, or even speculating that her identity was unclean, all without any evidence.

Really, no matter which world it was, there would always be these kinds of people who spewed garbage as soon as their mouths opened.


“The marshal ordered you to bury the truth forever, but you told me just like that?” Qi Zihan felt that Yu Chenyu trusted him too much.

Was it really okay to trust someone you knew for less than a day?

“You’ll know sooner or later,” Yu Chenyu replied, but seeing that Qi Zihan didn’t understand, he had to explain it more clearly. “Spiritual appeasement… doesn’t allow secrets.”

Ah, understood.

Meaning that they could see memories of the host in their inner world?

“When is your next medical exam?” Qi Zihan asked, wanting to give him soothing before his next exam to see the effect.

Yet he didn’t expect his answer to be, “Tonight.”

Qi Zihan: “…”

Help! I’m not ready!

He quickly searched on his terminal if it was possible to soothe without sex.

The answer was yes.

Some females liked to see males remaining unsatisfied after being soothed, so of course it was possible.

Once again, Qi Zihan supported his forehead.

“What is it?” Yu Chenyu asked worriedly.

He didn’t know what Qi Zihan’s terminal showed.

He wasn’t afraid of Qi Zihan checking his data — males had no secrets in front of their females. Not to mention their travel routes, even more personal information such as when their heart rates picked up could be checked clearly.

To Yu Chenyu, none of these were something to be hidden from his wife.

What he was afraid of was that after Qi Zihan became more familiar with this world, he would be assimilated and become like most females, despising the lives of males and treating them like toys to be thrown away, or even conducting all sorts of cruel experiments.

Qi Zihan did want to use Yu Chenyu as an experiment.

There was no other way, he only had Yu Chenyu.

“I’ve mostly mastered the theoretical knowledge on how to use spiritual power to soothe males,” he said, “but because every male’s inner world is different, there’s no set way to do it, so I can only explore the practical portion myself. Are you willing to let me try?”

Yu Chen Yu hesitated briefly, with a hint of worry in his eyes.

But after a moment of silence, he nodded.

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Chapter 6: Do you have a personal terminal?

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The Imperial Military Forum wasn’t anonymous, and even if it was, the empire only had two SS-grade males!

[Holy shit, General Yu Chenyu!]

[Hi General! Can you tell us a bit about what your Lord Wife looks like and how he is?]

[Yeah yeah, tell us! If I have the chance to marry him, I’ll definitely serve him well and serve you well at the same time!]

[People with an 87% match rate go away! If he’s marrying, he’ll marry people with over 90% first!]

[Who cares who goes first? Let’s go together! That female’s spiritual power can’t be below S, S-grade females have no upper limit to how many mates they have!]

[Hey, that’s right. What grade is that female’s spiritual power? The general is married so he should be able to see it, right?]

[General Yu Chenyu, please share it! Your wife can’t log into the military forum anyway!]


Yu Chenyu narrowed his eyes.

It had only been a single night yet the entire empire was aware of his marriage?

Although he wanted to find out who leaked the news, his wife was still waiting for his dinner.

Thus, he only replied with a [No comment] before exiting the forum, closing all the screens in front of him, and going to the dining room with a plate in each hand.

He put all the dishes on the table and set out the tableware, then called Qi Zihan to eat. “Lord… Zihan, the food is ready.”

As he spoke, he pulled out a chair for Qi Zihan.

When he stood from the sofa, Qi Zihan was already so hungry that his legs were soft.

He walked the few steps to the chair that Yu Chenyu had pulled out for him and sat down. While internally sighing at his thoughtfulness, he drooled at the aroma and silently swallowed several gulps of saliva.

“Let me try it.” Pretending to be calm, he raised his chopsticks, picked up a cola chicken wing, and took a delicate bite.

Back on Earth, his family was rather well-off. While he knew how to cook, basically all his meals were prepared by hired chefs, and there were also maids who cleaned the entire villa.

There were only two things he was responsible for: studying and exercising.

Therefore, while he couldn’t accept Yu Chenyu kneeling naked in front of him as he asked to be whipped, he didn’t feel uncomfortable at all when he served him food, and even enjoyed it.

Just take it as hiring an all-round housekeeper.

But housekeepers needed to be paid…

Qi Zihan ate two bites of food and drank a sip of the soup, then praised it as ‘not bad’. But before Yu Chenyu could be happy, he brought up working again. “You said before that females can do relatively light work, so what do they usually do?”

Hearing this, Yu Chenyu put down the chopsticks he had just picked up. Although his expression didn’t change, Qi Zihan could feel his resistance, and could detect that he didn’t want to answer this question.

It wasn’t hard to guess why, so Qi Zihan emphasised again, “I won’t divorce you, but I haven’t decided whether to accept you either. You can treat yourself as being single, it’s just that we’re living in the same place, and since we’re just living together, I can’t waste your money. You’ve treated me to this meal, so I’ll pay you back once I find work.”

Yu Chenyu picked up his chopsticks again but didn’t eat anything.

