Tag: o pretends to be b (page 4 of 4)

O Pretends to be B for the Violent Admiral, O装B给暴戾上将当男秘

Chapter 29: The Secretary and the Bodyguard

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Too stupid.

Really too stupid.

Luo Ran covered his eyes and couldn’t bear to look at it directly.

Especially since a crowd of people soon came out and repeated his posts, making it resemble a cult scene.

It was outrageous.

Many people also sent a variety of weird photoshopped reaction pics.

Luo Ran, who was so embarrassed that his face burned red, didn’t dare to stay in the group to chat and immediately went offline.

But he could now know what everyone was whispering about, improve his understanding, then start to maintain a proper distance from his boss.

Luo Ran promised to himself that from tomorrow onwards, he would pay more attention and not do anything that would make it easy for others to misunderstand.

So the next day, he asked Rong Duo to send in the coffee and clothes that he arranged.

Rong Duo: ??

They argued?

Rong Duo brought the things into the office with trepidation.

Lucas had his head lowered as he read documents, but looked up when he detected an unfamiliar presence and immediately frowned at the sight of Rong Duo.

Rong Duo: “…Admiral, good morning.”

Lucas looked at her coldly.

“…I’ll leave now.”

In the afternoon, Luo Ran handed Rong Duo a large stack of documents with a bright smile. “I’ll be troubling you.”

Rong Duo: “…”

That evening, Rong Duo got off work but Luo Ran stayed behind to finish off his work until late in the night.

Luo Ran stretched his muscles, planning to head home.

The office door was pushed open with a click, revealing Lucas. He looked at Luo Ran, who was tidying up his desk, and said coldly, “You don’t need to go home tonight.”

“…” Luo Ran froze, then shot him a smile. “It isn’t midnight yet, I…”

“Get in here!”


Lucas turned and walked away before Luo Ran could say anything else.

To be honest, if it was before, Luo Ran would go in without thinking anything of it. But now that he went through the shippers’ trials and tribulations, he was no longer clean.

In the middle of the night, the office was deserted except for the two of them… and his boss suddenly came out, ordering him to stay the night.

If Nana knew this, a new story would immediately come into being.

Luo Ran sighed and went in helplessly.

Lucas stood before the window. When Luo Ran followed his gaze, he froze for a moment.

“It’s blooming,” Luo Ran said, smiling. “It’s that time of year again.”

Lucas had a series of trellises installed on his window which were covered in wisteria flowers. Before, when it hadn’t bloomed yet, it looked very plain with just the creeping stems, leaves, and buds, but now many rows of bright purple flowers filled the entire window.

It looked ethereal.

On the window sill, a single wisteria was displayed under a clear glass dome.

Lucas nodded.

The flowers were only planted last year. At the time, he thought Lucas only did it on a whim but didn’t expect that these flowers would accompany Lucas for season after season.

“Why does Admiral like wisteria flowers?” Luo Ran asked curiously.

“I don’t like them,” Lucas said as he frowned. “Who’d like these girly things.”

Luo Ran glanced at the wisteria that filled the window from top to bottom.

“It calms my mind,” Lucas explained.

As an SSS alpha, his pheromones were rarely stable, and it was also easy for him to lose control of his spiritual power.

This wisteria fragrance, like the white tea incense, could calm Lucas down and make him feel at ease even by merely looking at it.

Luo Ran nodded his head.

Maybe it’s because I really can’t match Lucas and wisteria flowers together, Luo Ran thought, that I even see wisteria in my dreams.

In that dreamscape awash with wisteria flowers, a cosy little cabin hid within.

It was like a heavenly paradise.

As his mind wandered, Luo Ran sat on the edge of the sofa, considering how to tell Lucas that he wanted to leave.

Seeing that Lucas had already changed his clothes and was preparing to sleep, Luo Ran hurriedly spoke up. “Admiral, I think I should go…”

“Stop talking.”

Lucas, pillowing his head on his arm, was about to fall asleep.

He couldn’t get used to not seeing Luo Ran for a whole day, so he decided to let him stay overnight.

After a beat of silence, Luo Ran could only talk about work. “Admiral, do you understand what happened yesterday?”

He was referring to what happened between Andika and Lu Cheng in the bathroom.

“Yeah.” Lucas turned over, his train of thought easily led astray by Luo Ran. “Investigate that Andika properly.”

“Mn, we will.” Then Luo Ran added, with emotion, “Military officers are no good at dealing with politics and interpersonal relationships. It’s no wonder that every officer is followed by a group of civil servants.”

Lucas narrowed his eyes.“Who are you talking about?”

“Adjutant Lu, not you,” Luo Ran answered smoothly.

“He is a bit silly, but do you know how he became my adjutant?”

Lucas’ adjutants had all been selected on the battlefield before Luo Ran became his secretary, but he had some understanding of them after working together for so many years. “Adjutant Lu is good at judging the battle situation and terrain, is skilled in mecha operation, and…”

“I don’t need you to compliment him,” Lucas interrupted impatiently, feeling it unbearable to keep listening. Luo Ran had never praised him like that. “I had another adjutant at the time, who’d been good at his job and was hand-picked by my uncle. But on his first day, Lu Cheng hated him on sight and the two argued. Later, he was exposed as an undercover interstellar pirate during an ambush. Even my uncle hadn’t realized.”

Luo Ran was surprised.

Lucas had said before that their battle-honed instincts were very accurate, leading to sudden flashes of intuition.

Including about people.

“Then I hope Adjutant Lu’s instincts are accurate this time as well,” Luo Ran said, “or else we’ll have a lot of trouble.”

There was no sound from Lucas.

…He fell asleep?

When Luo Ran went closer to check, he saw that Lucas really fell asleep as he spoke.

Luo Ran was torn between tears and laughter.

With his eyes closed and sleeping on his back, Lucas looked very different from his usual fierceness.

Luo Ran suddenly remembered something that happened a long time ago.

When he first became a secretary for Lucas, the war had just ended, and Lucas was promoted as soon as he returned. After being appointed as an admiral, everyone in the Empire talked about him — everyone crazily worshipped him. After all, before then, people only knew of him through reports from the front line, which talked about a young general who achieved one victorious battle after another. But once Lucas returned to the Empire and was officially introduced to the media, all the miracles and legends were made real.

The news of Lucas’ uncle dying on the battlefield disheartened the Empire for a long while, but Lucas became the Empire’s new hope and strength.

That was when he was most popular.

However, only Luo Ran knew that Lucas couldn’t sleep at night, and didn’t sleep well even if he did fall asleep.

He couldn’t get used to ordinary life. After leaving the battlefield, he became cranky and anxious, not to mention he possessed SSS-grade pheromones — he was inherently prone to losing control of his spiritual power.

At night, he would sit up vigilantly at the slightest noise, completely unable to relax. And he couldn’t fall asleep afterwards either, with his mind filled with terribly tragic memories.

But Lucas could now sleep soundly. There was no war anywhere except when interstellar pirates occasionally messed around somewhere.

Luo Ran glanced at Lucas, who seemed to sleep especially well tonight.

Maybe it was because of the wisteria?

He checked on the white tea incense burner and made sure there was enough incense inside, changed out the water in the humidifier, adjusted the temperature for the air conditioner, then quietly left.

Once he got home, Luo Ran spent the whole night reading up on gardening tips, then ordered a bunch of fertilizers, soil, and nutrients, as well as purported super potions*, from the online marketplace.

Luo Ran also bought a pot of wisteria flowers.

He decided to try raising a pot at home.

It would be great if the wisteria could always bloom.

       ——  XXX  ——

The next day, the investigation team made new progress.

They discovered that the black market would hold an auction on the next day. Since they had both the time and location, they decided to send a few investigators undercover to observe it.

After a brief hesitation, Luo Ran asked the investigator for a ticket, planning to check it out himself.

“The black market auction? You’re going by yourself?” Lucas scowled when he heard of it.

“There are some essential differences between auctions and transactions. Transactions are only open to insiders, whereas you can attend auctions as long as someone vouches for you, so investigators can use this channel to gather information. And it’s not particularly dangerous,” Luo Ran explained, “because there are outsiders present. I’ll use an earpiece to keep in constant contact, and I’m only taking a look at the situation, so Admiral doesn’t need to worry.”

“I’ll go with you,” Lucas said.

Luo Ran stilled. “Admiral, there’s no need to…”

“What time? Say it again.”


So two people would go.

But they needed a disguise.

Zhou Mingkai found them a reliable, tight-lipped makeup artist.

The makeup artist was a young woman who was under the impression that Lucas and Luo Ran were going on a trip or date while in disguise, and was so excited that she almost tripped over her feet as she entered the room.

“M-My apologies! It’s my first time seeing Sir Admiral and Secretary, I, I’m a bit nervous.” The young woman with her hair in a bun dragged a large bag as she trotted in.

The two were currently in a reception room on the ground floor*, and the makeup artist also quietly came in through a more obscure elevator in the back.


Luo Ran gave Zhou Mingkai a glance. Is she really reliable?

Zhou Mingkai returned a thumbs up. Absolutely reliable!

Half an hour later:

Luo Ran looked at the mirror, feeling strange.

The makeup artist not only made them different people, but somehow also made them… more handsome?

Luo Ran’s silver hair was too iconic, so the makeup artist simply dyed it pitch black and draped it over his shoulder, then applied red eyeshadow to the corners of his eyes and drew a tiny mole there.

When she paired it with a long-sleeved black shirt and figure-hugging pants, the normally gentle man instantly became more aggressive yet alluring.

The contrast was so extreme that Zhou Mingkai couldn’t look away.

He felt as if he’d suddenly reached an epiphany.

Luo Ran, not quite used to it yet, subconsciously rejected the earrings the makeup artist handed over.

Whereas Lucas transformed into… a bodyguard?

He wore a typical monochrome suit, swept his hair back tidily, and used such shiny hair gel that it made Luo Ran’s entire mind chaotic.

After so many years of looking at Lucas’ dishevelled, unruly hair, Luo Ran truly couldn’t get used to this sudden change.

Lucas also looked at Luo Ran. He slowly reached over and gently twisted a stray lock of Luo Ran’s hair.

“Can it be changed back?” Lucas frowned slightly. He still preferred Luo Ran with his silver-blue hair.

The makeup artist covered her mouth, nodding frantically. “Yes! The dye will fall off after it’s washed.”

Luo Ran smiled. “Admiral should also wash your hair afterwards… It looks strange on you, the last time I saw you with such a formal hairstyle was at your promotion ceremony.”

“Oh, yeah.” Lucas scratched uncomfortably at the back of his head.

The makeup artist continued to cover her mouth and cry.

Geez, you can still see it when they get married later, Zhou Mingkai thought.

The two completely changed their hairstyles and clothes. The makeup artist put some eye makeup on Luo Ran, but didn’t touch anything else. After all, the auction would provide masks, and asking Lucas to put on makeup would probably be asking for his life.

After the makeup artist left, Zhou Mingkai spoke. “Your new identities have been arranged. Secretary Luo is Xie Ancheng’s friend, a rich young master, and Admiral is Young Master Luo’s bodyguard.”

After speaking, Zhou Mingkai couldn’t help letting out an internal hiss.

He had a new idea for Nana when he got back.

“Bodyguard…?” Luo Ran glanced at Lucas.

This reversed the relationship between superior and subordinate…

Luo Ran felt a bit uneasy.

Lucas probably wouldn’t be very comfortable… seeing as he was a high-ranking admiral.

Lucas frowned as he thought. “How does a bodyguard act?”

“Just…” Zhou Mingkai looked down. “Follow the young master, listen to the young master’s orders, and protect the young master.”

“Got it,” Lucas said.

The two set off. The entrance to the auction was hidden in a bar; Luo Ran could only enter after he showed his invitation letter and registered his information.

Lucas unthinkingly strode in front of Luo Ran.

Luo Ran: “…”

Seeing Luo Ran hesitating, Lucas raised an eyebrow. “What.”

“Um… to decrease others’ suspicions, please let me walk in front.”

Lucas thought about it for a long while before he understood and clicked his tongue. “Troublesome.”

He retreated behind Luo Ran.

As they stepped into the hall, they saw that with dim lighting and everyone wearing masks, it was very hard to recognise anyone.

There weren’t many people present, and of those who were, most were wealthy patrons looking for some excitement.

Neither Luo Ran nor Lucas ate or drank anything on-site, instead preferring to silently walk around and observe.

Although there weren’t many customers around, there were a lot of guards at every corner and entrance, all of them armed with weapons.

Lucas moved closer to Luo Ran and lowered his head. “Those guards are all interstellar pirates, this is their territory,” he whispered.

A gust of hot air washed over Luo Ran’s ear, making him freeze for a short moment before he nodded.

