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A World Dominated by Female Zergs, 雌虫支配的世界[虫族]

Chapter 3: He’s my spouse?

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Hearing that the match rate was a unique 99.99%, Qi Zihan admitted he was a little shaken.

He hadn’t been particularly unsatisfied with Yu Chenyu in the first place and even thought that he looked pretty good and had a great body, perfectly matching his type.

However, he had just transmigrated to an unfamiliar environment. He truly didn’t have any interest in falling in love or getting married.

Even if he was attracted, he didn’t want to get married before falling in love, wanting to skip straight to sleeping together even less.

So, facing Yu Chenyu’s confession-like answer, Qi Zihan’s response was, “I still want to go to the Female Association to understand the situation first, you put on your clothes and come with me.”

Yu Chenyu, still kneeling, was silent for a long while before he quietly agreed.

It seems I still can’t escape the divorce, he thought.

A few minutes later, Yu Chenyu exited the bedroom again, this time finally dressed.

He wore a strange military uniform that was unlike any style Qi Zihan had seen on Earth.

Its dark blue fabric was embellished with even darker patterns, while the military cap was of the same colour with a black brim.

The entire uniform reflected a metallic sheen, making Qi Zihan wonder if it could block bullets.

“You usually dress like this?” Qi Zihan couldn’t help asking.

Every zerg he had seen thus far had all worn uniforms, military or otherwise, so he wondered if zergs only had this type of clothing.

Yet Yu Chenyu refuted it. “No, I just didn’t have time to change because I wanted to meet you as soon as possible.” As he spoke, he pressed down the brim of his military cap and walked to the door first. “Let’s go,” he said.

His tone was normal, so Qi Zihan didn’t notice anything unusual as he followed.

But he soon discovered that Yu Chenyu was so tall that he towered over him by at least a head!

It was outrageous. He was 186cm tall which was already considered very tall on Earth, yet Yu Chenyu was a head taller than him, so how tall was he? More than two metres?

Qi Zihan marevelled at his height as he walked, so he didn’t notice when the object of his admiration suddenly stopped.

It was too late for him to step on the brakes. Bumping into Yu Chenyu’s back felt like running into a solid wall.

Ow, it hurts!

Rubbing his forehead, he took a step back.

Then he saw Yu Chenyu turn around with a complicated expression.

Qi Zihan looked at him in confusion. Before he could ask, he heard Yu Chenyu say, “I forgot that the wound on your finger hasn’t been treated yet. Do you… want me to help you with it?”

“Wound?” Qi Zihan raised his right hand and looked at the insignificant scratch on his thumb. “You mean this? It’s not necessary.”

“Okay.” Yu Chenyu didn’t argue, though he did glance at the small patch of red on Qi Zihan’s forehead.

This was probably why females didn’t like soldiers.

Even if they could realise that soldiers weren’t as scary as imagined by whipping them, they couldn’t avoid being hurt by soldiers through various accidents.

“I’m sorry,” Yu Chenyu stated coldly.

Although he did feel sorry, he was in no mood to show concern for his ‘ex-husband’ when he thought of his upcoming divorce.

He wanted to treat Qi Zihan’s injuries, but more than that, he didn’t want to be held accountable for them by the people in the Female Association.

No matter how fragile females were, they wouldn’t get sick or anything from something as minor as this.

But many females would use it as a pretext to convict males for ‘intentional injury’.

Yu Chenyu didn’t know if Qi Zihan would do this. Though, even if he did do so, what could he do?

Perhaps, in that moment when he found it increasingly hard to control himself and was forced to submit a marriage application, what he lost wasn’t just his dignity.

His life had also ended back then.

He used a hoverbike to bring Qi Zihan to a nearby branch of the Female Association.

The hoverbike was a single-person model, so Qi Zihan had to sit behind Yu Chenyu and hold his waist with both hands.

Qi Zihan could hardly feel Yu Chenyu’s muscles through the military uniform’s strange material, but he could tell that they were very solid.

The hoverbike flew fast, so fast that Qi Zihan suspected that what he was riding wasn’t a normal means of transportation but a roller coaster.

But for he who had come here from Earth, a motorcycle that could fly was already weird enough!

Upon arriving and parking the hoverbike, Yu Chenyu got off first before reaching back a hand to Qi Zihan.