After staring at his empty bowl for a moment, he abruptly said, “Although the Female Association helped you find your house, I was the one who paid for it.”

Qi Zihan: “…”

“Eight million credits, bought in full,” Yu Chenyu said with his eyes downcast, not daring to meet Qi Zihan’s gaze. “As I understand it, the average monthly wage for working females is approximately 2,500 credits.”

Qi Zihan did some quick calculations. Even if he only wanted to pay back half of Yu Chenyu’s money, which was 4 million credits, with an annual salary of 30,000 credits, he would have to work for 133 years…

He raised his hands to cover his face. After he was sure that it was impossible to clear this debt, he decided to cheat. “I was too careless just now. Isn’t spiritual soothing from females very important for males? Something so important, how can it be free? One session for a hundred… no, one session for a hundred thousand credits, how about it?”

He thought that if he charged 1 million credits per session, then if after eight sessions were done and Yu Chenyu still gave him money, he would be committing fraud!

Yu Chenyu knew that Qi Zihan wanted to use spiritual soothing to offset the house payment. He thought that it was cute of him to want to pay off the money even if it meant cheating, but he couldn’t laugh.

Because he knew very well that Qi Zihan only wanted to find a job or offset the house payment to distance himself.

They’d obviously already married, he obviously decided not to divorce, so why did he still want to sever ties?

And what would happen after that? The next step… was it to divorce again?

Yu Chenyu kept his eyes lowered without saying anything.

Qi Zihan was right. For males, spiritual soothing from females was indeed important, so important that its value couldn’t be measured by credits.

Yet for females, what were males good for?

Males were only worth whatever they could create.

In other words, the money earned by males was to be spent by females — this itself was a price for obtaining spiritual soothing.

Therefore, Yu Chenyu truly didn’t care how Qi Zihan spent his money, even if he threw it all into the sea.

But he cared if Qi Zihan didn’t spend his money.

“Is a hundred thousand per session too expensive?” Seeing that Yu Chenyu didn’t speak, Qi Zihan thought that it was too much, so he compromised. “Then, ten thousand per session?”

“No,” Yu Chenyu finally said, forcing out the word as if through gritted teeth. Then, he forced himself to look up at Qi Zihan and said in a voice hoarser than usual, “I don’t know how many times I’ll need soothing in my life, so I want to exchange all the money I have for the right to get it from you at any time, is that okay?”

Towards the end, his voice trembled a little, as if he was suppressing… fear?

He knew that he had no right to negotiate with females.

Females could do whatever they wanted, how could a male interfere?

But although he knew, he still said it in a fit of pique.

You can cheat to offset the house payment.

So I can also cheat to force this money back to you.

It certainly wasn’t that he thought he had too much money. Rather, the reason why he wanted to give all his hard-earned savings to Qi Zihan was, on the one hand, to consolidate their marriage, and on the other hand, to give himself a sense of security.

Because it was too easy for females to break off their marriage — sometimes, males would wake up one day to find themselves inexplicably divorced. Thus, married males would always feel uneasy, fearing that they hadn’t given enough to their females, that their females wouldn’t be satisfied with them.

Yu Chenyu once thought that he wouldn’t be like this.

It was only after marriage that he realised he was afraid too.

Especially after finding out that his wife was a SS female zerg who could have countless spouses.

He was really afraid of losing him.

Hearing that Yu Chenyu wanted to use all his money in exchange for a lifetime of soothing, Qi Zihan admitted that he was a little tempted. “How much do you have left?” he asked tentatively.

“Not much, only seven million.”

“Huh.” Qi Zihan had thought that Yu Chenyu was some kind of billionaire — after all, he paid in full for the 8 million credit house — but his remaining balance wasn’t even as much as the house valuation…

“Not enough?” Yu Chenyu turned from defense to offense. “Then you name a price first. When I go back to the front line, I’ll do my best to get more merits on the battlefield to pay off what I owe you.”


Qi Zihan didn’t know how things got to this point.

He was obviously the one who was living and eating in Yu Chenyu’s house for free, so how did it suddenly turn into Yu Chenyu owing him money?

In addition, even now, Yu Chenyu still hadn’t touched the food on the table, as if waiting for permission.

Feeling a little overwhelmed, Qi Zihan decided not to talk about money with him in the future.

“Never mind, let’s talk about this later,” he said, taking a sip of the sweet corn soup and licking his lips. “Since you’re not short of money, I’ll use it for now. But I still don’t know how to soothe males — is it through spiritual power? Do I also have spiritual power?”

“Everyone has spiritual power.” As he explained, Yu Chenyu’s face looked much better, and his tone gave off a feeling of relief. “Your spiritual power is SS like mine, but the way females use it is completely different from how males use it, so I can’t teach you personally, but I can find you some information…” At this point, he suddenly remembered something and asked  Qi Zihan, “Do you have a personal terminal?”

“What’s a personal terminal?” He put down a half-eaten chicken wing, and urged, “Eat it, it won’t taste good when it’s cold.”