Some people were already seated, some walked around like Luo Ran and Lucas, while others chatted.

Not long after, someone went on the stage to announce the start of the auction.

They didn’t talk much before sending the first item up.

It was a person.

Luo Ran narrowed his eyes the slightest bit.


An omega with chains around his limbs and neck was pulled up, then the host introduced him with a few words and set his starting price.

Quite a few people rushed to bid, and the price gradually rose.

Lucas sat next to Luo Ran. Although he couldn’t see his face, Luo Ran could still feel the low air pressure surrounding him and knew that his eyes were filling with anger.

Lucas had always been very clear in his principles and bottom line*, of course he wouldn’t be able to take this.

“That omega is willing,” Luo Ran said as he leaned closer to Lucas, “he can earn a lot in just one month.”

Luo Ran knew this because someone introduced this line of work to him when he was desperately short of money, but he hadn’t done it in the end.

To stimulate a bidding war, the host, grinning, took out a small bottle and poured it down the omega’s throat.

The next moment, the omega went into heat. Thick pheromones filled the hall and wafted towards the audience below the stage, making many alphas start breathing heavily.

Luo Ran widened his eyes.

This is…

“This omega has been fed ‘special medicine’ for an entire month! He’s addicted!” The host cackled loudly. “It’s not a loss to bring him home!”

Seeing that many unfamiliar alphas sitting on his other side lit up after hearing of the special medicine, Luo Ran curiously asked them, “What’s the special medicine?”

“Is it your first time?” The alpha smiled. “It’s an aphrodisiac sold by Huntsman’s* group, the effect is very good! People get addicted as soon as they eat it, but it also makes them go into heat, so they’ll always beg for it.”


“He sells drugs, any drug that you can think of. Tsk, they even took the name of that interstellar pirate boss.”

Luo Ran: What do you mean they took the name, they are interstellar pirates.

Interstellar pirates did sneak into the Empire’s black market, and arrogantly used their real name, but no one believed it.

After asking some more, Luo Ran confirmed that Huntsman began to set up shop around half a month ago.

This went on for over half a month, yet Lucas’ people didn’t know anything about it?

He didn’t believe that there weren’t traitors.

After the omega on the stage went into heat, many alphas couldn’t sit still. Those who kept their minds raised their bids, while others directly injected themselves with inhibitors.

Luo Ran looked somewhat worriedly at Lucas, but saw that there wasn’t the slightest ripple on his face, and he even looked a little disgusted.

Luo Ran breathed a sigh of relief; but now, he discovered a new problem.

An alpha’s scent couldn’t attach itself to a beta, but after the omega on stage affected the alphas below, Luo Ran’s whole body was contaminated with messy alpha pheromones. It wouldn’t go well if Lucas detected it.

“I’m… going to the bathroom.” Luo Ran stood.

“I’ll go with you.”

“No need, you should stay to monitor the situation here.”

Luo Ran strode towards the bathroom.

On the way, he met a curly-haired man wearing a mask.

The man stopped him with a grin.

Luo Ran shot him a quizzical look.

The man chuckled. “How unexpected… an SSS omega, why would one be here?”

The man was tall, slender, and spoke with a light yet elegant tone. Although he was clearly talking normally, it sounded as if he was reciting poetry.

Luo Ran was startled.

How can he tell?

And having been tortured by Lucas’ harsh words for so many years, Luo Ran only felt goosebumps at such a cultivated voice.

It was too uncomfortable, as if someone pinched him.

The man lowered his head slightly, sniffed, then raised an eyebrow. “There’s also an SSS alpha nearby. Extraordinary.”

…Did this guy have a dog’s nose?

Luo Ran looked down. There, embroidered on his cuff, was a fox.

Apologies for missing last week’s update! The good news is that my stockpile is getting back to a reasonable level so hopefully this won’t happen again.


  1. Purported super potions [星研发的神奇药剂]: these truly are purported because I have no idea what this is talking about
  2.  Ground floor [底楼]: context here makes it strange if they’re trying to hide on the ground floor, but that is what 底楼 means. However, I’m more inclined to think the author meant a basement level or something, which would also allow for the elevator mentioned later in the sentence.
  3. Very clear in his principles and bottom line [揉不了沙子]: lit. never been able to stand even a bit of sand in his eyes; a perfectionist, a very definite attitude toward things, no room for mistakes or differences
  4. Huntsman [猎狐]: lit. fox hunter; it’s a name/title, and fox hunter sounds kinda ehh in English, so I used Huntsman as in one of the main roles during fox hunting. Reference to the huntsman spider is also a bonus.

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Chapter 22: The Secretary’s Third Day of Vacation

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As Lucas’ deafening military order-like voice roared out from his terminal, Luo Ran’s gaze turned towards Wang Zitong and Luo Cheng, who were trembling so much they couldn’t even move their chopsticks.

The scene froze.

Luo Ran: “…”

He wanted to crawl into a hole.

He’d thought up countless possibilities for this call. It might be because Lucas had a request, or it might be because Lucas got angry and wanted him to solve a problem.

But he never imagined that the reason would be this inexplicable?

“I…” Luo Ran was momentarily rendered speechless.

“Really went? With who!” Lucas received reports that Luo Ran wasn’t at home today, but his exact location wasn’t clear. However, Lucas couldn’t step away from the military exercises, and he had a lot of things left to do for the meeting.

“…I went back home to visit my parents today,” Luo Ran explained helplessly. “I’m not using my holiday to play around.”

A period of silence came from the terminal, maybe because Lucas was thinking over his words.

Then he coldly snorted. “It’s not that you’re not allowed to play, but you’re sick, so don’t run around.”

“…Yeah.” Luo Ran lowered his head, not daring to look at his parents’ expressions. “Then, if there’s nothing else…”

“Did you drink a lot of water?”

“I did, um…” Luo Ran only wanted to quickly end the call.

“Have you had three meals a day? Did you eat enough?”


“Did you sleep properly, for a full eight hours?”


When Lucas paused for a moment, Luo Ran took the opportunity to say, “Then I’ll hang up now, Admiral, have a good day.”


He finally passed this trial. Then he subconsciously looked to Luo Cheng and Wang Zitong.

With slight hesitation, Wang Zitong brought up a different topic. “Ranran took a break because he’s on sick leave?”

“It’s not serious, it’s only…” Luo Ran originally wanted to say overwork, but abruptly changed his words. “Only a small cold.”

“Why didn’t you say so?” Luo Cheng frowned.

“This child… hiding everything from us,” Wang Zitong rebuked. “You don’t even say when you’re sick. Mom will make soup for you when we go back home. Have you eaten your medicine yet? You have to eat medicine when you catch a cold!”

Luo Ran nodded. “I did, I’ve already eaten it.”

The group continued to eat. The little brother asked curiously, “Second brother, who was that fierce brother just now?”

Luo Ran smiled. “That’s my boss, the heroic admiral of the empire.”

“I know…! My teacher said, the admiral brought peace to the empire!” His little brother immediately raised his hand. “He fought Bing… Luobing, and pirates, and the other countries so they don’t dare to bully us anymore!”

“Yes.” Luo Ran grinned. “My little brother is so good at politics and history.”

His little sister, who was eating a bun on the other side of the table, didn’t show any weakness; she also raised her hand and shot back, “Little brother is talking nonsense! That brother wasn’t fierce, he was as nice as our second brother!”

Internally, she thought, he was fierce at the start, but later his tone was super gentle.

“Okay, stop, don’t yell while we’re eating.” Wang Zitong lightly patted the little girl’s hand.

Fruits and desserts were served after the main meal. The group ate and chatted comfortably, spending a fun day out.

As they talked, Wang Zitong casually asked, “By the way, I don’t think Ranran’s said, how old is the admiral this year?”

Luo Ran sent a slice of watermelon to his mouth, then replied, “Older than me by two years.”

“Oh… then he’s not so young now, does he have a lover?”

Luo Ran said, “No, his personality is a bit special, it’s harder to match.”

Wang Zitong paused. “Then for a military officer like him, they usually completely focus on the battlefield and the empire, and don’t care much about love matters?”

“I don’t know, I’ve never heard the admiral talk about it,” Luo Ran idly replied. “I haven’t seen him hold anyone in his heart.”

Wang Zitong and Luo Cheng glanced at each other.

Luo Ran smiled and said, “If you’re interested in the admiral you can check out his interviews with the official media, his information is just about all there with them.”

Wang Zitong kept a smile on her face.  

* * *

Once they finished eating, the group went home. As Luo Ran laid in bed and scrolled through the forums, he received a report from the military department.

It was the investigation into the person who had followed him before.

This report gave Luo Ran a big surprise because the man turned out to be an ordinary worker at the research institute. But how was it possible for a mere overseer to have such good skills?

As expected, a deeper investigation revealed that he was inserted last year to replace the previous overseer due to a leg injury, but that injury wasn’t simple either.

The man spilled everything. His master ordered him to follow Luo Ran and track the institute’s research progress into the DNA found under Lucas’ nails in order to control the trail of clues regarding his one-night stand.

Luo Ran continued reading, but the most critical piece of information was missing.

The man didn’t know who his master was. They only communicated through terminals with hidden IPs.

To be able to insert a spy into the research institute showed that they weren’t an ordinary person. After all, the institute’s security system was exceedingly strict.

But who could it be?

Luo Ran frowned thoughtfully.

Fortunately, I hid my identity as the one that night, he thought.

He not only saved his own life, but now there were other uses too. Besides Lucas, there was another group of people looking for him.

Then they were in the dark, while he stood in the light.

Luo Ran narrowed his eyes.

He wanted to see just what their goals were.

Knock, knock…

Knocking on the door interrupted Luo Ran’s thoughts.

“Come in.”

The door quietly opened to reveal Wang Zitong with a bowl of soup.

“Ranran, come, have a bowl of soup before bed.”

“Thanks…” Luo Ran was somewhat surprised.

He hadn’t thought Wang Zitong would really make soup once they got home, especially not so late.

“No need… for thanks.” Wang Zitong felt both warmed and sad to hear Luo Ran thanking her, adding, “This is what I should do. Mom and dad care about you.”

“Yeah.” Luo Ran obediently nodded, took the porcelain bowl, and drank.

Wang Zitong sat on his bed. “Ranran’s grown up.”

Luo Ran grinned back. “But my mom is still young.”

“Oh, this child…”

Wang Zitong couldn’t resist laughing at first, but then she trailed off. She turned away, and said with a slightly hoarse voice, “Ranran, fortunately, you’re a beta, not an omega.”

Luo Ran’s action of drinking soup froze.

“Otherwise, life would be too hard. I’m sorry, Ranran.” Wang Zitong shook her head. “Mom and dad always wanted to tell you, we’re sorry.”

“It’s okay…” Luo Ran was stunned.

How come she suddenly brought this up…?

Was it because he politely thanked her?

“It’s really okay.” He smiled. “It happened so long ago, I don’t even remember it.”

That year, Luo Cheng’s younger brother got into big trouble. He owed a massive gambling debt to an underground casino run by star pirates, and even Luo Cheng got hurt by the debt collectors chasing him.

Luo Cheng’s heavy wounds compounded on his previous physical weakness, and the shock of the incident then made him fall deeply ill. At the time, Luo Ran’s little siblings were too young, while his elder brother was on the cusp of graduation.

If the eldest son couldn’t graduate, their family would be finished.

So Luo Ran and Wang Zitong could only work desperately to get food on the table, to pay the medical fees and elder brother’s school fees, not to mention the gambling debt.

Although the empire’s citizens enjoyed a high standard of living and the government provided state welfare, they wouldn’t lend a hand to families who owed gambling debts, and especially not those who were involved with star pirates. They deserved it.

Then Luo Ran differentiated. Wang Zitong waited anxiously for a whole day until he came out of the Department of Hormones,* gripping a report in his hands. “The results are out, I’m a B-grade beta.”

With relief, he said, “Since I’m not an omega, mom doesn’t have to worry. Tomorrow I’ll go apply to be a frontline secretary. I heard that they only accept alpha and beta for this position, but it earns a lot. I’m already working as a secretary in the military’s logistics department, so I have a good chance.

“I’ve also heard that the empire’s newly promoted admiral is also looking for a secretary, though he only wants betas. Maybe I’ll go try my luck… if I can pass the initial interviews.”

At the time, Luo Ran had only just become an adult, and his face still carried some baby fat.

But Wang Zitong had no way to refuse.  

* * *

“Mom, don’t think so much, aren’t we all fine now? It wasn’t a big deal.” Luo Ran smiled and handed the bowl back to Wang Zitong.

“Mn, yeah.” Wang Zitong smiled back. “So I hope that your future partner is kind, thoughtful, meticulous, and can take good care of you.”