Recognising that this was a ‘gentlemanly behaviour’ expected of males towards females in this world, Qi Zihan didn’t reject his kindness. He put his hand in his palm and borrowed his strength to jump off the hoverbike.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he dropped to the ground, he heard a cry of surprise. 

“Oh my god! You let a female ride a hoverbike?”

Qi Zihan turned and saw someone in the uniform he had seen last night — this should be the uniform of the Female Association.

Taking out the military cap he had put away, Yu Chenyu put it back on, then looked at the man who had spoken and said irritably, “Who said I let him do anything?”

“You…” The man looked as if he was looking at a madman, but he didn’t say anything more to Yu Chenyu. Instead, he rushed to Qi Zihan and bowed respectfully. “Honoured female sir, how can I help you?”

Qi Zihan opened his mouth, but before he could say anything, the man made an inviting gesture. “It’s windy outside, please come in first, let’s sit down and talk slowly.”

“Oh, okay.” Qi Zihan followed him into the building, then he realised that this didn’t seem to be the same Female Association that he was in before.

After sitting on a couch in the reception room, he didn’t rush to solve the issue of Yu Chenyu. “There’s actually something wrong with my memories, I can only remember my name. Can you introduce this world to me?” he asked first.

Yu Chenyu had just stepped into the reception room when he said this. A look of realisation flashed across his face, as if he had suddenly figured something out.

He didn’t sit. Instead he stood upright behind Qi Zihan, waiting for the results of his trial.

When the Female Association people heard Qi Zihan’s words, their first reaction was to question Yu Chenyu, “What did you do to him?”

“No, it has nothing to do with him,” Qi Zihan hurriedly clarified, “we only met recently… It’s a bit hard to explain. Which Female Association was I at yesterday?”

When asking the latter question, Qi Zihan looked up in the direction of Yu Chenyu.

Yu Chenyu met his eyes and then spat out an address.

The Female Association worker asked them to wait a moment, then quickly sat down in front of a computer to check the information. After a while, he asked, “Excuse me, are you Qi Zihan?”

“Yes,” he nodded.

“Last night, the Imperial Army found you in a high-risk area and took you to the nearest Female Association Center for a medical examination, no abnormalities were found…” he trailed off with a look of astonishment, then continued after a moment of hesitation. “Uh, there may be abnormalities that can’t be detected by the machine. I will arrange a mental health appointment for you as soon as possible…”

“No, rather than recovering my memories, I want to know what kind of world this is.” Qi Zihan’s patience was limited. His tone turned a little cold. “Can you introduce this world to me?”

He repeated his request.

This time, they finally clarified the service he wanted. After saying ‘okay’ several times, they hurriedly pulled up a galactic map on their computer and explained the planets and systems under the empire’s control in relation to their current location, as well as the main threats the empire currently faced.

Halfway through their explanation, the worker suddenly felt like something was wrong. “Excuse me, for questions such as these, wouldn’t it be better to ask your spouse? After all, he is…” He hesitated, glanced at Yu Chenyu, and continued, “According to his profile, your spouse is one of the five incumbent generals. Generals hold the highest military rank in the empire besides the marshal, his understanding of the empire must be more comprehensive than that of a small Female Association staff member like me.”

A… general of the empire?

Qi Zihan was stunned. He hadn’t expected that the male he matched with would have such an awesome identity.

Such an important male zerg was tied up naked on his bed, this…

The extent to which females were revered seemed to be more exaggerated than he thought.

Also, it turned out that Yu Chenyu’s clothes really were military uniforms and not daily wear?

Wait, spouse?

Suddenly realising something, his eyes widened in disbelief. “Spouse? You mean to say that he’s my husband?”

How did they become spouses? When did it happen, why did he not know?

Did it happen after he fell asleep yesterday?

No, if the females of this world truly were so noble, it would be impossible for a male to marry one without permission while he was unconscious.

In other words, when he agreed to match with a male in the beginning, it was equivalent to getting married?

The staff member was stunned by his question. He glanced at Yu Chenyu with some horror, then looked back at Qi Zihan hesitantly. “Wh-What? You weren’t willing to marry him? If that’s the case…” His voice suddenly trembled and tapered off.