Yu Chenyu hummed, put a piece of meat into his bowl, then answered Qi Zihan’s question first without eating. “A personal terminal, also known as a portable optical computer, can be used to access the internet, chat with others, and look up information. Some places require swiping a personal terminal to enter, or paying a fee using the terminal. Your data has already been entered into the system and you should have your own exclusive account there which you can log into with spiritual power, but it’s probably mostly empty. If you don’t have a terminal I can buy you one and teach you how to use it.”

“Oh, okay.” Qi Zihan guessed that the ‘personal terminal’ he was talking about should be similar to a mobile phone but more advanced, with an electronic ID attached or something?

Yu Chenyu carefully selected a model on his own terminal and placed an order.

Soon after they finished eating, the snacks and optical computer he ordered were delivered by shipping robots to the balcony.

He placed some snacks on the coffee table and the rest in a cupboard, then washed the dishes.

Only after washing and tidying up did he begin to teach Qi Zihan how to use a personal terminal.

There were only two ways to log in to a terminal: one, to use a spiritual power imprint; or two, to enter their ID number then confirm their identity through facial recognition, fingerprint recognition, and voice recognition in sequence.

None of it used the passwords that Qi Zihan was familiar with.

He guessed that it might be because some zergs possessed certain abilities that rendered passwords useless, therefore something as important as a personal terminal simply didn’t use such an unsafe method.

“If it’s your first time using spiritual power, let me think…” As a general, Yu Chenyu had taught many of his soldiers how to use spiritual power to kill aberrants, but this was the first time to teach someone how to use spiritual power to log in on a terminal.

For zergs, spiritual power was like another limb on their bodies. Most were born knowing how to use it, the only difference was in the extent.

This was the first time he saw a zerg who was unable to use spiritual power.

Yet for some reason he had no doubt that Qi Zihan would be able to learn.

After all, he was an SS-grade female!

“I think using spiritual power may require a little imagination,” Yu Chenyu said, trying to articulate what he felt while using spiritual power. “Spiritual power is tangible. You can think of it as an invisible hand. It exists in your mind, but you can control it to leave and touch things similar to spiritual power in the wider world.”

Saying so, he raised a hand and stretched it in front of Qi Zihan with its palm facing up.

Just as Qi Zihan was wondering what he wanted to do, he saw beautiful blue lights suddenly appear in his palm, which gradually gathered together and formed a crystal clear, light blue… mantis?

“This is a spiritual mimic,” Yu Chenyu explained, “when you master your spiritual power to a certain extent, you can create a specific form which can be used to attack enemies… No, for females, it should be to use mimicry to soothe males.”

“Using mimicry to attack enemies?” Looking at the mantis in Yu Chenyu’s hand, he couldn’t imagine how it would kill anything.

Anyway, he should try to log in to the optical computer with his spiritual power first.

An invisible hand, right?

Then he’ll just visualise his spiritual power as a hand.

He stared at the terminal on his left wrist, imagining a formless hand hovering over it, then imagining extending its index finger and pressing the screen.

[Identifying spiritual power.]

[Identification successful.]

[Sir Qi Zihan, good afternoon. As this is your first time logging in to your terminal, do you require a tutorial?]

It’s a mantis, not a man!

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Chapter 5: Likes to Eat Sweets

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Yu Chenyu spent some time determining if Qi Zihan was setting a trap or if he truly wanted to make a deal with him.

But he soon realised that even if a female wanted to trap their male, the male would still have to jump in obediently.

The one who sat on the sofa was completely different from a soldier. He was a female zerg with gentle looks and an elegant temperament — not his superior officer, but his Lord Wife, who controlled his lifespan and future.

Upon making this conclusion, Yu Chenyu cooperated. “Then,” he requested, “can you not strip me in public or when others are present, and not give me to other females to play with? I can give three… no, five requests, for this one.”

Qi Zihan was stunned.

Although he did intend to learn more about this world as well as Yu Chenyu through this transaction, he didn’t expect to hear such shocking content.

Making his male strip naked in public?

And giving him to other females to play with?


Did he mean using male zergs as playthings?

This world was terrifying!

Despite his surprise, his mouth only opened slightly and his overall expression didn’t change much.

He may have been quiet for too long, perhaps it was a dozen seconds or perhaps half a minute.

Because Yu Chenyu panicked.

Maybe, at this moment, he should kneel and confess his mistake before the female got angry, and admit that his request was excessive.

But this was too important to him.

So, after pursing his lips for a while, he gathered his courage and said, “If you… if you can agree, then you can do whatever you want to me at home… although females already have the right to do so. But you can do more to me, we soldiers have very strong bodies — even if you cut off an arm, it’ll grow back after a while. You don’t need to be scared.”

Qi Zihan: “…”

I’m so scared that I’m trembling, I’m going to have nightmares tonight!

He didn’t dare to think about what the females of this world had done to the males.

Since Yu Chenyu would go to such lengths, it meant that there really were females who would do it and that it was tacitly permitted by law.

Was this a marriage or getting a free slave?

No, this slave even had to pay to be one!