“…Okay?” Luo Ran had never thought of it. His whole life consisted of work, and he hadn’t had the chance to even think about looking for his other half.

After this, Wang Zitong didn’t bother Luo Ran anymore.

Luo Ran reminded the secretary’s office to send a placating gift to Princess Lillia, then went to bed early for once.

He returned to his own home the next morning.

For the last day of his holiday, Luo Ran planned to follow his schedule and go play around at the amusement park, museum, and so on.

It’d been a long time since he could take it easy.

“Luo Ran.”

In the end, Luo Ran received a shock as soon as he got home.

Because Lucas, wearing an overcoat, stood at the door to his home like a pillar as if it were completely normal.

Luo Ran: “…”

It seemed like he wouldn’t be able to relax this time.


  1. Department of Hormones [信息素管理局]: I’m honestly not sure what to call this to make it sound less awkward. The literal translation is Pheromone Department, i.e. the department in charge of ABO differentiation/pheromone stuff. If anyone has suggestions, please comment below.

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Chapter 21: The Secretary’s Second Day of Vacation

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“Reporting to Admiral, we’ve checked, Secretary Luo hasn’t had any blind dates recently!”

Currently, the captain of the guard-escort was serious reporting on Luo Ran’s recent relationship status.

“He hasn’t had a date for over half a year!”

The captain reflected that the fact that the admiral would ask for a report on Secretary Luo’s private life from time to time showed great possessiveness, very much deserving to be an SSS-grade alpha.

Ah, what a wonderful love.

“Got it.” Lucas frowned. Then who is he going with? By himself? Or is he just taking a look?

At this time Rong Duo just finished sorting out her documents and barged in.

Lucas took one look at the young girl Rong Duo and asked her, “Have you heard of that retro amusement park?”


Rong Duo realized what was going on in an instant. Oh heavens is this a date?!

“I’ve heard of it, it’s been famous recently. People say it’s a good place for dates and for family outings, and their tickets are reasonably priced.” Rong Duo’s face was serious, yet a thousand comments flew in her heart.

“Then people usually go with their family and friends, or with their partner? Would anyone go by themselves?”

Rong Duo thought for a bit. “You can go play by yourself, but… it seems a little lonely?”

“Got it.”  

* * *

Luo Ran spent a whole day in bed, playing on the net, and only got up to make dinner in the evening.

He actually liked to cook and try different recipes, and his skills in the kitchen were rather good, but he usually didn’t have the time to mess around.

The next day, Luo Ran got up early to tidy himself before heading home.

His family wasn’t poor by any means, but ever since Luo Ran became Lucas’ secretary, their status rose a lot.

Father Luo transferred from a small clinic to the hospital’s top VIP ward with the best doctors and enjoyed round-the-clock care.

Luo Ran’s elder brother rose in military ranks, and the entire family moved to a wealthy district assigned by the state.

Luo Cheng and Wang Zitong had long prepared a meal. When they heard the sound of the hovercar, Wang Zitong couldn’t resist going outside to wait.

“Ranran’s back, let mom take a look.” As soon as Luo Ran disembarked, Wang Zitong examined him all over.

Wang Zitong wasn’t like the other rich madams in their district, rather, she still dressed in ordinary clothing. She was a thin little lady who looked very kind.

Luo Cheng, standing behind Wang Zitong, also nodded with satisfaction when he saw Luo Ran. Just like Luo Ran, their smiles were exceedingly warm.

Luo Cheng and Wang Zitong were an ordinary beta-beta pair, it was a miracle for them to produce Luo Ran, an SSS-grade omega.

It was already good for children from excellent alpha-omega pairs to reach S-grade. This was why the empire encouraged matching between people with strong spiritual strength – it was all to have strong descendants. 

But Luo Ran only differentiated into an omega when he was over ten years old, and he changed the report immediately when it came out, so his identity was hidden very deeply.

Even his parents didn’t know he was an omega.

“Mom, dad.” Luo Ran smiled. “I’m back.”

“You got thinner,” Wang Zitong said in annoyance, “Every time I see you, you’re thinner. Your work is too hard.”

They entered the house. Luo Ran’s younger siblings came rushing down from upstairs where they had been doing homework and leapt onto him, hugging and rubbing affectionately.

At the dinner table, Wang Zitong grilled Luo Ran on his work and daily life.

“This is too tiring.” She became distressed. “Your workload is too big. And I heard that the admiral’s temper isn’t very good… you… staying next to him every day, are you okay?”

“It’s not a problem.” Luo Ran didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. “The admiral does have a bad temper, but he wouldn’t take it out on me.”

The gentle middle-aged man pushed up his glasses with a soft frown. “Really? Tell us if you’re wronged, don’t keep suffering by yourself.”

“He won’t, that won’t happen,” Luo Ran comforted. “Look at how many good things he sent us. He’s not as scary as the rumours say.”

“Of course, we understand this. But… we don’t feel comfortable getting his favour for no reason.” Wang Zitong sighed. “We worry that this is because your work is too much, and your boss is too hard on you, so they gave this as recompense. We don’t want you to be bullied.”

“It’s really fine, the admiral treats me well.” Luo Ran felt helpless. His parents would repeat this every time he went home, for fear that he would be silently wronged.

Wang Zitong used to be an office clerk, and Luo Cheng worked as a teacher. The two didn’t have many requirements for Luo Ran, only that he was happy and healthy.

“Anyways, you can always quit if you’re being bullied. Mom and dad have saved a lot of funds in the last few years, and your dad’s health has been getting better. It’s not like before, you don’t need to suffer.” Wang Zitong gave Luo Ran a big piece of chicken with a smile. “Look at you, you’re so busy that you haven’t had the time to eat, you haven’t come home, and haven’t looked for a partner, just circling around the admiral all day.”

Luo Ran obediently nodded his head. “I’ll take care of myself properly.”

The two children didn’t know what the grown-ups were talking about, they just pulled at Luo Ran and acted cute.

“Brother, take us out to play!”

“Yeah, dad always makes us do homework. I want to play!”

Luo Ran had also experienced Wang Zitong and Luo Cheng’s strict upbringing when he was young.

He nodded with a smile. Before Luo Cheng could interject, Luo Ran said, “I also want to buy some clothes for mom and dad, and get a new pair of shoes for dad.”

The shoes Luo Cheng wore to work were already worn into holes, but he still couldn’t bear to change them.

Eventually, Luo Ran finally persuaded the two seniors to go to the mall.

Luo Ran bought new clothes and shoes for everyone and insisted on buying Luo Cheng a new suit.

“You don’t need to waste so much, just the shoes are enough.” Luo Cheng grimaced. “I can still wear them.”

“Dad, you face so many students every day, isn’t it better to dress a bit nicer?” Luo Ran asked rhetorically. “‘To dress cleanly and decently is also a kind of self-cultivation,’ you’re the one who taught me that.”

Luo Cheng couldn’t win against him, so he was pulled aside to get his measurements done.

While he waited, Luo Ran looked around.

They were in the capital’s largest clothing mall, which had a wide variety of styles and prices. Since they were at the men’s department, they were surrounded by suits, ties, and belts.

Luo Ran couldn’t help turning his eyes to one of the ties.

The maroon tie looked extravagant but not excessively so, perfectly bringing out the colour’s arrogance, and the pattern was very beautiful.

…Very suitable for Lucas.

Luo Ran irresistibly stroked it and looked at it some more.

The black version next to it also matched Lucas’ military uniform…

Luo Ran checked the price, picked it up, and carefully held it up to Lucas’ height in his memory.

He became more and more satisfied as he looked at it.

Wang Zitong saw his actions and momentarily paused.

This kid…

Seeing Luo Ran reluctantly put the ties back as if he couldn’t bear to look away, she stepped up with a smile. “If Ranran likes it, just buy it. We’ve all bought things today.”

“Ah…” Luo Ran struggled for a long moment, but in the end, he held on to them.

By then Luo Cheng had finished measuring and moved on to choosing fabrics. After Luo Ran gave him his suggestions, his gaze was once again attracted by some nearby buttons.

There were bags of buttons in various styles, including gold buttons and buckles suitable for military uniforms.

Luo Ran briefly considered them. Since he already bought the ties, then he might as well get the buttons as well.

He quickly picked out two bags of studs and one bag of buttons, for repairing clothes in the future.

After all, with his usual workload, Luo Ran didn’t have the time to go out and get good-looking accessories like this.

Before they left, he also bought a pair of gloves with good texture.

Luo Cheng noticed Luo Ran’s shopping bag and glanced at Wang Zitong.

Wang Zitong helplessly shook her head.

After everyone strolled around and stocked up on new clothes and shoes, they settled into a restaurant for dinner.

Luo Ran had already arranged a private room for themselves earlier in the day.

Halfway through their meal, Luo Ran’s terminal rang.

It was Lucas.

Luo Ran was a little surprised. Did something urgent come up?

He usually took care of work calls in private. But this time, before he could stand, Wang Zitong – who sat next to him and saw ‘Admiral’ on the caller ID – pressed his hand, indicating that he didn’t need to avoid them.

“We’re in a private room, it’s too inconvenient to go out,” she said with a smile.

Luo Ran swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

His parents wanted to listen in on purpose.

…Hopefully, Lucas wouldn’t be too fierce and cause even more misunderstandings for the two.

Somewhat nervously, Luo Ran picked up the call. “A-Admiral…”

“Did you go to the amusement park with some rat?!”

Majestic and full of energy.

Sonorous and powerful, very attention-grabbing.  

* * *

Luo Ran: “…”

Ranran: I suggest cremation

Despite being the same in English, Adjutant Lu’s Cheng (成) is different from Luo Ran’s father’s Cheng (城). Unfortunately, their family names are similar in English too. You don’t want to know how many times I almost got it wrong. If I missed one, please tell me in the comments.

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Chapter 19: The Secretary is Persuaded

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Luo Ran opened his eyes to a wooden ceiling.

Before he could get his bearings, he heard Xia Zhi clucking over him. “Ranran you’re awake…! You passed out at the military camp, why were you so careless? Didn’t I tell you to take care of yourself? Yes, your physique is very good and your spiritual power is SSS, but in the end, you’re an omega. To do this high-intensity work while in heat, are you crazy??

“You have a temporary mark, but omega are fragile during heats! Not to mention your alpha hasn’t given enough intimacy or pheromones, you’ve even been refining the UNK recently since those two from the research institute got injured. You still dare to work so much?

“You fainted from overwork! I really have no words!”

Luo Ran, who only just woke up and was still a little confused, instantly became stunned by Xia Zhi’s barrage.

“Ranran, are you listening to me?!”


That’s right… he did feel very fatigued for the last few days. He probably passed out because his body reached its limit.

When Luo Ran sat up, he realized that he was in Xia Zhi’s guest room.

“Ranran, don’t be like this, please just take a holiday,” Xia Zhi said helplessly. “Be good. Take a rest, you can go back to work after your heat.”

This workaholic, he’s really…

Xia Zhi even wondered if Luo Ran had a crush on Lucas.

“Okay.” Luo Ran rubbed his temples. “I’ll consider it.”

“I’m not saying this for fun, with your condition… you might go into heat right in front of the admiral at any time,” Xia Zhi warned. “You were lucky this time. If you really can’t control it, I don’t know what will happen.”

Luo Ran stilled.

He thought for a moment then said, “I’ll ask for leave.”

The heat will take another three days, so let’s rest for three days.

“That’s better.” Xia Zhi was very satisfied, like a mother whose child finally listened to their nagging.

Luo Ran flexed his limbs and stood. “Right, who was the one who sent me here, Adjutant Lu?”

“No…” With a strange expression, Xia Zhi replied, “It was the admiral who carried you in. But the military department over there still needed him, so he went back after I told him you collapsed from exhaustion.”

“Huh?” Luo Ran immediately frowned. “Why’d he come when they’re in the middle of exercises?”

Seeing Luo Ran still thinking about his work matters, Xia Zhi paused then asked with furrowed brows, “Ranran, I want to ask…”


“What do you think of the admiral?”

“What ‘what do I think’?” 

“Just, what do you think of him as a person?” Xia Zhi smiled broadly. “I’m curious.”

“Didn’t you meet him while you were a combat medic? He…” Luo Ran stretched as he considered his words. “He’s a very powerful alpha. His spiritual power and combat ability are both at the empire’s peak, and he’s honourable.”

Xia Zhi: “…”

Xia Zhi opened his mouth. He originally had something to say, but in the end, it didn’t leave his lips.

“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing, it… oh, that’s right!” Xia Zhi clapped his hands. “The admiral asked Adjutant Lu to stay and let him know if we need anything. He’s sitting in the living room, you can go tell him you’re up.”

“…Say this earlier, why don’t you.”