“What would happen?” Qi Zihan asked.

The staff member didn’t speak.

As if he couldn’t stand his dithering, Yu Chenyu answered for him. “Forcing marriage is a capital offence for male zergs.”

Fuck, Qi Zihan thought reflexively. “No, I was willing, ah, wait… first tell me, what counts as marriage?”

He still couldn’t believe that he had become a married person.

This time, the staff member finally found his voice. “Females can use the system to choose their spouse from among the males who have submitted marriage applications. Once they choose someone, they’re married.”

As he feared.

Zerg marriage was too casual, right?!

“In addition, depending on their spiritual power, females may have multiple partners. If you aren’t satisfied with your current spouse…”

“It’s not a question of if I’m satisfied or not.” Qi Zihan wanted to dissolve the marriage, not to hurt Yu Chenyu. Thus, he continued, “I married without knowing the situation. Nothing has happened between us, can we separate peacefully?”

“Of course it’s possible to divorce, all females have the right to freely enter and exit marriages,” the Female Association staff member said, though he then sighed with a complicated expression. His initial dissatisfaction with Yu Chenyu transformed into sympathy.

He had no right to comment on a female zerg’s behaviour, but considering this female’s particular circumstances, he still couldn’t help but say a few more words. “However a record of the divorce will remain on the male’s profile, which will have a significant impact on his future — in general, no female would choose such a male…”

“Can’t it be deleted?” Qi Zihan asked, frowning. “What I mean is that my situation with him is special. In a situation where I entered into the marriage without being fully aware of the connotations and didn’t do anything to him, can’t the record of this divorce be deleted?”

“No,” the staff member answered frankly, “in order to prevent any males from secretly hacking into the system to tamper with their profiles, this data is protected at the highest defense level. Even the marshal can’t change it.”

“The empire’s marshal is a male zerg?”

“Of course.” Then, thinking that Qi Zihan might not have this knowledge, he added, “Almost everything related to the military is taken care of by soldiers. Even if any females wanted to go to the battlefield the army wouldn’t agree, because if he dies there, the entire army will be severely punished.”

“I see, I understand now.”

Qi Zihan more or less understood what kind of world this was.

This world’s ruling class was the military, composed of male soldiers, and the marshal held the highest administrative authority; however, the society was one where females were superior to males.

Perhaps it was because the females’ spiritual power was a necessity for males yet, for females, males weren’t necessary and could even be called dispensable. Therefore, the authorities raised females to an exaggerated height to make females willing to marry and soothe males.

Females with high status could easily support themselves by marrying males and spending their money instead of working to earn money.

Eventually, females lost the motivation to work and gradually withdrew from various workplaces.

Males quickly filled all the empty positions and, at the same time, the marriage rate of females increased greatly.

Qi Zihan didn’t know whether a societal structure like this was good for females, he only knew that since the ruling class consisted of males, this deformed society wasn’t caused by females alone — it was also what males wanted.

In a sense, males did it all for the sake of receiving soothing from females. They personally built a gorgeous cage with their own hands, imprisoning females inside and lowering themselves into the dust.

“Do you… still wish to divorce?” The staff member frowned as he asked this, not hiding his sympathy for Yu Chenyu at all.

“Never mind,” Qi Zihan sighed.

He did want to divorce, but he didn’t want to hurt Yu Chenyu while doing so.

It had been his fault in the first place. He was the one who casually entered into a marriage while he was confused, how could he let Yu Chenyu bear responsibility for his mistake?

Hearing his answer, Yu Chenyu’s expressionless face flashed with surprise.

The eyes of the Female Association staff member also widened. “Really? Uh, I must tell you that you’ll bear no responsibility for declaring a divorce, and you can even immediately marry another male.”

“No need.” Standing, Qi Zihan nodded to him. “Thank you for answering my questions and providing me with useful information. You’ve worked hard.”

“You’re welcome!” The staff member was extremely flattered as if being thanked by a female was something incredible.

Yu Chenyu stretched out a hand to Qi Zihan when he stood up.

Seeing that he didn’t notice his hand, Yu Chenyu took the initiative to hold his hand as he said gently, “If there’s nowhere else you want to go, I’ll take you home, Lord Wife.”

Qi Zihan stared at his hand for a while before deciding to leave him some face outside. He’ll correct his title when they get back, as well as re-plan their future.