Qi Zihan rubbed at his temples. After spending a lot of effort to pick up his shattered worldview and put it back together, he pretended to be calm as he said, “Okay, I won’t humiliate you in public and I won’t give you to other females. This counts as two, so I’ll make another request.”

Yu Chenyu looked at him in a daze.

He agreed?

He agreed!

And it only counted as two?

Qi Zihan didn’t notice Yu Chenyu’s reaction, he was too busy racking his brains for anything else he could ask.

Don’t leave rubbish out? Don’t make messes?

He could tell from the way Yu Chenyu put his boots away that he wasn’t the kind of person to leave things everywhere.

Have a clear division of labour for housework?

A cleaning robot drifted past his feet.

Not allowed to sleep on the same bed?

He didn’t mind sleeping in the same bed, since they had already agreed not to touch him without permission.

His stomach gurgled again. “No chillis, I can’t eat spicy food,” he said weakly.

Yu Chenyu was surprised at the unexpected request, and then, realising that Qi Zihan was hungry, he had the urge to laugh. “Okay, I’ll go cook now. Is there anything else you don’t want?”

“No bitter melons, no leeks.” He didn’t know what zergs ate, so he just told him his preferences. “I like lighter food, less salt, but it can be sweeter.”

“Okay.” Yu Chenyu memorised it.

“Anyway, I don’t like bitter or sour things. I like sweet food,” Qi Zihan said, going even further. “I want meat. Cola chicken, sweet and sour spare ribs…”

“Okay.” Yu Chenyu turned away to open the refrigerator so that Qi Zihan couldn’t see his smile.

“And sweet corn soup.”

He originally wanted to just eat whatever Yu Chenyu made, but when he found out that he could order food, he couldn’t hold back his cravings.

And Yu Chenyu agreed to all his requests, taking out the corresponding ingredients from the refrigerator and going to the kitchen.

Yesterday, when he met Qi Zihan here and before he was tied to the bed, he had already considered the issue of food, so he had used his terminal to purchase some ingredients.

As his male zerg, he had the right to view Qi Zihan’s medical examination report, so he knew that his last meal was high in sugar and protein.

His Lord Wife should be a carnivorous female who liked sweets.

Therefore, the dishes Qi Zihan had just named were all within his expectations.

The only thing he didn’t consider was that his Lord Wife would take him to the Female Association Center as soon as he woke up, making them miss breakfast.

He should buy some ready-to-eat snacks.

As he thought of it, Yu Chenyu used his spiritual power as he cooked to turn on his terminal, through which he bought chocolates, biscuits, and bread.

Then he remembered that he hadn’t told his friend Zhu Yunqi about resolving his crisis, so he quickly reported it to him to let him stop worrying.

Yu Chenyu: He kept me.

As expected, a reply came in seconds.

Zhu Yunqi: !

Zhu Yunqi: Congrats!

Zhu Yunqi: Are you okay?

Yu Chenyu: He didn’t hit me.

Zhu Yunqi: ?

Zhu Yunqi: Then how did you make him keep you?

Yu Chenyu: It’s a bit hard to explain. I don’t know what he went through or why he showed up in the high-risk area, but what is certain is that his understanding of the empire is very limited.

Zhu Yunqi: What do you mean? Don’t all females have no clue what’s going on in the empire? When have they ever cared about its life or death?

Yu Chenyu: I don’t mean that.

Yu Chenyu: He didn’t know what would happen to divorced males.

Zhu Yunqi: ?

Zhu Yunqi: Females cancel marriages whenever they want, since when did they care about what happens to males after they divorce?

Yu Chenyu: I mean it’s not that he doesn’t care, it’s that he didn’t know. After he found out, he kept me, understand?

After this message was sent, the chat interface fell silent.

Yu Chenyu didn’t care, he focused on preparing ingredients and heating the pan.

There were actually special robots for cooking.

But this was the first meal that his wife would eat, so he wanted to show off his skills.

Just as the pan reached the right temperature and he poured in a thin layer of oil, ready to put the ingredients in, his friend finally sent another message.

Zhu Yunqi: It seems like your wife is quite kind, I’m happy for you

Zhu Yunqi: Now, there’s something else I want to ask

Yu Chenyu: What?

Zhu Yunqi: Do you know your wife’s spiritual power level?

Yu Chenyu: Let me check

Last night Yu Chenyu was busy thinking about how to please his wife in order to leave a good impression on him.

When the people from the Female Association reminded him that his wife might have some violent tendencies, he even worried that the tools he prepared weren’t cruel enough.

Now it seemed like they had misunderstood something.

As he stirred the food, Yu Chenyu used his spiritual power to retrieve his wife’s profile and read it carefully from top to bottom.

Name: Qi Zihan
Sex: Female
Age: 21
Last medical exam: 11 hours ago
Medical exam results: Good physical state, good mental state, no abnormalities; all sexual characteristics have matured, ready for gestation at any time; the estimated number of eggs to be produced is 1 million.
Physical capability: A
Spiritual capability: SS
Spiritual mimicry: Unknown

Yu Chenyu couldn’t believe his eyes.