Luo Ran brushed his hair, straightened his clothes, then made his way downstairs.

“Secretary Luo…!” Upon seeing Luo Ran, Lu Cheng subconsciously got up and saluted again.

“Adjutant Lu, sorry I’ve troubled you.” Luo Ran bowed in return.

“No trouble, no trouble.” Lu Cheng examined Luo Ran up and down, then stood straight and asked, “May I report your condition to the admiral, Secretary Luo?”

“…You may.”


Lu Cheng immediately bowed his head to give Lucas a report.

“Adjutant Lu.”*


“Can you do me a favour and ask the admiral for a holiday for me?” Luo Ran requested.


“Just say that I fell sick from overwork so I plan to rest for three days, but I’ll make sure to finish all the urgent tasks at the company beforehand.”

“Yes…” Lu Cheng wondered, why doesn’t Secretary Luo ask the admiral himself?

But he couldn’t work it out, so Lu Cheng dutifully passed the message to Lucas verbatim.

Lucas only replied with a ‘yeah.’

So began the top secretary of the empire’s first vacation in many years.

* * *

To be precise, it half began.

Luo Ran couldn’t abandon all his work without a word. He still had to go to the company to sort and hand over everything, as well as leave instructions for Rong Duo and the others.

He left for the company after resting a short while at Xia Zhi’s home.

When he arrived, it was already late at night. The employees had long finished their shifts, the whole building was dark, and the only people present were the soldiers and guards on duty.

Luo Ran went to the highest floor and sat at his desk to organize his documents.

After a while, he heard footsteps.

The admiral returned from the military camp…

Luo Ran looked up and saw Lucas standing there, watching him with a slightly sullen expression.

He’s angry…?

Because I asked for a holiday?

With a stack of folders in hand, Luo Ran asked in a tentative tone, “Admiral is back, did the parade go well?”

Lucas didn’t answer, instead grabbing the folders from Luo Ran with rough movements. “Why didn’t you tell me you were exhausted?!”

“I…” Completely unprepared for Lucas’ anger, Luo Ran looked at him in a daze when his hands became empty.

“Why didn’t you ask for a break if you were tired?” Lucas threw the folders onto the table. “Are these damn things so important?!”

Luo Ran truly didn’t expect Lucas to react like this. After he got over his shock, he subconsciously followed Lucas’ words and blurted out, “Yes… they’re very important.”

Those weren’t just any damn things, they included the empire’s military affairs and economic information on Luobing. Things would become troublesome if anything went wrong.


Lucas gazed at Luo Ran with a dark expression.

Luo Ran lowered his eyes and said nothing.

“…I can’t win against you. This can’t happen again,” Lucas warned.

Luo Ran nodded.

But Lucas wasn’t stupid. He frowned and asked, “Normally your workload is even bigger than this, why did you pass out this time?”

Luo Ran’s heart jumped and subconsciously moved half a step back. “I don’t know.”

“Are you hiding something from me?” Lucas’ face sank. Luo Ran’s half a step back instantly angered the alpha who was already in a bad mood. He directly pressed Luo Ran against the wall behind him, not letting him slip away.

Luo Ran’s two hands were raised above his hands and clasped together until he couldn’t move an inch.

He suppressed the nervousness in his heart. It’s okay, I didn’t go into heat before I passed out, there shouldn’t be any pheromones, and Xia Zhi couldn’t have revealed anything. It should be fine.

“I am not.” Luo Ran calmly looked at Lucas. “I would not lie to you.”

Lucas raised an eyebrow.

“If I ever lie to you, I will…” Luo Ran abruptly stopped.

Although his face was still, his heart felt weak.


Luo Ran hardened himself, continuing, “…I will take your surname.”

He didn’t dare to name too harsh a punishment, like being struck by lightning or not dying in one piece. What if he was actually struck by lightning?

Lucas looked at Luo Ran blankly.

Luo Ran stared back.

The two stayed in the stalemate for a while, until Lucas admitted defeat and said viciously, “If you have any problems, whether that be if you’re tired or sick or whatever, tell me. Don’t lie.”

“Alright.” Luo Ran breathed a sigh of relief to know that Lucas hadn’t noticed anything. He raised his hand. “I promise.”

Lucas loosened his grip on Luo Ran.

“Then I’ll go first,” Luo Ran said.

“Just sleep here, don’t run back and forth.” Lucas pointed to his office.* “You take the bed.”


With Lucas standing in front of him like a sentry, Luo Ran didn’t even need to think to know that he wouldn’t be able to go home tonight.

Thinking about it another way, if Lucas was the one sick, he wouldn’t want him to run around like that either.

After a pause, Luo Ran tried to justify himself. “In fact it wasn’t a big deal today, I…”

“Go rest.”

* * *

Luo Ran plucked up his courage and followed Lucas inside.

Lucas took off his military uniform and put on clean clothing.

The air was full of the scent of tobacco. Luo Ran took the opportunity to go to the bathroom and give himself a shot of inhibitor just in case.

By the time Luo Ran returned, Lucas had already washed up and was sitting on the sofa with a gloomy expression.

“What’s your relationship with that Xia Zhi?”

Luo Ran: “?”

“Xia Zhi, the one whose name you called just before you fainted.”

Lucas had moved his pillow and quilt to the sofa, and the bed was clearly left for Luo Ran. Luo Ran cautiously sat on the edge of the bed and replied, “Xia Zhi is my friend and happens to be a doctor, so I thought of him. You should have met him before, Admiral. He followed your uncle in the army everywhere when you were younger.”

Lucas tapped a finger on his knee without a word.

The atmosphere cooled again.

No response was forthcoming even after a long while, so Luo Ran turned to get the spare bedding out from the cupboard. Though they were a bit thin, it was fine to make do for a night.

Just as Luo Ran was about to lie down, he heard Lucas’ voice again from outside.

“You like people like this? You like omega?”


Luo Ran said helplessly, “Admiral, what are you thinking? Although Xia Zhi looks young, he can be counted as our elder.”

Lucas nodded in agreement. “As long as you know. He’s old. Even if he’s an omega, his body isn’t able to keep up. Plus he doesn’t look good, and he’s long-winded. Every time I visit with Lu Cheng, he can’t stop nagging.”

Luo Ran: Xia Zhi would spit blood if he heard this.

It couldn’t be said that Xia Zhi didn’t look good when he was acknowledged as one of the empire’s most beautiful people. Back when he broke off his engagement with Shen Xiluo, his suitors could line up around his house several times over.

Lucas sat on the sofa and doggedly pursued this topic. “As your boss, I hope you can keep your mind on work and don’t think about falling in love and getting married all day long.”

Luo Ran: “…”

I haven’t??

“The empire’s top secretary should act like a proper secretary. Work hard.”

Luo Ran: “…”

Xia Zhi: ???

He just fainted, he’s not in heat, so Ranran can keep his cover

Kabedon! Kabedon!

Testing a new layout for the previous/next buttons. Should I keep this or go back to before?


  1. The raws call him 陆长官 here, which is Senior Official Lu. I think it’s the only time Lu Cheng’s title is ever senior official instead of adjutant, so I’m fairly sure it’s a typo.
  2. The raws don’t say, but I’m guessing his office has a living space attached, similar to an apartment.

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Chapter 18: The Secretary’s Heat

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Lucas’ voice was freezing cold.

Luo Ran stood to the side, staring blankly as Lillia turned towards him, then Lucas, her face full of unwillingness.

Yet Lucas was unmoved. His entire bearing expressed that this matter couldn’t be smoothed over.

After a long while, Lillia twisted her sleeve, pressed her lips together, and grudgingly bit out, “Sorry, Secretary Luo.”

Luo Ran couldn’t figure out what Lucas was thinking, so he stood to the side without speaking a word, and bowed his head.

Lucas raised his eyebrows. “Your Highness, have you ever fought a war?”

“…Ah?” Lillia froze, then replied, “O-Of course not!”

“Then have you assisted in national affairs?”

“No… that, they don’t need me to, my elder brothers and sisters…”

Lucas interrupted her. “Do you know what kind of life Luobing’s citizens live?”

“I…” Lillia was taken aback. Huh?

Why would I need to know this?

Before she could say a word, Lucas sneered. “Then you’re just trash. Why do you think you’re so noble when you depend on the royal family for every little thing?”


It was the first time anyone said this to her. Lillia’s eyes reddened and she couldn’t resist raising her voice. “B-But isn’t your empire’s Zhou Mingkai also, also very…”

“He also uses his background to bully others like you?” Lucas’ tone was slightly disdainful.

“…” Lillia was scolded into speechlessness. While she already trembled with anger, it became worse because the one who humiliated her was the prospective marriage partner whom she admired, making her feel even more embarrassed.

With red eyes, Lillia choked out, “You- you’re bullying me! You guys are bullying a female omega.”

Looks like we can’t eat this dinner, Luo Ran thought.

Lucas was also very impressive. At the meal with the prince, he turned it into an interrogation, and at the meal with the princess, he made her cry.

When Lillia begin to tear up, Lucas simply rolled his eyes and left.

Luo Ran stepped forward and handed Lillia a tissue from the table. “We do apologize, please don’t take it to heart.”

Luo Ran never involved personal feelings in his work. Even now, he was amiable yet distant.

Lillia looked up to see a silver-haired man with warm features and a gentle voice.

She stiffened for a moment then took it with a hum.

Luo Ran continued, “Your Highness mustn’t take it seriously, otherwise it would be awkward when we next meet.”

Lillia, who planned to make a huge fuss, file a complaint with Luobing and the embassy, and vent on the forum, paused.

That’s right.

If she did, it would mean completely severing ties with Lucas, and with his temper, there would be no chance of marrying him in the future.

Lillia angrily wiped away her tears, pouting. “Y-you scram.”

After confirming that Lillia didn’t intend to cause trouble, Luo Ran strode away to catch up with Lucas.

Lucas had waited in front of the hover car for a while before Luo Ran came.

Lucas raised an eyebrow. “Where’d you go?”

Luo Ran shook his head.

“Say it,” Lucas coldly ordered. “You can say whatever you want.”

Lucas knew Luo Ran must have stayed to coax Lillia, and now he would tell him to restrain himself and think of the overall situation or something like that.

Luo Ran replied, “I do have something to say.”

Lucas raised his eyebrows.

Luo Ran looked down and smiled. “For tonight… thank you, Admiral.”


Lucas looked at Luo Ran with some surprise.

Luo Ran turned away slightly and said in a low voice, “It’s one thing to take care of the empire and the admiral’s reputations, but the admiral’s consideration for me is another. Thank you.”

“Yeah.” Lucas touched his nose. Suddenly not knowing how to move his hands and feet, he turned stiffly and boarded the hover car. “As long as you understand!”

Luo Ran looked at Lucas with a smile and also jumped into the hover car.

After this ‘dinner’, the forum became very lively that evening.

[The admiral and the princess had dinner together!]

1: Ahhh so who does Sir Admiral like! Does our Secretary Luo still have a chance does he still have a chance!!!

2: Don’t be nervous, sister! I think they haven’t discussed marriage yet, it’s only having a meal with Luobing’s side to see both of them, there’s no word about liking them yet right?

13: So what, Secretary Luo was there both times… Damn, I thought up an angsty plot! #I will personally send you to another’s side

17: What’s going on upstairs??* Must it be angst? Why can’t it be because the admiral wants to make the secretary jealous /covers face

Luo Ran only glanced through the forum. After confirming that everyone no longer focused on the relationship between Lucas and the prince, he stopped reading.

Speaking truthfully, if he went on the forum every day and read the analysis and brain holes of these netizens, Luo Ran would also think he and Lucas were a pair.

Their words were too convincing. 

Luo Ran slept soon after returning home. Just like that, the first day of his heat passed peacefully.

The next day, Lucas had to attend a military parade.

Lucas went to the parade once a week to check on the soldiers in training, and Luo Ran accompanied him every time.

Before Luo Ran headed home last night, he’d brought out Lucas’ military uniform, carefully ironed it, and hung it outside Lucas’ room. When he arrived at the company early in the morning, Lucas was already dressed.

Lucas wore a military outfit with white gloves and long black boots. Tassels fell along his broad shoulders, metal buttons and military emblems were pinned on his chest, and the belt at his waist shone in the light.

When such a mighty man stood there, he seemed to be the empire’s impenetrable line of defence and a symbol of strength.

Perhaps it was because of those weird blessings on the forum that Luo Ran took a few more glances.

He was indeed handsome and heroic, maybe even the most handsome alpha he’d ever seen. It wasn’t just due to his face but also because Lucas had an overwhelming aura, like a fierce lion.

No wonder the forum was so insane.

“Let’s go.”