Thinking this way, he let him hold his hand and let out a “Mn.”

What they didn’t know was that just as they left the reception room and returned to the hoverbike, the male who had talked to them was looking at Qi Zihan’s profile on his computer and exclaiming, “This is the first time I’ve seen a female with SS spiritual power… How many males can he soothe at the same time? I can’t even imagine it.”

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Chapter 2: Lord Wife, please enjoy

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It didn’t actually hurt, but Qi Zihan still retracted his hand as if he had been electrocuted. He raised his hand and saw an obvious scratch on his right thumb.

“Lord Wife?”

Yu Chenyu couldn’t have seen Qi Zihan’s movements, but he seemed to have sensed something and struggled desperately, trying to break free from the rope forcefully.

Qi Zihan watched in disbelief as the rope he hadn’t been able to untie in half a day showed signs of loosening as Yu Chenyu thrashed.

“Stop! You… don’t move!” Qi Zihan said hurriedly, afraid that he would get hurt.

Yu Chenyu obediently stopped, yet his eyes were still fixed on Qi Zihan’s face, still with a strange emotion in them like he wanted to see through him, but there was also a hint of concern that wasn’t false.

Qi Zihan felt a little guilty under his gaze. “Stop looking at me,” he ordered.

It was embarrassing.

He tried to untie Yu Chenyu again.

This time, he succeeded.

Then he noticed something strange.

He had only used a little strength yet his finger was scratched by the rope, but despite Yu Chenyu’s violent struggle, there wasn’t a single mark on his wrists.

It seemed that at the same time as this world changing from males being superior to females being superior, their physical prowess also switched.

For a moment, he felt a little complicated, not knowing whether he should be pleased or worried.

Worried because he had been able to effortlessly fight off a group of people back on Earth but may not be able to defeat even half a male zerg now.

Pleased because the status of females in this world was high enough that it was impossible to be bullied by males just because they were stronger.

The rope had been untied but the man remained in the same position, not daring to move at all; and because Qi Zihan had just told him not to look at him, his gaze was stuck on the ceiling without deviating an inch.

Qi Zihan didn’t mind his reaction, he was still thinking of how to get rid of him.

He preferred falling in love before sleeping together, tying the knot without any feelings between them wasn’t his style.

“Stop calling me L-Lord Wife, I wasn’t entirely awake last night, it was an accident to call you over. Fortunately, we haven’t done anything yet so you can just take it as nothing happened, go find another female.”

“Even if we haven’t done anything… Never mind. Sorry, it’s nothing.” Yu Chenyu closed his eyes, then sat up and looked at Qi Zihan again.

This time there was no longer any kind of scrutiny, it was instead replaced by despair brought about by understanding.

It made Qi Zihan anxious, feeling as if he had done something wrong.

It was true, he did do something wrong.

Qi Zihan felt very sorry for this man called Yu Chenyu.

However, he wouldn’t gamble the rest of his life on an emotion like guilt or sympathy.

He could compensate him, but not in this way.

So he said, “I’ll explain everything to the Female Association. Tell me how you’d like to be compensated, I’ll do it as long as it’s in my power.”

This time Yu Chenyu didn’t say anything, he only nodded silently.

“Then… you put your clothes on first,” Qi Zihan said as he left the room.

When he closed the door, Yu Chenyu no longer looked at him but at the quilt covering his lower body. There was a long silence.

Until a vibration sound came from the clothes placed beside the pillows.

He was stunned for a moment before quickly reacting, reaching over to dig out a watch-like object.

After unlocking it with spiritual power, a transluscent display popped up above the watch.

This was a portable optical computer, also known as a personal terminal.

It vibrated because he had just received a new message.

The person who sent it was his former comrade and current good friend, Zhu Yunqi.

Zhu Yunqi: Chenyu, I heard you got married. Although I don’t know what kind of person your wife is, let me congratulate you first — after all, there hasn’t been a single female who can match higher than 50% with you for 5 whole years. If you still don’t get a female’s soothing, you’ll turn from a comrade into my enemy.

What a joke.

In no mood to put on clothes, Yu Chenyu just used his spiritual power to type a reply as he sat naked.

Yu Chenyu: It’s going to be annulled.