His movements paused as he used his spiritual power to magnify the ‘spiritual capability’ line until it filled up the entire screen.

Spiritual capability: SS

Then he zoomed out and went back to the top of the profile.

Name: Qi Zihan

Only then was he sure that his wife, Qi Zihan, was a female zerg with SS-grade spiritual power!

And his physique was A-grade! Didn’t that mean he could fight better than some soldiers?

Yu Chenyu felt a little dazed. Forcing himself back to his senses, he resumed cooking and replied to his friend.

Yu Chenyu: SS

Zhu Yunqi: As expected.

Yu Chenyu: ?

Zhu Yunqi: Before your wife selected you, you should’ve received a notification from the system, right? Then I’ll tell you now that you weren’t the only one to get it. I got it too, and so did the marshal. As far as I know, a lot of males with S spiritual power also got the notification at the same time, regardless of whether they submitted a marriage proposal or not.

Zhu Yunqi: You already know that the system will only notify males if their match rate is over 80%, so that they’re more likely to be included in the female’s quota.

Zhu Yunqi: My match rate with him is 93%

Zhu Yunqi: But you don’t need to worry, I’ll never get married — I’d rather die than serve a female, so I won’t be competing with you for favour

Zhu Yunqi: But I don’t know about others, including the marshal

Zhu Yunqi: Do you get what I mean?

Yu Chenyu: I understand

As Yu Chenyu watched one line after another pop up, his smile faded and his amber eyes dimmed like a cloud covering stars.

An SS-grade female zerg. Even the imperial marshal had no right to limit the number of males he had.

As long as Qi Zihan was willing, he could have a hundred, a thousand, even tens of thousands of males.

His spiritual power was sufficient to soothe them all, and perhaps even more.

What should Yu Chenyu do then?

He was lucky because he was the first male to be chosen.

He was also unlucky because he was the first, and thus the most likely to be rejected.

Not to mention that he was a soldier with both physical and spiritual power reaching SS-grade.

This was a symbol of strength and supreme honour for males.

But females looked at neither physical abilities nor spiritual power when choosing their males.

Rather, the stronger their bodies, the more likely it was for females to feel scared and lash out due to fear.

Strong spiritual power also required females to expend more time and energy for soothing.

Yu Chenyu was an undefeated warrior on the battlefield, a ruthless general worshipped by countless males.

Yet for females, he had hardly any advantages that were worth liking.

Yu Chenyu: Let’s take it one step at a time.

Zhu Yunqi: The hell is one step at a time! You’re a SS soldier, a first-class general of the empire! No matter what battlefield it is, you can’t retreat!

Yu Chenyu: I never said I’m retreating

He would fight for it, but… he had no confidence.

Know oneself and the enemy, and you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. He knew that as the spouse of a female, his disadvantages outweighed his advantages, so he couldn’t help but be pessimistic.

 Zhu Yunqi: Speaking of which, I still haven’t asked about your match rate. Is it higher or lower than mine?

Yu Chenyu: 99.99%

Zhu Yunqi: Fuck, I lost

Yu Chenyu: Didn’t you say you’re not fighting with me for favour? Why are you still comparing it then?

Zhu Yunqi: Sigh, competing is in us soldiers’ DNA, you’ll know it as soon as you take a look at our internal forum.

Zhu Yunqi: I bet someone from the Female Association will look for him within the next 3 days to recommend other males to him. You have to work hard!

Yu Chenyu served the cooked food onto plates. Despite the dishes being beautiful and the food looking delicious, he had no appetite at all.

He used his spiritual power to close the chat with Zhu Yunqi and switched to the military’s internal forum.

The first thread on the front page: Compatibility Fight! Who’s that female’s next spouse?

[Me first! I’m S, match rate 87.11%!]

[Only 87? I’m 92.56%!]

[Shit, that’s so high! What grade?]


[If you’re A don’t join in the fun here, go find an A-grade female!]

[I’m S, 93.46%, is there anyone higher than me?]

[That A-grade guy just now, don’t feel down. Females never look at grades when they choose males, otherwise, how can so many drones get married? I’m also A, my match rate with him is 89.98%, aaaahhh it’s almost 90% what a pity!]

[Any B-grades around? A B-grade male humbly posts a score, 91.16%.]

[Holy shit it’s all so high! I’m S. I was so excited to see a 81.88% last night that I almost passed out, but today you guys hit me so hard that I don’t want to talk.]

[So what determines the match rate? So mysterious. I’m A, 87.72%. By the way, is there anyone who didn’t get the notification last night?]

[Yes. C-grade here, didn’t get it.]

[A C-grade combat medic who didn’t get the notification trembles while reading the thread and is too scared to speak.]

[It’s normal for the match rate between C and SS to be less than 80%. If it’s more than 80, then as soon as the female releases spiritual power… wow, that’d be an exciting scene!]

[We’ll die! We’ll definitely die! Another C-grade male who didn’t get the notification begs you not to speak!]

[Another C-grade? I didn’t even know the army had so many Cs, don’t tell me drones have sneaked in?]