* * *

The empire had military bases scattered everywhere, all filled with its elite. When someone looked in from the outside, they could only see densely packed simple housing and a training ground, but the people inside all knew how strong and meticulous its defences were.

Lucas seemed like a different person as soon as he stepped foot into the barracks.

Normally, his temper was rather grumpy, and he gave the impression that he was indifferent to everything. His daily life was rarely very organized; it could even be said that he couldn’t be bothered to care.

But when he entered this place which was half a battlefield, Lucas’ true nature was exposed.

The barracks were full of big, muscular male alpha and beta, but they were all extremely respectful when facing Lucas and Luo Ran.

Lucas took off his long coat and threw it to Luo Ran, then climbed into his mecha.

His exclusive mecha was a big one, much larger than other mecha. Its silver body was decorated with light blue pieces, and the designer also carved a golden lion that shone in the sun.

It was the mecha whose name resounded throughout the empire and brought awe wherever it went: Lion One.

The big guy towered over everything else. There weren’t many alpha in the empire who had the spiritual power to control such a beast.

When Luo Ran saw that Lucas and the soldiers began arranging their formations, he turned to head into the office.

He also came to inspect the military headquarters every week, since the military documents, weapons, and other miscellaneous items couldn’t leave the base.

The one who received him was Lucas’ adjutant, Lu Cheng. As Lucas’ adjutant, Lu Cheng was also an outstanding alpha with sharp features and a sunny smile.

When he saw Luo Ran, he immediately straightened into a military salute. “Mada…”

Then his voice abruptly stopped.

“What is it?” Luo Ran was inspecting the weapons held in the warehouse. With one hand holding a rifle, he turned to look doubtfully at Lu Cheng.

I’m done for, Lu Cheng thought. Everyone in the military camp was used to calling Luo Ran the admiral’s madam, and he almost blurted it out by accident.

“Mad… Adjutant Lu Cheng is here!” Lu Cheng saluted again.

Luo Ran didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. “Relax, I’m not the admiral.”


As expected, the heat still affected him.

Luo Ran inspected the camp for the whole afternoon, and by evening he felt a little dizzy.

He could normally work for 24 hours straight without issues, and none of his previous heats were so serious.

Luo Ran frowned.

“What’s the matter?” Lu Cheng, noticing that Luo Ran seemed a little uncomfortable, became nervous.

“It’s nothing.” Luo Ran glanced at the list in his hands and said, “There’s not much left, we’ll do the rest tomorrow.”

He wouldn’t force himself.

“Yes sir!”

Luo Ran and Lu Cheng left the storage area and came to an open field, where Lucas stood atop a high platform as he commanded troops.

An imposing man, standing high above, issued orders as the sun backlit his silhouette.

Luo Ran held a pile of official documents and watched with a smile.

Lucas noticed him and quirked a finger to call Luo Ran up.

Luo Ran took a step forward, but the world suddenly swirled around him.

Lu Cheng was startled and hurriedly reached out in support.

“It’s okay, it’s okay…” Luo Ran stood firm with great effort, waving his hand off. “I…”

Before he could finish, he really couldn’t hold on anymore. His whole body lost strength.

“Secretary Luo…!”

In his confusion, Luo Ran could faintly feel someone holding him.

He weakly ordered, “Find… Xia Zhi, no one else.”

Then he passed out.

Luo Ran fainting count: 1

I like this trope not gonna lie, but what I remember most deeply about this novel is that Luo Ran faints a lot.

By the by, I’m recovering from laser eye surgery, meaning my eyesight’s blurry, I’m seeing double, and working on computers is a pain. I’ll try to keep up weekly updates but if I slow down for the next couple of months, that’s why.


  1. Upstairs [楼上]: previous poster in a forum

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Chapter 17: The Admiral Perseveres

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After Luo Ran’s worldview experienced a baptism and his courage and sense of shame received a blow, he finally finished reading it. A window popped up.

[Do you want to bookmark this post? You’ll be the first to know when it updates! (*^▽^*)]

Luo Ran: “…”

Too powerful.

As if he were possessed, he’d bookmarked it before he knew it.

H-He wasn’t really interested in the story.

It’s only to see how everyone saw him and Lucas.

Luo Ran put the terminal down and turned over to sleep, but was soon awakened by the heat and discomfort coming from his nape.


Luo Ran frowned and propped himself up.

He mustered his strength to pick up the inhibitor he earlier placed by his bedside. With shaking hands, he slowly twisted the cap off.

The moment the needle pierced his wrist, his whole body couldn’t help trembling.

He still carried Lucas’ temporary mark. An inhibitor couldn’t completely suppress the symptoms during heat, so he still had to rely on the alpha’s pheromones.

Luo Ran took a deep breath and reluctantly pulled the jacket over his head, trying to relieve the strange feelings in his body.

He only saw a pitch-black void, but the powerful pheromones surrounding him gave him a strong sense of safety. Luo Ran gripped the corner of the bed so tightly that his finger joints turned red.

This feeling… was too terrible.

Like doing something behind his boss’ back, not to mention Luo Ran just read an earth-shaking smut– no, love story… between him and Lucas, he felt that this was wrong.

Luo Ran could’ve exploded from shame.

The fabric around Luo Ran carried the strong scent of bitter tobacco, allowing Luo Ran’s spiritual power to slowly calm down.

At the same time, his body relaxed all over, hating that he couldn’t take in more of it.

Every cell in his body yearned to be embraced by this pheromone.

His omega instincts caused Luo Ran’s breathing to deepen, wanting to absorb more of the alpha’s scent.

…No, he couldn’t.

As soon as he regained his senses, Luo Ran forced himself to be rational. He levered himself off the bed then knelt and adjusted his breathing.

Xia Zhi was right. Luo Ran’s self-control was so strong that it was inhuman.

Even in this situation, Luo Ran could get a grip on his instincts.

Ten slender fingers clenched at the bedsheet. After injecting another dose of inhibitors, Luo Ran was finally able to leave the pheromones and distance himself from the instincts in his mind.

There was a fine layer of sweat on Luo Ran’s brow. He glanced at the dark green army jacket with a complicated expression.

An ordinary jacket, for him, turned into Pandora’s box.

Luo Ran pulled the jacket away and fell into bed.

In the end, it remained in his arms. As long as he retained his sanity and didn’t indulge too much or develop a dependence on it, he could still use it.

A typical heat lasted for three to five days. Luo Ran hoped that he could pass the next few days smoothly and that the temporary mark wouldn’t give any trouble.

Luo Ran’s bed was set against a wall, where a window allowed bright moonlight to spill through onto his sheets.

The person burrowed in the quilt slowly fell asleep.

* * *

The next day, Luo Ran sprayed an extra layer of scent-blocker and also took an inhibitor with him.

After all, too many documents had accumulated at the company that he needed to process, so he wouldn’t be going to Xia Zhi’s today.

“Good morning,” Rong Duo greeted with a smile. “Xiao Yun asked for leave, so I will be assisting you this week.”

“Okay.” Luo Ran nodded.

Rong Duo was very capable in her work, and maybe because she was a newcomer, she was also full of enthusiasm. Luo Ran thought that they could cultivate her a bit more. It would be good if they could keep her around for longer.

Once Luo Ran sat and opened the company’s inbox, he saw that it was full of invitation letters from the princess of Luobing.

Lillia knew that Lucas ate with Andika. At first, she was glad for Luobing’s sake, but then she felt they were looking down on her and grew jealous. How can that bastard son step on my head like this?

Her emotions built until Lillia didn’t care how fierce Lucas was, she insisted that he accompany her to dinner and even threw a tantrum at the embassy.

“Eesh, this ancestor of Luobing’s is really…” Rong Duo had no words. “She makes a lot of trouble.”

Luo Ran also shook his head. This princess’ actions didn’t leave a good impression of Luobing’s royal family.

But Lucas would have to have a meal with her either way, even if she didn’t mention it, because it was the empire’s responsibility for the two to meet at least once.

Besides, if Lucas didn’t go, that would be confirming the rumours about his intentions towards Andika.

“Um…” Rong Duo glanced hesitatingly at Luo Ran, who was reading through a pile of paperwork. “Secretary Luo…”


Rong Duo carefully asked, “How is the relationship between the admiral and the imperial family?”

Luo Ran replied while writing on a document, “Pretty good. The old emperor trusts him a lot, more than his own sons even. He’s as close as brothers with the second and third princes. As for the eldest prince, they can be considered acquaintances.”

Rong Duo asked, “Then the admiral doesn’t hate the eldest prince, right?”

“Why would he?” Luo Ran didn’t know whether to laugh or cry at her words. “The eldest prince and the admiral are friends too.”


Then he’s just jealous, Rong Duo thought.

Ah, what a wonderful love.

This was much sweeter than the story she read last night! Reality was a hundred times sweeter than fiction!

Luo Ran got up to print the invitation letter, then entered the office to find Lucas.

But as soon as he stepped inside, Luo Ran almost turned right back around.

* * *

He couldn’t look straight at Lucas…!!

Luo Ran didn’t expect that he would be so affected by last night’s real-person fic.

Though he skipped over the smut, he nonetheless saw a few keywords.

So now when he saw Lucas, his mind was filled with nonsense like “Heh, that damn guy”, “Big enough for you?”, and “Little imp.”

And 38cm.

…He wanted brain bleach.

“What are you standing around for?” Lucas asked with a frown.

“Nothing…” Pulling his lips into a smile, Luo Ran walked over and handed the invitation letter to Lucas.


Lucas’ features were even more handsome up close.

Luo Ran took a deep breath and pressed his thoughts into his heart. He couldn’t have strange thoughts about his boss just because of some strange writing.

It was terrible.

Luo Ran kicked those messy thoughts out of his head with a sigh.

“Not going.” Lucas took one look at the card and threw it aside.

“Admiral…” Luo Ran knew Lucas paid no attention to imperial etiquette, so he asked, “Did you fall in love with His Highness Andika?”

“…?” Lucas yelled, “Are you crazy?!”

Luo Ran grinned. “You went on a date with His Highness Andika, yet left the princess alone. Doesn’t this mean you’ve already decided in your heart?”

Lucas instantly turned gloomy. “Who said that to you.”

Luo Ran’s expression didn’t even twitch, only calmly saying, “The whole empire thinks so.”

He hadn’t lied. The forum was still howling about it all of last night.

“Isn’t it just eating with the princess?” Lucas asked. “Fine, I just happen to… have something to discuss.”

* * *

So Lucas appeared in the restaurant again that evening.

The restaurant was one that Luo Ran chose. It was a revolving restaurant with first-class food, and one could overlook the vast city through floor-to-ceiling windows.

As before, Lillia wore a luxurious dress accompanied by the best jewellery.

“Admiral!” Seeing the tall man walk over, Lillia was happy yet shy, but also a little scared. She bowed cautiously. “I’ve wanted to meet Admiral for a long time!”

Lucas brushed his coat aside and sat. He raised an eyebrow. “I’ve also been looking for a chance to meet.”

Lillia’s expression bloomed.

Then Lucas continued, “Our grievance from before hasn’t been settled yet, let’s get that done tonight before dinner.”

“What…?” Lillia looked dumbfounded.

Luo Ran, standing behind Lillia and taking the menu from the waiter, frowned suspiciously.

No… what grievances could there be between Lucas and Lillia?

Lucas leaned back and crossed his arms over his chest. “That time at the banquet, I heard you say many revolting things about my secretary, didn’t you?”

“I… I…” Lillia thought for a long time before remembering.

Yes, at the time she said Luo Ran was a mere watchdog who relied on his backer to bully others.

Lillia became flustered.

No way, right?

Lucas remembered it for so long, and even came to settle accounts?

“Admiral…” Luo Ran was also very surprised. His eternally clever mind suddenly got stuck, he opened his mouth but had no idea what to say. 

With no fluctuations in tone, Lucas directed to the princess, “You still haven’t apologized to my secretary.”

“I… I didn’t mean it!” Lillia wanted to cry but had no tears. She, she refused to apologize to a mere watchdog! She was a princess!


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Chapter 16: The Admiral’s Scandal

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Luo Ran received a message from Rong Duo.

It was a photo.

Rong Duo: Secretary Luo, someone sent you flowers!

Luo Ran took a look but didn’t pay it much attention. He and Lucas couldn’t miss any birthday banquets held by the empire’s bigwigs, he had a lot to do every time.

He had to look after Lucas, help him socialize, take care of his contacts, and after Lucas went to rest he took the time to review some documents.

What dance together, he didn’t have the time.

Regarding Zhou Mingyu asking for him as a dance partner, Luo Ran didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

Luo Ran was swamped with work the last few days. Luobing’s arrival caused his workload to increase several times, and there was the UNK to refine, plus other loose ends to tie up like the military department’s matters and chasing up clues from that night. He was so busy that his feet barely touched the ground.