Zhu Yunqi: Huh? Didn’t you just get married last night? What did you do? It can’t be that you used too much force and hurt him, right?

Yu Chenyu: Didn’t do anything.

Zhu Yunqi: Then why?

Zhu Yunqi: Well, on the other hand, it’s true that a female doesn’t need any reason at all if he wants to divorce.

Zhu Yunqi: But you’re a general! You’ve gone in and out of high-risk areas to clean up aberrants, you’ve fought to the death to defend this planet, and you’ve made great achievements! What gives him the right?

Yu Chenyu: Watch your words, do you want to go to jail?

Zhu Yunqi: But I really think it’s a pity. You’ve done so much for this empire, you’re the one who deserves happiness the most. But you don’t even have the right to choose your own spouse, though no one could match you more than 50% anyway, and when you finally got married you’re going to get divorced after just one night. It’s been hard enough to find a single female who can soothe you. If this marriage really ends, you’ll have no hope of going back to the front line!

Yu Chenyu: So, I should fight for myself one more time, right?

Zhu Yunqi: Ah? What do you mean?

Yu Chenyu: He said to divorce, it hasn’t happened yet.

Zhu Yunqi: Then you have to fight! You’ll die anyways, it’s better to die by a female zerg than in my hands!

Yu Chenyu fell silent.

Male zergs were naturally endowed with stronger physical capabilities than females, while soldiers — males born for combat — could even defeat a thousand opponents at once. However, all males, whether they were the powerful soldiers or the relatively gentle drones, had a particular physiological defect. If, after reaching adulthood, they went too long without receiving a female zerg’s spiritual soothing, they would gradually lose control of their bodies and attack everything around them.

Yu Chenyu was an adult, and he could feel his self-control worsening by the day.

He didn’t want to get married and didn’t want to fall under anyone’s control, least of all a female who had never stepped foot on a battlefield.

But neither did he want to watch himself lose control and force his comrades to end his life.

Yu Chenyu felt that if he had any dignity, it would have been shattered to pieces the moment he submitted the marriage application.

If that was the case, what was the point of clinging to the little that was left?

Yu Chenyu: Maybe it’s because I didn’t call him ‘Lord Wife’ from the beginning, and didn’t use honorifics either.

Zhu Yunqi: Then the divorce is your fault! You finally found a female who matches you more than 50%, cherish him! Put away your intimidating momentum and learn from those drones who only know how to flirt!

Yu Chenyu: I can’t.

Zhu Yunqi: You…

Yu Chenyu: I don’t know how to learn what drones do, and can’t learn it either. Soldiers have their own ways.

Zhu Yunqi: Don’t tell me you want to…

Zhu Yunqi: Sigh, I guess that’s the only way, who made us soldiers so strong? A lot of females are frightened of us. Someone has to tell them that we’re not that scary.

Yu Chenyu: He really was scared of me.

He remembered the way Qi Zihan covered him with a quilt.

Yu Chenyu: I’ll try it, send me another message in a while.

Zhu Yunqi: OK, I hope you succeed.

After reading this message, Yu Chenyu turned off the screen, got off the bed without putting on any clothes, walked to the closet, and took something out of it.

Qi Zihan sat on the living room couch, waiting for Yu Chenyu to come out.

He wanted him to take him to the Female Association.

Judging by their bodies, those who worked at the Female Association were all males, so they probably wouldn’t make things difficult for someone of the same sex?

Then, after he resolved this matter, he also planned to learn about this world through the Female Association.

Just as he was pondering things, the bedroom door opened.

Qi Zihan instinctively looked towards the door, thinking that he would see a clothed Yu Chenyu, but he never expected that the man had dawdled for so long yet still didn’t have even a thread of cloth covering him!

And he seemed to be holding something.

After recognising the object as a whip, Qi Zihan was so scared that he shot up from the couch and took a defensive stance.

As if sensing his vigilance, the man stopped his approach three metres away from Qi Zihan and knelt down.

He knelt on the ground, raised the whip above his head with both hands and said a sentence in a hoarse, emotionless voice: “Lord Wife, please enjoy.”

Qi Zihan froze in front of the couch, staring at Yu Chenyu’s lowered body.

Neither man moved. Yu Chenyu looked down and waited.