[Although I, a B-grade drone, didn’t receive the notification, I hope that the above people won’t discriminate based on castes. Although I’m just a logistics clerk, I still work hard to contribute to the army.]

[Um, so there really are drones in the army? Sorry.]

Unlike females, there were at least three different types of male zergs.

There were the soldiers, who were combat-oriented and born for fighting.

There were the workers, who weren’t as physically strong as soldiers but had higher overall abilities.

And there were the drones, whose physical and spiritual capabilities were far inferior to other males, but had softer features and were naturally suited to pleasing females.

Each caste had distinct differences in physique, abilities, and lifespan.

If a soldier could get regular spiritual soothing from a female, living for a couple hundred years wouldn’t be a problem.

As for drones, despite being less likely to lose control than soldiers and being less dangerous if they did lose control, they could hardly live for a century even if they received the same regular spiritual soothing. Drones usually died of natural causes in their 40s or 50s.

Workers were somewhere between the two. Some could live to be over 100 years old, while others would succumb at 80 years old.

There were far fewer females than males, but their lifespans were quite long, even longer than soldiers.

According to the latest data published by the Ministry of Statistics, the current ratio of females, soldiers, workers, and drones stood at 1:9:16:7.

In other words, the ratio of females to males was 1:32.

Even if every female had multiple spouses, more than half of all males would never see let alone touch a female in their entire lives.

After Yu Chenyu served all the dishes and turned off the electric stove, he didn’t rush to bring them to the table outside. Instead, he used his spiritual power to post a message on this thread:

[SS, match rate 99.99%.]

He admitted that Zhu Yunqi was right, soldiers did like to compete with others — and he was no exception.

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Chapter 4: Queen Bee

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“What did you say?”

The Female Association Center’s reception room didn’t contain only a single person.

All the staff members were males.

Hearing what the worker who received Qi Zihan said, the males surrounding were in disbelief.

“A female with SS spiritual power? How is that possible!”

Despite how the female zergs of this world had a status second only to the imperial marshal, to the point that even the marshal had to bow to females…

The physical and spiritual strength of females was far inferior to males.

SS-grade spiritual power was rare even among soldiers who were born for battle. There had only ever been three people in the history of zergs who reached that level, all of whom were soldiers, and of them, only two were still alive today.

The first was Marshal Mo Yihai who was 36 years old this year; the other was a first-class general, as well as the youngest ever general of the empire, the 23-year-old Yu Chenyu.

When the male staff member spoke to Qi Zihan, he was first shocked by Qi Zihan’s SS-grade spiritual power and then stunned by his spouse’s identity.

He didn’t recognise the uniform that could only be worn by a general!

He even got angry at a general for letting a female ride a hoverbike!

But in this case, the general was in the wrong. How could he let a female ride such a dangerous vehicle?

Females should only use the most advanced, most stable aircraft — this was the consensus of all zergs.

“Did you see it wrong? Maybe you saw his male’s spiritual power as his… holy shit! The male just now was General Yu Chenyu?”

One male after another reacted.

“No wonder I thought his uniform looked so different from the other soldiers’!”

“I heard he’s an iron-blooded soldier who once single-handedly slaughtered all the aberrants in a high-risk area. I thought he’d be cold and stiff like the other soldiers, but although he was a little distant, he’s so handsome!”

“I think any drone who sees him would be ashamed of their looks!”

“Hey, listen to me!” the male who received Qi Zihan couldn’t help but interrupt, “Although the male that just walked out has no idea how to get along with females and makes people sweat for him really is General Yu Chenyu, but I’m talking about that female’s spiritual power! Qi Zihan is a female zerg with SS-grade spiritual power! A female!”


The males’ reactions went in a big circle.

Soldiers with S-grade spiritual power were still somewhat common, not one of them wasn’t an excellent warrior who could fight alone against thousands.

But let alone S-grade, even A-grades were astonishingly rare among females. Most of them were B- or C-grade.

An SS-grade female? Unheard of!

But the facts were placed in front of them.

“Think carefully with your buggy brains! It’s a 99.99% match rate! If their spiritual capabilities aren’t on the same level, how can their match rate reach so high?”

A single sentence awakened the zergs.

“That’s right, basically all male-female pairs with a match rate higher than 80% are at the same spiritual grade.”

“99.99%, infinitely approaching 100%. My god, can such a high match rate exist?”

“If they can produce a soldier, he’ll definitely be the next marshal!”

“Speaking of the marshal, hasn’t he not gotten married yet?”

“Ah, I wonder what’s the match rate between Sir Marshal and that female.”

“For a female with SS spiritual power, it wouldn’t be strange even if he pulled in all the S- and SS-grade males into his harem.”

Every female could have multiple spouses, but the maximum number depended on their spiritual power.

Females with C spiritual power could have up to seven partners, of whom two could be B-grade males, five could be C-grade males, and with no limit to the number of males who were below C-grade except for the total number of partners.

Females with B spiritual power could have up to thirteen partners, of whom three could be A-grade males, ten could be B-grade males, and with no limit to the number of males who were C-grade or below except for the total number of partners.