Luo Ran got up early. First, he went to the company to take care of his official duties, then rushed to Xia Zhi’s place, then he had to make a trip to the research institute in the afternoon.

Progress on Xia Zhi’s side couldn’t be said to have gone smoothly because Luo Ran’s spiritual power still couldn’t penetrate the inner core, but they didn’t need to be anxious yet. Luo Ran planned to go to the research institute to exchange information and see how they were doing.

As Luo Ran stepped off the hover car, he paused for a moment.

Luo Ran possessed SSS-level spiritual power, so his five senses were much more sensitive than ordinary people.

At this moment, he felt that… something was wrong.

Someone was following him.

Luo Ran already felt it while with Xia Zhi but thought he was mistaken. However, if it really was an illusion, it shouldn’t last so long.

Luo Ran paused, decided to pretend not to know, and casually entered the research institute.

When he returned home, he found that his mystery man only followed him to Xia Zhi’s clinic, the research institute, and the company. Once he left his workplaces, no one followed him home.

This made it obvious that the target wasn’t himself, but something on his person about Lucas.

Luo Ran silently remembered it in his heart and planned to find an opportunity to drag that person out.

So the next day, Luo Ran purposely walked to Xia Zhi’s home instead of using a hover car.

Xia Zhi’s home was in the suburbs. On the way, Luo Ran suddenly made a detour into a small wooded area.

Luo Ran lightened his steps. He could feel people following behind him.

* * *

A short and thin man crouched among the foliage, quietly following Luo Ran.

His skills weren’t bad. As long as he walked lightly and controlled his breath, he doubted anyone could find him.


Luo Ran suddenly stopped, turned in a different direction, and sped up.

The man, afraid he would lose his target, also quickened his steps.

Luo Ran seemed to be heading in a strange way. The man followed him for several turns, feeling a little excited.

For him to suddenly run off to the forest like this, there must be clues!


The man pulled away a layer of vines, turned a corner, and found a dark hole in front of him.

Luo Ran faced him with a pistol and a smile, half of his body dappled in shadow.

A beautiful man with silver hair stood at the intersection of dark and light, pointing a dazzling black weapon towards him.

He said, “Hello, I’ve finally caught you.”

The man’s legs instantly went soft. “I… I…”

Luo Ran lifted his brows. “Little brother, you’ve followed me for quite a while, did you want something?”

The man originally thought that since Luo Ran was alone, he could find a chance to overwhelm him.

The next moment, a few hover cars approached from behind Luo Ran. It was a small team under Lucas’ direct control.

The man finally realized that he fell into a trap.

Luo Ran never planned to go to Xia Zhi at all.

The man was pressed into the hover car and brought to a warehouse to be interrogated.

“Secretary Luo is so powerful, your skills are as good as a soldier’s.” The team captain sat next to Luo Ran with a grin. Watching Luo Ran take advantage of the break to review paperwork, he praised, “A normal person wouldn’t be able to lose a tail like this, and even bring them around to our own territory.”

“Captain overpraised me. I’ll wait for the results of your interrogation.”

After Luo Ran spoke, he unexpectedly felt a little dizzy. He stared ahead in a daze, his eyes somewhat misty.

It should be because he moved too quickly and maintained concentration for too long in the forest just now so some problems cropped up.

Luo Ran rubbed his temples, feeling that he shouldn’t be so weak.

“What is it?” The captain immediately asked. “Is Secretary Luo uncomfortable?”

“It’s nothing.” Luo Ran took a tube of nutrient solution from his briefcase. “It’ll be fine after I take a rest.”

After the captain brought the prisoner to the military headquarters and he was left alone in the hover car, Luo Ran touched the back of his neck.

At the bulge covered by a specially sewn collar at his nape – the fragile gland felt a little hot.

Luo Ran remembered that his heat was due around this time.

He usually used inhibitors and scent-blocking sprays. If those failed, his pheromones could also be concealed by incense and Lucas’ scent.

Luo Ran thought for a bit and decided to go to the company and quickly grab his documents before heading home. He didn’t dare to stay outside too long.

Omega were much weaker during their heats. Even Luo Ran would feel tired.

After returning home, Luo Ran put the documents away, planning to give himself a vacation. He took a hot shower, crawled into his soft bed, and settled in to relax with his terminal before sleeping.

Lucas’ jacket still sat at the head of his bed, exuding a faint smell of tobacco.

Luo Ran nestled in his quilt and scrolled through his social media feed. He watched videos of cute kittens and puppies, read up on tasty recipes, looked at food and travel recommendations…

Later, Luo Ran switched to his friends circle and observed the current hot news.

Luo Ran previously saw both Nina and Rong Duo happily play on the forum. In order to keep an eye on the public’s opinion of Lucas and control it within an acceptable range, he surreptitiously registered an account and followed several people who enjoyed gossiping, like Nina, Rong Duo, and other young girls.

@Nana updated an article → [The Evil Admiral’s Doting]
Come and reap the happiness of the national CP!

@A Delicate Flower reblogged an article → [The Evil Admiral’s Doting]
The first encounter between the admiral and the secretary! The curtain rises on a sweet love!

@Qiao Beauty* reblogged an article → [The Evil Admiral’s Doting]
En, looks good. (^v^)

Qiao Beauty was the marshal’s wife.

Luo Ran: “…”

Why was the marshal’s wife joining in!

Luo Ran clicked in to see if it was talking about him.


It really was.

Luo Ran: “…”

Before reading the update, Luo Ran also saw the pinned post.

[I know many sisters are disappointed because of the dinner incident, but please keep your heads, moderate your jokes, don’t insult our heroic admiral!]

[1: Agree. Boost.]
[12: We have to be reasonable when supporting a CP. We have no right to dictate their actions. Speaking logically, if the admiral really has to marry one of Luobing’s people, we can only bless them.]
[13: Waaahhhhhhh I hope the admiral will be well, hope the secretary will be well!]

Luo Ran: “…”

It turns out that eating with Prince Andika not only made Luobing go crazy, it also caused a watershed in the empire.

As he read through the post, Luo Ran began to worry.

Since he took over as Lucas’ secretary, he habitually thought for his sake, looking for ways to benefit him and make his life more comfortable.

So at this moment Luo Ran couldn’t help but think: if everyone was so used to him and Lucas being together, if Lucas later fell in love with someone, would they be accepted by the public?

What if no one liked the admiral’s future wife? This would also indirectly affect Lucas.

Luo Ran felt a bit distressed.

It seemed like if there were a wife in the admiral’s future, he’d have to work hard on public relations.

After reading that post, Luo Ran continued to scroll down to read the story.

* * *

He, Lucas K. Augustin Dior Gucci Prada, was a man who held the empire in his hands and controlled the lifeblood of the universe.

And Zimei Xueran was just someone who stood by his side with hidden love. 

By day, he was the perfectly capable secretary, Zimei Xueran! And also the supremely beautiful, dazzlingly gorgeous prince of Yi, Nangong Mengran!

By night, he was the ghostly yet alluring shadow guard, Liuli Yinran! And also the bloodthirsty evil pirate, Xuedie Bingran!

He protected Lucas K. with many identities. He thought his hopeless love would eventually wither in a dark corner, together with his loyal though fragile heart.

Until political conspiracies and familial scheming sent him to that man’s bed…

“No, don’t~”

“Heh, what a deceitful little imp. The mouth is stubborn, but your body is very honest.”

Zimei Xueran looked at the drugged Lucas K. before him, and a crystal-bright tear dropped from his eyes.

Dry kindling ravaged by the blaze, a bolt from the blue!

The fire couldn’t be suppressed. After doing it seven times in a single night, can they still return to the past!

* * *

This short opening immediately shocked Luo Ran awake.

A-A one-night stand…

Luo Ran was already a little tired because of his heat, and now his head hurt even more. 

He felt both guilty and nervous.

When he glanced at the following text and saw a ‘38cm’, he was so scared that he directly exited the page.

Because after the opening, it was a long steamy scene. After using many ‘ngh’, ‘ah’, and a lot of bad vocabulary to describe the details of seven rounds in a night, it finally started the proper plot.

 * * *

The next day, Lucas K. woke up in his three hundred meters long bed and saw that he was alone. He instantly flew into a rage.

The little imp who seduced him last night dared to run away?

“I want all the information on the man last night within the next five minutes!”

“Found it! He’s the secretary by your side… Zimei Xueran.”

“Heh, does he think he can escape the palm of my hand? Find him!”

Lucas K. bared his teeth. “When I find him, I’ll kill this damn man!”

He’ll let him experience death beneath him! Make him regret running for the rest of his life!

* * *

Luo Ran: “…”

Luo Ran’s mind was blank but his ears burned.

The comments below were very enthusiastic.

[Fuck hahahaha it’s! Breaking! News! I’ll post a video of the admiral in front of the hotel wanting to kill people → [link] Sisters can use your imagination /doge]

[OP you’re a prophet!! Maybe the admiral’s one-night stand really was the secretary?! Ahhhh I’ll take it!]

[Oh gods why didn’t I think of it, the person the admiral is tracking down might be… /covers face]

Luo Ran: “…”

He felt as if the empire’s citizens collectively lost their sense of shame along with his pants, nothing was safe anymore.

Just, just.



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#Everyone in the empire is smarter than the admiral, the series#

I don’t even know what to say about that RPF, but I guarantee it’s Like That in the raws as well. Those names are just… nonsense, as far as I could tell. But they shouldn’t come up again much so I didn’t waste time working it out.


  1. Qiao Beauty [乔美丽]: from Dynasty Warriors 5, the weapon of Da Qiao. I know, I didn’t expect it either. If it comes from somewhere else please comment, because otherwise, I have no idea.

Chapter 15: The Admiral’s Interrogation

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The next day, Luo Ran carefully asked Lucas for leave from the company and went to find Xia Zhi.

This time he could touch the ore’s inner core, but that was all.

“How is it?”

Seeing Luo Ran stop, Xia Zhi handed him a packet of nutrient solution.

Luo Ran took the nutrient solution and bit into it with a frown. “There’s a force that keeps pushing me out.”

“A force?”

Luo Ran pondered for a bit. “It’s not clear… I only know something’s there.”

But there was some good news. The research institute finally managed to contact two S-grade omega who went to the institute to begin refining that day. Luo Ran also wrote his experiences yesterday into a report and sent it to the institute.

Experimenting with it would go easier if there were more samples and reference data.

Luo Ran didn’t plan to stop exploring the ore either, only he wasn’t so anxious to make progress anymore. He could spend at least half the day doing official business at the company.

“If even you’re having trouble, it’ll be even worse for those two, right?” Xia Zhi shook his head.

“Maybe I have to face it head-on and break through using spiritual power,” Luo Ran said thoughtfully. “I’ll try again later.”

This was undoubtedly dangerous. Xia Zhi hesitated but didn’t say anything. He knew that he couldn’t stop Luo Ran, so he could only be more alert.

Luo Ran finished the nutrient solution and was just preparing to continue when he received a report from the research institute.

Yes, after yesterday’s experience, Luo Ran made sure to occasionally check his terminal’s notifications, and even set a special ringtone for Lucas which was as loud as thunder.

“What is it?”

Luo Ran furrowed his brows. “One of the omega from the research institute ran into trouble. It seems they went into heat while refining, and injured their spirit.”


“They say it’s because the ore can stimulate spiritual power, same as what I felt. But I only felt invigorated and didn’t have any heat symptoms.”

Xia Zhi quickly discovered the reason. “That’s because you’re stronger by two grades, so you’re stronger and more resilient, you won’t be affected so easily. Besides… you have a temporary mark. Your spiritual power is more stable than ever, otherwise, how could you have reached the core in only two days?”

Luo Ran paused, still a bit uncomfortable with this topic. “Yeah.”

Xia Zhi glanced at Luo Ran with a slight frown.

He really wanted to know who gave Luo Ran his temporary mark. What if he had been wronged?

For as long as he’d known him, Luo Ran’s self-control bordered on inhuman. If it weren’t for his strong willpower, one could say that he had no wants or desires.

Xia Zhi couldn’t imagine what kind of situation, or person, could leave Luo Ran with a temporary mark.

“Xiaxia?” Luo Ran waved his hand.

“Ah… ah?”

“Let’s keep going.” Luo Ran adjusted the electrode cap.


Xia Zhi sighed. Forget it, if Luo Ran doesn’t want to say then I can’t force it.

The two continued to work until Luo Ran left just before the sunset. He still had to go to the company to pick up Lucas to accompany him to dinner with His Highness the Prince. The empire was the host and Luobing the guest, so although they were the ones who sent the invitation, Luo Ran was the one who organized everything.