It wasn’t hard to understand Yu Chenyu’s intentions from his words and actions — he wanted Qi Zihan to take the whip and hit him.

But Qi Zihan didn’t understand.

He didn’t understand why he had to do this.

“Can you not understand me?” Qi Zihan was a little angry. He walked up to Yu Chenyu and slapped the whip out of his hands. “Don’t call me Lord Wife, I’m not your wife, I don’t want to marry you, I won’t marry you no matter what you do! Stop doing useless things!”

Glancing at the whip that had been slapped to the ground, Yu Chenyu pursed his lips. “If Lord Wife refuses to accept me, then please deal with me yourself.”

“Deal with you?” Qi Zihan could hardly believe what he was hearing.

“Kill me,” Yu Chenyu said, expressing his meaning more explicitly.

“Why?” Qi Zihan didn’t understand. “Didn’t we not do anything? Why are you so insistent? You only met me yesterday and I saw you for the first time this morning, don’t tell me you fell in love at first sight.”

Yu Chenyu didn’t say anything.


What a ridiculous word for a male who had no right to choose his mate.

“Do you have a reason to want me?” Qi Zihan felt that he may have underestimated the extent of female status in this world. Could it be that just because a female had selected them once, any male who had been driven away would be executed regardless of whether they had done anything?

Yu Chenyu didn’t answer immediately, as if he was organising his words, trying to answer this question in a way that would least anger Qi Zihan without lying.

Unfortunately, he wasn’t that good at speaking, so he could only say it directly. “I’ve already waited for a mate for five years, I no longer have the patience nor time to wait for another female whose match rate with me reaches 50%.”

Match rate?

Qi Zihan vaguely remembered that what the people from the Female Association said wasn’t “I’ll find you a male zerg,” but “I will match you with a male.”

So this meant that marriage in zerg society wasn’t something that could be done just because someone wanted to, it depended on how much they matched?

What kind of thing was match rate?

“What’s match rate?” he asked.

Hearing this question, Yu Chenyu looked up and met Qi Zihan’s eyes with a hint of confusion. However, he still answered. “The degree of spiritual compatibility is usually displayed as a percentage. Only when it reaches above 50% can the spiritual power of a female effectively soothe a male, thus preventing the male from losing control.”

“What’s our match rate?”

“99.99%, infinitely approaching 100%.”

“One in a million, you mean?”

“No,” Yu Chenyu replied, “to me, you are unique.”

Female zergs were very fragile. All females underwent regular medical examinations, and during that time various values were entered into the system.

Long before Qi Zihan agreed to match with a male, as soon as his medical exam finished, Yu Chenyu received a notification from the system.

[System]: Dear General Yu Chenyu, 0.1s ago, the database updated the data of a female zerg whose spiritual compatibility with you reaches 99.99%. Would you like to send a marriage proposal to the Association for the Rights of Female Zergs service office immediately?

Yu Chenyu replied: Yes.

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Chapter 1: You chose me.

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Qi Zihan looked at the scene in front of him in a trance.

There lay an excessively handsome man on the silk-covered king bed.

He looked like he had mixed Eastern and Western blood, long smooth hair, and somewhat eerie amber eyes.

But none of those were important.

The point was, at this moment, this man wore nothing!

His hands were even tied together and fixed to the headboard!

Clicking his tongue, Qi Zihan took two steps back, left the room, and closed the door.

It seemed that what happened last night wasn’t a dream.

At 11 o’clock last night, Qi Zihan was still on a planet called Earth, lying on his bed and reading on his phone.

He had just finished reading a book and, looking for something new, somehow clicked into a zerg novel.

This was his first zerg novel. Its setting was that female zergs were stronger than male zergs so he thought that the shou would be stronger than the gong, but he soon realised that this was only true when looking at their combat abilities — the shou’s status was far inferior to the gong’s.

Female zergs were superior to males in both appearance and fighting power, but they had physiological defects that males lacked. They had to regularly receive comfort and soothing from males, otherwise they would die.

So in that novel, the beautiful and powerful females were nothing more than cheap consumables, while the mediocre males were extremely noble.

Males could unilaterally beat, scold, and toy with their females, and didn’t have to bear any responsibility for it even if they accidentally caused their deaths.