Females with A spiritual power could have up to twenty partners, of whom five could be S-grade males, fifteen could be A-grade males, and with no limit to the number of males who were B-grade or below except for the total number of partners.

Although females with S spiritual power hadn’t appeared yet, it was stipulated that they could have any number of S-grade partners with no upper limit, but at the same time, they were only allowed up to twenty males who were A-grade or below.

As for females with SS spiritual power… there weren’t any relevant regulations for it, but they didn’t need long to conclude that there was no need to set any limit for a female zerg with such high spiritual power.

He did not need to go through the system to select a marriage partner, because all males would willingly crawl at his feet.

He could become the entire empire’s queen.

Queen Bee.

Before today, they thought that this creature only existed in legends.

But perhaps he had already appeared and had just gracefully left their sight.

The Imperial Central Command contained both the residence and office of Marshal Mo Yihai.

He absentmindedly looked at the message that popped up on his personal terminal for a long time without moving.

[System]: Dear Marshal Mo Yihai, 0.1s ago, the database updated the data of a female zerg whose spiritual compatibility with you reaches 84.37%. Would you like to send a marriage proposal to the service office of the Association for the Rights of Female Zergs immediately?

A spiritual compatibility of over 80%. For he who had SS spiritual power, it was something he hardly dared to think of.

He was on the verge of losing control, had already planned to take his own life, and even planned out what kind of research his corpse should be used for. But at such a time…

Should he send a message?

As the marshal of the empire, was he finally going to step foot into the abyss he had maintained with his own hands and place his fate into the hands of a female whom he didn’t know?

In the end, after a sleepless night, he used his spiritual power to close that page and brought up the chat interface for a certain person.

Mo Yihai: A female with a match rate higher than 80% with me has appeared, should I pursue him?

After a while, the other party replied.

Zhu Yunqi: Why ask me? Do I have the right to make decisions for you?

Mo Yihai: You do.

A few minutes passed before another message came.

Zhu Yunqi: A’Hai, you know that I can’t watch you die when you have a way to live

Zhu Yunqi: But emotionally, I can’t accept it

Zhu Yunqi: So only you can decide for yourself, if you think…

Zhu Yunqi: Wait, I feel like something’s strange. That female you’re talking about, is he called Qi Zihan?

Mo Yihai: ?

Mo Yihai: How did you know?

Zhu Yunqi: Holy shit! Things are weird, let me show you a message I received last night!

Zhu Yunqi: Dear General Zhu Yunqi, 0.1s ago, the database updated the data of a female zerg whose spiritual compatibility with you reaches 93.46%. Would you like to send a marriage proposal to the service office of the Association for the Rights of Female Zergs immediately?

Mo Yihai: ?

Zhu Yunqi: I checked, his name is Qi Zihan, he showed up out of thin air last night and picked Chenyu, which means that the match rate between them must also be above 50%

Mo Yihai: ?

Mo Yihai: How strong is his spiritual power?

Zhu Yunqi: Don’t know, but since you matched with him, I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s SS

Mo Yihai: How is that possible?

Zhu Yunqi: The facts are there. Only when a female’s spiritual power is close to or higher than a male’s will their match rate exceed 80%

Zhu Yunqi: Males don’t have the right to view the personal information of females without permission, let’s wait until Chenyu pleases the female before asking him.

Mo Yihai: Chenyu… pleasing someone?

A strange look appeared on Mo Yihai’s face.

Having fought side by side with Yu Chenyu, he knew this person’s personality very well.

With his stubborn character, did he know how to ‘please’ a female zerg?

Zhu Yunqi: Don’t overthink, how else can soldiers make a female happy?

Mo Yihai: He…

Zhu Yunqi: Yeah.

Zhu Yunqi: Even if he does get divorced, I hope he won’t come back with missing arms and legs

Mo Yihai fell silent, as did Zhu Yunqi.

The two shared a sad moment across their terminals, not knowing that their comrade had successfully reversed his divorce, though he hadn’t yet won his wife’s favour.

After returning home, Qi Zihan walked to the sofa and sank into it tiredly.

Yu Chenyu closed the door, then slowly took off his military boots and cap.

He tucked the cap under his arm and turned to look at Qi Zihan, who was slumped on the sofa. The corners of his lips raised, and he secretly felt a little happy.

He could tell that his Lord Wife didn’t keep him because he liked him, but because he sympathised with him.

Unlike his indifferent exterior, his Lord Wife was a gentle person inside.

How strange. As he found himself losing control, he was so afraid of receiving his comrades’ pitying eyes when they met in the future.

But now, although he knew that Qi Zihan pitied him, he didn’t feel humiliated at all; instead, he felt a kind of joy, as if he was seeing hope.

This joy softened his brows and tone.

“If you’re hungry, I’ll go cook for you, Lord Wife,” he said gently, so gently that it didn’t match his appearance at all.

Qi Zihan’s stomach gurgled at his words.

Only then did he realise that he hadn’t eaten anything since he first transmigrated here.