Since Luobing sent an official invitation, Lucas couldn’t not go. It just so happened that he became suspicious of Andika, so despite being reluctant, he accepted Luo Ran’s arrangement.

Upon entering the restaurant, they saw Andika already seated and reading the menu.

As a royal of Luobing, Andika was actually rather pretty, with delicate and soft facial features. However, perhaps because he was an illegitimate child, Andika rarely spoke up for himself.

“A-Admiral…” Andika nervously watched Lucas sit.

Luo Ran originally planned to leave, but with one glare from Lucas, he obediently stood next to them some distance away.

Lucas put on a fierce expression, crossed his legs, and folded his arms across his chest, perfectly giving off an alpha’s overwhelming aura.

He didn’t look like someone here for a meal at all, he was more like a debt collector.

“What, what do you want to eat, Admiral…” Andika rubbed his clothes nervously.

Lucas waved off the menu, indicating for Andika to order.

After ordering the food, the atmosphere once again turned tense.

Lucas got straight to the point and asked, “At the emperor’s birthday banquet earlier, where were you?”

Taken aback, Andika replied, “M-My sister and I were in the main hall, socializing.”

“Any evidence?”

Like a criminal being interrogated, Andika hurriedly said, “Yes, there is, it’s your adjutant Lu Cheng, I accidentally fell and he helped me up.”

“And then? You stayed with him all night?”

Andika looked down. “That, I was a bit tired, so I went upstairs to rest.”


“No-none… but I really did just rest in my room, nothing else. Why is the admiral asking?”

Naturally, there was no way Lucas would explain. He continued asking: “When did you leave?”

“The next morning…”

Andika wanted to cry but had no tears. Why was this so different from the date he’d imagined?

Was Lucas here for a meal or for an interrogation?

Lucas sneered. “Everyone left after the banquet late at night, what did you stay at the hotel for?”

“I… I didn’t feel good, then I got a fever, so I stayed in the room. I also asked my maid to buy fever-reducing medicine for me.”

Lucas raised an eyebrow.

See, he said this prince was suspicious.

Sure enough, he stayed overnight at the hotel, then reunited with Luobing’s people the next day.

Lucas finished asking and got the answers he wanted, so he stood and prepared to leave.

“A-Admiral…?” Andika stared after Lucas’ vanishing back in a dumbfounded manner.

“Our most sincere apologies.” Luo Ran approached and said, “However, the food here is excellent, Your Highness can enjoy it slowly.”


Luo Ran smiled. “With the admiral here, Your Highness wouldn’t have relaxed, right?”


Once Luo Ran caught up to Lucas and boarded the hover car, Lucas crossed his arms. “See, I told you Luobing’s people had problems.”

Luo Ran pressed his brows together. “I feel… something isn’t right.”

In the beginning, Lucas didn’t really think Andika was the culprit just because he had a pet dog. After all, the DNA report clearly stated that the sample was from a stray dog deceased for many years, whose body parts were also used as samples in the lab.

It was only because Andika was hugging the dog which made Lucas think of Luobing.

Luo Ran paused. He thoughtfully tapped his fingers on the terminal he was holding. “Don’t you think that His Highness Prince Andika was too calm?”


“We all know His Highness’ personality. As an illegitimate child, he has always been bullied by his elder brothers and sisters. Wasn’t he always afraid of you?”

Lucas nodded.

Luo Ran continued, “He usually stutters when speaking. But during Admiral’s questioning just now, he was able to speak clearly and fluently, plainly stating all his thoughts.”

As soon as Luo Ran mentioned it, Lucas understood.

Yes, how could such a timid person who had trouble speaking at the best of times respond so calmly to those ambiguous questions?

It was like… he practised in advance, trying desperately to prove his innocence.

“I don’t know if Admiral noticed that His Highness would stop and think while answering. Although the pause was short, he was definitely thinking,” Luo Ran added.

Like trying to remember his lines.

Luo Ran thought that even if he guessed wrong and he was just a person prone to thinking deeply, there was still only one possible conclusion: His Highness Prince Andika was strange.

“Then you go check it.” Lucas sneered. “Let’s see what Luobing is up to.”

After news spread that Lucas ‘accompanied’ Andika for a meal, both the empire and Luobing exploded.

The empire’s omega all wept bitterly, while the tears from CP fans streamed until they could fill entire lakes.

Meanwhile, Luobing’s royal family was on cloud nine, hating that they couldn’t immediately discuss marriage.

The next day, Rong Duo finished her paperwork and logged on to the forum, only to see a scene of carnage.

[Admiral, you’re so cruel! Ungrateful, loving the new and rejecting the old, you rake!]

[Breaking news! For the sake of the little foreign prince, the admiral abandoned the wife with whom he shared troubles?!]

Rong Duo clicked on the topic with question marks all over her face.

Ah, okay.

Although Rong Duo was an intern stationed outside Lucas’ door next to Luo Ran, she usually worked quietly by herself and only feasted her eyes, not daring to approach them with gossip. This time, she also wasn’t sure what was going on.

“Excuse me, is Secretary Luo here?”

Just then, a junior employee from the lower floors came up with a bunch of flowers.

Rong Duo got up with a smile. “Secretary Luo went on a business trip, I’m temporarily replacing him. What’s the matter, did something happen?”

“It’s a delivery for Secretary Luo, but outsiders can’t come up, so I brought it over.”


Rong Duo examined what the employee was holding – it was a bouquet of fresh roses with fresh dew on the petals, clearly very valuable.

Rong Duo was a little confused.

Who would send Secretary Luo something like this?

Lucas suddenly walked out, about to leave for the military headquarters. He glanced at the flowers.

Rong Duo automatically explained, “Someone sent flowers for Secretary Luo!”

Lucas frowned slightly when he heard this.

Lucas strode forwards, grabbed the bundle of flowers, and opened the small card inside.

I sincerely invite Mr. Luo to attend my birthday party. I hope I will be lucky enough to dance together with you.
–Zhou Mingyu

It was from the eldest prince, whose birthday was coming soon. Lucas also received an invitation, but his was through official channels.

Lucas snorted coldly and directly threw the flowers into a nearby trash can.

Peng! The loud sound caused Rong Duo to jump. Then she trembled, not daring to make a peep, let alone look at Lucas.

It was only after Lucas left that Rong Duo was able to slowly recover. As she patted her chest, she abruptly realised that she seemed to have witnessed something incredible?!


Rong Duo thought for a while, then took a photo of the invitation card in the trash can and sent it to Luo Ran.

She carefully avoided including the trash can, only focusing on the card.

Lucas threw the flowers away himself, so she naturally didn’t dare to pick them up. However, since they were handed over to her to pass on to Luo Ran, she should still give him a heads up.

While messaging him, Rong Duo wondered why the eldest prince would suddenly invite Secretary Luo…

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Rong Duo: so sour, is this the taste of love?

I’ve decided to continue translating this novel to the end! If you have a bit to spare, please consider supporting me through Ko-fi.

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Chapter 14: The Admiral Locks On

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Luo Ran stared blankly at Lucas.

Lucas tentatively called again, “Luo Ran…?”

“Oh, coming.” A tiny smile formed on Luo Ran’s face.

Luo Ran entered the hover car while Xia Zhi looked on, somewhat surprised.

This admiral… was a little different from the rumours, and also like night and day compared to the terrible asura he saw on the battlefield. He seemed pretty gentle?

After Luo Ran sat down, he watched Lucas silently.

Lucas looked back at him, and the hover car was silent for a while.

Then Luo Ran took the lead and said, “Sorry I was too busy today, I didn’t have the time to look at my terminal. Last night my hand slipped… I didn’t mean it.”

“Hn.” Lucas turned his eyes to Luo Ran’s wrist and slightly knitted his brows.

Luo Ran followed his lowered gaze with a bad feeling.

He’d asked Xia Zhi for an ointment today so he didn’t wear the terminal over it, now the medicine dried but he forgot to wear it again so the bruise was discovered.

“Luo Ran.”


Lucas paused, then said, “I’m sorry.” His tone was serious and somewhat vexed.

“It’s okay, no big deal.” Luo Ran really didn’t take a mere red mark to heart. If he wanted to pursue anything, he’d rather it be about the bruises and wounds Lucas left on him that night, which even now weren’t completely healed. He truly was a dog.

Lucas took over the navigation system and entered a new course.

Before returning to the company, the hover car detoured to an alley and finally stopped in front of a convenience store.

Luo Ran turned to Lucas with a questioning look, only to see him step out of the hover car.

When he returned, it was with two bags in his hands.

The small bag had medicine, while the big bag carried a hot and steaming boxed meal.

Luo Ran was taken aback.

Lucas took out the medicinal cream and reached for Luo Ran’s wrist, but froze just inches away. 

As if he just thought of something, Lucas’ hand suddenly hesitated and stopped next to Luo Ran’s.

He was probably afraid of not controlling his strength again, seeing as the injury was right before his eyes.

Seeing Lucas like this, Luo Ran extended his hand until he touched that cold hard metal.

“Admiral…” Luo Ran smiled helplessly, soft as the summer breeze.

Lucas subconsciously held Luo Ran’s hand. In that instant, he thought that Luo Ran looked beautiful.

He didn’t say anything, just lowering his eyes to focus on applying medicine to Luo Ran’s wrist. 

Lucas’ movements were unusually light and meticulous.

It made Luo Ran suspect that his hand was broken.

At this time, Lucas became conscious of the fact that in hindsight he despised other people’s touch, yet Luo Ran was an exception. 

Luo Ran, watching Lucas cradle his hand and gently apply medicine to the red mark on his wrist, realized that… Lucas didn’t seem to reject contact with him.

Luo Ran wondered, maybe it’s because I’m always by his side?

Seeing as Lucas’ movements seemed a bit clumsy, he should have something on his mind. Luo Ran blinked his eyes. “Admiral, you should reflect. Before you said if anyone bullies me you’d help me beat them up, how come you’re like this now? It’s clearly not right.”*

Lucas was silent for a while, then said in a suppressed tone, “I’m sorry.”

Luo Ran finally couldn’t resist laughing.

Lucas looked at him in a daze then realized his secretary was teasing him and playing around.

“Luo! Ran!” Lucas coldly bit out, “Are you seeking death?”

Luo Ran didn’t stop.

Lucas exerted his strength, grabbing Luo Ran’s uninjured wrist and pressing him on the soft seats. He threatened, “Keep laughing.”

Luo Ran pressed his lips together.

With the medicine applied, Lucas stuffed the boxed meal into Luo Ran’s arms.

He tilted his head. “How did Admiral know I’m hungry?”

Lucas was rarely so considerate.

Lucas glanced at the bag of snacks Luo Ran brought onto the hover car and replied, “You said before, don’t eat snacks when you’re hungry.”

Luo Ran smiled and quietly ate his hot boxed meal. There was meat and vegetables, and even a poached egg.

Like this, the previous grievances seemed to disappear like smoke, and the two would no longer pursue it.

The next day, Luobing met with the Empire for the second time.

As before, Lucas sat to one side bored out of his mind, only there to show his face.

He thought, this kind of ceremonial but useless meeting still had to be held a few more times. If they wanted to meet then whatever, but they had to invite him as well.

But during the meeting, Luobing raised a new point. The previous evening, they received a report.

Luobing’s inspection team discovered a hidden village near the mine. The villagers said their ancestors left records of UNK which claimed that the rock granted longevity.

So now, not only was the energy abundant and its possibilities endless, but there was also the prospect of immortality.

Although it hadn’t been confirmed, it undoubtedly gave Luobing’s side more confidence.

As Luo Ran listened, he frowned.

When he was refining yesterday, his spiritual power was indeed stimulated. Was it because of this?

The representative from the research institute also read the report yesterday, however like Luo Ran he said nothing.

The empire’s matters were for the empire to deal with.

Luo Ran and Lucas left together after the meeting, but on the way to the hover car they bumped into Luobing’s royal siblings.

“Good afternoon, Admiral.” It was clear that Princess Lillia was very scared by Lucas before since she didn’t dare to be too arrogant even after so long.

Lucas looked at the two without a word.

“Um… I’m here to, to give this to the admiral.” Lillia held a pink invitation card to Lucas but he didn’t take it, so she turned to hand it to Luo Ran. “It’s an invitation from Luobing! Inviting the admiral to have dinner with us…”

So in the final analysis, it was just a date to get to know a potential marriage partner.

Lucas frowned. Extremely dissatisfied, he planned to simply bypass them and leave, but then he noticed the golden retriever in Prince Andika’s arms.

It wasn’t that he particularly liked dogs, only…

The DNA results were very clear, and the research institute couldn’t get any clues.

Lucas thought to himself, could that person have a pet dog?

Seeing that Lucas suddenly looked at his dog, Andika clutched the little creature closer.