In contrast, females might face severe punishment at a single word from a male even if they did nothing, to say nothing of actually harming a male.

But why did males deserve this!

Females fought desperately to defend their country, participated in various dangerous or arduous tasks to maintain the stable development of society, and even had to take on the responsibility of bearing and raising offspring.

But males? Apart from periodically soothing the females, they could do whatever they wanted. No one would say anything even if they spent the whole day doing nothing but eating and playing.

These wastes, what gave them the right to treat their females like objects?

Just the novel settings alone already made Qi Zihan very angry.

If the author wrote a wife-chasing crematorium then he could still accept it, but unfortunately, the gong as described by the author was a complete scumbag!

On the first day of marriage, the gong beat the shou severely because he wasn’t obedient enough. At first, the shou didn’t make a sound, but then the gong started using torture instruments, and later he was tortured so much that there wasn’t a single piece of intact skin on his body. However, because of the gong’s order, the shou wasn’t allowed to make any noise and still had to be grateful to the gong.

Reading up to here, Qi Zihan almost smashed his phone in anger.

Then his mind was filled with the novel’s plot for the next two hours, frantically imagining the shou’s resistance, to the point that he couldn’t fall asleep.

After finally falling asleep, he opened his eyes to an unfamiliar environment.

Qi Zihan thought he was dreaming. Several men in strange military uniforms escorted him to a certain place, where he underwent a comprehensive physical examination with the help of a bunch of machines.

While waiting for the medical exam report, another man wearing a strange uniform said to him, “Your accommodation has been arranged, but it’s too dangerous for a female zerg to live by yourself. Do you want to match with a male immediately?”

Hearing the words ‘female zerg’, Qi Zihan recalled bad memories and his face fell.

It was true that people would dream about whatever they thought of during the day.

This dream was quite timely. He could vent anger for the shou he read about yesterday!

Thinking of this, he nodded. “Okay, if he dares to bully me, I’ll show him what real bullying is!”

The two men next to him looked at each other with sympathy in their eyes, but it was unclear who they were sympathising with.

After a while, the medical exam report came out. The man operated the computer for a while, then said to Qi Zihan, “Among the male zergs who submitted applications, the one who has the highest match rate with you is called Yu Chenyu. He is…”

“Him.” He didn’t know why this dream was so long-winded, he couldn’t wait to use ‘domestic violence’ to fight back against ‘domestic violence’.

“Okay,” the man replied in a low voice, “I’ll contact him for you now.”

He worked on the computer for a while again, presumably retrieving the personal information submitted by the male in order to find his contact details.

The sound of his fingertips tapping on the keyboard made Qi Zihan a little sleepy.

Just when he wondered why he would feel sleepy in a dream, his eyelids drooped, his consciousness fell into darkness, and he slumped onto the couch.

The next time he woke up, he was next to a naked man.

Qi Zihan was completely awake.

He was shocked awake by this stimulating scene.

After confirming that he wasn’t dreaming but had really come to a world drastically different from Earth yet somewhat similar to the one described in the novel, he deeply regretted his carelessness last night.

Since it wasn’t a dream, he shouldn’t take out his anger towards the novel on an unrelated person. 

But wait — although he did request a male zerg, he didn’t remember tying him up?

Qi Zihan stalled at the door for a while, confused.

He was sure that he had no memory of stripping or tying up a person.

Then that person, no, that male zerg, who took his clothes off? And who tied him up?

Wait, male zerg?

Qi Zihan suddenly realised that he had overlooked the most important point — if this really was the world of the novel, why would a male zerg who should have been enoying himself be tied to the bed without any dignity like that?

And he who was a ‘female zerg’ seemed to have a very high status?

He hadn’t paid much attention to how he was treated last night because he thought he had been dreaming. 

Besides, he was a shou himself, wasn’t it normal to dream that he was a female zerg?

But if this wasn’t a dream, turning into a female zerg was a problem! A big problem!

With his face abruptly draining of blood, he rushed into the bathroom and examined his body.

A few minutes later, he went out with a frozen face.

He… had turned into a female zerg.

Although his face was still the same attractive face and the muscles he had gained from exercising regularly were still there, there were subtle changes in his body structure.

Qi Zihan didn’t know what to do.

A strange world, a strange species, even his own body became a little strange.