He didn’t know what the food here was like, or if it would be delicious or not.

Hopefully, it wouldn’t be insects…

“Okay,” Qi Zihan agreed, deciding to wait and see. If Yu Chenyu’s cooking wasn’t good, they would go out to eat. Though, speaking of which. “If a female goes out alone, will restaurants give food for free?”

Yu Chenyu paused on his way to the kitchen. A confused expression flashed across his face, followed by a sly, fox-like smile.

However, he had already returned to his usual calmness by the time he turned to look at Qi Zihan. “The Female Association will provide basic necessities to females without sufficient economic resources, but both the nutrition and taste of their food are very poor. Better food costs money.”

“Oh, I see.” Qi Zihan also thought that he was too optimistic.

The empire had set up the current society precisely to make females get married. If they could stay single and still live without worrying about food, clothing, and shelter, then what would be the point of getting married?

Yu Chenyu’s next sentence was as he expected. “The biggest source of income for females is the males they marry. Females can enjoy all the property owned by their males.”

“You said that’s the biggest source of income, so what’s the second biggest?”

“Work,” he answered. “Females can choose to work, but they tend to find it tiring, and there are few places that allow females to be hired. Most of those that do are relatively simple jobs, so the salary isn’t high.”

Yu Chenyu was only short of explicitly saying that he needed him.

Although Qi Zihan noticed his thoughts, he didn’t comment.

Since he already decided to keep Yu Chenyu, he couldn’t start discussing divorce again.

Though… having a marriage without love made it hard for him to be interested.

He felt that he should try his best to be self-reliant before his relationship with Yu Chenyu grew too co-dependent.

Therefore he asked, “I don’t know how to do much, is there a job you can recommend?”

Yu Chenyu was quiet. His eyes which had finally gained a spark of life dimmed again after hearing this question. It took him a long time to squeeze out a sentence from gritted teeth. 

“I’m a general of this empire, and although I’ve already half retired, I have so much money that you can’t possibly spend it all. You can rest assured in using it, even if in the future…” he hesitated, then forced himself to continue, “even if you still don’t like me after a long time and insist on divorcing me. It doesn’t matter if you spend everything before then.”

Qi Zihan was his last hope. He bet everything on him — even if he lost everything, he had no way out.

Qi Zihan noticed his uneasiness but had no time to comfort him because he had noticed an unexpected word: “Retired?”

This person looked no older than 30 years old, perhaps even younger than 25, nowhere near retirement age. Why would he be half-retired?

“Because you’re losing control?” he guessed.

Yu Chenyu nodded.

This was the main reason behind males submitting marriage proposals. He thought Qi Zihan already understood this, so he had never stated it explicitly.

Before he knew that Qi Zihan had minimal knowledge of this world, he had even thought that he deliberately ignored it to humiliate him.

Now that he thought about it, he was judging a gentleman with a villain’s heart.

Qi Zihan sat for a while, thoughtful. “Then, let’s make a deal,” he abruptly said.

“A deal?” A hint of confusion was barely perceptible on Yu Chenyu’s face, and his gaze towards Qi Zihan once again turned scrutinising.

On the battlefield, his eyes could capture all details and allow him to react in the face of danger.

He had stubbornly escaped death countless times thanks to these eyes.

Yet now, at such a close distance, he couldn’t see through the thoughts of his wife.

Ignoring his stare, Qi Zihan raised a slender index finger. “For example, I’ll soothe you and prevent you from losing control. In exchange, you’re not allowed to touch me without permission.”

Yu Chenyu wanted to say that he wouldn’t dare to casually touch a female even if there wasn’t such a deal, but instead, he nodded and agreed.

When he nodded, he glanced at Qi Zihan’s fingers and noticed their shape for the first time, causing him to be distracted for a moment.

Delicate and distinctly jointed, they looked more like expertly carved jade than fingers.

Were all females’ hands so beautiful?

“Like this, I make a request and you make one as well. As long as we both keep by each other’s terms, I won’t casually chase you away.” Folding away his finger, Qi Zihan crossed his legs, giving off feelings of both pride and laziness like a rare breed of cat.

His appearance couldn’t be less threatening to a soldier.

Most females had gentle features as if they were flowers raised in a greenhouse, or like carefully maintained jade. Qi Zihan was no exception.

But his well-proportioned body — broad shoulders, narrow waist, and long legs — made him look stronger than most females.

Yu Chenyu could even faintly detect tight muscles hiding underneath his clothes.

His vision, which had finally focused, became blurred again. He raised a hand to support his chin as if he were thinking about Qi Zihan’s proposal, but his mind was a complete blank.

“My second requirement is that you can’t call me ‘Lord Wife’, and you can’t use honorifics towards me either. Just call me Qi Zihan or Zihan.”

After saying this, he kept his arms crossed instead of raising another finger. He retracted his right hand’s thumb, ring finger, and little finger, leaving only his index and middle fingers tapping elegantly on his arm.

Then he lazily glanced in Yu Chenyu’s direction. “Come on, make your second request,” he said.

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