“A-Admiral…” Andika stuttered out, “I-It doesn’t taste good… No, it…”

Lucas: “…”

Luo Ran: “…”


Luo Ran smiled and said, “The admiral only thinks it’s cute. He raises a wolfdog at home.”

“Ah, th-that’s not, that’s not what I meant…” Andika kept opening his mouth but felt that he’d only make it worse if he kept going, so he fell silent.

After the two boarded the hover car, Luo Ran opened the scented pink envelope and took out an exquisite invitation letter.

Before Luo Ran could say a word, Lucas said, “Not going.”

“Admiral, you have to go.” Luo Ran persuaded: “We can’t let Luobing have a chance to criticize us. We have to keep up appearances for now, it’s not too late to reject them later.”

Lucas didn’t care about these things. He directly changed the subject.

“Do you think…” Lucas stroked his chin with a dangerous glint in his eyes. “It’s possible that thing that night was the prince of Luobing?”

As the ‘thing’ that night, Luo Ran decisively replied, “He shouldn’t be.”

“Don’t you think it’s possible?” Lucas leaned back and crossed his legs. “Isn’t Luobing rushing to marry me? Wouldn’t it be easier after their rice is cooked?* They have the motivation. Besides, the prince also keeps a dog.”

“…I think,” Luo Ran said after a pause, “we can check it out. It’s never wrong to follow a lead.”

Lucas raised his eyebrows. “Then what did you find recently?”

“…There’s no progress for the time being.” Luo Ran told the truth, there really was nothing found because the one behind the drugs prepared for every eventuality. The trail of clues at the hotel was completely cold.

Unless, of course, they investigated everyone there one by one. But there were so many guests that night, not to mention the companions they brought whose names weren’t recorded, that it would take a year to go through them all.

Tch.” Leaning on the armrest, Lucas said, “I’m not interested in dining with the princess. You can arrange it for the prince, I’ll leave after asking some things.”

Luo Ran: “…”

It’s really not him!

“Admiral.” Luo Ran hesitated then asked, “If we can’t find it… what then?”

“He’ll be found, even if we have to turn the empire upside down.” Lucas opened his eyes. “After that, that person is done for.”

To Lucas, that person’s impudence was the greatest provocation he had ever encountered.

Luo Ran: “…”

Luo Ran: “Got it.”

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At the time, he was terrified.


  1. Not right [只许州官放火,不许百姓点灯]: lit. ‘only allow officials to light fires, the people are not allowed to set lights’, meaning powerful people can do what they want while normal people are bound by laws; double standards; oppressive rule
  2. After their rice is cooked [生米煮成熟饭]: after they get pregnant

Chapter 13: The Admiral Coaxes People Online

Hello! I discovered this novel and absolutely devoured the 12 translated chapters available, loved it, then MTL’d the rest. This will be my first solo translation project, so please advise if you find places I can improve. I’m planning to translate at least up to chapter 20.

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Already lying on his bed, Luo Ran stared at the displayed time in a daze.

Lucas still hadn’t slept?

And was even thinking of having a duel?

Luo Ran was too shocked, so when he shifted to a more comfortable position, his fingers were a little uncoordinated and he accidentally… hung up Lucas’ call.

Luo Ran: “…”

Luo Ran waited a while but Lucas didn’t call back.

Okay… he’s probably really angry now.

After they fought in the afternoon, Luo Ran planned to let Lucas cool down a bit but he didn’t expect him to run over in the middle of the night looking for a fight, not to mention he refused to take his call.

He originally wanted to call back, but after thinking it over, Luo Ran decided not to jump the gun. He’d apologise after letting Lucas sleep it off for a night.

…Speaking of.

He shouldn’t have to apologise at all, right?

But after running around the whole day and looking over documents the entire evening, Luo Ran didn’t have the brainpower to think anymore. He slipped off to sleep with the terminal still in his hands.

* * *

On the other side, Lucas couldn’t sleep and was talking to Zhou Mingkai.

“He’s angry.” Lucas frowned. “Was I too much today?”

“…I don’t know if you were too much, but from my understanding, Secretary Luo wouldn’t get angry from such a thing. Maybe you’re misunderstanding something?” Zhou Mingkai felt that he was the empire’s best brother, he’d even given up his warm bed to chat with his bro about his love drama.

It had to be true love.

“He threw me into the hover car by myself, then hung up my call! Isn’t he angry?”

“…Then what do you want to do?”

Lucas coldly hmph’d and said, “What else? I, as the distinguished admiral, shouldn’t squabble with him. I’ll graciously forgive him and apologise tomorrow.”

“…” In other words, admitting defeat.

Why not do this earlier, instead of twisting around like a female lead in a romance drama? He was very decisive as a general.

“…Admiral, good luck.

“By the way Admiral, did you fight with Secretary Luo because of Miss Nina?”

Lucas furrowed his brows slightly. How does he know?

Zhou Mingkai explained, “It’s like this. The lady I’m with right now is the elder cousin of Miss Chen, who’s Miss Nina’s best friend. Through her, I know some things.”


“So I don’t really understand why the admiral is angry. As I heard it, Miss Nina posted on the starnet saying you were cruel or something, and then Secretary Luo visited her to explain you weren’t that kind of person. En… doesn’t the Empire have this sort of thing happen every day?”

Lucas paused.

“Admiral, if someone insulted Secretary Luo, what would you do?”

Lucas snorted coldly. “Whoever dares, I’ll beat them to death.”

“Yeah… You see, Secretary Luo thinks the same way. Hasn’t he protected you too?”

Lucas leaned back on the chair, frowning slightly. He gave a vague hum and hung up the call.

Then Lucas investigated the Starnet Administration Bureau and smoothly accessed the deleted post.

Lucas’ frown deepened.


Tsk, silly Luo Ran.

He really was a bit much today. 

Luo Ran tried so hard to explain, yet he didn’t think about his words clearly enough.

Lucas touched his nose.

Forget it, he’ll talk with Luo Ran tomorrow.  

* * *

As a result, Luo Ran didn’t go to the company the next day.

After getting out of bed, Luo Ran grabbed the samples and went to find Xia Zhi.

When Luo Ran picked up the samples from the research institute last night, the director told him that they hoped to have information on both the baseline and variations in the health and mental state of the omega who would be refining the UNK for better data and later tests.

The director’s intention was to send an eminent doctor of the Empire to record the whole process, but Luo Ran of course refused.

Luo Ran said the omega was afraid of outsiders, but he had a friend – the former battlefield medic Xia Zhi – who could accurately record every step. 

As soon as this name came out, the director had no comments.

Until a few years ago, Xia Zhi was the trump card of the medical department, one of the best combat medics, and was engaged to the leader of the combat medics, Shen Xiluo.

But when he later left the team, he also broke the engagement with Shen Xiluo.

Luo Ran once again came to the wood cabin, this time with a basket full of seeds. “Good morning.”

“Good morning!” Xia Zhi was watering plants in the garden. Hearing Luo Ran’s arrival, he lifted his head with a smile. “Ranran’s here? The email explained everything.”

“Sorry for the short notice… I’ll be troubling you.” Luo Ran lifted the basket in his hands. “Compensation.”

“It’s okay, I already said to find me if you have any problems. As long as it’s you, helping out with this isn’t hard. It’s just… if it’s a request from Shen Xiluo or the medical department, then I’d rather refuse.” Blinking, Xia Zhi took off his gloves and went inside to clean up.

“No, I was the one to bring you up, and the one the medical department sent wasn’t him either.”

“Then that’s fine.”

The two headed inside and down into the basement. Luo Ran placed the box he brought with him on the table and gingerly opened it up. 

A large ice-like silver stone sat within the strongbox.

Xia Zhi paused a moment, then reached out to stroke the blood-red patterns on the stone.

“It’s beautiful.”

Xia Zhi sat Luo Ran down and gave him an electrode head cap*. “We can start. Have you asked for leave from the company?”

Luo Ran gently nodded.


* * *

“He’s not coming to the company!” Lucas sat in his big leather office chair and even spun in a circle as he spoke. “He’s angry, he’s really truly angry.”

How absurd!

“…?” On the other end of the line, Zhou Mingkai was dragged out of bed in the middle of the night to listen to Lucas’ troubles, now he even had to be tossed around at such an early hour. He deserved to receive a gold medal. “That… did Secretary Luo ask for leave?”

“He did, saying that there’s an omega and a something something former combat medic willing to try refining a UNK sample, so today he’s going on a business trip.”

“…” Yawning, Zhou Mingkai replied in a puzzled tone, “This, isn’t this very normal?”

Speaking logically, Zhou Mingkai originally believed Luo Ran wasn’t angry, but Lucas made him confused.

“Do you think he’s tired of me?” Lucas gritted his teeth.

“…” Zhou Mingkai wanted to cry but had no tears*. “Just ask him directly!”

“I was going to!” Lucas sneered. Still hiding! Wait until he finished his duties at the military department, after he found Luo Ran, he’d accept his apology even if he had to force him.


Zhou Mingkai said in his heart, you fucking idiot.

  —— XXXXX ——

The basement was well lit. Luo Ran gently folded his palms over the ore, closed his eyes, and concentrated. He used his spiritual power to explore the tiny paths inside the ore, trying to push out the minerals hidden inside.

Anyone, whether alpha or omega, hated interruptions during precision work like this the most, so Xia Zhi never spoke, only silently noting every fluctuation in Luo Ran’s spiritual power.

This UNK was too strange. The paths within were unprecedentedly complicated.

Not only this, but the closer Luo Ran approached the inner core, the more energetic he felt.

After interacting with it for a day, Luo Ran only felt his spiritual power becoming more excited, to the point that even Xia Zhi was speechless when he saw the report.

The two stayed until the evening, when Xia Zhi lightly patted Luo Ran’s shoulder to indicate he should pull away.

“It’s already late, take a break first. Don’t exhaust your spiritual energy.”

Luo Ran sat blankly and only lifted his head after a long while. “What time is it?”

“It’s twilight, the sun is about to set.”

Luo Ran was taken aback.

He’d mobilized his spirit for the whole day, focusing on those complicated lines, with no sense of time at all. Only then did he wake up.

Normally alpha and omega would become tired after using spiritual power for a long time, but Luo Ran instead felt more spirited.

“This stone is really magical.” Xia Zhi didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. “The energy and radiation it gives off are incredible, no wonder Luobing’s research institute is so determined.”

Although Luo Ran wasn’t tired, he was very hungry. Getting up, he said, “I’ll get the nutrient solution…”

His body wobbled a bit.

“Hey, be careful…!” Xia Zhi quickly grabbed Luo Ran and said helplessly, “We can’t do it like this tomorrow, we’ll set a time for you to rest and take a bite to eat. Even if your spiritual power is fine, your body isn’t.”

“Okay.” Luo Ran stabilized himself and left the basement with Xia Zhi.

While Xia Zhi went to cook dinner, Luo Ran sat on the couch, drinking a nutrient solution with one hand and swiping at his terminal with the other.

As soon as he opened his terminal, it gave him a scare.

He’d already arranged everything before setting off, so the company had no issues.

It was Lucas.

[13:01] Lucas: Where.

[16:30] Lucas: Where.

[17:15] Lucas: Luo Ran.

[17:35] Lucas: Where are you?!

Luo Ran: …

No, Lucas couldn’t have suffered.

Didn’t he send in a request for leave?

Staring at the long series of messages, Luo Ran could easily imagine Lucas’ ferocious expression even through the screen. 

Luo Ran shuddered and hurriedly sent Lucas his real-time location.

Luo Ran: I’m not angry, why would I be angry?

Luo Ran: Admiral, you misunderstood, I was busy the whole day and couldn’t check my terminal

Luo Ran: My apologies

But there was no reply.

“Xiaxia, I can’t eat dinner with you today.” Luo Ran stood up. “The admiral will probably come over…”

“Ah…?” Xia Zhi looked at Luo Ran with a dazed expression. “O-Okay?” He went into the kitchen and brought out some biscuits and snacks. “Take some things to eat in the hover car, isn’t the admiral too much? He even exploits his employees to this extent!”

Luo Ran replied quietly, “It shouldn’t be for official business.”

A loud engine’s roar was heard not long after. Luo Ran pushed the door open to see a flying vehicle lower itself through the sunset’s crimson clouds and orange glow and form ripples on the grass as it landed.

A tall man in military uniform exited and, looking at Luo Ran, his voice was remarkably gentle.

“Luo Ran, I’ve come to pick you up.”

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Technically Luo Ran’s job title is aide-de-camp, which is specifically a secretary to a senior military officer.


  1. electrode head cap: the raws say a helmet for measuring, probably referring to something like the image below
  2. Wanted to cry but has no tears [欲哭无泪]: extremely helpless
electrode head cap