However, since he was here, what else could he do except adapt and survive?

He wasn’t so stupid as to commit suicide in an attempt to get back to Earth. What if he did die?

Now that he had chosen to live in this world, the first thing to do was to collect intelligence… no, he first had to deal with ‘that thing’ in his room.

Returning to the door leading to the room where that man was, he took a deep, silent breath, pressed down the door handle, pushed open the door, and walked in.

He looked at the man without going closer, and the man also looked at him without a sound.

The man was beautiful, the kind of beauty that was unique to someone of mixed Eastern and Western heritage.

But he obviously wasn’t just a pretty vase. His body was covered in defined muscles, which were clearly the result of long-term training.

Qi Zihan only needed a glance to know that he couldn’t beat him.

Thus, he needed to understand the situation before letting him loose.

“You are… Yu…” Qi Zihan thought that since this man was the male zerg that he had requested, he should have heard his name before.

Unfortunately, while thinking it was a dream, he hardly paid attention to such a thing, which resulted in him only having a vague idea of it.

“Yu Chenyu.” Finally, the man said his own name, with no expression on his face from beginning to end. He didn’t show any surprise or disappointment that Qi Zihan couldn’t remember his name, as if he had long expected it.

“Yu Chenyu,” Qi Zihan repeated, etching it in his mind, then he approached him carefully and grabbed the quilt nearby. “Who took off your clothes?”

As he asked, he threw the quilt over the man, covering up his lower half.

Yu Chenyu’s eyes were fixed on Qi Zihan, as if he was observing something. At the same time, he answered his question with his hoarse yet magnetic voice, “I took off the clothes myself, the ropes were tied by people from the Female Association.”

Qi Zihan let out a sigh of relief at the knowledge that it wasn’t his work, however… “Female Association?”

Yu Chenyu stared at Qi Zihan for a while, then gave an answer after confirming that the confusion on his face came from the organisation’s abbreviated name. “The Association for the Rights of Female Zergs, referred to as the Female Association.” After a pause, he continued, “You’ve just moved to a new environment and may be a little confused, but I don’t know much about you either. I only know that an Imperial Army patrol found you in a high-risk area and immediately sent you to the Female Association for intensive care. Then the Association matched you with a male according to your requirements, and you chose me.”

When he said ‘you chose me’, Yu Chenyu’s tone was particularly emphatic.

Qi Zihan felt guilty and unsure of how to explain his behaviour last night.

He had casually asked the Association to find him a male zerg only because he thought he was dreaming.

Anyone who found themselves somewhere completely different from Earth after falling asleep would think they were dreaming!

And it was impossible to say he had transmigrated to just anyone.

In the end, he chose to not explain anything. He reached out and touched the thick rope on Yu Chenyu’s wrists, wanting to help him untie it, but found…

What kind of rope was this? Who tied it? It was too strong! Was this tying up a man or a prisoner?

In the process of untying the rope, Qi Zihan inevitably brushed against Yu Chenyu’s skin.

The texture of zerg skin wasn’t much different from that of humans, but he couldn’t see any blood vessels even at such a close distance, making it seem like his arm was a single piece of marble.

After realising that Qi Zihan was untying him, Yu Chenyu wasn’t happy, rather, his expression darkened. “Are you… unsatisfied with me?”

Qi Zihan paused. Although he felt very sorry for this man whose body he had seen naked, he had no intention of getting married until he had gathered enough information and understood the world well enough.

Therefore he said, “We haven’t slept together, just pretend nothing happened.”

Hearing this, Yu Chenyu’s expression sank further and his beautiful amber eyes became dim as the light within disappeared, just like dark clouds covering the sky.

“Can you… give me another chance?”

After a while, more words came as if they had been squeezed out from between his teeth. “I will try my best to satisfy you, I’m begging you, please don’t abandon me, Lord Wife.”

Lord… Lord what?

Qi Zihan was so surprised that he exerted force with his hand, causing the rough hemp rope to scratch his fingertips, leaving a tiny blood-red mark.

Hello! I’m planning to translate 19 chapters, after that… we’ll see. If you look around on this site you’ll know that I like to translate just the free chapters of a novel in the hopes that someone else will pick it up — hasn’t happened yet, but hope springs eternal.

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